@ -7,12 +7,35 @@ from ttkbootstrap import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
import re
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import platform
from SimObjs import SimPacket, SimHost, AllSimConnect, SimRouter, SimSwitch, SimHub, SimBase
from dbUtil import search, execute_sql, delete_obj, truncate_db
def round_rectangle(cv, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius=25, **kwargs):
points = [x1 + radius, y1,
x1 + radius, y1,
x2 - radius, y1,
x2 - radius, y1,
x2, y1,
x2, y1 + radius,
x2, y1 + radius,
x2, y2 - radius,
x2, y2 - radius,
x2, y2,
x2 - radius, y2,
x2 - radius, y2,
x1 + radius, y2,
x1 + radius, y2,
x1, y2,
x1, y2 - radius,
x1, y2 - radius,
x1, y1 + radius,
x1, y1 + radius,
x1, y1]
return cv.create_polygon(points, **kwargs, smooth=True)
def validate_ip_address(ip_address):
@ -62,16 +85,16 @@ class RouterConfigWindow(tk.Toplevel):
def create_interface_inputs(self):
label_text = ["接口1", "接口2", "接口3", "接口4"]
for i in range(4):
label = tk.Label(self, text=label_text[i])
label = tk.Label(self, text=label_text[i], font=("黑体", 16))
label.grid(row=i, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="w")
entry = tk.Entry(self, width=20)
entry = tk.Entry(self, width=20, font=("黑体", 16),)
entry.grid(row=i, column=1, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="w")
button = tk.Button(self, text="添加", command=lambda index=i: self.add_router_entry(index))
button = tk.Button(self, text="添加", font=("黑体", 16), command=lambda index=i: self.add_router_entry(index))
button.grid(row=i, column=2, padx=10, pady=5)
lab = LabelFrame(self, text="示例")
lab.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=W, padx=20)
Label(lab, text=" 或者" if self.router_obj.ObjType == 2 else "MAC11").pack()
Label(lab, text=" 或者" if self.router_obj.ObjType == 2 else "MAC11", font=("黑体", 16)).pack()
def create_router_table(self):
def on_right_click(event):
@ -88,7 +111,10 @@ class RouterConfigWindow(tk.Toplevel):
self.router_table_frame = tk.Frame(self)
self.router_table_frame.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=3, padx=10, pady=5)
self.router_treeview = ttk.Treeview(self.router_table_frame, columns=("Interface", "Route"), show="headings")
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure("Custom.Treeview.Heading", font=("宋体", 15))
style.configure("Custom.Treeview", rowheight=30, font=("宋体", 15))
self.router_treeview = ttk.Treeview(self.router_table_frame, style="Custom.Treeview", columns=("Interface", "Route"), show="headings")
self.router_treeview.heading("Interface", text="接口")
self.router_treeview.heading("Route", text="网段")
self.router_treeview.pack(side="left", fill="both")
@ -203,6 +229,8 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/集线器.png").resize((60, 60)))
self.host_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
Image.open(sys.path[0] + "/../datas/images/主机.png").resize((60, 60)))
self.width = int(self.cget("width"))
self.height = int(self.cget("height"))
self.chose = self.host_img
self.AllSimObjs = {}
self.conns = []
@ -282,6 +310,7 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
conn = AllSimConnect(self, self.line_start_obj, self.line_start_ifs, self.line_end_obj,
for conn_obj in self.line_start_obj.connections: # 判断两个连接对象是否已经连接过了
if conn_obj == conn:
flag = True
