You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
105 lines
2.7 KiB
105 lines
2.7 KiB
import _mergeJSXProps from "@vue/babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props";
// Utils
import { createNamespace } from '../utils';
import { emit, inherit } from '../utils/functional'; // Components
import Icon from '../icon';
import Button from '../button'; // Types
var _createNamespace = createNamespace('submit-bar'),
createComponent = _createNamespace[0],
bem = _createNamespace[1],
t = _createNamespace[2];
function SubmitBar(h, props, slots, ctx) {
var tip = props.tip,
price = props.price,
tipIcon = props.tipIcon;
function Text() {
if (typeof price === 'number') {
var priceArr = (price / 100).toFixed(props.decimalLength).split('.');
var decimalStr = props.decimalLength ? "." + priceArr[1] : '';
return h("div", {
"style": {
textAlign: props.textAlign ? props.textAlign : ''
"class": bem('text')
}, [h("span", [props.label || t('label')]), h("span", {
"class": bem('price')
}, [props.currency, h("span", {
"class": bem('price', 'integer')
}, [priceArr[0]]), decimalStr]), props.suffixLabel && h("span", {
"class": bem('suffix-label')
}, [props.suffixLabel])]);
function Tip() {
if (slots.tip || tip) {
return h("div", {
"class": bem('tip')
}, [tipIcon && h(Icon, {
"class": bem('tip-icon'),
"attrs": {
"name": tipIcon
}), tip && h("span", {
"class": bem('tip-text')
}, [tip]), slots.tip && slots.tip()]);
return h("div", _mergeJSXProps([{
"class": bem({
unfit: !props.safeAreaInsetBottom
}, inherit(ctx)]), [ &&, Tip(), h("div", {
"class": bem('bar')
}, [slots.default && slots.default(), Text(), slots.button ? slots.button() : h(Button, {
"attrs": {
"round": true,
"type": props.buttonType,
"text": props.loading ? '' : props.buttonText,
"color": props.buttonColor,
"loading": props.loading,
"disabled": props.disabled
"class": bem('button', props.buttonType),
"on": {
"click": function click() {
emit(ctx, 'submit');
SubmitBar.props = {
tip: String,
label: String,
price: Number,
tipIcon: String,
loading: Boolean,
disabled: Boolean,
textAlign: String,
buttonText: String,
buttonColor: String,
suffixLabel: String,
safeAreaInsetBottom: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
decimalLength: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 2
currency: {
type: String,
default: '¥'
buttonType: {
type: String,
default: 'danger'
export default createComponent(SubmitBar); |