import os from tkinter import * import tkinter.messagebox import tkinter.scrolledtext as st from chess import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk from datetime import datetime import time import numpy as np chess = Chess() crossline = [] verline = [] regretnum = 0 handlenum = 0 flag = 0 root = Tk() # 窗口对象 root.title('五子棋') # 窗口标题 x = 10 y = 10 root.geometry('1000x700+'+str(x)+'+'+str(y)) # 窗口大小 width x height + x + y(x,y为在当前界面的坐标) # 创建一个主目录菜单,也被称为顶级菜单 main_menu = Menu(root) gamefile = Menu(main_menu, tearoff=False) # ---zhuozhuo Text_test = None accuracy = 0 chooseright = 0 choosetime = 0 # local = True local = False if local == True: path = "" else: path = "/data/workspace/myshixun/finalchess/" # path = "" # 新增"文件"菜单的菜单项,并使用 accelerator 设置菜单项的快捷键 # gamefile.add_command (label="新建",command=menuCommand,accelerator="Ctrl+N") # 人-机白对弈 def peocomwhite(): if chess.Chess_Mode == 3: chess.Chess_Mode = 1 chess.playing(1, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) else: chess.Chess_Mode = 1 refresh() # 人-机黑对弈 def peocomblack(): if chess.Chess_Mode == 3: chess.Chess_Mode = 2 chess.playing(2, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) else: chess.Chess_Mode = 2 refresh() # 双人模式 def doublepeople(): if chess.Chess_Mode == 3: chess.Chess_Mode = 0 chess.playing(0, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) else: chess.Chess_Mode = 0 refresh() # 测试模式 def studenttest(): if chess.Chess_Mode == 3: chess.Chess_Mode = 4 chess.playing(4, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) else: chess.Chess_Mode = 4 refresh() # 开始游戏 def startgame(): win = Tk() win.title("开始游戏") win.geometry('500x300+100+100') Label(win, text="五子棋", width=120, height=2).place(x=-175, y=50) Button(win, text="人机模式(机白)", command=peocomwhite, width=20, height=2).place(x=170, y=100) Button(win, text="人机模式(机黑)", command=peocomblack, width=20, height=2).place(x=170, y=150) Button(win, text="双人模式", command=doublepeople, width=20, height=2).place(x=170, y=200) # !退出游戏 还没有定义 def quitgame(): pass # 保存棋局 def savecurrent(): data = [[0 for j in range(19)] for i in range(19)] file = open(path + 'data.txt', 'r+') file.truncate(0) for i in range(0, 19): for j in range(0, 19): data[i][j] = chess.ChessData[i][j]['Cstate'] data = np.mat(data) b = '' for i in range(0, 19): for j in range(0, 19): b += str(data[i, j]) + '\t' b += '\n' file.writelines(b) # print(data) data1 = [[0 for j in range(19)] for i in range(19)] for i in range(0, 19): for j in range(0, 19): data1[i][j] = chess.ChessData[i][j]['Cstep'] data = np.mat(data1) b = '' for i in range(0, 19): for j in range(0, 19): b += str(data[i, j]) + '\t' b += '\n' file.writelines(b) # print(data) Chess_Mode = str(chess.Chess_Mode) + '\n' file.write(Chess_Mode) step = str(chess.Currently_step) + '\n' file.write(step) WinFLAG = str(chess.WinFLAG) + '\n' file.write(WinFLAG) file.close() # 重装棋局 def resetlast(): refresh() # 读取保存的数据文件 file = open(path + 'data.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') data = file.readlines() rtu = [] for i in data: rtu.append(i.strip()) for i in range(0, 19): j = 0 rtu1 = rtu[i].split("\t") for x in rtu1: chess.ChessData[i][j]['Cstate'] = int(x) j += 1 for i in range(19, 38): j = 0 rtu1 = rtu[i].split("\t") for x in rtu1: chess.ChessData[i - 19][j]['Cstep'] = int(x) j += 1 chess.Chess_Mode = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 3]) chess.Currently_step = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 2]) chess.WinFLAG = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 1]) file.close() for x in range(19): for y in range(19): if chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1: chess.Chessimg[x][y] = canvas.create_image(x * 36.8 + 41 - 14, y * 34.6 + 21, image=whitech, anchor=W) # canvas.create_oval(x*34.2+40-12.5, y*34.2+30-13.5, x*34.2+40+12.5, y*34.2+30+13.5, fill='#fff', # outline="") elif chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 2: chess.Chessimg[x][y] = canvas.create_image(x * 36.8 + 41 - 14, y * 34.6 + 21, image=blackch, anchor=W) # canvas.create_oval(x*34.2+40-12.5, y*34.2+30-13.5, x*34.2+40+12.5, y*34.2+30+13.5, fill='#000', # outline="") if chess.Chess_Mode == 1 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 2 chess.computercolor = 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到玩家下棋了!') elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 = 1 chess.playgame_black(root, None, None, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 1 chess.computercolor = 2 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 0 = 1 