You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
857 lines
30 KiB
857 lines
30 KiB
5 years ago
#include <easypr.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "easypr/core/core_func.h"
#include "easypr/util/util.h"
#include "../thirdparty/xmlParser/xmlParser.h"
#include "easypr/core/params.h"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "result.hpp"
using namespace std;
namespace easypr {
namespace demo {
// get the groundTruth
int getGroundTruth(map<string, vector<CPlate>>& xmlMap, const char* path) {
XMLNode xMainNode = XMLNode::openFileHelper(path, "tagset");
const int n = xMainNode.nChildNode("image");
// this prints the "coefficient" value for all the "NumericPredictor" tags:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
XMLNode imageNode = xMainNode.getChildNode("image", i);
string imageName = imageNode.getChildNode("imageName").getText();
vector<CPlate> plateVec;
int m = imageNode.getChildNode("taggedRectangles").nChildNode("taggedRectangle");
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
XMLNode plateNode = imageNode.getChildNode("taggedRectangles").getChildNode("taggedRectangle", j);
int x = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("x"));
int y = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("y"));
int width = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("width"));
int height = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("height"));
int angle = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("rotation"));
string plateStr = plateNode.getText();
if (width < height) {
std::swap(width, height);
angle = angle + 90;
RotatedRect rr(Point2f(float(x), float(y)), Size2f(float(width), float(height)), (float)angle);
CPlate plate;
xmlMap[imageName] = plateVec;
return 0;
bool nature_sort_file(const std::string& f1, const std::string& f2) {
std::string file1 = Utils::getFileName(f1);
std::string file2 = Utils::getFileName(f2);
std::size_t found1 = file1.find_last_of("_");
std::size_t found2 = file2.find_last_of("_");
int index1 = atoi(file1.substr(found1 + 1).c_str());
int index2 = atoi(file2.substr(found2 + 1).c_str());
return index1 < index2;
// the batch test function
int accuracyTest(const char* test_path, Result& result, bool useParams = false) {
// find the right gt file for the platform
string gtfile_postfix = "";
gtfile_postfix = "_windows";
gtfile_postfix = "_others";
// result xml
XMLNode xMainNode = XMLNode::createXMLTopNode("tagset");
std::string path_result = "resources/result/Result.xml";
// find text mapping, for compatiable withe utf-8 and GBK
std::shared_ptr<easypr::Kv> kv(new easypr::Kv);
// find groundTruth, for compatiable withe utf-8(Linux/Mac) and GBK(Windows)
map<string, vector<CPlate>> xmlMap;
string path(test_path);
path = path + "/GroundTruth" + gtfile_postfix + ".xml";
getGroundTruth(xmlMap, path.c_str());
// parameters
const bool filesNatureSort = true;
const int max_plates = 4;
const int isGenerateGT = 1;
// set the parameters of CPlateRecognize
CPlateRecognize pr;
// load the maching learning model
// new in v1.6
// find all the test files (images)
// then sort them by image index
auto files = Utils::getFiles(test_path);
if (filesNatureSort)
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(), nature_sort_file);
int size = files.size();
if (0 == size) {
cout << "No File Found in general_test/native_test!" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Begin to test the easypr accuracy!" << endl;
int count_all = 0;
int count_err = 0;
int count_nodetect = 0;
int count_norecogn = 0;
std::list<std::string> not_recognized_files;
// all the ground-truth plates
float all_plate_count = 0;
// all the characters are right
float non_error_count = 0;
float non_error_rate = 0;
// only one character is wrong
