
bettleChen 1 year ago
parent 6ef7d559c2
commit 9e62d0b470

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
# 导入模块
import pymysql
# 连接本地数据库
db = pymysql.connect(
host='localhost', # 例: 本地数据库地址
port=3306, # 端口号
user='root', # 用户id
passwd='123456', # 用户密码
db='demodb' # 连接的数据库
cursor = db.cursor()
# print(cursor)
# 设置查找simhost表的函数
def get_simhost_alldata():
# 获取simhost数据库中所有的数据
sql = '''
select * from simhost
# 获取全部数据
test = cursor.fetchall()
# test = pd.read_sql(sql,db)
host_data_all = []
for i in test:
# 在这里对数据进行整理...
ID = i[0]
ObjID = i[1]
ObjType = i[2]
ObjLable = i[3]
IPAddr = i[4]
ObjX = i[5]
ObjY = i[6]
MACAddr = i[7]
ObjShow = i[8]
host_data = {
'ID': ID,
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjType': ObjType,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'IPAddr': IPAddr,
'ObjX': ObjX,
'ObjY': ObjY,
'MACAddr': MACAddr,
'ObjShow': ObjShow
# print(host_data)
# print(test) # 错误
# cursor.close() # 关闭游标
# db.close() # 关闭数据库连接
return host_data_all
# 建立条件查询将ObjShow==1的值全部获取
def Select_ObjShow():
sql = '''select * from simhost where ObjShow=1'''
objshow_select = cursor.fetchall()
# print(objshow_select)
objshow_select_all = []
for i in objshow_select:
# 在这里对数据进行整理...
ID = i[0]
ObjID = i[1]
ObjType = i[2]
ObjLable = i[3]
IPAddr = i[4]
ObjX = i[5]
ObjY = i[6]
MACAddr = i[7]
ObjShow = i[8]
host_data = {
'ID': ID,
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjType': ObjType,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'IPAddr': IPAddr,
'ObjX': ObjX,
'ObjY': ObjY,
'MACAddr': MACAddr,
'ObjShow': ObjShow
# print(objshow_select_all)
return objshow_select_all
# 设置联合查询ipAddr的地址
def select_and_ip(id):
data_all = []
sql = '''select ipaddr.ipaddr from ipaddr inner join simhost on ipaddr.sim_id = simhost.id where simhost.id=%s'''
data = cursor.fetchall()
for item in data:
# print(item[0])
# print(data_all)
return data_all
# 创建查询ObjLable列的函数
def select_ObjLable():
data_all = []
sql = '''
select objlable from simhost
test = cursor.fetchall()
for item in test:
# print(data_all)
return data_all
# 在这个位置添加一个修改objshow列的数据函数
def reve_objshow():
# 将所有的对象全转换为objshow = 0
sql = '''update simhost set objshow = 0 where objshow = 1'''
return None
def reve_after(after_data):
# 将获取的数据进行循环
for item in after_data:
sql = '''update simhost set objshow = 1 where objlable = %s'''
cursor.execute(sql, item)
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print(get_simhost_alldata())
# print(select_ObjLable())
after_data = ['A','R1','B']

@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
# 尝试用sqlite3数据库试试
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('internet.db')
cursor = conn.cursor()
# 设置创建数据库的函数
def create_simhost():
sql = '''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `simhost`'''
sql_simhost = '''CREATE TABLE simhost
id integer primary key ,
ObjID varchar(20),
ObjType int,
Objlable varchar(20),
IPAddr varchar(64),
ObjX int,
ObjY int,
MACAddr varchar(64),
ObjShow int
return None
def create_ipaddr():
sql = '''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ipaddr`'''
sql_ipaddr = '''CREATE TABLE ipaddr
id integer primary key ,
ipaddr varchar(25),
sim_id int,
foreign key (sim_id) references simhost(id)
return None
# 设置两个插入数据函数
def insert_simhost():
# 需要插入的数据
data_simhost = [
(1, 'SH01', 1, 'A', '', 170, 120, 'MAC01', 1),
(2, 'SR01', 2, 'R1', '', 250, 160, 'MAC02', 1),
(3, 'SR02', 2, 'R2', '', 370, 130, 'MAC03', 1),
(4, 'SR03', 2, 'R4', '', 400, 200, 'MAC04', 1),
(5, 'SR04', 2, 'R5', '', 480, 260, 'MAC05', 1),
(6, 'SH02', 1, 'D', '', 420, 330, 'MAC06', 1),
(7, 'SHO3', 1, 'B', '', 250, 240, 'MAC07', 0),
(8, 'SR05', 2, 'R3', '', 520, 160, 'MAC08', 0),
(9, 'SH04', 1, 'C', '', 540, 320, 'MAC09', 0),
sql = '''INSERT INTO simhost (id,ObjID,ObjType,Objlable,IPAddr,ObjX,ObjY,MACAddr,ObjShow)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)'''
return None
def insert_ipaddr():
# 需要插入的数据
data_ipaddr = [
(1, '', 1),
(2, '', 2),
(3, '', 3),
(4, '', 4),
(5, '', 5),
sql = '''INSERT INTO ipaddr (id,ipaddr,sim_id) VALUES (?,?,?)'''
return None
# 设置获取数据库中所有数据的函数
def get_simhost_alldata():
sql = '''SELECT * FROM simhost'''
data = cursor.fetchall()
# print(data)
all_data = []
for item in data:
ID = item[0]; ObjID = item[1]; ObjType = item[2]
ObjLable = item[3]; IPAddr = item[4]; ObjX = item[5]
ObjY = item[6]; MACAddr = item[7]; ObjShow = item[8]
host_data = {
'ID': ID,'ObjID': ObjID,'ObjType': ObjType,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,'IPAddr': IPAddr,'ObjX': ObjX,
'ObjY': ObjY,'MACAddr': MACAddr,'ObjShow': ObjShow
return all_data
# 建立条件查询将ObjShow==1的值全部取出
def Select_ObjShow():
sql = '''SELECT * FROM simhost WHERE ObjShow=1'''
objshow_data = cursor.fetchall()
# print(objshow_data)
objshow_data_all = []
for item in objshow_data:
ID = item[0]; ObjID = item[1]; ObjType = item[2]
ObjLable = item[3]; IPAddr = item[4]; ObjX = item[5]
ObjY = item[6]; MACAddr = item[7]; ObjShow = item[8]
host_data = {
'ID': ID,'ObjID': ObjID,'ObjType': ObjType,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,'IPAddr': IPAddr,'ObjX': ObjX,
'ObjY': ObjY,'MACAddr': MACAddr,'ObjShow': ObjShow
return objshow_data_all
# 建立联合查询ipaddr的地址
def select_and_ip(id):
data_all = []
sql = '''SELECT ipaddr.ipaddr FROM ipaddr INNER JOIN simhost ON ipaddr.sim_id = simhost.id WHERE simhost.id=?'''
cursor.execute(sql, (id,))
data = cursor.fetchall()
for item in data:
# print(item[0])
return data_all
# 建立查询ObjLable列的函数
def select_ObjLable():
data_all = []
sql = '''SELECT objlable FROM simhost'''
data = cursor.fetchall()
for item in data:
# print(data_all)
return data_all
# 建立这个位置添加一个修改objshow列的数据函数
def reve_objshow():
sql = '''UPDATE simhost SET objshow=0 WHERE objshow=1'''
return None
# 建立一个修改指定数据的函数objshow
def reve_after(after_data):
# 将获取的数据进行循环
for item in after_data:
sql = '''UPDATE simhost SET objshow=1 WHERE objlable=?'''
cursor.execute(sql, (item,))
return None
# 建立一个通过查询ObjLable并返回ObjID的函数
def select_ObjLable_ObjID(objlable):
sql = '''SELECT objx,objy,objid,objshow FROM simhost WHERE objlable=?'''
cursor.execute(sql, (objlable,))
old_data = cursor.fetchall()
new_data = old_data[0]
# print(new_data)
return new_data
# 建立函数通过指定的ObjID来查找所有的数据
def Select_ObjID(array):
array_all_data = [] # 用来获取所有的对应的数据并放入其中
sql = '''SELECT * FROM simhost WHERE objlable=?'''
for item in array:
cursor.execute(sql, (item,))
data = cursor.fetchall()
# print(data)
ID = data[0][0];ObjID = data[0][1];ObjType = data[0][2]
ObjLable = data[0][3];IPAddr = data[0][4];ObjX = data[0][5]
ObjY = data[0][6];MACAddr = data[0][7];ObjShow = data[0][8]
host_data = {
'ID': ID, 'ObjID': ObjID, 'ObjType': ObjType,
'ObjLable': ObjLable, 'IPAddr': IPAddr, 'ObjX': ObjX,
'ObjY': ObjY, 'MACAddr': MACAddr, 'ObjShow': ObjShow
return array_all_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
# create_simhost()
# insert_simhost()
# create_ipaddr()
# insert_ipaddr()
# get_data_sinhost()
# print(get_simhost_alldata())
# print(Select_ObjShow())
# print(select_and_ip(1))
# print(select_ObjLable())
# reve_objshow()
# after_data = ['A', 'R1', 'B']
# reve_after(after_data)
# select_ObjLable_ObjID('A')
# array = ['A','B']
# print(Select_ObjID(array))

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
# 在这个文件里画出详情
# 创建函数用来画出详情
import time
class Detail_Show():
def __init__(self, cv, img_detail, move_data):
self.cv = cv
self.move_data = move_data
self.img_detail = img_detail
def show_detail(self):
# time.sleep(5)
self.detail_data_all = []
# 通过获取的move_data数据来画出详情表
for item in self.move_data:
detail_data_x = item[0]+20
detail_data_y = item[1]
detail_type = item[3]
detail_data = (detail_data_x,detail_data_y,detail_type)
self.cv.create_image(detail_data_x,detail_data_y, image=self.img_detail, tags='detail') # 完成
return self.detail_data_all
# 建立一个用来画出详情的类
class Show_green_detail():
def __init__(self, cv, item):
self.cv = cv
self.item = item
# 建立画出对象详情的函数
def draw_detail(self):
# 判断type对象来画出详情表
if self.item[2] == 1: # 当type对象为1 画出主机详情图
# 在这里画出详情图
frist_x = self.item[0] # 获取frist_x
frist_y = self.item[1] # 获取frist_y
# 这里缺少一个删除其他详情的步骤
# 画出连接详情表的线
# 画出详情表
self.detail_true = self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x+30,frist_y-120,frist_x+180,frist_y-30,outline='#94D050',tags='line')
# 画出相应的绿条数据
self.cv.create_text(frist_x+50,frist_y-64,text='IP 层',tags='line')
# 画出 右侧绿色和蓝色的类进度条
# 应用层
# 传输层
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 177, frist_y - 95, frist_x + 140, frist_y - 80, fill='#94D050',
outline='#94D050', tags='line')
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 138, frist_y - 95, frist_x + 113, frist_y - 80, fill='#00B0F0',
outline='#00B0F0', tags='line')
# IP 层
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 177, frist_y - 73, frist_x + 130, frist_y - 58, fill='#94D050',
outline='#94D050', tags='line')
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 128, frist_y - 73, frist_x + 98, frist_y - 58, fill='#00B0F0',
outline='#00B0F0', tags='line')
# 传输层
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 177, frist_y - 50, frist_x + 113, frist_y - 35, fill='#94D050',
outline='#94D050', tags='line')
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 111, frist_y - 50, frist_x + 78, frist_y - 35, fill='#00B0F0',
outline='#00B0F0', tags='line')
elif self.item[2] == 2: # 当type对象为2 画出路由器详情图
# print(2)
frist_x = self.item[0] # 获取frist_x
frist_y = self.item[1] # 获取frist_y
# 这里缺少一个删除其他详情的步骤
# 画出连接详情表的线
self.cv.create_line((frist_x, frist_y), (frist_x + 40, frist_y), (frist_x + 45, frist_y - 30),
fill='#94D050', tags='line')
# 画出详情表 如果需要全覆盖则需要添加一个fill
self.detail_true = self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 30, frist_y - 120, frist_x + 180, frist_y - 30,
outline='#94D050', tags='line')
# 画出相应的绿条数据
self.cv.create_text(frist_x + 50, frist_y - 110, text='应用层', tags='line')
self.cv.create_text(frist_x + 50, frist_y - 87, text='传输层', tags='line')
self.cv.create_text(frist_x + 50, frist_y - 64, text='IP 层', tags='line')
self.cv.create_text(frist_x + 50, frist_y - 42, text='链路层', tags='line')
# 画出 右侧绿色和蓝色的类进度条
# 应用层
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 177, frist_y - 115, frist_x + 150, frist_y - 100, fill='#D3D3D3',
outline='#D3D3D3', tags='line')
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 148, frist_y - 115, frist_x + 128, frist_y - 100, fill='#D3D3D3',
outline='#D3D3D3', tags='line')
# 传输层
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 177, frist_y - 95, frist_x + 140, frist_y - 80, fill='#D3D3D3',
outline='#D3D3D3', tags='line')
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 138, frist_y - 95, frist_x + 113, frist_y - 80, fill='#D3D3D3',
outline='#D3D3D3', tags='line')
# IP 层
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 177, frist_y - 73, frist_x + 130, frist_y - 58, fill='#94D050',
outline='#94D050', tags='line')
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 128, frist_y - 73, frist_x + 98, frist_y - 58, fill='#00B0F0',
outline='#00B0F0', tags='line')
# 传输层
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 177, frist_y - 50, frist_x + 113, frist_y - 35, fill='#94D050',
outline='#94D050', tags='line')
self.cv.create_rectangle(frist_x + 111, frist_y - 50, frist_x + 78, frist_y - 35, fill='#00B0F0',
outline='#00B0F0', tags='line')
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
# 导入函数
from data_crud_sqlite import *
class Show_Right_All():
def __init__(self,cv,all_data):
self.cv = cv
self.all_data = all_data
# 创建函数 来处理获取的数据
def Show_img(self,img_host,img_router):
self.loca_all = [] # 定义一个数组用来存数据
# 将获取的所有数据处理
for item in self.all_data:
ObjX = item['ObjX']
ObjY = item['ObjY']
ObjID = item['ObjID']
loca = (ObjX, ObjY)
# 显示图片
if item['ObjType'] == 1:
self.cv.create_image(ObjX, ObjY, image=img_host, tags=ObjID)
# elif item['ObjType'] == 2:
self.cv.create_image(ObjX, ObjY, image=img_router, tags=ObjID)
# 显示ObjLable
if item['ObjLable'] == 'A':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX, ObjY+27, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
self.cv.create_text(ObjX, ObjY-32, text=item['IPAddr'], font=('蔚然雅黑',10,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['IPAddr'])
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'R1':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX+15, ObjY+25, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
self.cv.create_text(ObjX-67, ObjY, text=item['IPAddr'], font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
# 通过联表查询获取IP地址
ip_data_R1 = select_and_ip(2)
# print(ip_data_R1)
self.cv.create_text(ObjX+30, ObjY-30, text= ip_data_R1, font=('蔚然雅黑',10,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=ip_data_R1)
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'R2':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX-17, ObjY+25, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
self.cv.create_text(ObjX, ObjY - 32, text=item['IPAddr'], font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'R4':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX-35, ObjY, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
self.cv.create_text(ObjX+20, ObjY - 29, text=item['IPAddr'], font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
ip_data_R4 = select_and_ip(4)
self.cv.create_text(ObjX - 10, ObjY + 26, text=ip_data_R4, font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'R5':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX, ObjY+27, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
self.cv.create_text(ObjX-67, ObjY - 12, text=item['IPAddr'], font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
ip_data_R5 = select_and_ip(5)
self.cv.create_text(ObjX - 67, ObjY + 3, text=ip_data_R5, font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'D':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX-31, ObjY+10, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
self.cv.create_text(ObjX, ObjY + 27, text=item['IPAddr'], font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'C':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX+25, ObjY-27, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
self.cv.create_text(ObjX, ObjY + 27, text=item['IPAddr'], font=('蔚然雅黑', 10, 'bold'), fill='#C00000',
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'R3':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX, ObjY-30, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
elif item['ObjLable'] == 'B':
self.cv.create_text(ObjX+30, ObjY+10, text=item['ObjLable'], font=('蔚然雅黑',16,'bold'),fill='#C00000', tags=item['ObjLable'])
return None

