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import numpy as np
import math
def x1_3(problemIndex): # 程序给出任一函数y=f(x)计算x=-500到+500的y值赋值给xyMap
c = 0 # 此处x赋值为-500到-1到1到500到1000个
shape = [1000, 2] # y赋值为其对应的函数
xyMap = np.random.rand(1000, 2)
if problemIndex == 1:
for x in range(-500, 500):
if (x == 0):
xyMap[c][0] = x
xyMap[c][1] = math.sin(x)
c += 1
return xyMap
elif problemIndex == 2:
for x in range(-500, 500):
if (x == 0):
xyMap[c][0] = x
xyMap[c][1] = math.cos(x)
c += 1
return xyMap
elif problemIndex == 3:
for x in range(-500, 500):
if (x == 0):
xyMap[c][0] = x
xyMap[c][1] = math.tan(x)
c += 1
return xyMap
elif problemIndex == 4:
for x in range(-500, 501):
if (x == 0):
xyMap[c][0] = x
xyMap[c][1] = x * 2 + 2
c += 1
return xyMap
if __name__ == '__main__':