float one_error_count = 0;
float one_error_rate = 0;
// chinese character is wrong
float chinese_error_count = 0;
float chinese_error_rate = 0;
float chinese_precise_rate = 0;
// calucate the detect precise and recall
// use icdar 2003 evalution protoocal
vector<float> icdar2003_recall_all;
icdar2003_recall_all.reserve(size * max_plates);
vector<float> icdar2003_precise_all;
icdar2003_precise_all.reserve(size * max_plates);
// use to generate the plate trainging data, for training end2end chars recognize model
std::stringstream plate_ss(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
int batch_i = 3;
int plate_out_i = 0;
time_t begin, end;
// use openmp to paraller process these test images
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
string filepath = files[i].c_str();
Mat src = imread(filepath);
if (! continue;
// calucate the detect recall
// use icdar 2003 evalution protoocal
vector<float> icdar2003_recall;
vector<float> icdar2003_precise;
int all_plate_count_s = 0;
int non_error_count_s = 0;
int one_error_count_s = 0;
int chinese_error_count_s = 0;
int count_norecogn_s = 0;
int count_nodetect_s = 0;
std::stringstream img_ss(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
img_ss << "------------------" << endl;
string imageName = Utils::getFileName(filepath);
img_ss << kv->get("original_image") << ":" << imageName << endl;
XMLNode xNode, rectangleNodes;
if (isGenerateGT) {
xNode = xMainNode.addChild("image");
rectangleNodes = xNode.addChild("taggedRectangles");
// get the ground truth and compare it with the detect list;
vector<CPlate> plateVecGT;
bool hasGroundTruth = true;
#pragma omp critical
map<string, vector<CPlate>>::iterator it;
it = xmlMap.find(imageName);
if (it != xmlMap.end()) {
plateVecGT = it->second;
else {
hasGroundTruth = false;
img_ss << "No ground truth found!" << endl;
// core method, detect and recognize the plates
vector<CPlate> plateVec;
int result = pr.plateRecognize(src, plateVec, i);
// calucate the detect recall
// use icdar 2003 evalution protoocal
for (auto plate_g : plateVecGT) {
// if isGenerateG, then writes the text string of plate license
XMLNode rectangleNode = rectangleNodes.addChild("taggedRectangle");
if (isGenerateGT) {
RotatedRect rr = plate_g.getPlatePos();
rectangleNode.addAttribute("x", to_string((int);
rectangleNode.addAttribute("y", to_string((int);
rectangleNode.addAttribute("width", to_string((int)rr.size.width).c_str());
rectangleNode.addAttribute("height", to_string((int)rr.size.height).c_str());
rectangleNode.addAttribute("rotation", to_string((int)rr.angle).c_str());
std::string plateDefault = "蓝牌:苏A88888";
plateDefault = utils::utf8_to_gbk(plateDefault.c_str());
float bestmatch = 0.f;
CPlate* matchPlate = NULL;
RotatedRect platePos_g = plate_g.getPlatePos();
Rect_<float> plateRect_g;
calcSafeRect(platePos_g, src, plateRect_g);
size_t t = 0;
for (CPlate plate_d : plateVec) {
RotatedRect platePos_d = plate_d.getPlatePos();
Rect_<float> plateRect_d;
calcSafeRect(platePos_d, src, plateRect_d);
Rect interRect = plateRect_g & plateRect_d;
float match = 2 * (interRect.area()) / (plateRect_g.area() + plateRect_d.area());
if (match - bestmatch > 0.1f) {
bestmatch = match;
matchPlate = &(;
string plateLicense = plate_g.getPlateStr();
string license = Utils::splitString(plateLicense, ':').at(1);
img_ss << plate_g.getPlateStr() << " (g)" << endl;
// if bestmatch (IOU) > 0.5f then we consider is detected
if (matchPlate && bestmatch > 0.5f) {
string matchPlateLicense = matchPlate->getPlateStr();
vector<string> spilt_plate = Utils::splitString(matchPlateLicense, ':');
size_t size = spilt_plate.size();
if (size == 2 && != "") {
string matchLicense =;
// output the detected and matched plate
img_ss << matchPlateLicense << " (d)" << endl;