chess.playgame_white(root, None, None, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 1 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 2, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到玩家下棋了!') elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 2 chess.player2color = 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 chess.player2 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 1, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) # chess.playgame_black(root, None, None, canvas) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到先手下棋了!') elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 chess.player2 = 1 chess.curlocation(canvas, 0, 0, 2, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到后手下棋了!') elif chess.WinFLAG == 1: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='对局已经结束了') # 随机棋局 def random_chessboard(): refresh() if local: folder_path = "./data" else: folder_path = path + "data" txt_files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith('.txt')] if txt_files: random_file = random.choice(txt_files) file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, random_file) file = open(file_path, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') data = file.readlines() rtu = [] for i in data: rtu.append(i.strip()) for i in range(0, 19): j = 0 rtu1 = rtu[i].split("\t") for x in rtu1: chess.ChessData[i][j]['Cstate'] = int(x) j += 1 for i in range(19, 38): j = 0 rtu1 = rtu[i].split("\t") for x in rtu1: chess.ChessData[i - 19][j]['Cstep'] = int(x) j += 1 chess.Chess_Mode = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 3]) chess.Currently_step = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 2]) chess.WinFLAG = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 1]) file.close() for x in range(19): for y in range(19): if chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1: chess.Chessimg[x][y] = canvas.create_image(x * 36.8 + 41 - 14, y * 34.6 + 21, image=whitech, anchor=W) # canvas.create_oval(x*34.2+40-12.5, y*34.2+30-13.5, x*34.2+40+12.5, y*34.2+30+13.5, fill='#fff', # outline="") elif chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 2: chess.Chessimg[x][y] = canvas.create_image(x * 36.8 + 41 - 14, y * 34.6 + 21, image=blackch, anchor=W) # canvas.create_oval(x*34.2+40-12.5, y*34.2+30-13.5, x*34.2+40+12.5, y*34.2+30+13.5, fill='#000', # outline="") if chess.Chess_Mode == 1 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 2 chess.computercolor = 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到玩家下棋了!') elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 = 1 chess.playgame_black(root, None, None, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 1 chess.computercolor = 2 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 0 = 1 chess.playgame_white(root, None, None, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 1 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 2, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到玩家下棋了!') elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 2 chess.player2color = 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 chess.player2 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 1, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) # chess.playgame_black(root, None, None, canvas) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到先手下棋了!') elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 chess.player2 = 1 chess.curlocation(canvas, 0, 0, 2, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到后手下棋了!') elif chess.WinFLAG == 1: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='对局已经结束了') # 测试模式随机棋局 def random_chessboard_test_module(): refresh() if local: folder_path = "./data" else: folder_path = path + "data" txt_files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if f.endswith('.txt')] if txt_files: random_file = random.choice(txt_files) file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, random_file) file = open(file_path, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') data = file.readlines() rtu = [] for i in data: rtu.append(i.strip()) for i in range(0, 19): j = 0 rtu1 = rtu[i].split("\t") for x in rtu1: chess.ChessData[i][j]['Cstate'] = int(x) j += 1 for i in range(19, 38): j = 0 rtu1 = rtu[i].split("\t") for x in rtu1: chess.ChessData[i - 19][j]['Cstep'] = int(x) j += 1 # chess.Chess_Mode = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 3]) chess.Chess_Mode = 4 chess.Currently_step = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 2]) chess.WinFLAG = int(rtu[len(rtu) - 1]) file.close() for x in range(19): for