@ -309,15 +338,15 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
if self.drawLine:
x, y = event.x, event.y
if not (150 < x < 650 and 40 < y < 490):
if x < 150:
x = 150
elif x > 650:
x = 650
if y < 40:
y = 40
elif y > 490:
y = 490
if not (0 < x < self.width * 0.8 and 0 < y < self.height * 0.85):
if x < 0:
x = 0
elif x > self.width * 0.8:
x = self.width * 0.8
if y < 0:
y = 0
elif y > self.height * 0.85:
y = self.height * 0.85
self.create_line(self.line_start_obj.ObjX, self.line_start_obj.ObjY, x + 8, y + 8, fill="#5b9bd5",
@ -345,7 +374,7 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
:param event: 事件对象
if 170 < event.x < 630 and 60 < event.y < 470: # 在方框内,无变化
if 20 < event.x < self.width * 0.8 + 20 and 20 < event.y < self.height * 0.85 - 20: # 在方框内,无变化
if name == "路由器":
tag = SimRouter(self, event.x, event.y)
elif name == "集线器":
@ -354,6 +383,7 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
tag = SimSwitch(self, event.x, event.y)
tag = SimHost(self, event.x, event.y)
self.AllSimObjs[tag.ObjID] = tag
@ -374,7 +404,7 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
self.chose = self.host_img
if 170 < event.x < 630 and 60 < event.y < 470: # 在方框内,无变化
if 20 < event.x < self.width * 0.8 + 20 and 20 < event.y < self.height * 0.85 - 20: # 在方框内,无变化
else: # 在方框外,显示禁止放置标识
self.create_oval(event.x - 10, event.y - 45, event.x + 10, event.y - 25, outline="red", width=2,
@ -410,6 +440,7 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
tag = SimSwitch(self, ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ConfigCorrect, ObjLable)
tag = SimHub(self, ObjX, ObjY, ObjID, ConfigCorrect, ObjLable)
self.AllSimObjs[tag.ObjID] = tag
sim_conn_sql = "select s.conn_id, ConfigCorrect, node_id, node_ifs from sim_conn s join conn_config c on s.conn_id=c.conn_id"
@ -423,6 +454,7 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
for key, value in conn_datas.items():
conn_obj = AllSimConnect(self, self.AllSimObjs[value[0][0]], value[0][1],
self.AllSimObjs[value[1][0]], value[1][1], key[1])
self.AllSimObjs[value[0][0]].connections[value[0][1] - 1] = conn_obj # 将连接对象传入组件对象
self.AllSimObjs[value[1][0]].connections[value[1][1] - 1] = conn_obj
@ -447,7 +479,9 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
if isinstance(conn, AllSimConnect):
delete_sql = f"delete from sim_conn where conn_id in (select conn_id from conn_config where node_id='{self.chose_obj.ObjID}')"
delete_config_sql = f"delete from conn_config where node_id='{self.chose_obj.ObjID}'"
@ -532,12 +566,12 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
child1 = tk.Toplevel()
child1.title(self.chose_obj.ObjLabel + "的标签信息")
child1.grab_set() # 设置组件焦点抓取。使焦点在释放之前永远保持在这个组件上,只能在这个组件上操作
tk.Label(child1, text='原标签:' + self.chose_obj.ObjLabel,
font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w')
tk.Label(child1, text='新标签:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
new_name = tk.Entry(child1, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w')
tk.Label(child1, text='新标签:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
new_name = tk.Entry(child1, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
new_name.grid(row=1, column=1)
def update_tag():
@ -553,10 +587,10 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
messagebox.showinfo("提示", message="修改成功!")