@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
# 在这里实现移动信封并实现并在实现的同时使最下方和最右方的canvas中显示数据
import copy
import tkinter as tk
import time
from data_detail import Detail_Show, Show_green_detail
from data_crud_sqlite import *
# 建立全局变量
num_begin_x = 0
num_begin_y = 0
num_end_x = 1
num_end_y = 1
# 建立信封移动并处理输出数据的函数
class EnvelopMove():
def __init__(self,cv,img_host,img_router,img_envelop,img_detail,move_data,Objshow_data,AppPackTag_Data,
self.cv = cv # 主页面最大的canvas页面
self.unpacket = unpacket # 这是一个函数,暂时没用
self.img_host = img_host # 主机png图片
self.img_router = img_router # png图片
self.img_detail = img_detail # png图片
self.img_envelop = img_envelop # 信封的png图片
self.move_data = move_data # 信封的移动位置的数据集合 数据样式:[(229, 202, 'SH01', 1), (300, 300, 'SR01', 2)]
self.x1 = self.move_data[0][0] # 定义初始信封的x轴位置
self.y1 = self.move_data[0][1] # 定义初始信封的y轴位置
self.Begin_x = None # 定义一个用来存储移动数据的x轴值
self.End_y = None # 定义一个用来存储移动数据的y轴值
self.num_begin_x = 0 # 定义获取数组的第一个对比值
self.num_begin_x_2 = 0
self.num_begin_x_3 = 0 # 第三次
self.num_end_x = 1 # 定义获取数组的下一个对比值
self.num_end_x_2 = 1
self.num_end_x_3 = 1 # 第三次
self.num_begin_y = 0 # 定义获取数据下的固定位置值0
self.num_end_y = 1 # 定义获取数据下的固定位置值1
self.coord_Ture = True # 定义一个判断用来使用croods函数
self.move_number_frist = 1 # 定义一个移动数据的初始值
self.move_number_last = move_number # 数据为需要循环移动信封的次数 该数据为最后值
self.move_number_add = False # 定义一个值用来实现信封循环发送的判断值
self.move_number_add_2 = False # 第二次循环进入第三次
self.right_on_text = right_on_text # 发送主机文本框
self.right_under_text = right_under_text # 接收主机文本框
self.under_text = under_text # 连续信息数据文本框
self.Objshow_data = Objshow_data # 发送的数据总体信息
self.AppPackTag_Data = AppPackTag_Data # 输入数据总体
self.number_late = 0 # 设置循环输出的例子
self.number_late_1 = 0
self.number_late_2 = 0
self.one_print_1 = True # 判断是否为第一次输出
self.one_print_2 = True # 第二次
self.one_print_3 = True
self.last_envelop_number = int(self.AppPackTag_Data['AppPackSize']) % 2048
# 创建一个信封对象
def main_envelop(self):
data_Send_0 = '发送主机: '+self.Objshow_data[0]['ObjLable']+'\n'
data_Send_1 = 'IP地址: '+self.Objshow_data[0]['IPAddr']+'\n' # 发送主机详情第一行
data_Send_2 = 'Mac地址: '+self.Objshow_data[0]['MACAddr']+'\n' # 发送主机详情第二行
data_Send_3 = '发送数据包大小: '+self.AppPackTag_Data['AppPackSize']+'KB'+'\n' # 发送主机详情第三行
data_Send_4 = '已发送数据包数量: 0'+'\n' # 发送主机详情第四行
data_Send_5 = '需要发送的数据包总数: '+str(self.move_number_last)+'\n'
self.right_on_text.insert(tk.END, data_Send_0)
self.right_on_text.insert(tk.END, data_Send_1)
self.right_on_text.insert(tk.END, data_Send_2)
self.right_on_text.insert(tk.END, data_Send_3)
self.right_on_text.insert(tk.END, data_Send_4)
self.right_on_text.insert(tk.END, data_Send_5)
data_Req_1 = '接收主机: '+self.Objshow_data[-1]['ObjLable']+'\n'
data_Req_2 = 'IP地址: '+self.Objshow_data[-1]['IPAddr']+'\n'
data_Req_3 = 'Mac地址: '+self.Objshow_data[-1]['MACAddr']+'\n'
data_Req_4 = '接收数据包大小: '+self.AppPackTag_Data['AppPackSize']+'KB'+'\n'
data_Req_5 = '已接收的数据包数量: 0'+'\n'
data_Req_6 = '需要接收的数据包总数: '+str(self.move_number_last)+'\n'
self.right_under_text.insert(tk.END, data_Req_1)
self.right_under_text.insert(tk.END, data_Req_2)
self.right_under_text.insert(tk.END, data_Req_3)
self.right_under_text.insert(tk.END, data_Req_4)
self.right_under_text.insert(tk.END, data_Req_5)
self.right_under_text.insert(tk.END, data_Req_6)
self.envelop_1 = self.cv.create_image(self.x1, self.y1, image=self.img_envelop,tags='envelop') # 在初始位置创建一个信封图标
if self.move_number_last >= 2:
self.envelop_2 = self.cv.create_image(self.x1, self.y1, image=self.img_envelop,tags='envelop')
if self.move_number_last >= 3:
self.envelop_3 = self.cv.create_image(self.x1, self.y1, image=self.img_envelop,tags='envelop')
return None
# 类似建立模拟函数,第一步先建立信封显示
def show_data_move(self):
'''在这个位置添加一个判断用来设置新的envelop ?暂时存疑'''
if self.coord_Ture:
self.x_1, self.y_1 = self.cv.coords(self.envelop_1)
# print(self.x_1,self.y_1)
if self.one_print_1:
s_index = '5.10'
e_index = '5.11'
self.right_on_text.delete(s_index, e_index)
self.right_on_text.insert(e_index, '1')
data_one_1 = '发送主机:'+self.Objshow_data[0]['ObjLable']+'\n' # 第一次发送主机
data_one_2 = '接收主机: '+self.Objshow_data[-1]['ObjLable']+'\n' # 第二行
data_one_3 = '数据包大小: '+self.AppPackTag_Data['AppPackSize']+'KB'+'\n' # 第三行
self.one_print_1 = False
if self.num_end_x <= (len(self.move_data)-1):
# self.Begin_x 为需要x轴移动的距离
Begin_x = self.move_data[self.num_end_x][self.num_begin_y]-self.move_data[self.num_begin_x][self.num_begin_y]
# self.End_y 为需要y轴移动的距离
End_y = self.move_data[self.num_end_x][self.num_end_y]-self.move_data[self.num_begin_x][self.num_end_y]
# 移动信封
self.cv.move(self.envelop_1, Begin_x/100, End_y/100)
if int(self.move_data[self.num_end_x][self.num_begin_y]) - 2 <= self.x_1 <= int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x][self.num_begin_y]) + 2 and int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x][self.num_end_y]) - 2 <= self.y_1 <= int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x][self.num_end_y]) + 2:
self.num_begin_x = self.num_begin_x + 1
self.num_end_x = self.num_end_x + 1
self.move_number_add = True
data_late_1 = '发送对象: '+self.Objshow_data[self.number_late]['ObjLable']+'\n'
data_late_1_1 = '发送对象IP地址: '+self.Objshow_data[self.number_late]['IPAddr']+'\n'
data_late_1_2 = '发送对象Mac地址: '+self.Objshow_data[self.number_late]['MACAddr']+'\n'
data_late_1_3 = '数据包对象: '+'1'+' / '+str(self.move_number_last)+'\n'
if self.move_number_last == 1:
data_late_1_4 = '数据包大小: '+str(self.last_envelop_number)+' KB \n'
data_late_1_4 = '数据包大小: '+'2048 KB \n'
data_late_1_5 = '数据解包中...... \n'
data_late_1_6 = '数据解包完成 \n'
data_late_2 = '接收对象:'+self.Objshow_data[self.number_late+1]['ObjLable']+'\n'
data_late_2_1 = '接收对象IP地址: '+self.Objshow_data[self.number_late+1]['IPAddr']+'\n'
data_late_2_2 = '接收对象Mac地址: '+self.Objshow_data[self.number_late+1]['MACAddr']+'\n'
data_late_2_3 = '数据封包中...... \n'
data_late_2_4 = '数据封包完成 \n'
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, '*' * 15 + '第一个数据包信息' + '*' * 15 + '\n')
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_3)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_4)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_5)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_6)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_3)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_4)
self.number_late += 1
self.cv.after(12, self.show_data_move)
if self.move_number_add and self.move_number_last >= 2:
elif self.num_end_x == len(self.move_data):
self.start_index = "5.11"
self.end_index = "5.12"
self.right_under_text.delete(self.start_index, self.end_index)
self.right_under_text.insert(self.end_index, '1')
if self.move_number_last == 1:
self.coord_Ture = False
self.detail_data = Detail_Show(cv=self.cv, img_detail=self.img_detail, move_data=self.move_data).show_detail()
return None
# 建立移动第二个信封的函数
def show_data_move_2(self):
if self.coord_Ture:
self.x_2, self.y_2 = self.cv.coords(self.envelop_2)
if self.one_print_2:
s_index = '5.10'
e_index = '5.11'
self.right_on_text.delete(s_index, e_index)
self.right_on_text.insert(e_index, '2')
self.one_print_2 = False
if self.num_end_x_2 <= (len(self.move_data) - 1):
# self.Begin_x 为需要x轴移动的距离
Begin_x = self.move_data[self.num_end_x_2][self.num_begin_y] - self.move_data[self.num_begin_x_2][
# self.End_y 为需要y轴移动的距离
End_y = self.move_data[self.num_end_x_2][self.num_end_y] - self.move_data[self.num_begin_x_2][
# 移动信封
self.cv.move(self.envelop_2, Begin_x / 100, End_y / 100)
if int(self.move_data[self.num_end_x_2][self.num_begin_y]) - 2 <= self.x_2 <= int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x_2][self.num_begin_y]) + 2 and int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x_2][self.num_end_y]) - 2 <= self.y_2 <= int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x_2][self.num_end_y]) + 2:
# time.sleep(0.1)
self.num_begin_x_2 = self.num_begin_x_2 + 1
self.num_end_x_2 = self.num_end_x_2 + 1
self.move_number_add_2 = True # 当第二个信封进入到第二个节点时,将数据进入到第三个
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, '#' * 15 + '第二个数据包信息' + '#' * 15 + '\n')
data_late_1 = '发送对象: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_1]['ObjLable'] + '\n'
data_late_1_1 = '发送对象IP地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_1]['IPAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_1_2 = '发送对象Mac地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_1]['MACAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_1_3 = '数据包对象: ' + '2' + ' / ' + str(self.move_number_last) + '\n'
if self.move_number_last == 2:
data_late_1_4 = '数据包大小: ' + str(self.last_envelop_number) + ' KB \n'
data_late_1_4 = '数据包大小: ' + '2048 KB \n'
data_late_1_5 = '数据解包中...... \n'
data_late_1_6 = '数据解包完成 \n'
data_late_2 = '接收对象:' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_1 + 1]['ObjLable'] + '\n'
data_late_2_1 = '接收对象IP地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_1 + 1]['IPAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_2_2 = '接收对象Mac地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_1 + 1]['MACAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_2_3 = '数据封包中...... \n'
data_late_2_4 = '数据封包完成 \n'
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_3)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_4)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_5)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_6)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_3)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_4)
self.number_late_1 += 1
if self.num_end_x_2 == 5:
self.cv.after(12, self.show_data_move_2)
# time.sleep(1)
if self.move_number_add_2 and self.move_number_last>=3:
elif self.num_end_x_2 == len(self.move_data):
self.right_under_text.delete(self.start_index, self.end_index)
self.right_under_text.insert(self.end_index, '2')
if self.move_number_last == 2:
self.coord_Ture = False
self.detail_data = Detail_Show(cv=self.cv, img_detail=self.img_detail, move_data=self.move_data).show_detail()
return None
# 建立移动第三个信封的函数
def show_data_move_3(self):
if self.coord_Ture:
self.x_3, self.y_3 = self.cv.coords(self.envelop_3)
if self.one_print_3:
s_index = '5.10'
e_index = '5.11'
self.right_on_text.delete(s_index, e_index)
self.right_on_text.insert(e_index, '3')
self.one_print_3 = False
if self.num_end_x_3 <= (len(self.move_data) - 1):
# self.Begin_x 为需要x轴移动的距离
Begin_x = self.move_data[self.num_end_x_3][self.num_begin_y] - self.move_data[self.num_begin_x_3][
# self.End_y 为需要y轴移动的距离
End_y = self.move_data[self.num_end_x_3][self.num_end_y] - self.move_data[self.num_begin_x_3][
# 移动信封
self.cv.move(self.envelop_3, Begin_x / 100, End_y / 100)
if int(self.move_data[self.num_end_x_3][self.num_begin_y]) - 2 <= self.x_3 <= int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x_3][self.num_begin_y]) + 2 and int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x_3][self.num_end_y]) - 2 <= self.y_3 <= int(
self.move_data[self.num_end_x_3][self.num_end_y]) + 2:
# time.sleep(0.1)
self.num_begin_x_3 = self.num_begin_x_3 + 1
self.num_end_x_3 = self.num_end_x_3 + 1
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, '*' * 15 + '第三个数据包信息' + '*' * 15 + '\n')
data_late_1 = '发送对象: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_2]['ObjLable'] + '\n'
data_late_1_1 = '发送对象IP地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_2]['IPAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_1_2 = '发送对象Mac地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_2]['MACAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_1_3 = '数据包对象: ' + '2' + ' / ' + str(self.move_number_last) + '\n'
if self.move_number_last ==3 :
data_late_1_4 = '数据包大小: ' + str(self.last_envelop_number) + ' KB \n'
data_late_1_4 = '数据包大小: ' + '2048 KB \n'
data_late_1_5 = '数据解包中...... \n'
data_late_1_6 = '数据解包完成 \n'
data_late_2 = '接收对象:' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_2 + 1]['ObjLable'] + '\n'
data_late_2_1 = '接收对象IP地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_2 + 1]['IPAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_2_2 = '接收对象Mac地址: ' + self.Objshow_data[self.number_late_2 + 1]['MACAddr'] + '\n'
data_late_2_3 = '数据封包中...... \n'
data_late_2_4 = '数据封包完成 \n'
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_3)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_4)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_5)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_1_6)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_1)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_2)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_3)
self.under_text.insert(tk.END, data_late_2_4)
self.number_late_2 += 1
if self.num_end_x_3 == 5:
# time.sleep(1)
self.cv.after(12, self.show_data_move_3)
elif self.num_end_x_3 == len(self.move_data):
self.right_under_text.delete(self.start_index, self.end_index)
self.right_under_text.insert(self.end_index, '3')
if self.move_number_last == 3:
self.coord_Ture = False
self.detail_data = Detail_Show(cv=self.cv, img_detail=self.img_detail, move_data=self.move_data).show_detail()
return None
# 在这里创建鼠标左键点击详情头位置显示数据
def show_detail_all(self, event):
frist_X = event.x
frist_y = event.y
for item in self.detail_data:
if frist_X-10<item[0]<frist_X+10 and frist_y-10<item[1]<frist_y+10:
Show_green_detail(cv=self.cv, item=item).draw_detail()
return None
# 创建鼠标点击事件
def Mouse_Event(self):
Mouse = self.cv.bind("<Button-1>", self.show_detail_all) # 点击鼠标左键触发显示数据函数
return Mouse
# 创建修改objshow列的函数
def revise_objshow(send_host, reception_host):
if send_host == 'A':
if reception_host == 'B':
# 调用函数修改objshow列为 0
# 建立一个经过对象的数组
after_data = ['A', 'R1', 'B']
# 调用函数reve_after来给对象重新赋值
elif reception_host == 'C':
after_data = ['A', 'R1', 'R2', 'R4', 'R5', 'C']
elif reception_host == 'D':
after_data = ['A', 'R1', 'R2', 'R4', 'R5', 'D']
elif send_host == 'B':
if reception_host == 'A':
after_data = ['B', 'R1', 'A']
elif reception_host == 'C':
after_data = ['B', 'R1', 'R2', 'R4', 'R5', 'C']
elif reception_host == 'D':
after_data = ['B', 'R1', 'R2', 'R4', 'R5', 'C']
elif send_host == 'C':
if reception_host == 'A':
after_data = ['C', 'R5', 'R4', 'R2', 'R1', 'A']
elif reception_host == 'B':
after_data = ['C', 'R5', 'R4', 'R2', 'R1', 'A']
elif reception_host == 'D':
after_data = ['C', 'R5', 'D']
elif send_host == 'D':
if reception_host == 'A':
after_data = ['D', 'R5', 'R4', 'R2', 'R1', 'A']
elif reception_host == 'B':
after_data = ['D', 'R5', 'R4', 'R2', 'R1', 'B']
elif reception_host == 'C':
after_data = ['D', 'R5', 'C']
return after_data
# 将数组顺序倒换并返回倒序数组
def order_array(array, send_host, reception_host):
if send_host == 'D':
if reception_host == 'A':
array = array[::-1]
elif reception_host == 'B':
ObjID_reception = select_ObjLable_ObjID(reception_host)
ObjID_send = select_ObjLable_ObjID(send_host)
array = array[::-1]
for item in array:
if item == ObjID_send:
index_move_send = array.index(ObjID_send)
array = [ObjID_send]+array[:index_move_send]+array[index_move_send+1:]
elif item == ObjID_reception:
index_move_reception = array.index(ObjID_reception)
array = array[:index_move_reception]+array[index_move_reception+1:]+[ObjID_reception]
elif reception_host == 'C':
ObjID_send = select_ObjLable_ObjID(send_host)
for item in array:
if item == ObjID_send:
index_move_send = array.index(ObjID_send)
array = [ObjID_send]+array[:index_move_send]+array[index_move_send+1:]
elif send_host == 'C':
if reception_host == 'A':
array = array[::-1]
elif reception_host == 'B':
ObjID_reception = select_ObjLable_ObjID(reception_host)
ObjID_send = select_ObjLable_ObjID(send_host)
array = array[::-1]
for item in array:
if item == ObjID_send:
index_move_send = array.index(ObjID_send)
array = [ObjID_send] + array[:index_move_send] + array[index_move_send + 1:]
elif item == ObjID_reception:
index_move_reception = array.index(ObjID_reception)
array = array[:index_move_reception] + array[index_move_reception + 1:] + [ObjID_reception]
elif reception_host == 'D':
ObjID_send = select_ObjLable_ObjID(send_host)
for item in array:
if item == ObjID_send:
index_move_send = array.index(ObjID_send)
array = [ObjID_send] + array[:index_move_send] + array[index_move_send + 1:]
elif send_host == 'B':
if reception_host == 'A':
array = array[::-1]
elif reception_host == 'C' or reception_host == 'D':
ObjID_send = select_ObjLable_ObjID(send_host)
for item in array:
if item == ObjID_send:
index_move_send = array.index(ObjID_send)
array = [ObjID_send] + array[:index_move_send] + array[index_move_send + 1:]
return array
def add_number(number):
number_all = []
for i in range(0,number):
number = 'envelop_'+str(i+1)
return number_all