y in range(19): if chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1: chess.Chessimg[x][y] = canvas.create_image(x * 36.8 + 41 - 14, y * 34.6 + 21, image=whitech, anchor=W) # canvas.create_oval(x*34.2+40-12.5, y*34.2+30-13.5, x*34.2+40+12.5, y*34.2+30+13.5, fill='#fff', # outline="") elif chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 2: chess.Chessimg[x][y] = canvas.create_image(x * 36.8 + 41 - 14, y * 34.6 + 21, image=blackch, anchor=W) # canvas.create_oval(x*34.2+40-12.5, y*34.2+30-13.5, x*34.2+40+12.5, y*34.2+30+13.5, fill='#000', # outline="") if chess.Chess_Mode == 1 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 2 chess.computercolor = 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到玩家下棋了!') elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 = 1 chess.playgame_black(root, None, None, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 1 chess.computercolor = 2 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 0 = 1 chess.playgame_white(root, None, None, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 1 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 2, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到玩家下棋了!') elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 2 chess.player2color = 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 chess.player2 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 1, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) # chess.playgame_black(root, None, None, canvas) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到先手下棋了!') elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 chess.player2 = 1 chess.curlocation(canvas, 0, 0, 2, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到后手下棋了!') elif chess.Chess_Mode == 4 and chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.myColor = 2 chess.computercolor = 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='轮到玩家下棋了!') elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 = 1 chess.playgame_black(root, None, None, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.WinFLAG == 1: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='对局已经结束了') # 这个方法为了分开得到建议函数suggestion_test_module中的获得落子点和画图的部分 # 这个方法为了获得落子点 def test_suggestion_location(): # 滚动框 x = root.winfo_x() y = root.winfo_y() # root.geometry('1000x800+' + str(x) + '+' + str(y)) # Text = st.ScrolledText(root, bg='#522418', font=('Arial', 12), bd=2, relief='groove') # 创建一个带滚动条的文本框,用于展示计算过程 #, y=685, height=100, width=1000) # Text.configure(foreground='white') # Text_test.delete('1.0', 'end') # Text_test.insert('2.0', '测试模式:请在估值函数中最大的分数处落子\n') # print("suggestion_test_module Mode ?",chess.Chess_Mode) # print("suggestion_test_module Text_test",Text_test) # 判断是否结束以及所持颜色 if chess.WinFLAG != 1: if chess.Depth >= 9: chess.Depth = 8 if chess.Chess_Mode == 1: color = 2 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2: color = 1 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0: if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: color = 2 elif chess.player == 0 and chess.player2 == 1: color = 1 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 4: color = 2 pos,message = chess.return_postion_test_module(chess.Depth, color) # 调用估值函数 return pos,message # 这个方法为了分开得到建议函数suggestion_test_module中的获得落子点和画图的部分 # 这个方法根据落子点的建议在画布上画图 def test_suggestion_drawloc(pos): for i in pos: if chess.ChessData[i[0]][i[1]]['Cstate'] == 0 and (i[0] != 0 and i[1] != 0): if chess.myColor == 1 and chess.computercolor == 2: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#fff', outline="#000") elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.computercolor == 1: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#000', outline="#fff") elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.player2color == 1: if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#000', outline="#fff") elif chess.player2 == 1 and chess.player == 0: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#fff', outline="#000") chess.Ovalone_new.append(Ovalone) root.update() return pos[0] # 最新的得到建议的函数 def suggestion_test_module(): # 滚动框 global Text_test # x = root.winfo_x() # y = root.winfo_y() x = 10 y = 10 root.geometry('1000x800+' + str(x) + '+' + str(y)) Text_test = st.ScrolledText(root, bg='#522418', font=('Arial', 12), bd=2, relief='groove') # 创建一个带滚动条的文本框,用于展示计算过程, y=685, height=100, width=1000) Text_test.configure(foreground='white') Text_test.delete('1.0', 'end') Text_test.insert('2.0', '测试模式:请在估值函数中最大的分数处落子\n') # print("suggestion_test_module Mode ?",chess.Chess_Mode) # 判断是否结束以及所持颜色 if