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import random
from UI import *
# import tkinter as tk
class MEM:
def __init__(self):
# 绘制存储器背景板
round_rectangle(597, 205, 928, 670, r=25, fill=BACK, width=0)
round_rectangle(675, 275, 910, 660, r=25, fill=BLACK, width=0)
def mark(self, cv:Canvas):
for i in range(20):
# 如果SimMARK中该存储单元为False则非高亮显示
if cpu.SimMARK[i] == False:
cv.create_rectangle(810, 282 + 18.5 * i, 897, 298 + 18.5 * i, width=3, outline=MEMBACK)
for i in range(20):
# 如果SimMARK中该存储单元为True则高亮显示
if cpu.SimMARK[i] == True:
cv.create_rectangle(810, 282 + 18.5 * i, 897, 298 + 18.5 * i, width=3, outline=MEMMARK)
# 根据当前的存储数据绘制当前的存储器
def show(self, cv: Canvas, root):
# 标记cpu各部分的名称
cv.create_text(670, 219, text='Mcontent', font=('微软雅黑', 12, 'bold'), anchor=NW, fill=WORD)
cv.create_text(611, 356, text='Maddr', font=('微软雅黑', 12, 'bold'), anchor=NW, fill=WORD)
cv.create_text(690, 255, text='地址(编号)', font=('time', 12,), anchor=NW, fill='#ffd700')
cv.create_text(830, 255, text='在选单元', font=('time', 12,), anchor=NW, fill='#ffd700')
# 根据存储的数据显示当前Maddr的值
cv.create_rectangle(619, 383, 648, 541, fill=WHITE, width=0)
cv.create_text(620, 390, text=cpu.MAD(), font=('微软雅黑', 12), angle=90, anchor=NE, fill=BLACK)
# 根据存储的数据显示当前Mcotent的值
cv.create_rectangle(753, 218, 910, 242, fill=WHITE, width=0)
cv.create_text(830, 230, text=cpu.MCO(), fill=BLACK, font=('微软雅黑', 12))
# 根据存储的数据显示当前Memory中各个存储单元的值
cv.create_rectangle(685, 281, 791, 647, fill=BLACK)
for i in range(20):# 显示存储器各个单元的地址
cv.create_text(688, 282 + 18.5 * i, text="00000000 " + bin(i).replace('0b', '').zfill(8),
font=('微软雅黑', 8), anchor=NW, fill=GOLD)
cv.create_rectangle(808, 281, 897, 649, fill=MEMBACK, width=0)
for i in range(20):# 显示存储器各个单元的内容
cv.create_text(852, 290 + 18.5 * i, text=cpu.SimMem[i], font=('微软雅黑', 6), anchor=CENTER,
self.mark(cv)# 更新画布
# 根据当前的存储数据绘制当前的存储器
def init(self, cv:Canvas, root):
# 标记cpu各部分的名称
cv.create_text(670, 219, text='Mcontent', font=('微软雅黑', 12, 'bold'), anchor=NW, fill=WORD)
cv.create_text(611, 356, text='Maddr', font=('微软雅黑', 12, 'bold'), anchor=NW, fill=WORD)
cv.create_text(690, 255, text='地址(编号)', font=('time', 12, ), anchor=NW, fill='#ffd700')
cv.create_text(830, 255, text='在选单元', font=('time', 12, ), anchor=NW, fill='#ffd700')
# 根据存储的数据显示当前Maddr的值
cv.create_rectangle(619, 383, 648, 541, fill=WHITE, width=0)
cv.create_text(620, 390, text=cpu.MAD(), font=('微软雅黑', 12), angle=90, anchor=NE, fill=BLACK)
# 根据存储的数据显示当前Mcotent的值
cv.create_rectangle(753, 218, 910, 242, fill=WHITE, width=0)
cv.create_text(830, 230, text=cpu.MCO(), fill=BLACK, font=('微软雅黑', 12))
# 根据存储的数据显示当前Memory中各个存储单元的值
# 显示存储器各个单元的地址
cv.create_rectangle(685, 281, 791, 647, fill=BLACK)
for i in range(20):
cv.create_text(688, 282 + 18.5 * i, text="00000000 " + bin(i).replace('0b', '').zfill(8), font=('微软雅黑', 8), anchor=NW, fill=GOLD)
# 显示存储器各个单元的内容
cv.create_rectangle(808, 281, 897, 649, fill=MEMBACK, width=0)
for i in range(20):
cv.create_text(852, 290 + 18.5 * i, text=cpu.SimMem[i], font=('微软雅黑', 6), anchor=CENTER, fill=MEMWORD)
# 更新画布
if __name__ == "__main__":
mem = MEM()#实例化, root)#显示存储器界面
bw, bh = 150, 45
# 按钮1
bx1, by1 = 750, 95
B1 = tk.Button(root, text='添加程序', background=BLUE, command=lambda: test(), state=NORMAL), y=by1, width=bw, height=bh)
def test():
for i in range(20):
for j in range(20):
cpu.SimMARK[j] = False
cpu.SimMARK[random.randint(0,19)] = True
def left1(event):
cv.bind('<Button-1>', left1)