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
# 创建一个画线的类
class Line_Right():
def __init__(self, cv, line_data):
self.cv = cv
self.line_data = line_data
# 创建函数来画出需要的线
def line_test(self):
# 将数据通过循环取出,使用下标的形式
for i in range(0, len(self.line_data)):
if i + 1 != len(self.line_data):
x = self.line_data[i]['ObjX']
y = self.line_data[i]['ObjY']
next_x = self.line_data[i + 1]['ObjX']
next_y = self.line_data[i + 1]['ObjY']
self.cv.create_line(x, y, next_x, next_y, width=3, fill='#5B9BD5')
# print(i)
return None
# 创建一个用于画出永久固定的无用的线的类
class Useless_line():
def __init__(self, cv, Useless_line_data):
self.cv = cv
self.Useless_line_data = Useless_line_data
# 创建函数用来画出线
def draw_line_less(self):
data_all_zero = self.data_handle()
# 通过循环判断获取的对象是谁,在给该对象画出线条
for item in data_all_zero:
# 在这里添加判断
if item['ID'] == 7: # 这个以后换一个判断信息
# 在这里画出线
self.cv.create_line(item['ObjX'],item['ObjY'],250,160,width=3, fill='#00B050')
if item['ID'] == 8:
# 在这里画出连接三条线
self.cv.create_line(item['ObjX'],item['ObjY'],370,130,width=1, fill='#5B9BD5')
self.cv.create_line(item['ObjX'], item['ObjY'], 400, 200, width=1, fill='#5B9BD5')
self.cv.create_line(item['ObjX'], item['ObjY'], 480, 260, width=1, fill='#5B9BD5')
if item['ID'] == 9:
self.cv.create_line(item['ObjX'], item['ObjY'], 480, 260, width=2, fill='#5B9BD5')
return None
# 建立函数用来处理获取的数据
def data_handle(self):
data_ObjShow_zero_all = []
for item in self.Useless_line_data:
# print(item)
if item['ObjShow'] == 0:
# print(item)
# print(data_ObjShow_zero_all)
return data_ObjShow_zero_all
# 对获取的line_data进行处理
def line_draw(ShowData):
line_data_all = [] # 定义一个数组用来存储所有数据
# 将获取的数据循环获取需要的数据
for item in ShowData:
# print(item)
ObjX = item['ObjX']
ObjY = item['ObjY']
line_data = {
'ObjX': ObjX,
'ObjY': ObjY
# print(line_data_all)
return line_data_all

@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
# 建立一个函数用来判断封包数据的正确性
test: 先使用自身对比判断出错误环节or与下一层产生的数据对比是否出错
TRUE == 对自身获取的地址进行判断正误判断格式
import re
# 定义一个正则表达式来判断ip地址的格式是否正确
zz_ip = '^(1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|[1-9]\d|[1-9])\.(1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|[1-9]\d|\d)\.(1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|[1-9]\d|\d)\.(1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|[1-9]\d|\d)$'
zz_mac = '([0-9a-fA-F]{2}[:]){5}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})'
compile_ip = re.compile(zz_ip)
compile_mac = re.compile(zz_mac)
# 判断是否符合ip地址格式要求
def Judgement_Zz_IP(IP_Data):
if compile_ip.match(IP_Data):
return True
return False
def Judgement_Zz_MAC(MAC_Data):
if compile_mac.match(MAC_Data):
return True
return False
# 判断AppData数据正误,地址是否存在,判断格式.
def Judgement_AppData(SourceAppAddr, TargetAppAddr):
在这里添加判断数据正确性的代码 备注test 目前
# 将获取的数据进行切割
SourceAppAddr = SourceAppAddr.split(':')[0]
TargetAppAddr = TargetAppAddr.split(':')[0]
# print(SourceAppAddr)
source = Judgement_Zz_IP(SourceAppAddr) # 发出数据IP判断
if source != True:
target = Judgement_Zz_IP(TargetAppAddr) # 接收数据IP判断
if target != True:
return None
# 判断TransData数据正误 判断地址是否与上级地址是都一样。是否存在,外加判断端口号是否符合要求是否存在
def Judgement_TransData(Old_SourceAppAddr,Old_TargetAppAddr,New_SourceAppAddr,New_TargetAppAddr,SentPort,RpctPort):
在这里添加判断数据正确性的代码 备注test 目前
# 先判断地址是否符合格式在进行比较,先进行字符串的切割
Old_SourceAppAddr = Old_SourceAppAddr.split(':')[0]
Old_TargetAppAddr = Old_TargetAppAddr.split(':')[0]
New_SourceAppAddr = New_SourceAppAddr.split(':')[0]
New_TargetAppAddr = New_TargetAppAddr.split(':')[0]
new_source = Judgement_Zz_IP(New_SourceAppAddr)
new_target = Judgement_Zz_IP(New_TargetAppAddr)
if new_source:
if Old_SourceAppAddr != New_SourceAppAddr:
if new_target:
if Old_TargetAppAddr != New_TargetAppAddr:
# 判断端口号是否符合要求
if SentPort < 2048 or SentPort > 65535:
if RpctPort< 2048 or RpctPort > 65535:
return None
# 判断IPData数据正误
def Judgement_IPData(Old_SourceIP,Old_TargetIP,New_SourceIP,New_TargetIP):
在这里添加判断数据正确性的代码 备注test 目前
new_sourceIP = Judgement_Zz_IP(New_SourceIP)
new_targetIP = Judgement_Zz_IP(New_TargetIP)
if new_sourceIP:
if Old_SourceIP != New_SourceIP:
if new_targetIP:
if Old_TargetIP != New_TargetIP:
return None
# 判断MACData数据正误
def Judgement_MACData(Old_SourceIP,Old_TargetIP,New_SourceIP,New_TargetIP,SentMAC,RcptMAC):
在这里添加判断数据正确性的代码 备注test 目前
new_sourceIP = Judgement_Zz_IP(New_SourceIP)
new_targetIP = Judgement_Zz_IP(New_TargetIP)
if new_sourceIP:
if Old_SourceIP != New_SourceIP:
if new_targetIP:
if Old_TargetIP != New_TargetIP:
sentmac = Judgement_Zz_MAC(SentMAC)
rcptmac = Judgement_Zz_MAC(RcptMAC)
if sentmac != True:
if rcptmac != True:
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 在这里建立一组test数据用来比较
# test: 测试
# Judgement_AppData('SHO1','A','AppPack1',6144,'A-6144-Data','','',test_4)
# Judgement_TransData('ObjID','IDkey','TransPackID','TransSeq','TransTag','AppPackID','SentPort','RpctPort','SourceAppAddr','TargetAppAddr',TransPackedString)
# Judgement_IPData('ObjID','IDkey','IP_number','IPPackID','TransPackID','SourceIP','TargetIP','SourceAppAddr','TargetAppAddr',IPPackedString)
# Judgement_MACData('ObjID','IDkey','MAC_number','MacPackID','IPPackID','SentMAC','RcptMAC','SourceIP','TargetIP','SourceAppAddr','TargetAppAddr',MacPackedString)
ip_test = ''
ip_test2 = ''
ip_test_new = ''
ip_test2_new = ''
prot = 1395
prot_1 = 65555
test_mac = '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'
test_mac1 = '10:00:00:90:fa:02:88:00'
# print(Judgement_Zz_IP(ip_test))
# Judgement_AppData(ip_test,ip_test2)
# Judgement_TransData(Old_SourceAppAddr=ip_test,Old_TargetAppAddr=ip_test2,New_SourceAppAddr=ip_test_new,New_TargetAppAddr=ip_test2_new,SentPort=prot,RpctPort=prot_1)

@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
# 这个函数用来实现模拟解包过程
# 创建类用来处理解包函数
class Unpack_All():
# 获取需要的数据
def __init__(self,MacPacketString, IPPacketString, TransPacketString, AppPacketString):
self.MacPacketString = MacPacketString
self.IPPacketString = IPPacketString
self.TransPacketString = TransPacketString
self.AppPacketString = AppPacketString
# 建立函数用来处理MacPacketString中的数据
def unpack_mac_data(self):
# print(self.MacPacketString)
MacData_All = []
# 将获取的数据分解成macdata中
for item in self.MacPacketString:
ObjID = item['ObjID']
ObjLable = item['ObjLable']
MacPackId = item['MacPackId']
IPPackID = item['IPPackID']
sentmac = item['sentmac']
rcptmac = item['rcptmac']
sourceip = item['sourceip']
targetip = item['targetip']
sourceAppAddr = item['sourceAppAddr']
targetAppAddr = item['targetAppAddr']
MacData = {
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'MacPackId': MacPackId,
'IPPackID': IPPackID,
'sentmac': sentmac,
'rcptmac': rcptmac,
'sourceip': sourceip,
'targetip': targetip,
'sourceAppAddr': sourceAppAddr,
'targetAppAddr': targetAppAddr,
'MacPacketString': item
return MacData_All
# 建立函数用来处理IPPacket中的数据
def unpack_ip_data(self):
IPData_All = []
for item in self.IPPacketString:
ObjID = item['ObjID']
ObjLable = item['ObjLable']
IPPackID = item['IPPackID']
TransPackID = item['TransPackID']
sourceip = item['sourceip']
targetip = item['targetip']
sourceAppAddr = item['sourceAppAddr']
targetAppAddr = item['targetAppAddr']
IPData = {
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'IPPackID': IPPackID,
'TransPackID': TransPackID,
'sourceip': sourceip,
'targetip': targetip,
'sourceAppAddr': sourceAppAddr,
'targetAppAddr': targetAppAddr,
'IPPacketString': item
return IPData_All
# 建立一个函数用来处理Trans的解包
def unpack_trans_data(self):
TransData_All = []
for item in self.TransPacketString:
ObjID = item['ObjID']
ObjLable = item['ObjLable']
TransPackID = item['TransPackID']
TransSeq = item['TransSeq']
TransTag = item['TransTag']
AppPackId = item['AppPackId']
sentport = item['sentport']
rpctport = item['rpctport']
sourceAppAddr = item['sourceAppAddr']
targetAppAddr = item['targetAppAddr']
TransData = {
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'TransPackID': TransPackID,
'TransSeq': TransSeq,
'TransTag': TransTag,
'AppPackId': AppPackId,
'sentport': sentport,
'rpctport': rpctport,
'sourceAppAddr': sourceAppAddr,
'targetAppAddr': targetAppAddr,
'TransPacketString': item
return TransData_All
# 建立一个函数用来处理App的解包
def unpack_app_data(self):
ObjID = self.AppPacketString['ObjID']
ObjLable = self.AppPacketString['ObjLable']
AppPackId = self.AppPacketString['AppPackId']
AppPackSize = self.AppPacketString['AppPackSize']
AppPackTag = self.AppPacketString['AppPackTag']
sourceAppAddr = self.AppPacketString['sourceAppAddr']
targetAppAddr = self.AppPacketString['targetAppAddr']
AppData = {
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'AppPackId': AppPackId,
'AppPackSize': AppPackSize,
'AppPackTag': AppPackTag,
'sourceAppAddr': sourceAppAddr,
'targetAppAddr': targetAppAddr,
'AppPacketString': self.AppPacketString
# print(AppData)
return AppData
if __name__ == '__main__':
MacPacketString = [
{'ObjID': 'SHO1',
'ObjLable': 'A',
'MAC_number': 1,
'MacPackId': 'MacPackID1',
'IPPackID': 'IPPack1',
'sentmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30',
'rcptmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:20',
'sourceip': '',
'targetip': '',
'sourceAppAddr': '',
'targetAppAddr': ''
IPPacketString = [
{'ObjID': 'SHO1',
'ObjLable': 'A',
'number': 1,
'IPPackID': 'IPPack1',
'TransPackID': 'TransPack1',
'sourceip': '',
'targetip': '',
'sourceAppAddr': '',
'targetAppAddr': '',
'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}]
TransPacketString = [
{'ObjID': 'SHO1',
'ObjLable': 'A',
'TransPackID': 'TransPack1',
'TransSeq': '1',
'TransTag': 'A1',
'AppPackId': '1',
'sentport': '41749',
'rpctport': '20712',
'sourceAppAddr': '',
'targetAppAddr': '',
'timestamp': '15:25:59',
'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}]
AppPacketString = {
'ObjID': 'SHO1',
'ObjLable': 'A',
'AppPackId': '1',
'AppPackSize': 1,
'AppPackTag': '1',
'sourceAppAddr': '',
'timeStamp': '15:22:28',
'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30',
'targetAppAddr': ''}
test_line = Unpack_All(MacPacketString,IPPacketString,TransPacketString,AppPacketString)
# test_line.unpack_mac_data()
test = test_line.unpack_app_data()
{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'AppPackId': '1', 'AppPackSize': 1, 'AppPackTag': '1', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'AppPacketString': {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'AppPackId': '1', 'AppPackSize': 1, 'AppPackTag': '1', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'timeStamp': '15:22:28', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'targetAppAddr': ''}}
[{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack1', 'TransSeq': '1', 'TransTag': 'A1', 'AppPackId': '1', 'sentport': '41749', 'rpctport': '20712', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'TransPacketString': {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack1', 'TransSeq': '1', 'TransTag': 'A1', 'AppPackId': '1', 'sentport': '41749', 'rpctport': '20712', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'timestamp': '15:25:59', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}}]
[{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'IPPackID': 'IPPack1', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack1', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'IPPacketString': {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'number': 1, 'IPPackID': 'IPPack1', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack1', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}}]
[{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'MacPackId': 'MacPackID1', 'IPPackID': 'IPPack1', 'sentmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'rcptmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:20', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'MacPacketString': {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'MAC_number': 1, 'MacPackId': 'MacPackID1', 'IPPackID': 'IPPack1', 'sentmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'rcptmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:20', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': ''}}]