tk.Button(child1, text='确定', font=('黑体', 10), height=1, command=update_tag).grid(row=2, column=0,
tk.Button(child1, text='取消', font=('黑体', 10), height=1, command=child1.destroy).grid(row=2, column=1,
tk.Button(child1, text='确定', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=update_tag).grid(row=2, column=0,
sticky='e', pady=10)
tk.Button(child1, text='取消', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=child1.destroy).grid(row=2, column=1,
sticky='e', pady=10)
def network_config(self):
# todo: 网络配置
@ -572,7 +606,7 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
child_r = tk.Toplevel()
child_r.title(self.chose_obj.ObjLabel + "的网络配置信息")
child_r.grab_set() # 设置组件焦点抓取。使焦点在释放之前永远保持在这个组件上,只能在这个组件上操作
ifs_frame = tk.Frame(child_r)
ifs_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4) # 装接口的框架
@ -585,20 +619,20 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
index = self.chose_obj.connections.index(conn)
num_label = tk.LabelFrame(ifs_frame, text=f'接口{index + 1}')
num_label.grid(row=num, column=0, padx=18, ipady=5)
tk.Label(num_label, text='MAC:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=0, column=0)
mac_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType not in [1, 2, 3] else NORMAL)
tk.Label(num_label, text='MAC:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=0)
mac_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType not in [1, 2, 3] else NORMAL)
mac_en.insert('0', str(self.chose_obj.interface[index].get("mac", "")))
mac_en.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10)
tk.Label(num_label, text='IP:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=1, column=0)
ip_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType not in [1, 2] else NORMAL)
tk.Label(num_label, text='IP:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=0)
ip_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType not in [1, 2] else NORMAL)
ip_en.insert('0', str(self.chose_obj.interface[index].get("ip", "")))
ip_en.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10)
tk.Label(num_label, text='端口:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=0, column=2)
port_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType != 1 else NORMAL)
tk.Label(num_label, text='端口:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=2)
port_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType != 1 else NORMAL)
port_en.insert('0', str(self.chose_obj.interface[index].get("conn_port", "")))
port_en.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=10)
tk.Label(num_label, text='应用层地址:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=1, column=2)
addr_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType != 1 else NORMAL)
tk.Label(num_label, text='应用层地址:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=2)
addr_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar(), state=DISABLED if self.chose_obj.ObjType != 1 else NORMAL)
addr_en.insert('0', str(self.chose_obj.interface[index].get("addr", "")))
addr_en.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=10)
num += 1
@ -606,23 +640,23 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
num_label = tk.LabelFrame(ifs_frame, text=f'示例')
num_label.grid(row=num, column=0, padx=18, ipady=5)
tk.Label(num_label, text='MAC:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=0, column=0)
mac_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
tk.Label(num_label, text='MAC:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=0)
mac_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
mac_en.insert('0', "MAC11")
mac_en.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10)
tk.Label(num_label, text='IP:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=1, column=0)
ip_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
tk.Label(num_label, text='IP:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=0)
ip_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
ip_en.insert(0, "")
ip_en.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=10)
tk.Label(num_label, text='端口:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=0, column=2)
port_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
tk.Label(num_label, text='端口:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=2)
port_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
port_en.insert('0', "80")
port_en.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=10)
tk.Label(num_label, text='应用层地址:', font=('黑体', 10)).grid(row=1, column=2)
addr_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
tk.Label(num_label, text='应用层地址:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=2)
addr_en = tk.Entry(num_label, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
addr_en.insert('0', "")
addr_en.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=10)
@ -630,10 +664,10 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
tk.Button(ifs_frame_YN, text='确定', font=('黑体', 10), height=1, command=commit).grid(row=0, column=0,
padx=20) # ,sticky="w"
tk.Button(ifs_frame_YN, text='取消', font=('黑体', 10), height=1,
command=child_r.destroy).grid(row=0, column=2, padx=20)
tk.Button(ifs_frame_YN, text='确定', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=commit).grid(row=0, column=0,
padx=20, pady=20) # ,sticky="w"
tk.Button(ifs_frame_YN, text='取消', font=('黑体', 16), height=1,
command=child_r.destroy).grid(row=0, column=2, padx=20, pady=20)
def router_table_config(self):
# todo: 路由表配置
@ -700,10 +734,10 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
messagebox.showerror("注意", message="请先选择要显示的对象!")
self.create_text(740, 120, text="(" + self.chose_obj.ObjLabel + ")", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 10, 'bold'),
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, 80, text="(" + self.chose_obj.ObjLabel + ")", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold'),
fill="#7030a0", tags="netSet")
self.create_text(675, 145, text=self.chose_obj,
anchor="nw", font=('宋体', 11), tags="netSet")
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 20, 80 + 25, text=self.chose_obj,
anchor="nw", font=('宋体', 14), tags="netSet")
def show_router_config(self):
# todo: 显示路由表交换表信息
@ -718,10 +752,10 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
messagebox.showerror("注意", message="请选择路由器/交换机对象!")