chess.WinFLAG != 1: if chess.Depth >= 9: chess.Depth = 8 if chess.Chess_Mode == 1: color = 2 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2: color = 1 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0: if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: color = 2 elif chess.player == 0 and chess.player2 == 1: color = 1 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 4: color = 2 pos,message = chess.return_postion_test_module(chess.Depth, color) # 调用估值函数 # Text.insert('end', '最佳落子点为:{}\n'.format(chess.Max_Score_pos)) # Text.insert('end',message) # print(pos) # 画点 for i in pos: if chess.ChessData[i[0]][i[1]]['Cstate'] == 0 and (i[0] != 0 and i[1] != 0): # print("chess.myColor,chess.computercolor:",chess.myColor == 1 , chess.computercolor) if chess.myColor == 1 and chess.computercolor == 2: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#fff', outline="#000") elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.computercolor == 1: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#000', outline="#fff") elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.player2color == 1: if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#000', outline="#fff") elif chess.player2 == 1 and chess.player == 0: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#fff', outline="#000") chess.Ovalone_new.append(Ovalone) root.update() return pos,message # 学生测试模式 def test_module(): random_chessboard_test_module() answer_pos,answer_message = suggestion_test_module() # test_answer_x = answer_pos[0] # test_answer_y = answer_pos[1] gamefile.add_command(label="开始游戏", command=startgame) gamefile.add_command(label="保存当前局面", command=savecurrent, accelerator="Ctrl+O") gamefile.add_command(label="重装以前局面", command=resetlast, accelerator="Ctrl+S") gamefile.add_command(label="随机棋局", command=random_chessboard) gamefile.add_command(label="测试模式", command=test_module) main_menu.add_cascade(label="游戏", menu=gamefile) # 在主目录菜单上新增"文件"选项,并通过menu参数与下拉菜单绑定 # 游戏规则 def helpgame(): msg = '''1、对局双方各执一色棋子。 2、空棋盘开局。 3、黑棋虽先行,但有禁手:黑方不能在一步之内形成两个“活三”“活四”或一步之内形成“长连”(指一步形成超过五子连珠)。白方自由,无禁手。 4、棋子下在棋盘的空白点上,棋子下定后,不得向其它点移动,不得从棋盘上拿掉或拿起另落别处。 5、黑方的第一枚棋子可下在棋盘任意交叉点上。''' tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='游戏规则', message=msg) main_menu.add_command(label="帮助", command=helpgame) root.config(menu=main_menu) # 棋盘背景画面 canvas = Canvas(root, bg='white', width=1000, height=800) photoImg = + "image/背景.png").resize((1000, 800)) imgbg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoImg) canvas.create_image(0, 330, image=imgbg, anchor=W) photoqizi = + "image/棋盘-空.png").resize((730, 700)) photoqizi = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoqizi) canvas.create_image(10, 350, image=photoqizi, anchor=W) # 绘制棋盘 def cross(): for i in range(19): # 横线 point = [[40, 37], [706, 37]] point[0][1] = 21 + i * 34.3 point[1][1] = 21 + i * 34.3 if i == 0 or i == 18: canvas.create_line(point, fill="#C18B5F", width=2.5) canvas.create_line(point, fill="#C18B5F", width=1.5) for i in range(19): # 竖线 point = [[41, 21], [41, 640]] point[0][0] = 41 + i * 37 point[1][0] = 41 + i * 37 if i == 0 or i == 18: canvas.create_line(point, fill="#C18B5F", width=2.5) canvas.create_line(point, fill="#C18B5F", width=1.5) for x in (4, 9, 14): for y in (4, 9, 14): if x == y == 9: radius = 9 else: radius = 6 canvas.create_oval(x * 36.9 + 41 - radius / 2, y * 34.3 + 21 - radius / 2, x * 36.9 + 41 + radius / 2, y * 34.3 + 21 + radius / 2, fill='#BE875E', outline="") cross(), y=0) # 鼠标左击落子事件定义 class Player: def PointNextMove(chessData): global Text_test, choosetime, chooseright if chess.Chess_Mode != 4: try: # x = root.winfo_x() x = 10 # y = root.winfo_y() y = 10 root.geometry('1000x700+' + str(x) + '+' + str(y)) Text.destroy() except: pass playerx = float(format(chessData.x)) playery = float(format(chessData.y)) if chess.player == 1: if chess.myColor == 2 and chess.computercolor == 1: chess.playgame_black(root, playerx, playery, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) if chess.myColor == 1 and chess.computercolor == 2: chess.playgame_white(root, playerx, playery, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) if chess.myColor == 2 and chess.player2color == 1: chess.doublepeople(root, playerx, playery, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Chess_Mode == 4: # 由于在点击后需要重新给出下一步落子都选点,在五子棋结束后不能使用这个,因此需要判断是否结束 if chess.game_end(): pass else: try: # x = root.winfo_x() x = 10 # y = root.winfo_y() y = 10 root.geometry('1000x800+' + str(x) + '+' + str(y)) except: pass playerx = float(format(chessData.x)) playery = float(format(chessData.y)) # print("Mode 4") loc_x = -1 loc_y = -1 answer_pos,answer_message = test_suggestion_location() test_answer_x = answer_pos[0][0] test_answer_y = answer_pos[0][1] if chess.player == 1: if chess.myColor == 2 and chess.computercolor == 1: loc_x,loc_y = chess.studenttest_playgame_black(root, playerx, playery, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) if chess.myColor == 1 and chess.computercolor == 2: loc_x,loc_y = chess.studenttest_playgame_white(root, playerx, playery, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) if chess.myColor == 2 and chess.player2color == 1: # 双人的暂时不在测试模式范围内,可以由两个学生进行对战,然后进行按照博弈树的准确率对比,而不是胜负的对比 chess.doublepeople(root, playerx, playery, canvas, blackch, whitech, result, photos1, photos2) # 准确率判断 if loc_x == test_answer_x and loc_y == test_answer_y: # print("print(Text_test)",Text_test) # print("answer right!",test_answer_x,test_answer_y) Text_test.insert('end', "answer right!") Text_test.insert('end', '最佳落子点为:{}\n'.format(chess.Max_Score_pos)) Text_test.insert('end',answer_message) # 添加正确率 chooseright += 1 choosetime += 1 string_acc = "当前正确率:" + "{:.2f}%".format(chooseright/choosetime*100) + "\n" Text_test.insert('end', string_acc) elif loc_x != test_answer_x or loc_y != test_answer_y: # print("print(Text_test)",Text_test) # print("answer wrong!", test_answer_x, test_answer_y) Text_test.insert('end', "answer wrong!") Text_test.insert('end', '最佳落子点为:{}\n'.format(chess.Max_Score_pos)) Text_test.insert('end', answer_message) # 添加正确率 choosetime += 1 string_acc = "当前正确率:" + "{:.2f}%".format(chooseright/choosetime*100) + "\n" Text_test.insert('end', string_acc) # 继续获取位置 if chess.game_end(): pass else: pos,message = test_suggestion_location() test_suggestion_drawloc(pos) # print('鼠标左键单机位置(相对于父容器):{0},{1}'.format(chessData.x, chessData.y)) # print('鼠标左键单击位置(相对于屏幕):{0},{1}'.format(chessData.x_root, chessData.y_root)) # canvas.bind('',handleMotion) canvas.bind('', PointNextMove) # 这两个还没有开发,即两个对象进行对战 class HumanPlayer(Player): def NextMove(self): chess.player_location() class RobotPlayer(Player): def NextMove(self): chess.ai_location() # 图片创建 blackch = + "image/黑子-小.png").resize((40, 40)) blackch = ImageTk.PhotoImage(blackch) whitech = + "image/白子-小.png").resize((40, 40)) whitech = ImageTk.PhotoImage(whitech) result = + "image/resultshow.PNG").resize((100, 42)) result = ImageTk.PhotoImage(result) photos1 = + "image/上方button-选中.png").resize((110, 45)) photos1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photos1) photos2 = + "image/上方button-未选中.png").resize((110, 45)) photos2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photos2) # 棋盘 #"image/棋盘-空.png").resize((730,700)) # photoqizi=ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoqizi) # canvas.create_image(10,350,image=photoqizi,anchor=W) # 当前落子方 # photocur ="image/当前落子方背景.png").resize((100, 30)) # photocur = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photocur) # canvas.create_image(720, 40, image = photocur,anchor=W) canvas.create_text(800, 90, text='当前落子方', font='Arial,10', fill='white') # lab_name = Label(root, text="当前落子方", font='Arial,10',fg='white',image=photocur,compound=CENTER) #, y=85, width=100, height=30) # 当前落子方跳选框 canvas.create_image(750, 145, image=photos2, anchor=W) canvas.create_image(870, 145, image=photos2, anchor=W) # 胜负判定 photoresult = + "image/胜负判定背景.PNG").resize((100, 30)) photoresult = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoresult) # canvas.create_image(630, 200, image = photoresult,anchor=W) cur_result = Label(root, text='胜负判定', font='Arial,10', fg='white', image=photoresult, compound=CENTER) cur_result.config(bg='#8B7355'), y=190, width=100, height=30) # 公告栏 photonotice = + "image/公告栏.png").resize((230, 130)) photonotice = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photonotice) canvas.create_image(750, 300, image=photonotice, anchor=W) # 按钮复盘 def review(): if chess.WinFLAG == 1: for x in range(19): for y in range(19): if chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstep'] != 0 and chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 2: reviewnum = Label(root, text=str(chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstep']), bg='#000', fg='#fff', font=("黑体", 8), width=1, height=1) * 36.8 + 41 - 7, y=y * 34.6 + 21 - 9, anchor='nw') chess.Relabel[x][y] = reviewnum elif chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstep'] != 0 and chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1: reviewnum = Label(root, text=str(chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstep']), bg='#fff', fg='#000', font=("黑体", 