@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
# 封包处理函数
import random
import datetime
# 建立一个类将所有的函数放入其中
# 将所有的主机路由器详细数据存入一个字典列表中?
# 将主机路由器的ObjID存入一个数组中通过循环来判断下一级的RctpMAC.
# MACID = ['MacA','MacR1', 'MacR2', 'MacR4', 'MacR5', 'MacD']
# 不能将所有的函数整合成一个类
# 建立一个全局变量IP_number
IP_number = 0
MAC_number = 0
class AllData():
MACID: 这个数据将从数据库simhost获取所有的数据并将每条数据中以先后组成一个mac地址数组
ShowData 这个数据是将数据库simhost中的所有数据组成一个字典数组从里面
AppPackTag: 这个数据是需要用户点击前端页面的封包模拟里面输入的数据
def __init__(self, MACID, ShowData, AppPackTag_Data):
self.ShowData = ShowData
self.AppPackTag_Data = AppPackTag_Data
def AppData(self):
ShowData = self.ShowData
AppPackTag_Data = self.AppPackTag_Data
# 拿到前台传过来的数据并处理
# 将收集的数据进行处理
# print(len(ShowData))
AppPackedString = {}
for i in range(0,len(ShowData)):
# print(i)
if i == 0 and ShowData[i]['ObjType'] == 1:
ObjID = ShowData[i]['ObjID']
ObjLable = ShowData[i]['ObjLable']
AppPackId = AppPackTag_Data['AppPackID']
AppPackSize = AppPackTag_Data['AppPackSize']
AppPackTag = AppPackTag_Data['AppPackTag']
sentport = random.randint(2048, 65535)
sourceAppAddr = ShowData[i]['IPAddr'] + ':' + str(sentport)
timeStamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
Mac_data = ShowData[i]['MACAddr']
# 对字典进行添加
AppPackedString['ObjID'] = ObjID
AppPackedString['ObjLable'] = ObjLable
AppPackedString['AppPackId'] = AppPackId
AppPackedString['AppPackSize'] = AppPackSize
AppPackedString['AppPackTag'] = AppPackTag
AppPackedString['sourceAppAddr'] = sourceAppAddr
AppPackedString['timeStamp'] = timeStamp
AppPackedString['Mac_data'] = Mac_data
if i == (len(ShowData)-1):
rpctport = random.randint(2048, 65535)
targetAppAddr = ShowData[i]['IPAddr'] + ':' + str(rpctport)
AppPackedString['targetAppAddr'] = targetAppAddr
return AppPackedString
def TransData(self,AppPackedString):
# print(AppPackedString)
AppPackSize = AppPackedString['AppPackSize']
page_true = Spilt_AppData(AppPackSize)
# 定义一个空列表存放所有TransPackedString
TransPackedString_All = []
# 将数据包分为page_true个传输层数据包
for i in range(0, page_true):
num = i + 1
# 这里需要建立一个将Trans数据封包函数
TransPackedString = insert_TransData(num, AppPackedString)
# print(TransPackedString_All)
return TransPackedString_All
# 这里建立一个IP层封包数据函数
def IPData(self,TransPackedString):
# 将获取的字典数组进行拆分
IPPackedString_All = []
for item in TransPackedString:
global IP_number
IP_number = IP_number + 1 # IP_number为记录数据经过函数IPData的次数
ObjID = item['ObjID']
ObjLable = item['ObjLable']
IPPackID = 'IPPack' + str(IP_number)
TransPackID = item['TransPackID']
sourceip_true = item['sourceAppAddr'].split(':')
sourceip = sourceip_true[0]
targetip_true = item['targetAppAddr'].split(':')
targetip = targetip_true[0]
sourceAppAddr = item['sourceAppAddr']
targetAppAddr = item['targetAppAddr']
Mac_data = item['Mac_data']
IPPackedString = {
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'number': IP_number,
'IPPackID': IPPackID,
'TransPackID': TransPackID,
'sourceip': sourceip,
'targetip': targetip,
'sourceAppAddr': sourceAppAddr,
'targetAppAddr': targetAppAddr,
'Mac_data': Mac_data
return IPPackedString_All
'''{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'AppPackId': 'AppPack1', 'AppPackSize': 6144, 'AppPackTag': 'A-6144-Data', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'timeStamp': '13:03:25', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'targetAppAddr': ''}
[{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack1', 'TransSeq': '1', 'TransTag': 'A1', 'AppPackId': 'AppPack1', 'sentport': '35239', 'rpctport': '45771', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'timestamp': '13:03:25', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}, {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack2', 'TransSeq': '2', 'TransTag': 'A2', 'AppPackId': 'AppPack1', 'sentport': '35239', 'rpctport': '45771', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'timestamp': '13:03:25', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}, {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack3', 'TransSeq': '3', 'TransTag': 'A3', 'AppPackId': 'AppPack1', 'sentport': '35239', 'rpctport': '45771', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'timestamp': '13:03:25', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}]
[{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'number': 1, 'IPPackID': 'IPPack1', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack1', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}, {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'number': 2, 'IPPackID': 'IPPack2', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack2', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}, {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'number': 3, 'IPPackID': 'IPPack3', 'TransPackID': 'TransPack3', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': '', 'Mac_data': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'}]
[{'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'MAC_number': 1, 'MacPackId': 'MacPackID1', 'IPPackID': 'IPPack1', 'sentmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'rcptmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': ''}, {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'MAC_number': 2, 'MacPackId': 'MacPackID2', 'IPPackID': 'IPPack2', 'sentmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'rcptmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': ''}, {'ObjID': 'SHO1', 'ObjLable': 'A', 'MAC_number': 3, 'MacPackId': 'MacPackID3', 'IPPackID': 'IPPack3', 'sentmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'rcptmac': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', 'sourceip': '', 'targetip': '', 'sourceAppAddr': '', 'targetAppAddr': ''}]
# 这里建立一个MAC层封包数据函数
# def MACData(self,IPPackedString,MACID):
def MACData(self, IPPackedString):
# 建立一个空数组用来存放所有的数据
MacPackedString_All = []
for item in IPPackedString:
global MAC_number
rcptmac = ''
ObjID = item['ObjID']
ObjLable = item['ObjLable']
MAC_number = MAC_number + 1
MacPackId = 'MacPackID' + str(MAC_number)
IPPackID = item['IPPackID']
sentmac = item['Mac_data']
# 循环MACID来获取下一级rcptmac
for i in range(len(self.MACID)-1):
if sentmac == self.MACID[i]:
rcptmac = self.MACID[i+1]
sourceip = item['sourceip']
targetip = item['targetip']
sourceAppAddr = item['sourceAppAddr']
targetAppAddr = item['targetAppAddr']
MacPackedString = {
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'MAC_number': MAC_number,
'MacPackId': MacPackId,
'IPPackID': IPPackID,
'sentmac': sentmac,
'rcptmac': rcptmac,
'sourceip': sourceip,
'targetip': targetip,
'sourceAppAddr': sourceAppAddr,
'targetAppAddr': targetAppAddr
return MacPackedString_All
# 建立一个使应用层数据包进行拆分的函数
def Spilt_AppData(AppPackSize):
# 将获取的数据包大小进行拆分
page = int(AppPackSize) / 2048
# 定义一个初始值
page_true = 0
if page < 1 and page != 0:
page_true = int(page) + 1
elif page % 1 == 0:
page_true = int(page)
elif page % 1 > 0:
page_true = int(page) + 1
return page_true
# 建立一个进行TransData数据封包函数
def insert_TransData(num, AppPackedString):
TransPackID_Riget = num
ObjID = AppPackedString['ObjID']
ObjLable = AppPackedString['ObjLable']
TransPackID = 'TransPack'+str(TransPackID_Riget)
TransSeq = str(TransPackID_Riget)
TransTag = AppPackedString['ObjLable']+str(TransPackID_Riget)
AppPackId = AppPackedString['AppPackId']
sentport_one = AppPackedString['sourceAppAddr'].split(':')
# print(sentport_one)
sentport = sentport_one[1]
# print(sentport)
rpctport_one = AppPackedString['targetAppAddr'].split(':')
rpctport = rpctport_one[1]
sourceAppAddr = AppPackedString['sourceAppAddr']
targetAppAddr = AppPackedString['targetAppAddr']
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
Mac_data = AppPackedString['Mac_data']
TransPackedString = {
'ObjID': ObjID,
'ObjLable': ObjLable,
'TransPackID': TransPackID,
'TransSeq': TransSeq,
'TransTag': TransTag,
'AppPackId': AppPackId,
'sentport': sentport,
'rpctport': rpctport,
'sourceAppAddr': sourceAppAddr,
'targetAppAddr': targetAppAddr,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'Mac_data': Mac_data
# print(TransPackedString)
return TransPackedString
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 建立一个列表来存放ObjID里的MAC地址 , test
MACID = ['00:1a:8c:10:ad:30', '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30']
# MACID = {
# 'A': 'MacA',
# 'R1': 'MacR1',
# 'R2': 'MacR2',
# 'R4': 'MacR4',
# 'R5': 'MacR5',
# 'D': 'MacD'
# }
# 定义一个数据用来模拟前台发送过来的数据:字典类型最好, test
# 这个位置需要的使一个字典列表, 至少需要两个以上的字典
# port 好需要通过random来实现
ShowData = [
'id': 1,
'ObjID': 'SHO1',
'ObjLable': 'A',
'IPAddr': '', # 起始IP地址
'ObjX': 210,
'ObjY': 130,
'MACAddr': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30' # test用mac地址
'id': 1,
'ObjID': 'SRO1',
'ObjType': 2,
'ObjLable': 'R1',
'IPAddr': '', # 最终IP地址
'ObjX': 210,
'MACAddr': '00:1a:8c:10:ad:30'
AppPackTag_Data = {
'AppPackID': 'AppPack1',
'AppPackSize': 6144,
'AppPackTag': 'A-6144-Data'
# 需要定义一个最终IP地址路由节点用来进行测试 test
# 测试主程序
AllData = AllData(MACID, ShowData, AppPackTag_Data)
test = AllData.AppData()
test_1 = AllData.TransData(test)
test_2 = AllData.IPData(test_1)

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License
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Section 2 Scope.
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Section 3 License Conditions.
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Section 4 Sui Generis Database Rights.
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Creative Commons may be contacted at creativecommons.org.

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# NetWork
# 项目编程基本原则
## 文档及代码编辑的注意事项
### 进度汇报
首先自查一遍文档,每个编程任务是否符合文档上编程任务的要求---请在进度表中标示【自查:符合 或 不符合】是按编程任务不是按X1,X2...
### 主函数框架示例:
# 需要导入的库
from tkinter import scrolledtext # 下拉框
from tkinter import END # 下拉框自动下拉到最后一行
from pymouse import PyMouse # 模拟鼠标自动点击
import tkinter as tk # UI界面
import threading # 多线程任务
import win32gui # 获取扫雷窗口信息
import random # 随机数
import time # 应用sleep函数睡眠
from setting import * # setting为自定义程序存放的是全局变量导入全局变量
# setting中定义了哪些全局变量及其定义
GLOBAL ... ... # 常量用大写,大写字母下划线链接
Init_Matrix ... ... # 全局变量首字母大写
print("数据集中图片的个数:", len(data_list)) # 打印图片数据集中图片的个数
print("第一个图片数组的形状:", data_list[0].shape) # 打印第一个图片数组的形状
print("第一个图片数组的内容:\n", data_list[0]) # 打印第一个图片数组的内容
return data_list # 返回加载成功的图像数据列表
# 主控函数, 将函数定义拷贝到main函数上面将函数调用放在main函数
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 文档贴函数提示说明 如下图所示
# 以func1()[编程章节]==>func2()[编程章节]的方式说明调用当前函数要用的前述函数。
### 根据不同情况不同的贴程序方法
# 情况一
##### 第一次出现init初始化方法需要写全 #####
##### 在类里面增添方法,需要将类名写出,再写方法 #####
class MineSweeper: # 建立扫雷类
def __init__(self): # 第一次出现init初始化方法需要写全
def f2():
# 情况二
##### 如果函数实在太多,需要标出函数调用关系图,同时将贴合编程要求的程序给出 #####
X3: # f1(), f2(), f3(), f4(), ..., f10() 本段仅给出f4(), 完整的在[位置](可以在文档末尾建立附录)。
Class Class_some
def f4(): 体现核心功能的函数给出。
# 情况三
##### 如果需要在后续编程章节中扩充原有的功能,可以扩写函数,#####
##### 而且不要出现已经出现过的代码,已经出现过的代码用...代指 #####
X4: 【友好阅读性原则;最小重复代码原则;递增式代码表达原则;界面元素处理与业务逻辑完全分开原则】
class MineSweeper: # 扩展扫雷类--在X2基础上进一步定义
# _init_(self), f2(), 一并处理
def _init_(self): #在原函数基础上增加/调整
self.par = "example"
def f3():
def f4():
## 项目编程的普遍要求
### GUI界面和数据结构分开
### 代码命名规则:
变量和函数名使用小写字母单词之间使用下划线snake_case进行分隔。例如my_variable, calculate_result。
常量使用全大写字母单词之间使用下划线进行分隔。例如MAX_VALUE, PI。
类名使用驼峰命名法CamelCase即首字母大写不使用下划线。例如MyClass, Calculator。
模块名使用小写字母单词之间使用下划线进行分隔。例如my_module, utils。
- 首先是做好程序的优化,即做好程序函数的封装。 每个函数的函数名尽可能符合文档的编程任务及其要求--要让读者看到函数名就能想到编程任务,这样会更易于理解。
- 函数调用关系图的理解是正确的,就是要有一张全局关系图。
- 正确理解X1、X2、X3、X4和X5。通常X1仅是围绕数据结构赋值和界面或者界面元素坐标无关。X2是依据数据结构中的数据做输出通常是仅输出。X3通常可以定义函数或者定义类及其中的函数。X4是在X2基础上做界面交互元素同时将界面交互元素相关的事件/消息绑定X3或X5的函数。X5也是一些函数。这样界面逻辑和业务逻辑是完全分离的。
- 注意自前向后编程是越来越复杂但不要用后面的编程直接替代前面的编程任务中的程序前面是简单的后面是复杂的。例如“Select Sno from Student”,这是前面的编程Select :attr1 from :table1"尽管将attr1赋值成Sno将table1赋值成Student,也能实现前面的语句,但不可用后面的替换前面的。
### 函数调用关系图:
函数调用图Function Call Graph是用于描述程序中函数之间调用关系的图形表示。它展示了函数之间的依赖关系和调用流程帮助我们理解程序的执行流程和函数之间的交互
### 项目文件应包含(后续规范)
1. README.md项目的说明文档包含项目的介绍、使用方法、安装指南、贡献指南等重要信息。README.md通常是其他开发者了解和使用项目的入口。
2. LICENSE项目的开源许可证明确了项目的使用条件和权利限制。选择适合项目的开源许可证对于保护项目的权益和推动开源合作非常重要。
3. .gitignoreGit版本控制系统的忽略文件配置用于指定哪些文件或目录应该被忽略不纳入版本控制。通常包括一些编译生成的文件、临时文件、敏感信息等。
4. requirements.txt项目的依赖项清单列出了项目所需的外部库、框架和工具的版本信息。这样其他开发者可以方便地安装相同的依赖项确保项目的可重复性和一致性。
5. setup.py 或者 setup.cfg用于打包和发布项目的配置文件。可以定义项目的元数据、依赖关系、安装过程等以便其他人能够方便地安装和使用项目。
6. docs 目录包含项目的文档例如用户手册、API文档、开发者指南等。良好的文档对于其他开发者和用户理解和使用项目非常重要。
7. tests 目录:包含项目的测试代码和测试数据,用于验证项目的正确性和稳定性。包括单元测试、集成测试等,帮助开发者确保项目的质量和可靠性。
8. src 或者 lib 目录:包含项目的源代码文件。根据项目的规模和结构,可以进一步组织成子目录或包,方便代码的组织和维护。
# 将输出重定向到文件:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# 老师一键安装项目所有依赖一般像Pycharm会自动识别这个文件按提示安装即可
pip install -r requirements.txt