// if isGenerateG, then writes the text string of plate license
if (isGenerateGT) {
// use to generate the plate trainging data, for training end2end chars recognize model
std::stringstream ss(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
ss << "resources/image/tmp/plateMat/plate_" << batch_i << "_" << plate_out_i << ".jpg";
imwrite(ss.str(), matchPlate->getPlateMat());
plate_ss << "plate_" << batch_i << "_" << plate_out_i << ".jpg" << ":" << license << endl;
int diff = utils::levenshtein_distance(license, matchLicense);
if (diff == 0) {
else if (diff == 1) {
img_ss << kv->get("diff") << ":" << diff << kv->get("char");
bool chineseError = (license.substr(0, 2) != matchLicense.substr(0, 2));
if (chineseError) {
vector<CCharacter> charVec = matchPlate->getCopyOfReutCharacters();
CCharacter character =;
if (1) {
std::stringstream ss(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
ss << "resources/image/tmp/chinese" << "/" << i << "_" << t << "_" << matchPlate->getChineseKey() << ".jpg";
imwrite(ss.str(), matchPlate->getChineseMat());
img_ss << " chineseError:" << chineseError << endl;
else {
img_ss << "No string" << " (d)" << endl;
else {
img_ss << kv->get("empty_plate") << endl;
if (license != kv->get("empty_plate")) {
// calucate the detect precise
// use icdar 2003 evalution protoocal
for (auto plate_d : plateVec) {
float bestmatch = 0.f;
RotatedRect platePos_d = plate_d.getPlatePos();
Rect_<float> plateRect_d;
calcSafeRect(platePos_d, src, plateRect_d);
if (!hasGroundTruth) {
string detectPlateLicense = plate_d.getPlateStr();
vector<string> spilt_plate = Utils::splitString(detectPlateLicense, ':');
size_t size = spilt_plate.size();
if (size == 2 && != "") {
img_ss << detectPlateLicense << " (d)" << endl;
for (auto plate_g : plateVecGT) {
RotatedRect platePos_g = plate_g.getPlatePos();
Rect_<float> plateRect_g;
calcSafeRect(platePos_g, src, plateRect_g);
Rect interRect = plateRect_g & plateRect_d;
float match = 2 * (interRect.area()) / (plateRect_g.area() + plateRect_d.area());
if (match > bestmatch)
bestmatch = match;
double recall_result = 0;
if (icdar2003_recall.size() > 0) {
recall_result = std::accumulate(icdar2003_recall.begin(),
icdar2003_recall.end(), 0.0) / (double)icdar2003_recall.size();
double precise_result = 0;
if (icdar2003_precise.size() > 0) {
precise_result = std::accumulate(icdar2003_precise.begin(),
icdar2003_precise.end(), 0.0) / (double)icdar2003_precise.size();
double fscore_result = 0;
if (recall_result + precise_result != 0) {
fscore_result = 2 * (recall_result * precise_result) /
(recall_result + precise_result);
img_ss << "Recall" << ":" << recall_result * 100 << "%" << ", ";
img_ss << "Precise" << ":" << precise_result * 100 << "%" << ", ";
img_ss << "Fscore" << ":" << fscore_result * 100 << "%" << "." << endl;
#pragma omp critical
cout << img_ss.str();
#pragma omp critical
for (auto recall : icdar2003_recall)
for (auto precise : icdar2003_precise)
#pragma omp critical
all_plate_count += all_plate_count_s;
non_error_count += non_error_count_s;
one_error_count += one_error_count_s;
chinese_error_count += chinese_error_count_s;
count_norecogn += count_norecogn_s;
count_nodetect += count_nodetect_s;
if (isGenerateGT) {
//the xml detection result
cout << "------------------" << endl;
cout << "Easypr accuracy test end!" << endl;
cout << "------------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << kv->get("summaries") << ":" << endl;
cout << kv->get("sum_pictures") << ": " << count_all << ", ";
cout << "Plates count" << ":" << all_plate_count << ", ";
float count_detect = float(all_plate_count - count_nodetect);
float count_rate = count_detect / all_plate_count;
cout << kv->get("locate_rate") << ":" << count_rate * 100 << "% " << endl;