self.create_text(905, 120, text="(" + self.chose_obj.ObjLabel + ")", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 10, 'bold'),
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, self.height * 0.85 / 2 + 50, text="(" + self.chose_obj.ObjLabel + ")", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold'),
fill="#7030a0", tags="routerSet")
self.create_text(835, 145, text=self.chose_obj.get_table_config(),
anchor="nw", font=('宋体', 11), tags="routerSet")
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 20, self.height * 0.85 / 2 + 50 + 25, text=self.chose_obj.get_table_config(),
anchor="nw", font=('宋体', 14), tags="routerSet")
def send_packet(self):
@ -739,17 +773,17 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
child2 = tk.Toplevel()
child2.grab_set() # 设置组件焦点抓取。使焦点在释放之前永远保持在这个组件上,只能在这个组件上操作
tk.Label(child2, text='目的IP:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w')
packet_ip = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_ip.grid(row=0, column=1)
tk.Label(child2, text='目的MAC:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_mac = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_mac.grid(row=1, column=1)
tk.Label(child2, text='消息:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w') # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_message = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_message.grid(row=2, column=1)
tk.Label(child2, text='目的IP:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w', pady=10)
packet_ip = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_ip.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=10)
tk.Label(child2, text='目的MAC:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w', pady=10) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_mac = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_mac.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=10)
tk.Label(child2, text='消息:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w', pady=10) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_message = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_message.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=10)
def send():
@ -773,9 +807,8 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
tk.Button(child2, text='确定', font=('黑体', 10), height=1, command=send).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='e')
tk.Button(child2, text='取消', font=('黑体', 10), height=1, command=child2.destroy).grid(row=3, column=1,
tk.Button(child2, text='确定', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=send).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='e', pady=10)
tk.Button(child2, text='取消', font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=child2.destroy).grid(row=3, column=1, sticky='e', pady=10)
def send_packet_list(self):
@ -788,26 +821,26 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
hosts[tag.ObjLabel] = tag.ObjID
child2 = tk.Toplevel()
tk.Label(child2, text='目的IP:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w', ipady=10)
packet_ip = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
tk.Label(child2, text='目的IP:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w', ipady=10)
packet_ip = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_ip.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=5)
tk.Label(child2, text='目的MAC:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w',
tk.Label(child2, text='目的MAC:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w',
pady=5) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_mac = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_mac = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_mac.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=5)
tk.Label(child2, text='消息:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w', pady=5) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_message = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 12), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
tk.Label(child2, text='消息:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w', pady=5) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
packet_message = tk.Entry(child2, font=('黑体', 16), textvariable=tk.StringVar())
packet_message.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=5)
host = StringVar()
tk.Label(child2, text='发送主机:', font=('黑体', 12)).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='w',
tk.Label(child2, text='发送主机:', font=('黑体', 16)).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='w',
pady=5) # ,sticky='w'靠左显示
combobox = ttk.Combobox(
master=child2, # 父容器
height=5, # 高度,下拉显示的条目数量
width=12, # 宽度
state='readonly', # readonly(只可选)
font=('', 18), # 字体
font=('', 16), # 字体
textvariable=host, # 通过StringVar设置可改变的值
values=list(hosts.keys()), # 设置下拉框的选项
@ -856,10 +889,10 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
threading.Thread(target=data[0].send, args=(data[1],)).start()