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@ -2,16 +2,12 @@
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from data_crud_sqlite import *
# from data_crud import *
from data_crud import *
from data_line import Line_Right, line_draw, Useless_line
from data_dispose_CR import Show_Right_All
from data_envelop import EnvelopMove, revise_objshow, order_array
# 图片常量
# img_host = PhotoImage(file='../images/主机_2.png')
# img_router = PhotoImage(file='../images/路由器_2.png')
# img_envelop = PhotoImage(file='../images/信封_2.png')
# img_detail = PhotoImage(file='../images/详情头_2.png')
from data_dispose_CR import Show_Right_All
from data_envelop import EnvelopMove
# 创建父窗口函数
class Main_Gui():
@ -22,15 +18,12 @@ class Main_Gui():
# 创建窗口界面
def Set_init_window(self):
init_window_name = self.init_window_name
'''头歌虚拟平台上的屏幕长宽大概为: 宽:1360;高:690'''
# root_width = init_window_name.winfo_screenwidth() # 获取window屏幕宽度
root_width = 1360
root_width = init_window_name.winfo_screenwidth() # 获取window屏幕宽度
self.root_width = int(root_width / 4 * 3) # 设置父窗口界面宽度
# print('父窗口界面宽度:'+str(self.root_width)) # 输出父窗口界面宽度
# root_height = init_window_name.winfo_screenheight() # 获取window屏幕长度
root_height = 690
print('父窗口界面宽度:'+str(self.root_width)) # 输出父窗口界面宽度
root_height = init_window_name.winfo_screenheight() # 获取window屏幕长度
self.root_height = int(root_height / 4 * 3) # 设置父窗口界面长度
# print('父窗口界面长度:'+str(self.root_height)) # 输出父窗口界面长度
print('父窗口界面长度:'+str(self.root_height)) # 输出父窗口界面长度
init_window_name.title('数据封包和解包模拟&X1-X4') # 标题
# 将窗口固定在屏幕中央
init_window_name.geometry(str(self.root_width)+'x'+str(self.root_height)+'+'+str(int((root_width-self.root_width)/2))+'+'+str(int((root_height-self.root_height)/2))) # 窗口大小
@ -39,7 +32,6 @@ class Main_Gui():
filemenu = Menu(main_menu, tearoff=False) # 设置子菜单
filemenu.add_command(label='启动模拟', command=self.similar_packet) #模拟函数未完成
filemenu.add_command(label='启动X4模拟', command=self.similar_packet_X4) # 需要建立函数
filemenu.add_command(label='查找', command=quit) # 寻址功能函数未完成
filemenu.add_separator() # 画线
filemenu.add_command(label='退出', command=quit) # 点击关闭页面
@ -52,22 +44,20 @@ class Main_Gui():
self.cv = tk.Canvas(init_window_name,
# bg='white',
self.cv.pack(side=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.NW)
# self.cv.grid(row=0, column=0)
# self.cv.pack(anchor=tk.NW)
# 画出包含仿真对象图的方框图
self.cv.create_rectangle(100, 40, self.root_width - 250, self.root_height - 150, width=3,
self.cv.create_rectangle(140, 80, self.root_width - 300, self.root_height - 180, width=3,
outline="#7f6000") # 这个位置可能需要修改
# 创建固定在左侧的标识符图像
self.cv.create_image(50, 80, image=img_host) # 固定在左侧的主机对象
self.cv.create_text(50, 110, text='主机', font=('蔚然雅黑', 14, 'bold'), fill='black')
self.cv.create_image(50, 160, image=img_router) # 固定在该canvas画布上的对象 == 路由器
self.cv.create_text(50, 190, text='路由器', font=('蔚然雅黑', 14, 'bold'), fill='black')
self.cv.create_image(80, 150, image=img_host) # 固定在左侧的主机对象
self.cv.create_text(80, 180, text='主机对象', font=('蔚然雅黑', 14, 'bold'), fill='black')
self.cv.create_image(80, 280, image=img_router) # 固定在该canvas画布上的对象 == 路由器
self.cv.create_text(80, 310, text='路由器对象', font=('蔚然雅黑', 14, 'bold'), fill='black')
self.Show_Canvas_Right() # 未完成
@ -78,112 +68,11 @@ class Main_Gui():
self.under_show_all() # 未完成
def similar_packet_X4(self):
# 删除窗口中的所有数据
self.right_on_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
self.right_under_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
self.under_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
# self.cv.unbind("<Button-1>",self.Mouse) # 清楚鼠标点击事件,修改中还未完成 2023-7-25
self.open_envelop = False # 好像忘记了这个的作用了
self.packet_emu_X4 = tk.Toplevel()
# 建立数据模拟数据的输入框字体
label_emu_x4_1 = tk.Label(self.packet_emu_X4, text='发送主机:').grid(row=0, pady=5)
label_emu_x4_2 = tk.Label(self.packet_emu_X4, text='接收主机:').grid(row=1, pady=5)
label_emu_x4_3 = tk.Label(self.packet_emu_X4, text='数据内容:').grid(row=2, pady=5)
label_emu_x4_4 = tk.Label(self.packet_emu_X4, text='数据大小(kb):').grid(row=3, pady=5)
label_emu_x4_5 = tk.Label(self.packet_emu_X4, text='数据标签:').grid(row=4, pady=5)
# 建立输入框
self.entry_emu_x4_1 = tk.Entry(self.packet_emu_X4)
self.entry_emu_x4_1.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.entry_emu_x4_2 = tk.Entry(self.packet_emu_X4)
self.entry_emu_x4_2.grid(row=1, column=1)
self.entry_emu_x4_3 = tk.Entry(self.packet_emu_X4)
self.entry_emu_x4_3.grid(row=2, column=1)
self.entry_emu_x4_4 = tk.Entry(self.packet_emu_X4)
self.entry_emu_x4_4.grid(row=3, column=1)
self.entry_emu_x4_5 = tk.Entry(self.packet_emu_X4)
self.entry_emu_x4_5.grid(row=4, column=1)
button_emu_left_X4 = tk.Button(self.packet_emu_X4, text='开启模拟', command=self.openpack_btn_x4).grid(row=5) # 函数未完成 2023-7-25
return None
# 设置X4模拟点击按钮后的函数
def openpack_btn_x4(self):
# 先获取点击按钮后输入框中的数据
entry_emu_x4_data_1 = self.entry_emu_x4_1.get()
entry_emu_x4_data_2 = self.entry_emu_x4_2.get()
entry_emu_x4_data_3 = self.entry_emu_x4_3.get()
entry_emu_x4_data_4 = self.entry_emu_x4_4.get()
entry_emu_x4_data_5 = self.entry_emu_x4_5.get()
select_objlable = Select_ObjShow() # 查询数据库索取所有数据
if entry_emu_x4_data_1=='' or entry_emu_x4_data_2=='' or entry_emu_x4_data_3==''or entry_emu_x4_data_4=='' or entry_emu_x4_data_5=='':
messagebox.showinfo('Error', '数据不能为空')
self.packet_emu_X4.destroy() # 关闭启动模拟窗口
self.AppPackTag_Data_X4 = {
'SendHost': entry_emu_x4_data_1, 'ReceHost': entry_emu_x4_data_2, 'AppPackID': entry_emu_x4_data_3, 'AppPackSize': entry_emu_x4_data_4, 'AppPackTag': entry_emu_x4_data_5
# print(self.AppPackTag_Data_X4)
self.move_number_x4 = int(self.AppPackTag_Data_X4['AppPackSize']) / 2048
if self.move_number_x4 > 0 and self.move_number_x4 < 1:
self.move_number_x4 = 1
elif self.move_number_x4 % 1 != 0:
self.move_number_x4 = int(self.move_number_x4 + 1)
# print('需要拆分成的数据包数量:'+str(self.move_number_x4))
self.revise_objshow = revise_objshow(send_host=self.AppPackTag_Data_X4['SendHost'], reception_host=self.AppPackTag_Data_X4['ReceHost'])
'''这个位置调用信封移动的函数试试 PS:如果对象是如D——>A的则需要修改对象'''
# 如果需要修改数据之类的
return None
def envelop_move_x4(self):
self.unpacket = 0
self.location_all_x4 = [] # 定义用来存放对象的位置
self.Select_ObjID = Select_ObjID(self.revise_objshow)
for item in self.Select_ObjID:
# print(item)
ObjX = item['ObjX'];ObjY = item['ObjY'];ObjID = item['ObjID'];ObjType = item['ObjType']
location = (ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ObjType)
self.location_all_x4 = order_array(self.location_all_x4,self.AppPackTag_Data_X4['SendHost'],self.AppPackTag_Data_X4['ReceHost'])
# print(self.location_all_x4)
# 实现信封移动并在实现的同时使最下方和最右方的canvas中显示数据
# self.ObjShow_1_data = Select_ObjShow()
self.show_envelop = EnvelopMove(cv=self.cv, img_host=img_host, img_router=img_router, img_envelop=img_envelop,
img_detail=img_detail, move_data=self.location_all_x4, unpacket=self.unpacket,
move_number=self.move_number_x4, right_on_text=self.right_on_text,
Objshow_data=self.Select_ObjID, AppPackTag_Data=self.AppPackTag_Data_X4,
right_under_text=self.right_under_text, under_text=self.under_text)
self.Mouse = self.show_envelop.Mouse_Event()
# self.show_envelop.show_data_move()
# print(self.ObjShow_1_data)
# print(self.location_all)
return None
'''# 设置一个编写类封包函数'''
def similar_packet(self):
self.right_on_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
self.right_under_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
self.under_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
# self.cv.unbind("<Button-1>", self.Mouse)
# 定义一个值用来处理信封移动事件的开启
self.open_envelop = False
# 建立一个子窗口完成数据
@ -236,14 +125,14 @@ class Main_Gui():
'AppPackSize': entry_emu_2_data,
'AppPackTag': entry_emu_3_data
# print(self.AppPackTag_Data)
self.move_number = int(self.AppPackTag_Data['AppPackSize']) / 2048
if self.move_number > 0 and self.move_number < 1:
self.move_number = 1
elif self.move_number % 1 != 0:
self.move_number = int(self.move_number + 1)
# print('需要拆分成的数据包数量:'+str(self.move_number))
# print(self.host_date)
# '''首先先建立一个判断两个主机之间是否存在通信的可能'''
# 建立一个数组用来存储需要循环显示的数据
@ -264,13 +153,11 @@ class Main_Gui():
ObjX = item['ObjX'];ObjY = item['ObjY'];ObjID = item['ObjID'];ObjType = item['ObjType']
location = (ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ObjType)
# print(self.location_all)
# 实现信封移动并在实现的同时使最下方和最右方的canvas中显示数据
self.show_envelop = EnvelopMove(cv=self.cv,img_host=img_host, img_router=img_router, img_envelop=img_envelop,img_detail=img_detail,move_data=self.location_all,unpacket=self.unpacket,
self.Mouse = self.show_envelop.Mouse_Event()
# self.show_envelop.show_data_move()
# print(self.ObjShow_1_data)
# print(self.location_all)
@ -281,7 +168,7 @@ class Main_Gui():
self.simhost_all_data = get_simhost_alldata() # 获取simhost表中的所有数据
# print(self.simhost_all_data)
self.ObjShow_1_data = Select_ObjShow() # 采集所有ObjShow为1的数据
# print(self.ObjShow_1_data)
self.line_data = line_draw(self.ObjShow_1_data)
# print(self.line_data)
@ -301,13 +188,11 @@ class Main_Gui():
self.right_on_label = tk.Label(self.init_window_name, text='发送主机详情:',font=('蔚然雅黑', 12, 'bold'))
# self.right_on_label.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.Y, padx=10, pady=10)
self.right_on_label.pack(anchor=tk.NW, fill=tk.Y, padx=5, pady=5)
# self.right_on_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=29, height=13)
self.right_on_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=24, height=10)
self.right_on_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=40, height=22)
self.right_on_text.pack(anchor=tk.NW, fill=tk.Y, padx=5, pady=5)
self.right_under_label = tk.Label(self.init_window_name, text='接收主机详情:', font=('蔚然雅黑', 12, 'bold'))
self.right_under_label.pack(anchor=tk.NW, fill=tk.Y, padx=5, pady=5)
# self.right_under_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=29, height=13)
self.right_under_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=24, height=10)
self.right_under_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=40, height=22)
self.right_under_text.pack(anchor=tk.NW, fill=tk.Y, padx=5, pady=5)
self.right_on_text.configure(font=("TkDefaultFont", 12))
self.right_under_text.configure(font=("TkDefaultFont", 12))
@ -334,16 +219,15 @@ class Main_Gui():
def under_show_all(self):
scrollbar_y = tk.Scrollbar(self.init_window_name)
scrollbar_y.place(x=760, y=380,relheight=0.25)
scrollbar_y.place(x=1130, y=638,relheight=0.21)
# scrollbar_x = tk.Scrollbar(self.init_window_name, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)
# scrollbar_x.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X)
self.under_label = tk.Label(self.init_window_name, text='数据传输: ', font=('蔚然雅黑', 12, 'bold'))
self.under_label = tk.Label(self.init_window_name, text='数据传输进度: ', font=('蔚然雅黑', 12, 'bold'))
# self.under_label.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, anchor=tk.SW)
self.under_label.place(x=10, y=375)
# self.under_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=82, height=8)
self.under_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=65, height=8)
self.under_label.place(x=20, y=638)
self.under_text = tk.Text(self.init_window_name, width=123, height=10)
# self.under_text.place(x=140, y=638, relheight=1)
self.under_text.place(x=100, y=375)
self.under_text.place(x=140, y=638)
self.under_text.configure(font=("TkDefaultFont", 12))
@ -363,19 +247,10 @@ class Main_Gui():
if __name__ == '__main__':
init_Windows = tk.Tk() # 创建一个父窗口
img_host = PhotoImage(file='/data/workspace/myshixun/images/主机_2.png')
img_router = PhotoImage(file='/data/workspace/myshixun/images/路由器_2.png')
img_envelop = PhotoImage(file='/data/workspace/myshixun/images/信封_2.png')
img_detail = PhotoImage(file='/data/workspace/myshixun/images/详情头_2.png')
# img_host = PhotoImage(file='../images/主机_2.png')
# img_router = PhotoImage(file='../images/路由器_2.png')
# img_envelop = PhotoImage(file='../images/信封_2.png')
# img_detail = PhotoImage(file='../images/详情头_2.png')
img_host = PhotoImage(file='./images/主机_1.png')
img_router = PhotoImage(file='./images/路由器_1.png')
img_envelop = PhotoImage(file='./images/信封_1.png')
img_detail = PhotoImage(file='./images/详情头_1.png')
Gui = Main_Gui(init_Windows)

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import socket
import struct
def format_mac_address(mac_bytes):
Format a MAC address from bytes to a human-readable string.
mac_bytes (bytes): The MAC address in bytes format.
str: The MAC address in human-readable format.
mac_str = mac_bytes.hex()
mac_formatted = ':'.join(mac_str[i:i+2] for i in range(0, 12, 2))
return mac_formatted
class AgreementUtil():
def create_udp_packet(data, dest_port, src_port):
bytes: `UDP数据包`.
# UDP header fields
udp_header = struct.pack('!HHHH', src_port, dest_port, 8 + len(data), 0) # Length includes header length
return udp_header + data.encode()
def create_ip_packet(udp_packet, dest_ip, src_ip):
bytes: IP数据包
# IP header fields
version = 4
ihl = 5 # Internet Header Length
type_of_service = 0
total_length = 20 + len(udp_packet) # 20 bytes IP header + UDP packet length
identification = 54321
flags = 0 # Don't fragment
fragment_offset = 0
ttl = 64 # Time to live
protocol = 17 # UDP
checksum = 0 # For simplicity, set to 0
source_ip = socket.inet_aton(src_ip)
dest_ip = socket.inet_aton(dest_ip)
# IP数据包头部字段
ip_header = struct.pack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s',
(version << 4) + ihl, type_of_service, total_length,
identification, (flags << 13) + fragment_offset,
ttl, protocol, checksum, source_ip, dest_ip)
return ip_header + udp_packet
def create_ethernet_frame(ip_packet, dest_mac, src_mac):
bytes: 以太网帧数据包
# Convert MAC addresses from string format to bytes
dest_mac_bytes = bytes.fromhex(dest_mac.replace(':', ''))
src_mac_bytes = bytes.fromhex(src_mac.replace(':', ''))
# Ethernet type for IP (0x0800)
ethernet_type = 0x0800
# Pack Ethernet frame fields
ethernet_frame = struct.pack('!6s6sH', dest_mac_bytes, src_mac_bytes, ethernet_type)
return ethernet_frame + ip_packet
def parse_ethernet_frame(frame):
Returns: 发送端MAC接收端MAC以太网类型IP数据包
dest_mac, src_mac, ethertype = struct.unpack('!6s6sH', frame[:14])
payload = frame[14:]
return format_mac_address(src_mac), format_mac_address(dest_mac), ethertype, payload
def parse_ip_packet(packet):
解析 IP 数据包
Returns: 发送端IP接收端IP协议UDP数据包
version_ihl, type_of_service, total_length, identification, flags_fragment_offset, \
ttl, protocol, checksum, source_ip, dest_ip = struct.unpack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s', packet[:20])
payload = packet[20:]
return socket.inet_ntoa(source_ip), socket.inet_ntoa(dest_ip), protocol, payload
def parse_udp_packet(packet):
tuple: 发送主机端口接收主机端口数据
src_port, dest_port, length, checksum = struct.unpack('!HHHH', packet[:8])
data = packet[8:]
return src_port, dest_port, data.decode()