float count_recogin = float(count_detect - count_norecogn);
if (count_recogin > 0) {
non_error_rate = non_error_count / count_recogin;
one_error_rate = one_error_count / count_recogin;
chinese_error_rate = chinese_error_count / count_recogin;
chinese_precise_rate = (count_recogin - chinese_error_count) / count_recogin;
double recall_2003_result = 0;
if (icdar2003_recall_all.size() > 0) {
recall_2003_result = std::accumulate(icdar2003_recall_all.begin(),
icdar2003_recall_all.end(), 0.0) / (double)icdar2003_recall_all.size();
double precise_2003_result = 0;
if (icdar2003_precise_all.size() > 0) {
precise_2003_result = std::accumulate(icdar2003_precise_all.begin(),
icdar2003_precise_all.end(), 0.0) / (double)icdar2003_precise_all.size();
double fscore_2003_result = 0;
if (recall_2003_result + precise_2003_result != 0) {
fscore_2003_result = 2 * (recall_2003_result * precise_2003_result) /
(recall_2003_result + precise_2003_result);
//cout << "Detect quality evalution result:" << endl;
cout << kv->get("detect_quality") << ": ";
cout << "Recall" << "," << recall_2003_result * 100 << "%" << "; ";
cout << "Precise" << "," << precise_2003_result * 100 << "%" << "; ";
cout << "Fscore" << "," << fscore_2003_result * 100 << "%" << ";" << endl;
cout << kv->get("char_recongize") << ": ";
//cout << "Recongtion rate:" << "," << (count_recogin / count_detect) * 100 << "%; " << endl;
cout << "0-error" << "," << non_error_rate * 100 << "%; ";
cout << "1-error" << "," << one_error_rate * 100 << "%; ";
cout << "Chinese-precise" << "," << chinese_precise_rate * 100 << "% " << endl;
double seconds = difftime(end, begin);
double avgsec = seconds / double(count_all);
cout << kv->get("seconds") << ": " << seconds << kv->get("sec") << ", ";
cout << kv->get("seconds_average") << ":" << avgsec << kv->get("sec") << endl;
// set the result.
if (useParams) {
result.setDetectRate((float)count_rate * 100);
result.setDetectRecall((float)recall_2003_result * 100);
result.setDetectPrecise((float)precise_2003_result * 100);
result.setDetectFscore((float)fscore_2003_result * 100);
result.setZeroError((float)non_error_rate * 100);
result.setOneError((float)one_error_rate * 100);
result.setChinesePreciese((float)(1 - chinese_error_rate) * 100);
cout << "------------------" << endl;
ofstream myfile("resources/result/accuracy.txt", ios::app);
if (myfile.is_open()) {
time_t t = time(0); // get time now
struct tm* now = localtime(&t);
char buf[80];
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %X", now);
myfile << string(buf) << endl;
myfile << kv->get("sum_pictures") << ":" << count_all << ", ";
myfile << "Plates count" << ":" << all_plate_count << ", ";
myfile << kv->get("unrecognized") << ":" << count_nodetect << ", ";
myfile << kv->get("locate_rate") << ":" << count_rate * 100 << "% "
<< endl;
myfile << "Recall" << ":" << recall_2003_result * 100 << "%" << ", ";
myfile << "Precise" << ":" << precise_2003_result * 100 << "%" << ", ";
myfile << "Fscore" << ":" << fscore_2003_result * 100 << "%" << "." << endl;
myfile << "0-error" << ":" << non_error_rate * 100 << "%, ";
myfile << "1-error" << ":" << one_error_rate * 100 << "%, ";
myfile << "Chinese-precise" << ":" << chinese_precise_rate * 100 << "% " << endl;
myfile << kv->get("seconds") << ": " << seconds << kv->get("sec") << ", ";
myfile << kv->get("seconds_average") << ":" << avgsec << kv->get("sec") << endl;
else {
cout << "Unable to open file";
// use to generate the plate trainging data, for training end2end chars recognize model
if(isGenerateGT) {
ofstream myfile("resources/result/plateGroundTruth.txt", ios::app);
if (myfile.is_open()) {
myfile << plate_ss.str();
else {
cout << "Unable to open file";
return 0;
// the batch test function for chars recognize