8), width=1, height=1) * 36.8 + 41 - 7, y=y * 34.6 + 21 - 9, anchor='nw') chess.Relabel[x][y] = reviewnum elif chess.WinFLAG == 0: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='对局结束后才能复盘噢!') chess.ifreview = 1 root.update() photoreview = + "image/复盘.png").resize((100, 50)) photoreview = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoreview) # canvas.create_image(720, 300, image = photoresult,anchor=W) btn_review = Button(root, text='复盘', font='Arial,12', width=85, height=35, image=photoreview, command=review, bd=0) # btn_review["bg"] = # btn_review["border"] = "0", y=400) # 按钮悔棋 def regretch(): if chess.Chess_Mode == 4: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='测试模式中不可使用!') return if chess.WinFLAG == 0: global regretnum regretnum = 1 if chess.Currently_step == 1 and chess.Chess_Mode == 2: regretxFLAG = xregretFLAG[chess.Currently_step - regretnum] regretyFLAG = yregretFLAG[chess.Currently_step - regretnum] canvas.delete(chess.Chessimg[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]) chess.ChessData[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]['Cstate'] = 0 chess.ChessData[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]['Cstep'] = 0 chess.Currently_step -= 1 chess.playing(2, root, canvas) if chess.Chess_Mode == 1 or chess.Chess_Mode == 2 or chess.Chess_Mode == 4: # print(xregretFLAG) # print(yregretFLAG) for i in range(2): regretxFLAG = xregretFLAG[chess.Currently_step - regretnum] regretyFLAG = yregretFLAG[chess.Currently_step - regretnum] canvas.delete(chess.Chessimg[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]) chess.ChessData[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]['Cstate'] = 0 chess.ChessData[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]['Cstep'] = 0 chess.Currently_step -= 1 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 0, 1, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) if chess.Chess_Mode == 0: regretxFLAG = xregretFLAG[chess.Currently_step - regretnum] regretyFLAG = yregretFLAG[chess.Currently_step - regretnum] canvas.delete(chess.Chessimg[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]) chess.ChessData[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]['Cstate'] = 0 chess.ChessData[regretxFLAG][regretyFLAG]['Cstep'] = 0 chess.Currently_step -= 1 if chess.Currently_step % 2 == 0: chess.player = 1 chess.player2 = 0 chess.curlocation(canvas, 1, 1, 1) elif chess.Currently_step % 2 != 0: chess.player = 0 chess.player2 = 1 chess.curlocation(canvas, 0, 0, 2) elif chess.WinFLAG == 1: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='对局已经结束了!') root.update() # else: # tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='只能悔一次棋!') photoregretch = + "image/悔棋.png").resize((100, 50)) photoregretch = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoregretch) btn_regret = Button(root, text='悔棋', font='Arial,12', width=85, height=35, image=photoregretch, command=regretch, bd=0), y=400) # 按钮撤销复盘 def concelreview(): if chess.WinFLAG == 1: chess.showHistory = True for x in range(19): for y in range(19): if chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstep'] != 0 and chess.Relabel[x][y] != 0: chess.Relabel[x][y].destroy() chess.Relabel[x][y] = 0 elif chess.WinFLAG == 0: chess.showHistory = False tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='在复盘后使用噢!') root.update() photoconcel = + "image/撤销复盘.png").resize((100, 50)) photoconcel = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoconcel) btn_concel = Button(root, text='撤销复盘', font='Arial,12', width=85, height=35, image=photoconcel, command=concelreview, bd=0), y=460) # 按钮落子建议 # def suggestion(): # if chess.WinFLAG != 1: # if chess.Depth >= 9: # chess.Depth = 8 # if chess.Chess_Mode == 1: # color = 2 # elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2: # color = 1 # elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0: # if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: # color = 2 # elif chess.player == 0 and chess.player2 == 1: # color = 1 # pos = chess.return_chess(chess.Depth, color) # 调用估值函数 # if chess.ChessData[pos[0]][pos[1]]['Cstate'] == 0: # if chess.myColor == 1 and chess.computercolor == 2: # Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, # pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, # fill='#fff', outline="#000") # elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.computercolor == 1: # Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, # pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, # fill='#000', outline="#fff") # elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.player2color == 1: # if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: # Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, # pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, # pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#000', outline="#fff") # elif chess.player2 == 1 and chess.player == 0: # Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, # pos[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, # pos[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#fff', outline="#000") # chess.Ovalone = Ovalone # root.update() # else: # pass # 最新的得到建议的函数 def suggestion_new(): if chess.game_end(): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='请在对局中使用!') return if chess.Chess_Mode == 4: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message='测试模式中不可使用!') return # 滚动框 global Text # x = root.winfo_x() # y = root.winfo_y() x = 10 y = 10 root.geometry('1000x800+' + str(x) + '+' + str(y)) Text = st.ScrolledText(root, bg='#522418', font=('Arial', 12), bd=2, relief='groove') # 创建一个带滚动条的文本框,用于展示计算过程, y=685, height=100, width=1000) Text.configure(foreground='white') Text.delete('1.0', 'end') Text.insert('2.0', '落子建议步骤:\n') if chess.WinFLAG != 1: if chess.Depth >= 9: chess.Depth = 8 if chess.Chess_Mode == 1: color = 2 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2: color = 1 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0: if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: color = 2 elif chess.player == 0 and chess.player2 == 1: color = 1 pos,message = chess.return_postion_new(chess.Depth, color) # 调用估值函数 Text.insert('end', '最佳落子点为:{}\n'.format(chess.Max_Score_pos)) Text.insert('end',message) # print("pos:",pos) # print(pos) # 画点 for i in pos: if chess.ChessData[i[0]][i[1]]['Cstate'] == 0 and (i[0] != 0 and i[1] != 0): if chess.myColor == 1 and chess.computercolor == 2: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#fff', outline="#000") elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.computercolor == 1: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#000', outline="#fff") elif chess.myColor == 2 and chess.player2color == 1: if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#000', outline="#fff") elif chess.player2 == 1 and chess.player == 0: Ovalone = canvas.create_oval(i[0] * 36.8 + 41 - 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 - 13.5, i[0] * 36.8 + 41 + 12.5, i[1] * 34.6 + 21 + 13.5, fill='#fff', outline="#000") chess.Ovalone_new.append(Ovalone) root.update() photosuggest = + "image/落子.png").resize((100, 50)) photosuggest = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photosuggest) btn_suggest = Button(root, text='落子建议', font='Arial,12', width=85, height=35, image=photosuggest, command=suggestion_new, bd=0), y=460) # 按钮局面评估 def curnow(): # if chess.game_end(): if chess.Depth >= 9: chess.Depth = 8 if chess.Chess_Mode == 1: color = 2 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2: color = 1 chess.return_chess(chess.Depth, color) # 调用估值函数 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0: if chess.player == 1 and chess.player2 == 0: color = 2 elif chess.player == 0 and chess.player2 == 1: color = 1 elif chess.Chess_Mode == 4: color = 2 chess.return_chess(chess.Depth, color) # 调用估值函数 if chess.Counts / chess.New_count == 1: OwnCounter = random.uniform(0.5, 0.6) else: OwnCounter = chess.Counts / chess.New_count if color == 2: # 1.判断x-轴是否活四或者连五 for x in range(15): for y in range(19): if (chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 1][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 2][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 3][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 4][y]['Cstate'] == 0 and chess.ChessData[x - 1][y]['Cstate'] == 0) or \ (chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 1][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 2][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 3][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 4][y]['Cstate'] == 1): OwnCounter = OwnCounter - OwnCounter # 2.判断y-轴是否活四或者连五 for x in range(19): for y in range(15): if (chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 1]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 2]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 3]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 4]['Cstate'] == 0 and chess.ChessData[x][y - 1]['Cstate'] == 0) or ( chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 1]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 2]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 3]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x][y + 4]['Cstate'] == 1): OwnCounter = OwnCounter - OwnCounter # 3.