@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
import ipaddress
import sys
import threading
from tkinter import filedialog
from SimUtil import *
from SimObjs import SimPacket, SimHost, AllSimConnect, SimRouter, SimSwitch, SimHub, SimBase
from dbUtil import search, execute_sql, delete_obj, truncate_db
from PIL import Image as imim
from packet import *
class Message(Canvas):
def __init__(self, master, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, **kwargs)
self.message = []
self.master = master
self.scrollbar_y = tk.Scrollbar(master, orient="vertical", command=self.yview)
self.scrollbar_y.pack(side="right", fill=BOTH)
self.scrollbar_x = tk.Scrollbar(master, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=self.xview)
self.scrollbar_x.pack(side="bottom", fill=BOTH)
self.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar_y.set, xscrollcommand=self.scrollbar_x.set)
def show_message(self, message, color="#5fa8fe"):
for mes in message.split("\n"):
self.message.append({"message": mes, "color": color})
num = 0
for function in self.message:
self.create_text(20, 25 * num + 10, anchor="nw", text=function["message"], font=("", 15),
fill=function["color"], tags="message")
num += 1
self.scrollbar_y.set(1.0, 1.0)
class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
def __init__(self, master, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, **kwargs)
self.master = master
self.router_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/路由器@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.switch_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/交换机@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.hub_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/集线器@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.host_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/主机@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.width = int(self.cget("width"))
self.height = int(self.cget("height"))
self.canvas_size = [150, 0, int(self.width * 0.8), int(self.height * 0.8)]
self.label_top_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imim.open("../datas/images/右上框@2x.png").resize((int(self.width - self.width * 0.85), int(self.canvas_size[3] * 0.4))))
self.label_bottom_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imim.open("../datas/images/右下框@2x.png").resize((int(self.width - self.width * 0.85), int(self.canvas_size[3] * 0.45))))
self.message_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/日志消息展示框@2x.png").resize((self.width - 60, self.height - self.canvas_size[3] - 30))
self.text_back_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open("../images/文字背景@3x.png").resize((155, 90))
message_frame = Frame(self, width=self.width - 60, height=self.height - self.canvas_size[3] - 30)
message_frame.place(x=15, y=self.canvas_size[3] + 15, anchor=NW)
self.message = Message(message_frame, width=self.width - 60, height=self.height - self.canvas_size[3] - 30)
self.filename = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imim.open("../datas/images/背景@2x.png").resize((self.width, self.canvas_size[3])))
self.create_image(0, 0, image=self.filename, anchor=NW)
self.chose = self.host_img
self.AllSimObjs = {}
self.conns = []
self.drawLine = True # 画线标志
self.line_start_obj = None
self.line_end_obj = None
self.line_start_ifs = None
self.line_end_ifs = None
self.chose_obj = None
self.show_label_flag = True
self.show_interface_flag = True
self.trans_obj = set()
def is_chose(self):
self.create_rectangle(self.chose_obj.ObjX - 35, self.chose_obj.ObjY - 35, self.chose_obj.ObjX + 15,
self.chose_obj.ObjY + 15, outline="red", tags="rectangle")
def reload_data(self):
# todo: 加载上一次程序运行的数据
self.AllSimObjs = {}
self.conns = []
sim_obj_sql = "select * from sim_objs"
sim_obj_data = search(sim_obj_sql)
for index, row in sim_obj_data.iterrows(): # 初始化组件对象
sim_type = row["ObjType"]
ObjX = row["ObjX"]
ObjY = row["ObjY"]
ConfigCorrect = row["ConfigCorrect"]
ObjLable = row["ObjLabel"]
ObjID = row["ObjID"]
if sim_type == 1:
tag = SimHost(self, ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ConfigCorrect, ObjLable)
elif sim_type == 2:
tag = SimRouter(self, ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ConfigCorrect, ObjLable)
elif sim_type == 3:
tag = SimSwitch(self, ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ConfigCorrect, ObjLable)
tag = SimHub(self, ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ConfigCorrect, ObjLable)
self.AllSimObjs[tag.ObjID] = tag
sim_conn_sql = "select s.conn_id, ConfigCorrect, node_id, node_ifs from sim_conn s join conn_config c on s.conn_id=c.conn_id"
sim_conn_data = search(sim_conn_sql)
conn_datas = {}
for index, conn in sim_conn_data.iterrows():
if (conn["conn_id"], conn["ConfigCorrect"]) not in conn_datas:
conn_datas[(conn["conn_id"], conn["ConfigCorrect"])] = [(conn["node_id"], conn["node_ifs"])]
conn_datas[(conn["conn_id"], conn["ConfigCorrect"])].append((conn["node_id"], conn["node_ifs"]))
for key, value in conn_datas.items():
conn_obj = AllSimConnect(self, self.AllSimObjs[value[0][0]], value[0][1],
self.AllSimObjs[value[1][0]], value[1][1], key[1])
self.AllSimObjs[value[0][0]].connections[value[0][1] - 1] = conn_obj # 将连接对象传入组件对象
self.AllSimObjs[value[1][0]].connections[value[1][1] - 1] = conn_obj
conn_obj.ConfigCorrect = key[1]
def show_obj(self, AllSimObj, conns):
self.AllSimObjs = AllSimObj
self.conns = conns
for key, sim_obj in self.AllSimObjs.items():
for conn in self.conns:
def send_packet(self):
hosts = {}
for key, tag in self.AllSimObjs.items():
if tag.ObjType == 1 and tag.ConfigCorrect == 1:
hosts[tag.ObjLabel] = tag.ObjID
child2 = tk.Toplevel()
child2.grab_set() # 设置组件焦点抓取。使焦点在释放之前永远保持在这个组件上,只能在这个组件上操作
tk.Label(child2, text='发送主机:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w', pady=10)
send_host = StringVar()
host_combobox = ttk.Combobox(
master=child2, # 父容器
height=5, # 高度,下拉显示的条目数量
width=18, # 宽度
state='readonly', # readonly(只可选)
font=('', 16), # 字体
textvariable=send_host, # 通过StringVar设置可改变的值
values=list(hosts.keys()), # 设置下拉框的选项
host_combobox.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=10)
tk.Label(child2, text='接收主机:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w', pady=10) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
receive_host = StringVar()
master=child2, # 父容器
height=5, # 高度,下拉显示的条目数量
width=18, # 宽度
state='readonly', # readonly(只可选)
font=('', 16), # 字体
textvariable=receive_host, # 通过StringVar设置可改变的值
values=list(hosts.keys()), # 设置下拉框的选项
).grid(row=1, column=1, pady=10)
tk.Label(child2, text='数据大小(kb):', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w',
pady=10) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_size = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_size.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=10)
tk.Label(child2, text='数据标签:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='w',
pady=10) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_label = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_label.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=10)
def send():
if send_host.get() == "" or receive_host.get() == "" or packet_size.get() == "" or packet_label.get() == "":
messagebox.showerror("注意", message="信息不能为空")
if send_host.get() == receive_host.get():
messagebox.showerror("注意", message="发送主机和接收主机不能相同!")
send_message = """发送主机:{}\n\nIP地址{}\n\nMac地址{}\n\n发送数据包大小:{}\n\n已发送数据数量:{}\n\n需要发送的数据包总数:{}"""
receive_message = """接收主机:{}\n\nIP地址{}\n\nMac地址{}\n\n发送数据包大小:{}\n\n已接收数据数量:{}\n\n需要发送的数据包总数:{}"""
send_host_obj = self.AllSimObjs[hosts[send_host.get()]]
receive_host_obj = self.AllSimObjs[hosts[receive_host.get()]]
pack_label = packet_label.get()
pack_size = packet_size.get()
count = split_appdata(int(pack_size))
message=send_message.format(send_host_obj.ObjLabel, send_host_obj.interface[0]["ip"],
send_host_obj.interface[0]["mac"], pack_size, 0, count))
self.show_bottom_message(receive_host_obj, message=receive_message.format(receive_host_obj.ObjLabel,
"mac"], pack_size, 0, count))
for obj in self.trans_obj:
self.delete(obj.ObjID + "detail_button")
self.delete(obj.ObjID + "detail")
self.unbind(obj.ObjID, "<Button-1>")
send_host_obj.create_packet(receive_host_obj, pack_label, pack_size)
tk.Button(child2, text='开启模拟', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=send).grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='e', pady=10)
tk.Button(child2, text='取消', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=child2.destroy).grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='e', pady=10)
# 建立画出对象详情的函数
def draw_detail(self, obj):
# 判断type对象来画出详情表
if obj.ObjType == 1: # 当type对象为1 画出主机详情图
app_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
trans_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
ip_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
mac_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
elif obj.ObjType == 2:
app_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
trans_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
ip_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
mac_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
elif obj.ObjType == 3:
app_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
trans_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
ip_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
mac_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
app_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
trans_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
ip_color = ("#D3D3D3", "#D3D3D3")
mac_color = ("#94D050", '#00B0F0')
frist_x = obj.ObjX # 获取frist_x
frist_y = obj.ObjY # 获取frist_y
# 这里缺少一个删除其他详情的步骤
# 画出连接详情表的线
tag_id = obj.ObjID + "detail"
if len(self.gettags(tag_id)) > 0:
self.create_line((frist_x + 40, frist_y - 20), (frist_x + 80, frist_y - 20),
(frist_x + 90, frist_y - 60),
fill='#50abf8', tags=tag_id, width=2)
# 画出详情表
self.create_image(frist_x + 50, frist_y - 140, image=self.text_back_img, anchor=NW, tags=tag_id)
# 画出相应的绿条数据
self.create_text(frist_x + 70, frist_y - 130, text='应用层', tags=tag_id)
self.create_text(frist_x + 70, frist_y - 107, text='传输层', tags=tag_id)
self.create_text(frist_x + 70, frist_y - 84, text='IP 层', tags=tag_id)
self.create_text(frist_x + 70, frist_y - 62, text='链路层', tags=tag_id)
# 画出 右侧绿色和蓝色的类进度条
# 应用层
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 197, frist_y - 135, frist_x + 170, frist_y - 120, fill=app_color[0],
outline=app_color[0], tags=tag_id)
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 168, frist_y - 135, frist_x + 148, frist_y - 120, fill=app_color[1],
outline=app_color[1], tags=tag_id)
# 传输层
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 197, frist_y - 115, frist_x + 160, frist_y - 100,
outline=trans_color[0], tags=tag_id)
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 158, frist_y - 115, frist_x + 133, frist_y - 100,
outline=trans_color[1], tags=tag_id)
# IP 层
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 197, frist_y - 93, frist_x + 150, frist_y - 78, fill=ip_color[0],
outline=ip_color[0], tags=tag_id)
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 148, frist_y - 93, frist_x + 118, frist_y - 78, fill=ip_color[1],
outline=ip_color[1], tags=tag_id)
# 链路层
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 197, frist_y - 70, frist_x + 133, frist_y - 55, fill=mac_color[0],
outline=mac_color[0], tags=tag_id)
self.create_rectangle(frist_x + 131, frist_y - 70, frist_x + 98, frist_y - 55, fill=mac_color[1],
outline=mac_color[1], tags=tag_id)
def trans_over(self, objs):
self.trans_obj = objs
for obj in objs:
self.tag_bind(obj.ObjID, "<Button-1>", lambda event, obj=obj: self.draw_detail(obj)) # 绑定右击事件
obj.is_packet = False
obj.is_un_packet = False
def clear_canvas(self):
ask = messagebox.askquestion(title='确认操作', message='确认要清除画布吗?')
if ask == "no":
truncate_db() # 清除数据库
for tag_id, tag in self.AllSimObjs.items():
self.delete(tag_id + "text")
for conn in self.conns:
def export_data(self):
export = ExportUtil(sys.path[0] + "/database.xlsx")
self.message.show_message("文件导出成功!文件位置在{}".format(sys.path[0] + "/database.xlsx"))
except Exception as E:
self.message.show_message(str(E), color="red")
def import_data(self):
for tag_id, tag in self.AllSimObjs.items():
self.delete(tag_id + "text")
for conn in self.conns:
file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
if file_path:
export = ExportUtil(file_path)
def show_top_message(self, obj, message):
# todo: 显示网络配置信息
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, 80, text="(" + obj.ObjLabel + ")", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold'),
fill="#7030a0", tags="netSet")
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 20, 80 + 25, text=message,
anchor="nw", font=('宋体', 14), tags="netSet")
def show_bottom_message(self, obj, message):
# todo: 显示路由表交换表信息
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, self.canvas_size[3] / 2 + 50, text="(" + obj.ObjLabel + ")", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold'),
fill="#7030a0", tags="routerSet")
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 20, self.canvas_size[3] / 2 + 50 + 25, text=message,
anchor="nw", font=('宋体', 14), tags="routerSet")
def create_config_button(self):
# 创建一个菜单栏,这里我们可以把他理解成一个容器,在窗口的上方
menubar = tk.Menu(root)
# 定义一个空菜单单元
setMenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
menubar.add_cascade(label='发送数据包', menu=setMenu)
setMenu.add_command(label='发送数据包', command=self.send_packet)
menubar.add_command(label='清除屏幕', command=self.clear_canvas)
menubar.add_command(label='导出数据', command=self.export_data)
menubar.add_command(label='导入数据', command=self.import_data)
def create_widget(self):
# todo: 创建页面
self.create_rectangle(self.canvas_size[0], self.canvas_size[1], self.canvas_size[2], self.canvas_size[3], outline="#7f6000", width=0) # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_image(self.width * 0.82, 30, image=self.label_top_img, anchor=NW) # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, 30 + 15, text="发送主机详情", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold'))
self.create_image(self.width * 0.82, self.canvas_size[3] / 2, image=self.label_bottom_img, anchor=NW) # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
# round_rectangle(self, self.width * 0.82, self.canvas_size[3] / 2, self.width * 0.98, self.canvas_size[3] - 30, outline="#ffff00", width=2, fill="#f4b88e") # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, self.canvas_size[3] / 2 + 15, text="接收主机详情", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold'))
# 显示左边的固定图片
img_height, text_height, split_width = 50, 40, 120
self.create_text(text_height, split_width + 40, text="路由器", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
self.create_image(img_height, split_width, image=self.router_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(text_height, split_width * 2 + 40, text="交换机", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
self.create_image(img_height, split_width * 2, image=self.switch_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(text_height, split_width * 3 + 40, text="集线器", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
self.create_image(img_height, split_width * 3, image=self.hub_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(text_height, split_width * 4 + 40, text="主机", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
self.create_image(img_height, split_width * 4, image=self.host_img, anchor="nw")
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Window()
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() # winfo方法来获取当前电脑屏幕大小
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
root_attr = {
"width": screen_width * 0.83,
"height": screen_height * 0.85,
size = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (root_attr['width'], root_attr['height'], (screen_width - root_attr['width']) / 2,
(screen_height - root_attr['height']) / 2 - 30)
canvas = NetWorkAnalog(root, width=root_attr['width'], heigh=root_attr['height'], bg="white")
canvas.place(x=0, y=0, anchor='nw')

