import pygame as pg from .. import setup, tools from .. import constants as c from .. components import info, mario class Menu(tools._State): def __init__(self): """Initializes the state""" tools._State.__init__(self) persist = {c.COIN_TOTAL: 0, c.SCORE: 0, c.LIVES: 3, c.TOP_SCORE: 0, c.CURRENT_TIME: 0.0, c.LEVEL_STATE: None, c.CAMERA_START_X: 0, c.MARIO_DEAD: False} self.startup(0.0, persist) def startup(self, current_time, persist): """Called every time the game's state becomes this one. Initializes certain values""" = c.LOAD_SCREEN self.persist = persist self.game_info = persist self.overhead_info = info.OverheadInfo(self.game_info, c.MAIN_MENU) self.sprite_sheet = setup.GFX['title_screen'] self.setup_background() self.setup_mario() self.setup_cursor() def setup_cursor(self): """Creates the mushroom cursor to select 1 or 2 player game""" self.cursor = pg.sprite.Sprite() dest = (220, 358) self.cursor.image, self.cursor.rect = self.get_image( 24, 160, 8, 8, dest, setup.GFX['item_objects']) self.cursor.state = c.PLAYER1 def setup_mario(self): """Places Mario at the beginning of the level""" self.mario = mario.Mario() self.mario.rect.x = 110 self.mario.rect.bottom = c.GROUND_HEIGHT def setup_background(self): """Setup the background image to blit""" self.background = setup.GFX['level_1'] self.background_rect = self.background.get_rect() self.background = pg.transform.scale(self.background, (int(self.background_rect.width*c.BACKGROUND_MULTIPLER), int(self.background_rect.height*c.BACKGROUND_MULTIPLER))) self.viewport = setup.SCREEN.get_rect(bottom=setup.SCREEN_RECT.bottom) self.image_dict = {} self.image_dict['GAME_NAME_BOX'] = self.get_image( 1, 60, 176, 88, (170, 100), setup.GFX['title_screen']) def get_image(self, x, y, width, height, dest, sprite_sheet): """Returns images and rects to blit onto the screen""" image = pg.Surface([width, height]) rect = image.get_rect() image.blit(sprite_sheet, (0, 0), (x, y, width, height)) if sprite_sheet == setup.GFX['title_screen']: image.set_colorkey((255, 0, 220)) image = pg.transform.scale(image, (int(rect.width*c.SIZE_MULTIPLIER), int(rect.height*c.SIZE_MULTIPLIER))) else: image.set_colorkey(c.BLACK) image = pg.transform.scale(image, (int(rect.width*3), int(rect.height*3))) rect = image.get_rect() rect.x = dest[0] rect.y = dest[1] return (image, rect) def update(self, surface, keys, current_time): """Updates the state every refresh""" self.current_time = current_time self.game_info[c.CURRENT_TIME] = self.current_time self.update_cursor(keys) self.overhead_info.update(self.game_info) surface.blit(self.background, self.viewport, self.viewport) surface.blit(self.image_dict['GAME_NAME_BOX'][0], self.image_dict['GAME_NAME_BOX'][1]) surface.blit(self.mario.image, self.mario.rect) surface.blit(self.cursor.image, self.cursor.rect) self.overhead_info.draw(surface) def update_cursor(self, keys): """Update the position of the cursor""" input_list = [pg.K_RETURN, pg.K_a, pg.K_s] if self.cursor.state == c.PLAYER1: self.cursor.rect.y = 358 if keys[pg.K_DOWN]: self.cursor.state = c.PLAYER2 for input in input_list: if keys[input]: self.reset_game_info() self.done = True elif self.cursor.state == c.PLAYER2: self.cursor.rect.y = 403 if keys[pg.K_UP]: self.cursor.state = c.PLAYER1 def reset_game_info(self): """Resets the game info in case of a Game Over and restart""" self.game_info[c.COIN_TOTAL] = 0 self.game_info[c.SCORE] = 0 self.game_info[c.LIVES] = 3 self.game_info[c.CURRENT_TIME] = 0.0 self.game_info[c.LEVEL_STATE] = None self.persist = self.game_info