判断右上-左下是否活四或者连五 for x in range(15): for y in range(4, 15): if (chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 1][y - 1]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 2][y - 2]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 3][y - 3]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 4][y - 4]['Cstate'] == 0 and chess.ChessData[x - 1][y + 1]['Cstate'] == 0) or \ (chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 1][y - 1]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 2][y - 2]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 3][y - 3][ 'Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 4][y - 4]['Cstate'] == 1): OwnCounter = OwnCounter - OwnCounter # 4.判断左上-右下是否活四或者连五 for x in range(15): for y in range(15): if (chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 1][y + 1]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 2][y + 2]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 3][y + 3]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 4][y + 4][ 'Cstate'] == 0 and chess.ChessData[x - 1][y - 1]['Cstate'] == 0) or ( chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 1][y + 1]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 2][y + 2]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 3][y + 3]['Cstate'] == 1 and chess.ChessData[x + 4][y + 4][ 'Cstate'] == 1): OwnCounter = OwnCounter - OwnCounter OwnCounter = OwnCounter - OwnCounter OtherCouter = 1 - OwnCounter msg = '当前落子方的胜率为' + str(round(OwnCounter, 4) * 100) + '%!\n' + \ '当前对方的胜率为' + str(round(OtherCouter, 4) * 100) + '%!' tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='信息提示!', message=msg) photocurnow = + "image/局面评估.png").resize((100, 50)) photocurnow = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photocurnow) btn_elevalue = Button(root, text='局面评估', font='Arial,12', width=85, height=35, image=photocurnow, command=curnow, bd=0), y=520) # def start_game_black(): # if chess.Chess_Mode == 3: # chess.Chess_Mode = 1 # chess.playing(1, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) # else: # chess.Chess_Mode = 1 # refresh() # root.update() photostart = +"image/true.jpg").resize((100, 50)) photostart = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photostart) btn_reset = Button(root, text='人机对战', font='Arial,12', width=85, height=35, image=photostart, command=peocomwhite, bg='#FFA500', bd=0), y=580) # 按钮重新开始 def refresh(): # 这里需要重新添加一个刷新的东西类似于geometry这种,因为刷新有时候没有将画的建议位置删除 # x = root.winfo_x() # y = root.winfo_y() x = 10 y = 10 root.geometry('1000x700+' + str(x) + '+' + str(y)) canvas.create_image(750, 145, image=photos2, anchor=W) canvas.create_image(870, 145, image=photos2, anchor=W) photoqizi = + "image/棋盘-空.png").resize((730, 700)) photoqizi = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photoqizi) canvas.create_image(10, 350, image=photoqizi, anchor=W) cross() if chess.Ovalone != 0: canvas.delete(chess.Ovalone) for x in range(19): for y in range(19): if chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] != 0: canvas.delete(chess.Chessimg[x][y]) if chess.Relabel[x][y] != 0: chess.Relabel[x][y].destroy() chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstate'] = 0 chess.ChessData[x][y]['Cstep'] = 0 chess.Chessimg[x][y] = 0 chess.Relabel[x][y] = 0 chess.Currently_step = 0 chess.Gameover = 0 chess.Depth = 0 chess.player = 0 # 轮到下棋的标志,1=下,0=不下 = 0 # 轮到下棋的标志,1=下,0=不下 chess.myColor = 0 # 玩家选择的棋子颜色 chess.computercolor = 0 # 电脑的棋子颜色 chess.player2color = 0 # 玩家2的棋子颜色 if chess.WinFLAG == 1: chess.resultshow(root, canvas, whitech, blackch) if chess.Chess_Mode == 1: chess.playing(1, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) # chess.curlocation(root, player=1, computer=0,Current_Player=1) elif chess.Chess_Mode == 2: chess.playing(2, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Chess_Mode == 0: chess.playing(0, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) elif chess.Chess_Mode == 4: chess.playing(4, root, canvas, blackch, whitech, photos1, photos2) # chess.curlocation(root, player=1, computer=1,Current_Player=2) if chess.Ovalone != 0: canvas.delete(chess.Ovalone) chess.WinFLAG = 0 root.update() photorefresh = + "image/重新开始.png").resize((100, 50)) photorefresh = ImageTk.PhotoImage(photorefresh) btn_reset = Button(root, text='重新开始', font='Arial,12', width=85, height=35, image=photorefresh, command=refresh, bg='#FFA500', bd=0), y=520) canvas.pack() root.mainloop()