int accuracyCharRecognizeTest(const char* test_path) {
// find text mapping, for compatiable withe utf-8 and GBK
std::shared_ptr<easypr::Kv> kv(new easypr::Kv);
// parameters
const bool filesNatureSort = false;
const int maxExtractCount = 700;
// set the parameters of CCharsRecognise
CCharsRecognise cr;
// find all the test files (images)
// then sort them by image index
cout << "Processing, please wait..." << endl;
auto files = Utils::getFiles(test_path);
if (filesNatureSort)
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(), nature_sort_file);
int size = files.size();
if (0 == size) {
cout << "No File Found in \"resources/image/tmp/plates_200k\"!" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Begin to test the easypr accuracy!" << endl;
int count_all = 0;
int count_err = 0;
int count_nodetect = 0;
int count_norecogn = 0;
std::list<std::string> not_recognized_files;
// all the ground-truth plates
float all_plate_count = 0;
// all the characters are right
float non_error_count = 0;
float non_error_rate = 0;
// only one character is wrong
float one_error_count = 0;
float one_error_rate = 0;
// chinese character is wrong
float chinese_error_count = 0;
float chinese_error_rate = 0;
// initial hashmap
std::unordered_map<string, int> map;
for (int j = 0; j < kCharsTotalNumber; j++) {
map.insert(std::make_pair(kChars[j], 0));
time_t begin, end;
int process_size = 50000;
// use openmp to paraller process these test images
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
string filepath = files[i].c_str();
Mat src = imread(filepath);
if (! continue;
float scale = 0.f;
Mat resizedPlate = uniformResizePlates(src, scale);
int all_plate_count_s = 0;
int non_error_count_s = 0;
int one_error_count_s = 0;
int chinese_error_count_s = 0;
int count_norecogn_s = 0;
int count_nodetect_s = 0;
std::stringstream img_ss(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
img_ss << "------------------" << endl;
string imageName = Utils::getFileName(filepath);
img_ss << kv->get("original_image") << ":" << imageName << endl;
//get the right plateLicense
vector<string> spilt_name = Utils::splitString(imageName, '_');
if (spilt_name.size() != 2)
string plateLicense =;
if (plateLicense.size() < kCharsCountInOnePlate)
// because the chinese may be GBK or utf-8, so its count need to be calculate
int chineseCharCount = plateLicense.size() - kSymbolsCountInChinesePlate;
img_ss << "Chinese:" << plateLicense.substr(0, chineseCharCount) << endl;
// core method, detect and recognize the plates
CPlate plate;
string plateIdentify;
int result = cr.charsRecognise(plate, plateIdentify);
if (0 == result) {
string license = plateLicense;
img_ss << plateLicense << " (g)" << endl;
string matchPlateLicense = plate.getPlateStr();
//output grayChars
if (1) {
bool chineseError = (license.substr(0, chineseCharCount) != matchPlateLicense.substr(0, chineseCharCount));
if (!chineseError) {
string key = plate.getChineseKey();
#pragma omp critical
if (map[key] < maxExtractCount) {
writeTempImage(plate.getChineseMat(), "chars_data/" + key + "/chars_", i);
std::vector<CCharacter> chars = plate.getCopyOfReutCharacters();
if (chars.size() == kCharsCountInOnePlate) {
int chars_i = 1;
for (int c_i = chineseCharCount; c_i < int(plateLicense.size()); c_i++) {
string charGT = plateLicense.substr(c_i, 1);
// << "charGT:" << charGT << endl;
CCharacter thisChar =;
string charRG = thisChar.getCharacterStr();
//cout << "charRG:" << charRG << endl;
if (charGT == charRG) {
string key = charGT;
#pragma omp critical
if (map[key] < maxExtractCount) {
writeTempImage(thisChar.getCharacterGrayMat(), "chars_data/" + key + "/chars_", i);
// calculate the result
if (1) {
string matchLicense = matchPlateLicense;
// output the detected and matched plate