@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
import math
import sys
import threading
from time import sleep
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter import messagebox
from ttkbootstrap import *
from uuid import uuid4
import ipaddress
import time
from PIL import ImageTk, Image, ImageFont
from dbUtil import search
from packet import *
pause_event = threading.Event()
class SimBase():
# todo: 组件父类
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, id, config=None, label=None):
self.ConfigCorrect = 0 if config is None else config # 是否进行配置
self.ObjType = None # 组件类型 1->主机2->路由器3->交换机4->集线器
self.ObjLabel = ""
self.ObjID = id
self.ObjX = x
self.ObjY = y
self.canvas = canvas
self.is_packet = False
self.is_un_packet = False
self.host_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/主机@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.host_img_tm = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/主机--暗色@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.router_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/路由器@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.router_img_tm = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/路由器--暗色@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.switch_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/交换机@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.switch_img_tm = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/交换机--暗色@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.hub_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/集线器@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.hub_img_tm = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/集线器--暗色@2x.png").resize((40, 40)))
self.img = None
self.img_tm = None
self.interface = [{}, {}, {}, {}]
self.connections = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
self.packet_window = None
def set_default_name(self):
data_frame = search(f"select objid from sim_objs where objType={self.ObjType}")
num = data_frame.size + 1
if isinstance(self, SimHost):
name = "SHO%d" % num
elif isinstance(self, SimRouter):
name = "SRO%d" % num
elif isinstance(self, SimSwitch):
name = "SWI%d" % num
name = "SHUB%d" % num
return name
def create_img(self):
if self.ObjType == 1:
self.img = self.host_img
self.img_tm = self.host_img_tm
elif self.ObjType == 2:
self.img = self.router_img
self.img_tm = self.router_img_tm
elif self.ObjType == 3:
self.img = self.switch_img
self.img_tm = self.switch_img_tm
self.img = self.hub_img
self.img_tm = self.hub_img_tm
id = self.canvas.create_image(self.ObjX - 30, self.ObjY - 30,
image=self.img if self.ConfigCorrect == 1 else self.img_tm, anchor="nw",
self.canvas.dtag("L", "L")
self.canvas.create_text(self.ObjX - 20, self.ObjY - 60, text=self.ObjLabel, font=("", 16, "bold"),
fill="#9b78eb", tags=self.ObjID + "text", anchor="nw")
if self.ObjType == 1:
self.canvas.create_text(self.ObjX - 45, self.ObjY + 15, text=self.interface[0]["ip"]if len(self.interface) > 0 else "", font=("", 16, "bold"),
fill="#9b78eb", tags=self.ObjID + "text", anchor="nw")
self.canvas.create_text(self.ObjX - 45, self.ObjY + 35, text=self.interface[0]["mac"]if len(self.interface) > 0 else "", font=("", 16, "bold"),
fill="#9b78eb", tags=self.ObjID + "text", anchor="nw")
self.canvas.create_text(self.ObjX - 45, self.ObjY + 55, text=self.interface[0]["addr"]if len(self.interface) > 0 else "", font=("", 16, "bold"),
fill="#9b78eb", tags=self.ObjID + "text", anchor="nw")
def set_default_config(self):
sql = f"select * from conn_config where node_id='{self.ObjID}'"
conn_data = search(sql)
for index, conn in conn_data.iterrows():
self.interface[int(conn["node_ifs"]) - 1] = {"ip": conn["ip"],
"mac": conn["mac"],
"conn_port": conn["conn_port"],
"addr": conn["addr"]}
def get_config(self):
sql = f"select * from conn_config where node_id='{self.ObjID}'"
conn_data = search(sql)
return conn_data
def transfer_animate(self, status, packet, packet_size, error_message=None):
if status:
text = f"消息大小: {packet_size}\n" \
f"消息内容: {packet}"
self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.ObjX + 30, self.ObjY - 30, self.ObjX + 160, self.ObjY + 20,
width=3, fill="#92d050", tags=self.ObjID + "packetData")
self.canvas.create_text(self.ObjX + 35, self.ObjY - 25, text=text, anchor="nw",
font=('', 10), tags=self.ObjID + "packetData") # 显示文字
self.canvas.delete(self.ObjID + "packetData") # 删除展示的数据包内容
text = f"传输失败\n" if error_message is None else error_message
self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.ObjX + 30, self.ObjY - 30, self.ObjX + 160, self.ObjY, outline="red",
width=3, fill="red", tags=self.ObjID + "packetData")
self.canvas.create_text(self.ObjX + 35, self.ObjY - 25, text=text, anchor="nw",
font=('', 10), tags=self.ObjID + "packetData") # 显示文字
self.canvas.delete(self.ObjID + "packetData") # 删除展示的数据包内容
def create_detail_button(self):
frist_x = self.ObjX # 获取frist_x
frist_y = self.ObjY # 获取frist_y
tag_id = self.ObjID + "detail_button"
self.canvas.create_rectangle(frist_x + 10, frist_y - 25, frist_x + 40, frist_y - 15, fill="#f0a732",
outline="#47b2ff",width=2, tags=tag_id)
def __str__(self):
str = ""
config = self.get_config()
for index, data in config.iterrows():
str += f"【接口{data['node_ifs']}\n"
str += f"IP: {data['ip']}\n"
str += f"MAC: {data['mac']}\n"
return str
class SimPacket():
# todo: 数据包类
def __init__(self, source_ip, source_mac, destination_ip, destination_mac, message, label, size, sendObj, receiveObj):
:param source_mac: 源主机mac地址
:param source_ip: 源主机ip地址
:param destination_mac: 目的主机mac地址
:param destination_ip: 目的主机ip地址
:param message: 数据
self.source_mac = source_mac
self.source_ip = source_ip
self.sendObj = sendObj
self.receiveObj = receiveObj
self.destination_mac = destination_mac
self.destination_ip = destination_ip
self.message = message
self.label = label
self.size = size
self.up_jump = None # 上一跳连接对象
self.objs = set()
self.img = None
self.id = str(uuid4())
def process_img(self):
img = Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/packet.png").resize((30, 30))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", size=16)
text_width, text_height = draw.textsize(str(self.label), font=font)
# 计算文本在右上角的位置
x = img.width - text_width - 10 # 右上角距离右边缘10像素
y = 10 # 距离上边缘10像素
# 绘制文本
draw.text((x, y), str(self.label), font=font, fill=(255, 0, 0)) # 红色字体
self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
def move(self, id, cv, target_x, target_y, duration):
start_x, start_y = cv.coords(id)
distance_x = target_x - start_x
distance_y = target_y - start_y
steps = duration // 10 # 以10毫秒为间隔进行移动
step_x = distance_x / steps
step_y = distance_y / steps
self._move_step(id, cv, start_x, start_y, target_x, target_y, step_x, step_y, steps)
def _move_step(self,id, cv, start_x, start_y, target_x, target_y, step_x, step_y, steps):
if pause_event.is_set():
new_x = start_x + step_x
new_y = start_y + step_y
self._move_step(id, cv, new_x, new_y, target_x, target_y, step_x, step_y, steps)
if steps > 0:
new_x = start_x + step_x
new_y = start_y + step_y
cv.coords(id, new_x, new_y)
cv.update() # 更新画布显示
sleep(0.01) # 添加延迟以控制动画速度
self._move_step(id, cv, new_x, new_y, target_x, target_y, step_x, step_y, steps - 1)
cv.coords(id, target_x, target_y)
def transfer_packet(self, cv: Canvas, nodex_tag: SimBase, nodey_tag: SimBase):
cv.create_image(nodex_tag.ObjX - 15, nodex_tag.ObjY - 15, image=self.img, anchor="nw", tags=self.id)
self.move(self.id, cv, nodey_tag.ObjX - 15, nodey_tag.ObjY - 15, 500)
class AllSimConnect():
# todo: 连接类
def __init__(self, canvas, nodex: SimBase, nodex_ifs, nodey: SimBase, nodey_ifs, config=None):
:param nodex: 节点
:param nodex_ifs: 节点接口
:param nodey: 节点
:param nodey_ifs: 节点接口
self.canvas = canvas
self.ConfigCorrect = 0 if config is None else config
self.NobjS = nodex
self.NobjE = nodey
self.IfsS = nodex_ifs
self.IfsE = nodey_ifs
self.width = False if self.ConfigCorrect == 0 else True # 线的粗细
def transfer(self, source_node, packet: SimPacket):
:param packet: 数据包
if source_node == self.NobjS:
packet.transfer_packet(self.canvas, self.NobjS, self.NobjE)
packet.transfer_packet(self.canvas, self.NobjE, self.NobjS)
def draw_line(self):
if self.width:
line = self.canvas.create_line(self.NobjS.ObjX, self.NobjS.ObjY, self.NobjE.ObjX, self.NobjE.ObjY,
width=2, fill="#c372f0", tags=self.NobjS.ObjID + self.NobjE.ObjID + "line")
line = self.canvas.create_line(self.NobjS.ObjX, self.NobjS.ObjY, self.NobjE.ObjX, self.NobjE.ObjY,
width=2, dash=(250, 4), fill="#c372f0",
tags=self.NobjS.ObjID + self.NobjE.ObjID + "line")
self.canvas.tag_lower(line, 2)
class SimHost(SimBase):
# todo: 主机类
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, id=None, config=None, label=None):
self.ObjID = str(uuid4()) if id is None else id
super().__init__(canvas, x, y, self.ObjID, config, label)
self.ObjType = 1
self.ObjLabel = label if label is not None else self.set_default_name()
self.interface = [{}]
self.connections = [None]
def packet_ok(self, receiveObj, label, size):
count = split_appdata(int(size))
for i in range(2, count + 1):
pack = SimPacket(self.interface[0]["ip"], self.interface[0]["mac"],
receiveObj.interface[0]["ip"], receiveObj.interface[0]["mac"], label, i, size, self,
threading.Timer(1 * (i - 1), function=self.send, args=(pack,), ).start()
def create_packet(self, receiveObj, label, size):
:param receiveObj: 目的主机对象
:param message: 消息
def send(message):
pack = SimPacket(self.interface[0]["ip"], self.interface[0]["mac"],
receiveObj.interface[0]["ip"], receiveObj.interface[0]["mac"], message, 1, size, self,
message = """发送主机:{}\n\nIP地址{}\n\nMac地址{}\n\n发送数据包大小:{}\n\n已发送数据数量:{}\n\n需要发送的数据包总数:{}"""
self.packet_window = PacketWindow(self.canvas, packet={"packet": True,
"size": int(size),
"sendObj": self,
"receiveObj": receiveObj,
"tag": label,
"send": send,
"mode": [{"app": True},{"trans": True},{"ip": True},{"mac": True}]})
self.packet_window.title("{} 封包".format(self.ObjLabel))
def send(self, packet):
:param packet:
connection: AllSimConnect = self.connections[0]
print(f"数据包从 {self.ObjLabel} 发出")
packet.up_jump = connection
connection.transfer(self, packet)
def receive(self, packet: SimPacket):
:param packet: 数据包
data = ""
def receive(message):
data = message
self.is_un_packet = True
packet.sendObj.packet_ok(self, data, int(packet.size))
if not self.is_un_packet:
PacketWindow(self.canvas, {"packet": False,
"size": None,
"sendObj": packet.sendObj,
"receiveObj": self,
"tag": packet.message,
"send": receive,
"mode": [{"app": True},{"trans": True},{"ip": True},{"mac": True}]}, packet_step=["app", "trans", "ip", "mac"][::-1])
size = int(packet.size)
message = """接收主机:{}\n\nIP地址{}\n\nMac地址{}\n\n发送数据包大小:{}\n\n已接收数据数量:{}\n\n需要发送的数据包总数:{}"""
self.canvas.show_bottom_message(self, message=message.format(self.ObjLabel, self.interface[0]["ip"],
size, packet.label, split_appdata(size)))
if split_appdata(size) == packet.label:
if packet.destination_ip == self.interface[0]["ip"]:
self.transfer_animate(True, packet.message, size)
self.transfer_animate(False, data, size)
def __str__(self):
str = ""
config = self.get_config()
for index, data in config.iterrows():
str += f"【接口{data['node_ifs']}\n"
str += f"AppAddr: /Root\n"
str += f"PORT: {data['conn_port']}\n"
str += f"IP: {data['ip']}\n"
str += f"MAC: {data['mac']}\n"
return str
class SimRouter(SimBase):
# todo: 路由类
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, id=None, config=None, label=None, *args):
self.ObjID = str(uuid4()) if id is None else id
super().__init__(canvas, x, y, self.ObjID, config, label)
self.ObjType = 2
self.ObjLabel = label if label is not None else self.set_default_name()
self.router_table = {}
def set_default_router_table(self):
sql = f"select * from router_table where obj_id='{self.ObjID}'"
router_tables = search(sql)
for index, router_table in router_tables.iterrows():
if router_table["node_ifs"] in self.router_table:
self.router_table[router_table["node_ifs"]] = [router_table["segment"]]
def check_destination_ip(self, destination_ip, network):
:param destination_ip: 目标ip
:param network: 网段
ip = ipaddress.ip_address(destination_ip)
network = ipaddress.ip_network(network)
if ip in network:
return True
if network == "": # 如果网段为 则为默认路由
return True
def transmit(self, packet: SimPacket):
def transfer():
flag = False
next_hop_ifs = None
for conn in self.connections:
if isinstance(conn, AllSimConnect):
if conn.ConfigCorrect == 0:
if conn == packet.up_jump:
ifs = self.connections.index(conn) + 1
if self.router_table.get(ifs) is None:
for network in self.router_table.get(ifs):
if self.check_destination_ip(packet.destination_ip, network):
flag = True
next_hop_ifs = ifs
if flag:
conn = self.connections[next_hop_ifs - 1]
packet.up_jump = conn
conn.transfer(self, packet)
for conn in self.connections:
if isinstance(conn, AllSimConnect):
if conn == packet.up_jump:
if conn.NobjS != self:
if conn.NobjE.ObjType == 1:
conn.transfer(self, packet)
error_message = "路由寻址失败"
self.transfer_animate(False, packet, error_message)
def receive(message):
packet.message = message
self.is_packet = True
if not self.is_packet:
PacketWindow(self.canvas, {"packet": True,
"size": None,
"sendObj": packet.sendObj,
"receiveObj": packet.receiveObj,
"tag": packet.message,
"send": receive,
"mode": [{"app": False}, {"trans": False}, {"ip": True}, {"mac": True}]},
packet_step=["ip", "mac"])
def receive(self, packet):
:param packet: 数据包
def receive(message):
self.is_un_packet = True
packet.message = message
if not self.is_un_packet:
PacketWindow(self.canvas, {"packet": False,
"size": None,
"sendObj": packet.sendObj,
"receiveObj": packet.receiveObj,
"tag": packet.message,
"send": receive,
"mode": [{"app": False}, {"trans": False}, {"ip": True}, {"mac": True}]},
packet_step=["ip", "mac"][::-1])
class SimSwitch(SimBase):
# todo: 交换机类
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, id=None, config=None, label=None, *args):
self.ObjID = str(uuid4()) if id is None else id
super().__init__(canvas, x, y, self.ObjID, config, label)
self.ObjType = 3
self.ObjLabel = label if label is not None else self.set_default_name()
self.mac_table = {}
def set_default_mac_table(self):
sql = f"select * from mac_table where obj_id='{self.ObjID}'"
router_tables = search(sql)
for index, router_table in router_tables.iterrows():
if router_table["node_ifs"] in self.mac_table:
self.mac_table[router_table["node_ifs"]] = [router_table["mac"]]
def transmit(self, packet: SimPacket):
flag = False
next_hub_ifs = None
for conn in self.connections:
if isinstance(conn, AllSimConnect):
if conn.ConfigCorrect == 0:
ifs = self.connections.index(conn) + 1
if packet.destination_mac in self.mac_table.get(ifs, []):
flag = True
next_hub_ifs = ifs
if flag:
conn = self.connections[next_hub_ifs - 1]
packet.up_jump = conn
conn.transfer(self, packet)
for conn in self.connections: # 将数据包往所有接口进行转发
if isinstance(conn, AllSimConnect):
if conn == packet.up_jump:
if conn.ConfigCorrect == 0:
new_packet = SimPacket(packet.source_ip,
new_packet.up_jump = conn
threading.Thread(target=conn.transfer, args=(self, new_packet)).start()
def receive(self, packet: SimPacket):
:param packet: 数据包
class SimHub(SimBase):
def __init__(self, canvas, x, y, id=None, config=None, label=None, *args):
self.ObjID = str(uuid4()) if id is None else id
super().__init__(canvas, x, y, self.ObjID, config, label)
self.ObjType = 4
self.ObjLabel = label if label is not None else self.set_default_name()
def transmit(self, packet: SimPacket):
for conn in self.connections: # 将数据包往所有接口进行转发
if isinstance(conn, AllSimConnect):
if conn == packet.up_jump:
if conn.ConfigCorrect == 0:
new_packet = SimPacket(packet.source_ip,
new_packet.up_jump = conn
threading.Thread(target=conn.transfer, args=(self, new_packet)).start()
def receive(self, packet: SimPacket):
:param packet: 数据包

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
import ipaddress
import re
import sqlite3
from tkinter import messagebox
import ttkbootstrap as tk
from ttkbootstrap import *
from ttkbootstrap import ttk
import pandas as pd
from SimObjs import SimRouter
def round_rectangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius=30, **kwargs):
:param cv: canvas对象
:param radius: 圆角值
points = [x1 + radius, y1,
x1 + radius, y1,
x2 - radius, y1,
x2 - radius, y1,
x2, y1,
x2, y1 + radius,
x2, y1 + radius,
x2, y2 - radius,
x2, y2 - radius,
x2, y2,
x2 - radius, y2,
x2 - radius, y2,
x1 + radius, y2,
x1 + radius, y2,
x1, y2,
x1, y2 - radius,
x1, y2 - radius,
x1, y1 + radius,
x1, y1 + radius,
x1, y1]
return cv.create_polygon(points, **kwargs, smooth=True)
def validate_ip_address(ip_address):
:param ip_address: IP地址
:return: Boolean
# 定义IP地址的正则表达式模式
pattern_with_subnet = r'^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/(\d{1,2})$'
pattern_without_subnet = r'^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$'
# 使用re模块进行匹配
match_with_subnet = re.match(pattern_with_subnet, ip_address)
match_without_subnet = re.match(pattern_without_subnet, ip_address)
if match_with_subnet:
# 带有子网掩码的IP地址
# 检查每个组件的取值范围是否在 0-255 之间
for group in match_with_subnet.groups()[:4]:
if not (0 <= int(group) <= 255):
return False
# 检查子网掩码的取值范围是否在 0-32 之间
subnet_mask = int(match_with_subnet.groups()[4])
if not (0 <= subnet_mask <= 32):
return False
return True
elif match_without_subnet:
# 不带子网掩码的IP地址
# 检查每个组件的取值范围是否在 0-255 之间
for group in match_without_subnet.groups():
if not (0 <= int(group) <= 255):
return False
return True
# IP地址格式不正确
return False
class ExportUtil():
def __init__(self, path):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect('./network.db')
self.path = path
def get_table_names(self):
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';") # 如果你使用SQLite数据库
tables = cursor.fetchall()
return [table[0] for table in tables]
def export(self):
tables = self.get_table_names()
with pd.ExcelWriter(self.path, engine='openpyxl') as writer:
for table in tables:
table_name = table
# a. 从数据库中获取表的数据并存储在DataFrame中
query = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}"
df = pd.read_sql(query, self.conn)
# b. 使用Pandas将数据写入Excel文件的不同sheet中
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=table_name, index=False)
def import_data(self):
excel_file = pd.ExcelFile(self.path)
sheet_names = excel_file.sheet_names
cursor = self.conn.cursor()
for sheet_name in sheet_names:
# 4. 使用 Pandas 读取工作表数据
df = pd.read_excel(excel_file, sheet_name=sheet_name)
# 5. 获取工作表的列名
columns = df.columns.tolist()
# 6. 构造插入语句
columns_str = ', '.join(columns)
placeholders = ', '.join(['?' for _ in range(len(columns))])
sql = f"INSERT INTO {sheet_name} ({columns_str}) VALUES ({placeholders})"
# 7. 将数据插入数据库
for index, row in df.iterrows():
# 8. 使用动态生成的 SQL 语句将数据插入数据库
cursor.execute(sql, tuple(row))
class RouterConfigWindow(tk.Toplevel):
def __init__(self, parent, router_obj):
self.router_obj = router_obj
self.interface_entries = []
self.router_table = {}
def create_interface_inputs(self):
label_text = ["接口1", "接口2", "接口3", "接口4"]
for i in range(4):
label = tk.Label(self, text=label_text[i], font=("黑体", 16))
label.grid(row=i, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="w")
entry = tk.Entry(self, width=20, font=("黑体", 16),)
entry.grid(row=i, column=1, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="w")
button = tk.Button(self, text="添加", font=("黑体", 16), command=lambda index=i: self.add_router_entry(index))
button.grid(row=i, column=2, padx=10, pady=5)
lab = LabelFrame(self, text="示例")
lab.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W, padx=20)
Label(lab, text=" 或者" if self.router_obj.ObjType == 2 else "MAC11", font=("黑体", 16)).pack()
def create_router_table(self):
def on_right_click(event):
row = self.router_treeview.identify_row(event.y) # 获取鼠标位置的行索引
if row:
self.router_treeview.selection_set(row) # 选中该行
delete_menu.post(event.x_root, event.y_root) # 在鼠标位置弹出删除菜单
def delete_row():
selected_items = self.router_treeview.selection() # 获取选中的行
for item in selected_items:
ifs, network = int(self.router_treeview.item(item)["values"][0][-1:]), self.router_treeview.item(item)["values"][1]
self.router_obj.delete_config(ifs, network)
self.router_table_frame = tk.Frame(self)
self.router_table_frame.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3, padx=10, pady=5)
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure("Custom.Treeview.Heading", font=("宋体", 15))
style.configure("Custom.Treeview", rowheight=30, font=("宋体", 15))
self.router_treeview = ttk.Treeview(self.router_table_frame, style="Custom.Treeview", columns=("Interface", "Route"), show="headings")
self.router_treeview.heading("Interface", text="接口")
self.router_treeview.heading("Route", text="网段")
self.router_treeview.pack(side="left", fill="both")
scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.router_table_frame, orient="vertical", command=self.router_treeview.yview)
scrollbar.pack(side="right", fill="y")
self.router_table = self.router_obj.router_table
self.router_treeview.bind("<Button-3>", on_right_click)
# 创建删除菜单
delete_menu = tk.Menu(self.master, tearoff=False)
delete_menu.add_command(label="删除", command=delete_row)
def add_router_entry(self, index):
entry_text = self.interface_entries[index].get()
if isinstance(self.router_obj, SimRouter):
if not validate_ip_address(entry_text):
messagebox.showerror("注意", message="添加的网段信息格式不合格")
self.interface_entries[index].delete(0, tk.END)
if entry_text:
if index + 1 in self.router_table:
self.router_table[index + 1].append(entry_text)
self.router_table[index + 1] = [entry_text]
self.interface_entries[index].delete(0, tk.END)
self.router_obj.add_config(entry_text, index + 1)
messagebox.showerror("注意", message="网段格式错误!网段示例如下:\n10.1.2.0/24\n10.1.2.12")
def update_router_table(self):
for i, entrys in self.router_table.items():
for entry in entrys:
self.router_treeview.insert("", "end", values=(f"接口{i}", entry))
class SwitchConfigWindow(RouterConfigWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, router_obj):
super().__init__(parent, router_obj)
self.router_obj = router_obj
self.interface_entries = []
self.router_table = {}
def create_router_table(self):
def on_right_click(event):
row = self.router_treeview.identify_row(event.y) # 获取鼠标位置的行索引
if row:
self.router_treeview.selection_set(row) # 选中该行
delete_menu.post(event.x_root, event.y_root) # 在鼠标位置弹出删除菜单
def delete_row():
selected_items = self.router_treeview.selection() # 获取选中的行
for item in selected_items:
ifs, network = int(self.router_treeview.item(item)["values"][0][-1:]), self.router_treeview.item(item)["values"][1]
self.router_obj.delete_config(ifs, network)
self.router_table_frame = tk.Frame(self)
self.router_table_frame.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3, padx=10, pady=5)
self.router_treeview = ttk.Treeview(self.router_table_frame, columns=("Interface", "Route"), show="headings")
self.router_treeview.heading("Interface", text="接口")
self.router_treeview.heading("Route", text="mac")
self.router_treeview.pack(side="left", fill="both")
scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar(self.router_table_frame, orient="vertical", command=self.router_treeview.yview)
scrollbar.pack(side="right", fill="y")
self.router_table = self.router_obj.mac_table
self.router_treeview.bind("<Button-3>", on_right_click)
# 创建删除菜单
delete_menu = tk.Menu(self.master, tearoff=False)
delete_menu.add_command(label="删除", command=delete_row)
def add_router_entry(self, index):
entry_text = self.interface_entries[index].get()
if isinstance(self.router_obj, SimRouter):
if not validate_ip_address(entry_text):
messagebox.showerror("注意", message="添加的网段信息格式不合格")
self.interface_entries[index].delete(0, tk.END)
if entry_text:
if index + 1 in self.router_table:
self.router_table[index + 1].append(entry_text)
self.router_table[index + 1] = [entry_text]
self.interface_entries[index].delete(0, tk.END)
self.router_obj.add_config(entry_text, index + 1)