tk.Button(child2, text="添加数据包", font=('黑体', 12), height=3, command=add).grid(row=0, column=2, rowspan=4)
tk.Button(child2, text="添加数据包", font=('黑体', 14), height=3, command=add).grid(row=0, column=2, rowspan=4, padx=10)
button_frame = Frame(child2)
tk.Button(button_frame, text="发送", font=('黑体', 12), height=1, command=send).pack(side=RIGHT, padx=20)
tk.Button(button_frame, text="取消", font=('黑体', 12), height=1, command=child2.destroy).pack(side=RIGHT)
tk.Button(button_frame, text="发送", font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=send).pack(side=RIGHT, padx=20)
tk.Button(button_frame, text="取消", font=('黑体', 16), height=1, command=child2.destroy).pack(side=RIGHT)
button_frame.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=3)
def clear_canvas(self):
@ -886,20 +919,21 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
self.create_rectangle(150, 40, 650, 490, outline="#7f6000", width=3) # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_rectangle(660, 100, 815, 400, outline="#ffff00", width=3, fill="#f4b88e") # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_text(735, 105, text="网络配置信息", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 11, 'bold'))
self.create_rectangle(825, 100, 1000, 400, outline="#ffff00", width=3, fill="#f4b88e") # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_text(915, 105, text="路由/交换表信息", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 11, 'bold'))
self.create_rectangle(0, 0, self.width * 0.8, self.height * 0.85, outline="#7f6000", width=3) # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
round_rectangle(self, self.width * 0.82, 30, self.width * 0.98, self.height * 0.85 / 2 - 30, outline="#ffff00", width=3, fill="#f4b88e") # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, 30 + 15, text="网络配置信息", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold'))
round_rectangle(self, self.width * 0.82, self.height * 0.85 / 2, self.width * 0.98, self.height * 0.85 - 30, outline="#ffff00", width=2, fill="#f4b88e") # 矩形框,左上角坐标,右下角坐标
self.create_text(self.width * 0.82 + 120, self.height * 0.85 / 2 + 15, text="路由/交换表信息", anchor="n", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold'))
# 显示左边的固定图片
self.create_text(80 - 55, 120 + 15, text="路由器", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold')) # 显示文字
router = self.create_image(80, 120, image=self.router_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(80 - 55, 190 + 15, text="交换机", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold')) # 显示文字
switch = self.create_image(80, 190, image=self.switch_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(80 - 55, 260 + 15, text="集线器", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold')) # 显示文字
hub = self.create_image(80, 260, image=self.hub_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(80 - 55, 330 + 15, text="主机", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 14, 'bold')) # 显示文字
host = self.create_image(80, 330, image=self.host_img, anchor="nw")
img_height, text_height, split_width = self.height - 120, self.height - 60, 120
self.create_text(split_width, text_height, text="路由器", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
router = self.create_image(split_width, img_height, image=self.router_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(split_width * 2, text_height, text="交换机", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
switch = self.create_image(split_width * 2, img_height, image=self.switch_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(split_width * 3, text_height, text="集线器", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
hub = self.create_image(split_width * 3, img_height, image=self.hub_img, anchor="nw")
self.create_text(split_width * 4, text_height, text="主机", anchor="nw", font=('微软雅黑', 18, 'bold')) # 显示文字
host = self.create_image(split_width * 4, img_height, image=self.host_img, anchor="nw")
self.bind_event(router, "路由器")
self.bind_event(switch, "交换机")
self.bind_event(hub, "集线器")
@ -941,14 +975,15 @@ class NetWorkAnalog(Canvas):
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Window()
width = 1030
height = 530 # 窗口大小
screen_width = root.winfo_screenwidth() # winfo方法来获取当前电脑屏幕大小
screen_height = root.winfo_screenheight()
x = int((screen_width - width) / 2)
y = int((screen_height - height) / 2) - 40
size = '{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(width, height, x, y)
canvas = NetWorkAnalog(root, width=1030, heigh=height, bg="white")
root_attr = {
"width": screen_width * 0.83,
"height": screen_height * 0.85,
size = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (root_attr['width'], root_attr['height'], (screen_width - root_attr['width']) / 2,
(screen_height - root_attr['height']) / 2 - 30)
canvas = NetWorkAnalog(root, width=root_attr['width'], heigh=root_attr['height'], bg="white")
canvas.place(x=0, y=0, anchor='nw')