img_ss << matchPlateLicense << " (d)" << endl;
int diff = utils::levenshtein_distance(license, matchLicense);
if (diff == 0) {
else if (diff == 1) {
img_ss << kv->get("diff") << ":" << diff << kv->get("char");
bool chineseError = (license.substr(0, chineseCharCount) != matchLicense.substr(0, chineseCharCount));
if (chineseError) {
img_ss << " chineseError:" << chineseError << endl;
else {
img_ss << "No string" << " (d)" << endl;
else {
img_ss << kv->get("empty_plate") << endl;
#pragma omp critical
cout << img_ss.str();
#pragma omp critical
all_plate_count += all_plate_count_s;
non_error_count += non_error_count_s;
one_error_count += one_error_count_s;
chinese_error_count += chinese_error_count_s;
count_norecogn += count_norecogn_s;
count_nodetect += count_nodetect_s;
cout << "------------------" << endl;
cout << "Easypr accuracy test end!" << endl;
cout << "------------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << kv->get("summaries") << ":" << endl;
cout << kv->get("sum_pictures") << ": " << count_all << ", ";
cout << "Plates count" << ":" << all_plate_count << ", ";
float count_detect = float(all_plate_count - count_nodetect);
float count_rate = count_detect / all_plate_count;
cout << kv->get("locate_rate") << ":" << count_rate * 100 << "% " << endl;
float count_recogin = float(count_detect - count_norecogn);
if (count_recogin > 0) {
non_error_rate = non_error_count / count_recogin;
one_error_rate = one_error_count / count_recogin;
chinese_error_rate = chinese_error_count / count_recogin;
cout << kv->get("char_recongize") << ": ";
cout << "0-error" << "," << non_error_rate * 100 << "%; ";
cout << "1-error" << "," << one_error_rate * 100 << "%; ";
cout << "Chinese-precise" << "," << (1 - chinese_error_rate) * 100 << "% " << endl;
double seconds = difftime(end, begin);
double avgsec = seconds / double(count_all);
cout << kv->get("seconds") << ": " << seconds << kv->get("sec") << ", ";
cout << kv->get("seconds_average") << ":" << avgsec << kv->get("sec") << endl;
cout << "------------------" << endl;
return 0;
int gridSearchTest(const char* test_path) {
std::vector<Result> all_results;
int i1[] = { 900, 1000, 1100, 1200 };
int i1_c = 4;
float f1[] = { 0.1f, 0.15f, 0.2f, 0.25f, 0.3f, 0.35f, 0.4f, 0.45f, 0.5f, 0.55f, 0.6f, 0.65f, 0.7f };
int f1_c = 13;
float f2[] = { 0.2f, 0.25f, 0.3f, 0.35f };
int f2_c = 4;
float f3[] = { 0.4f, 0.45f, 0.5f, 0.55f };
int f3_c = 4;
Config config;
config.setParam1f(f1, f1_c);
for (size_t idx1 = 0; idx1 < config.getParam1f().size(); idx1++) {
float f1 = config.getParam1f().at(idx1);
Result result;
accuracyTest(test_path, result, true);
/*Config config;
config.setParam1i(i1, i1_c);
config.setParam1f(f1, f1_c);
config.setParam2f(f2, f2_c);
config.setParam3f(f3, f3_c);
for (size_t idx1 = 0; idx1 < config.getParam1f().size(); idx1++) {
float f1 = config.getParam1f().at(idx1);
for (size_t idx2 = 0; idx2 < config.getParam2f().size(); idx2++) {
float f2 = config.getParam2f().at(idx2);
for (size_t idx3 = 0; idx3 < config.getParam3f().size(); idx3++) {
float f3 = config.getParam3f().at(idx3);
for (size_t idx4 = 0; idx4 < config.getParam1i().size(); idx4++) {
int i1 = config.getParam1i().at(idx4);
Result result;
accuracyTest(test_path, result, true);
std::sort(all_results.begin(), all_results.end(),
[](const Result& r1, const Result& r2) {
return r1.getDetectFscore() > r2.getDetectFscore();
for (auto result : all_results) {
std::cout << result << std::endl;
ofstream myfile("resources/result/gridSearch.txt", ios::app);
if (myfile.is_open()) {
time_t t = time(0); // get time now
struct tm* now = localtime(&t);
char buf[80];
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %X", now);
myfile << string(buf) << endl;
myfile << result << std::endl;
return 0;