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import sqlite3
import sys
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
conn = sqlite3.connect(sys.path[0]+"/network.db")
def execute_sql(sql):
:param sql:
cursor = conn.cursor()
def search(sql) -> DataFrame:
return pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
def delete_obj(obj_id):
cursor = conn.cursor()
delete_obj_sql = f"delete from sim_objs where ObjID='{obj_id}'"
delete_conn_sql = f"delete from sim_conn where conn_id in (select conn_id from conn_config where node_id='{obj_id}')"
def truncate_db():
def init_database():
cursor = conn.cursor()
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `conn_config`;
CREATE TABLE `conn_config` (
`conn_id` varchar(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`node_id` varchar(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`node_ifs` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ip` varchar(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`mac` varchar(128) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`conn_port` varchar(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`addr` varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CONSTRAINT `conn_config_sim_conn_conn_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`conn_id`) REFERENCES `sim_conn` (`conn_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
) ;
CREATE TABLE `mac_table` (
`obj_id` varchar(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`node_ifs` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`mac` varchar(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
) ;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `router_table`;
CREATE TABLE `router_table` (
`obj_id` varchar(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`node_ifs` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`segment` varchar(55) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CONSTRAINT `router_table_sim_objs_ObjID_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`obj_id`) REFERENCES `sim_objs` (`ObjID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
) ;
CREATE TABLE `sim_conn` (
`conn_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
`ConfigCorrect` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`conn_id`)
) ;
CREATE TABLE `sim_objs` (
`ObjID` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`ObjType` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ObjLabel` varchar(20) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`ConfigCorrect` int(0) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
) ;
if __name__ == '__main__':

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
import time
from SimObjs import *
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
from AgreementUtil import AgreementUtil
def create_label(canvas: Canvas, x, y, width, height, text, rect_color, font_color, tag):
canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + width, y + height, fill=rect_color, tags=tag)
canvas.create_text(x + width / 2, y + height / 2, text=text, fill=font_color, tags=tag)
return tag
class PacketWindow(Toplevel):
def __init__(self, master, packet, packet_step=["app", "trans", "ip", "mac"], *args, **kwargs):
packet{"packet": True, "mode": {"app": True, "trans": True, "ip": True, "mac": True}}
super().__init__(master, *args, **kwargs)
self.master = master
self.width = 300
self.height = 400
self.attributes("-topmost", True)
self.resizable(width=False, height=False)
self.packet_button_str = {"app": "应用层", "ip": "网络层", "mac": "链路层", "trans": "传输层"}
if not packet["packet"]:
packet["mode"] = packet["mode"][::-1] # True 为封包 False 为解包
self.packet_step = packet_step
self.step = 0
self.packet: dict[str: bool] = packet
self.sendObj: SimHost = packet["sendObj"]
self.receiveObj: SimHost = packet["receiveObj"]
self.packet_option = {"app": {"color": "#ff3b26", "command": self.app_packet if packet["packet"] else self.app_unpack},
"ip": {"color": "#00a2f2", "command": self.ip_packet if packet["packet"] else self.ip_unpack},
"mac": {"color": "#46707a", "command": self.mac_packet if packet["packet"] else self.mac_unpack},
"trans": {"color": "#710a00", "command": self.trans_packet if packet["packet"] else self.trans_unpack}}
self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=self.width, height=self.height)
self.canvas.place(x=0, y=0, anchor='nw')
self.packet_height, self.packet_init_width = 25, 100
self.background_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open("../datas/images/背景@2x.png").resize((self.width, self.height)))
self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=self.background_img, anchor=NW)
# self.packet_rect = create_label(self.canvas, int(self.width / 2) - self.packet_init_width / 2, 10, width=self.packet_init_width, height=self.packet_height, text=self.packet["tag"], rect_color="#dee1e6", font_color="black", tag="packet")
self.step_y = {}
self.message = packet["tag"]
def move_to(self, tag, target_x, target_y, speed=10):
# 获取当前位置
current_coords = self.canvas.coords(tag)
if len(current_coords) < 2:
return # 如果没有坐标,就退出函数
current_x, current_y = current_coords[0], current_coords[1]
# 计算移动方向
delta_x = (target_x if target_x else current_x) - current_x
delta_y = (target_y if target_y else current_y) - current_y
# 计算下一步的位置
next_x = current_x + (speed if delta_x > 0 else -speed) if abs(delta_x) > speed else (target_x if target_x else current_x)
next_y = current_y + (speed if delta_y > 0 else -speed) if abs(delta_y) > speed else (target_y if target_y else current_y)
# 移动对象
self.canvas.move(tag, next_x - current_x, next_y - current_y)
# 如果对象还没有到达目标,继续移动
if next_x != (target_x if target_x else current_x) or next_y != (target_y if target_y else current_y):
self.canvas.after(10, lambda: self.move_to(tag, target_x, target_y, speed))
def create_widget(self):
mode_text = "封包" if self.packet["packet"] else "解包"
num, margin_top, button_width, button_height = 1, 30, 120, 40
for data in self.packet["mode"]:
key = list(data.keys())[0]
value = list(data.values())[0]
if value:
Button(self, text=self.packet_button_str[key] + mode_text, command=self.packet_option[key]["command"],
font=("", 16)).place(x=40, y=30 + (margin_top + button_height) * (num - 1),
width=button_width, height=button_height)
# 动画
# self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.width - 80 - 40, 80 + (margin_top + 20 + button_height) * (num - 1),
# self.width - 40, 80 + (margin_top + 20 + button_height) * (num - 1) + 25, fill=self.packet_option[key]["color"])
# self.canvas.create_text(self.width - 40 - 40, 80 + (margin_top + 20 + button_height) * (num - 1) + 12.5,
# text=self.packet_button_str[key], font=("", 16), fill="white")
# self.step_y[key] = 80 + (margin_top + 20 + button_height) * (num - 1)
num += 1
Button(self, text="发送", command=self.send_packet, font=("", 16)).place(x=self.width - 60, y=self.height - 40, anchor=NW)
Button(self, text="取消", command=self.destroy, font=("", 16)).place(x=self.width - 120, y=self.height - 40, anchor=NW)
def send_packet(self):
if self.step != len(self.packet_step):
messagebox.showerror("注意", "尚未完成{}".format("封包" if self.packet["packet"] else "解包"))
def create_window(self, option):
toplevel = Toplevel(self)
for entry_option in option["entry"]:
index = option["entry"].index(entry_option)
key = list(entry_option.keys())[0]
value = list(entry_option.values())[0]
Label(toplevel, text=key, font=("", 16)).grid(row=index, column=0, padx=20, pady=10)
if value is None:
Entry(toplevel, textvariable=value, font=("", 16), width=15).grid(row=index, column=1, pady=10)
Button(toplevel, text="提交", command=option["command"], font=("", 16)).place(x=450 - 60, y=220 - 40, anchor=NW)
Button(toplevel, text="取消", command=toplevel.destroy, font=("", 16)).place(x=450 - 120, y=220 - 40, anchor=NW)
toplevel.attributes("-topmost", True)
return toplevel
def app_packet(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "app":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "封包顺序出错!")
SourceAppAddr = StringVar()
TargetAppAddr = StringVar()
def packet():
source_app_addr = SourceAppAddr.get()
target_app_addr = TargetAppAddr.get()
if source_app_addr == self.sendObj.interface[0]["addr"] \
and target_app_addr == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["addr"]:
# 动画
# app_rect = create_label(self.canvas, self.width / 2 + 200, int(self.step_y["app"]), 50, 25, "AH", "#ff3b26", "white", tag="app")
# self.move_to(self.packet_rect, None, int(self.step_y["app"]), speed=1)
# self.move_to(app_rect, self.width / 2 + self.packet_init_width / 2, int(self.step_y["app"]), speed=1)
self.message = target_app_addr + "&" + self.packet["tag"]
self.master.message.show_message("应用层封包成功!数据包如下: \n{}".format(self.message))
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "应用层地址填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "应用层封包", "entry": [{"发送主机应用层地址:": SourceAppAddr}, {"接收主机应用层地址:": TargetAppAddr}],
"command": packet})
def app_unpack(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "app":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "解包顺序出错!")
TargetAppAddr = StringVar()
def packet():
target_app_addr = TargetAppAddr.get()
if target_app_addr == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["addr"]:
self.message = self.message.split("&")[1]
self.master.message.show_message("应用层解包成功!数据包如下: \n{}".format(self.message))
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "应用层地址填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "应用层解包", "entry": [{"接收主机应用层地址:": TargetAppAddr}],
"command": packet})
def trans_packet(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "trans":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "封包顺序出错!")
SentPort = StringVar()
RcptPort = StringVar()
SplitCount = IntVar()
def packet():
sent_port = SentPort.get()
rcpt_port = RcptPort.get()
split_count = SplitCount.get()
count = split_appdata(self.packet["size"])
print(sent_port, self.sendObj.interface[0]["conn_port"])
if sent_port == self.sendObj.interface[0]["conn_port"] \
and rcpt_port == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["conn_port"]\
and split_count == count:
# 动画
# self.canvas.delete(self.packet_rect)
# self.canvas.delete("app")
# self.packet_rect = create_label(self.canvas, int(self.width / 2) - self.packet_init_width / 2, int(self.step_y["app"]),
# width=self.packet_init_width + 50, height=self.packet_height,
# text="A-" + self.packet["tag"], rect_color="#dee1e6", font_color="black",
# tag="packet")
# trans_rect = create_label(self.canvas, self.width / 2 + 200, int(self.step_y["trans"]), 50, 25, "PH", "#ff3b26",
# "white", tag="trans")
# self.move_to(self.packet_rect, None, int(self.step_y["trans"]), speed=1)
# self.move_to(trans_rect, self.width / 2 + self.packet_init_width / 2 + 50, int(self.step_y["trans"]), speed=1)
self.message = AgreementUtil.create_udp_packet(self.message, int(sent_port), int(rcpt_port))
self.master.message.show_message("传输层封包成功!数据包如下:\n{}".format(str([str(i + 1) + "-" + str(self.message) for i in range(split_count)])))
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "传输层封包信息填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "传输层封包", "entry": [{"发送主机端口:": SentPort},
{"接收主机端口:": RcptPort},
{"拆包数量": SplitCount},
{"每个包约2048": None}],
"command": packet})
def trans_unpack(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "trans":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "解包顺序出错!")
RcptPort = StringVar()
def packet():
rcpt_port = RcptPort.get()
if rcpt_port == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["conn_port"]:
data = AgreementUtil.parse_udp_packet(self.message)
self.message = data[-1]
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "传输层解包信息填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "传输层解包", "entry": [{"接收主机端口:": RcptPort}],
"command": packet})
def ip_packet(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "ip":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "封包顺序出错!")
SourceIP = StringVar()
TargetIP = StringVar()
def packet():
source_ip = SourceIP.get()
target_ip = TargetIP.get()
if source_ip == self.sendObj.interface[0]["ip"] \
and target_ip == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["ip"]:
self.message = AgreementUtil.create_ip_packet(self.message, source_ip, target_ip)
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "网络层封包信息填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "网络层封包", "entry": [{"发送主机IP": SourceIP},
{"接收主机IP": TargetIP}],
"command": packet})
def ip_unpack(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "ip":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "解包顺序出错!")
RcptIP = StringVar()
def packet():
rcpt_ip = RcptIP.get()
if rcpt_ip == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["ip"]:
data = AgreementUtil.parse_ip_packet(self.message)
self.message = data[-1]
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "网络层解包信息填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "网络层解包", "entry": [{"接收主机IP": RcptIP}],
"command": packet})
def mac_packet(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "mac":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "封包顺序出错!")
SentMac = StringVar()
RcptMac = StringVar()
def packet():
sent_mac = SentMac.get()
rcpt_mac = RcptMac.get()
if sent_mac == self.sendObj.interface[0]["mac"] \
and rcpt_mac == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["mac"]:
self.message = AgreementUtil.create_ethernet_frame(self.message, sent_mac, rcpt_mac)
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "链路层封包信息填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "链路层封包", "entry": [{"发送主机MAC": SentMac},
{"接收主机MAC": RcptMac}],
"command": packet})
def mac_unpack(self):
if self.packet_step[self.step] != "mac":
messagebox.showerror("注意", "解包顺序出错!")
RcptMac = StringVar()
def packet():
rcpt_mac = RcptMac.get()
if rcpt_mac == self.receiveObj.interface[0]["mac"]:
data = AgreementUtil.parse_ethernet_frame(self.packet["tag"])
self.message = data[-1]
self.step += 1
messagebox.showerror("提示", "链路层解包信息填写有误,请仔细检查!")
toplevel = self.create_window({"title": "链路层解包", "entry": [{"接收主机MAC": RcptMac}],
"command": packet})
class AppData:
def __init__(self, obj_id, id_key, app_pack_id, app_pack_size, app_pack_tag, source_app_addr, target_app_addr, app_packed_string, timestamp, canvas):
self.obj_id = obj_id
self.id_key = id_key
self.app_pack_id = app_pack_id
self.app_pack_size = app_pack_size
self.app_pack_tag = app_pack_tag
self.source_app_addr = source_app_addr
self.target_app_addr = target_app_addr
self.app_packed_string = app_packed_string
self.timestamp = timestamp
def pack(self):
# 为了简化,我们打包成一个字典
return vars(self)
def unpack(packed_data):
# 解包为AppData对象
return AppData(**packed_data)
class TransData:
def __init__(self, obj_id, id_key, trans_pack_id, trans_seq, trans_tag, app_pack_id, sent_port, rcpt_port, source_app_addr, target_app_addr, trans_packed_string, timestamp):
self.obj_id = obj_id
self.id_key = id_key
self.trans_pack_id = trans_pack_id
self.trans_seq = trans_seq
self.trans_tag = trans_tag
self.app_pack_id = app_pack_id
self.sent_port = sent_port
self.rcpt_port = rcpt_port
self.source_app_addr = source_app_addr
self.target_app_addr = target_app_addr
self.trans_packed_string = trans_packed_string
self.timestamp = timestamp
def pack(self):
return vars(self)
def unpack(packed_data):
return TransData(**packed_data)
class IPData:
def __init__(self, obj_id, id_key, ip_pack_id, trans_pack_id, source_ip, target_ip, source_app_addr, target_app_addr, ip_packed_string):
self.obj_id = obj_id
self.id_key = id_key
self.ip_pack_id = ip_pack_id
self.trans_pack_id = trans_pack_id
self.source_ip = source_ip
self.target_ip = target_ip
self.source_app_addr = source_app_addr
self.target_app_addr = target_app_addr
self.ip_packed_string = ip_packed_string
def pack(self):
return vars(self)
def unpack(packed_data):
return IPData(**packed_data)
class MACData:
def __init__(self, obj_id, id_key, mac_pack_id, ip_pack_id, sent_mac, rcpt_mac, source_ip, target_ip, source_app_addr, target_app_addr, mac_packed_string):
self.obj_id = obj_id
self.id_key = id_key
self.mac_pack_id = mac_pack_id
self.ip_pack_id = ip_pack_id
self.sent_mac = sent_mac
self.rcpt_mac = rcpt_mac
self.source_ip = source_ip
self.target_ip = target_ip
self.source_app_addr = source_app_addr
self.target_app_addr = target_app_addr
self.mac_packed_string = mac_packed_string
def pack(self):
return vars(self)
def unpack(packed_data):
return MACData(**packed_data)
def split_appdata(AppPackSize):
MTU = 2048
return AppPackSize // MTU + (AppPackSize % MTU > 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 假设的最大传输单元MTU
MTU = 2048 # bytes
# 模拟的数据和数据大小
# 创建应用层数据包
app_packet = AppData("123", "123", "app1", SIMULATED_SIZE, "DATA", "", "", SIMULATED_DATA, time.time())
packed_app_data = app_packet.pack()

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import random
def random_mac():
# 生成六组两位的十六进制数
return ":".join(["%02x" % random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(6)])
# 生成MAC地址
mac_address = random_mac()

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
packet_count = split_appdata(int(size))
for i in range(1, packet_count + 1):
trans_data = TransData(
self.canvas.message.show_message("传输层数据包{}{}".format(i, trans_data.pack()))
ip_data = IPData(
mac_data = MACData(
self.canvas.show_top_message(self, message=message.format(self.ObjLabel, self.interface[0]["ip"], self.interface[0]["mac"],
size, i, packet_count))
packet = SimPacket(self.interface[0]["ip"], self.interface[0]["mac"], ip, mac, mac_data.pack())
thread = threading.Timer(i, function=self.send, args=(packet,))
tk.Button(toplevel, text='开启模拟', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=split_packet).grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='e',
tk.Button(toplevel, text='取消', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=toplevel.destroy).grid(row=5, column=1,
sticky='e', pady=10)

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 248 KiB
