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<h2 id = "title" style="position: relative;">输入城市拼音以查询院线</h2>
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<p style="font-size: 20px;z-index: 1;flood-color: black; position: relative;top:-50px" data-aos="fade-up">(院线热力柱图)</p>
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function getCityName(){
window.location.href = "citylist";
window.movingDraw = true;
<script type="text/javascript"
var map = new AMap.Map('map', {
zoom: 5,
showLabel: false,
viewMode: '3D',
pitch: 55,
center: [103.594884,36.964587],
mapStyle: 'amap://styles/9d89a78e93bd0ee7506030fa35b9de47',
var loca = new Loca.Container({
loca.ambLight = {
intensity: 0.7,
color: '#7b7bff',
loca.dirLight = {
intensity: 0.8,
color: '#fff',
target: [0, 0, 0],
position: [0, -1, 1],
loca.pointLight = {
color: 'rgb(240,88,25)',
position: [112.028276, 31.58538, 2000000],
intensity: 3,
// 距离表示从光源到光照强度为 0 的位置,0 就是光不会消失。
distance: 5000000,
var pl = new Loca.PrismLayer({
zIndex: 10,
opacity: 1,
visible: false,
hasSide: true,
var geo = new Loca.GeoJSONSource({
url: './static/assets/json/citiesData.json',
// top3 的城市增加文字
var topConf = {
unit: 'meter',
sideNumber: 32,
topColor: (index, f) => {
var n = f.properties['Yuanxian'];
return n > 10 ? '#E97091' : '#2852F1';
sideTopColor: (index, f) => {
var n = f.properties['Yuanxian'];
return n > 10 ? '#E97091' : '#2852F1';
sideBottomColor: '#002bb9',
radius: 15000,
height: (index, f) => {
var props = f.properties;
var height = Math.max(100, Math.sqrt(props['Yuanxian']) * 100000 - 350000);
var conf = topConf[props['地址']];
// top3 的数据,增加文字表达
if (conf) {
new AMap.Marker({
anchor: 'bottom-center',
position: [f.coordinates[0], f.coordinates[1], height],
content: '<div style="margin-bottom: 10px; float: left; font-size: 14px;height: 57px; width: 180px; color:#fff; background: no-repeat url(' +
conf +
'); background-size: 100%;"><p style="margin: 7px 0 0 35px; height: 20px; line-height:20px;">' +
props['地址'] + '院线 ' + props['Yuanxian'] + '</p>' +
'<p style="margin: 4px 0 0 35px; height: 20px; line-height:20px; color: #00a9ff; font-size: 13px;">' +
props['Yuanxian'] + ' 个' +
return height;
// return 60000 + n * 100;
// rotation: 360 * 100,
altitude: 0,
map.on('complete', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
key: 'height',
value: [0, 1],
duration: 500,
easing: 'Linear',
transform: 500,
random: true,
delay: 5000,
}, 800);
// 点击事件处理
var clickInfo = new AMap.Marker({
anchor: 'bottom-center',
position: [116.396923, 39.918203, 0],
// 动画测试
map.on('click', function (e) {
var feat = pl.queryFeature(e.pixel.toArray());
if (feat) {
var props = feat.properties;
var height = Math.max(100, Math.sqrt(props['Yuanxian']) * 50000 - 350000);
clickInfo.setPosition([feat.coordinates[0], feat.coordinates[1], height]);
'<div style="text-align: center; height: 20px; width: 150px; color:black; font-size: 14px;">' +
feat.properties['地址'] + ': ' + feat.properties['Yuanxian'] + '个' +
' </div>'
} else {
function open_details(){
if(document.forms["subform"]["cityname"].value == '')
window.open("/citylist?cityname=" + document.forms["subform"]["cityname"].value);