# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Time : 2023/8/9 10:20 # Author : lirunsheng # User : l'r's # Software: PyCharm # File : X4.py # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ @Author: packy945 @FileName: main.py @DateTime: 2023/5/30 15:29 @SoftWare: PyCharm """ import sys from fitting import * import numpy as np import data as gl_data import input import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * import tkinter.filedialog # 注意次数要将文件对话框导入 global Q_root,F_root global root_window global label1,label2,label3 def window(): global root_window global label1, label2, label3 root_window = Tk() root_window.title('函数拟合') root_window.geometry('900x600') # 设置窗口大小:宽x高,注,此处不能为 "*",必须使用 "x" # 设置主窗口的背景颜色,颜色值可以是英文单词,或者颜色值的16进制数,除此之外还可以使用Tk内置的颜色常量 root_window["background"] = "white" root_window.resizable(0, 0) # 防止用户调整尺寸 label1 = tk.Label(root_window, text="样本数据\n集文件", font=('Times', 8), bg="white", width=13, height=3, # 设置标签内容区大小 padx=0, pady=0, borderwidth=0, ) label1.place(x=10, y=4) # 设置填充区距离、边框宽度和其样式(凹陷式) label3 = tk.Label(root_window, text="", font=('Times', 8), bg="white", fg="black", width=39, height=2, padx=0, pady=0, borderwidth=0, relief="ridge", highlightcolor="blue") label3.place(x=122, y=10) # 使用按钮控件调用函数 tk.Button(root_window, text="装载", relief=RAISED, command=lambda: askfile()).place(x=370, y=12) label2 = tk.Label(root_window, text="拟合曲线类型", font=('Times', 12), bg="white", width=20, height=3, # 设置标签内容区大小 padx=0, pady=0, borderwidth=0, ) # 设置填充区距离、边框宽度和其样式(凹陷式) label2.place(x=450, y=4) gl_data.Canvas2 = tk.Canvas(root_window, bg='white', width=450, height=330) gl_data.Canvas2.place(x=4, y=60) # 定义一个处理文件的相关函数 def askfile(): # 从本地选择一个文件,并返回文件的路径 filename = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename() if filename != '':#若选中了一个文件,则对文件进行读取 label3.config(text=filename)#显示文件路径 read_sample_data(filename)#将文件读取并存到sampleData中 # print_sample_data(filename)#将文件读取并逐行输出 selfdata_show(gl_data.X, gl_data.Y, gl_data.LOW, gl_data.HIGH) else:#若未选择文件,则显示为空 label3.config(text='') def print_sample_data(file_path):#打开对应文件 with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file:#逐行读取文件 line = line.strip('\n')#移除换行符 sx, sy = line.split(' ')#以空格分割x,y print(f'sx: {float(sx)}, sy: {float(sy)}')#将sx、sy转换为浮点数并打印 def read_sample_data(file_path): x, y = [], []#初始化x,y with open(file_path, 'r') as file: for line in file:#逐行读文件 line = line.strip('\n')#移除换行符 sx, sy = line.split(' ')#以空格分割x,y x.append(float(sx))#将sx转换为浮点数并加入数组 y.append(float(sy))#将sy转换为浮点数并加入数组 gl_data.X, gl_data.Y = np.array(x), np.array(y)#x,y数组转为array并赋值给全局变量 def buttons(): # 随机生成样本点并显示 b_dot = tk.Button(root_window, text="生成\n数据集", relief=RAISED, bd=4, bg="white", font=("微软雅黑", 10), command=lambda: generate_and_plot_sample_data(gl_data.LOW, gl_data.HIGH)) b_dot.place(x=455, y=410) # 显示当前样本点 b_show = tk.Button(root_window, text="显示\n数据集", relief=RAISED, bd=4, bg="white", font=("微软雅黑", 10), command=lambda: selfdata_show(gl_data.X, gl_data.Y, gl_data.LOW, gl_data.HIGH)) b_show.place(x=510, y=410) # 显示数据集与曲线 b_line = tk.Button(root_window, text="显示数据\n集与曲线", relief=RAISED, bd=4, bg="white", font=("微软雅黑", 10), command=lambda: draw_dots_and_line(gl_data.Xian_index, gl_data.LOW, gl_data.HIGH, gl_data.X, gl_data.Y)) b_line.place(x=565, y=410) # 手动输入数据集 b_input = tk.Button(root_window, text="手动输入数据集", relief=RAISED, bd=4, bg="white", pady=7, font=("微软雅黑", 13), command=lambda: input.input_num(root_window)) b_input.place(x=633, y=410) # 拟合并输出拟合结果 b_fit = tk.Button(root_window, text="拟合", relief=RAISED, bd=4, bg="white", pady=7, font=("微软雅黑", 13), command=lambda: fit_data(gl_data.Xian_index, gl_data.X, gl_data.Y)) b_fit.place(x=771, y=410) def show_fit(): L = tk.Label(root_window, text='结果输出:', bg='white', font=("微软雅黑", 16) , anchor=W) L.place(x=20, y=480, width=100, height=30) ans = tk.Label(root_window, text=gl_data.Out, font=("微软雅黑", 14) , anchor=W, justify='left') ans.place(x=120, y=480, width=760, height=100) print(gl_data.Out) def fit_data(xian_index, sx, sy): # gl_data.yvals_pow = [] cur = function.Fun[xian_index] # 装载正在选择的函数 func = cur.get_fun()#获取当前函数func popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, sx, sy)# 用curve_fit来对点进行拟合 yvals_pow = func(gl_data.X, *popt) rr = gl_data.goodness_of_fit(yvals_pow, gl_data.Y)# 计算本次拟合的R*R值,用于表示拟合优度 # 输出拟合后的各个参数值 ans = '\n函数系数:' for i in range(cur.variable): if i == 4: ans += '\n' if i != 0: ans += ', ' ans += chr(ord('a') + i) + '=' + '{:.2e}'.format(popt[i]) # str(round(gl_data.popt[i], 3)) gl_data.Out = '函数形式:' + cur.name + ' ' gl_data.Out += cur.demo gl_data.Out += ans gl_data.Out += '\n拟合优度(R\u00b2):' + str(round(rr, 5)) show_fit()# 显示函数信息到输出框 def change_Q(no): gl_data.Quadrant = no #更改全局变量的象限显示 if no:#若为一象限,则修改显示下限为0 gl_data.LOW = 0 else:#若为四象限,则修改显示下限为-gl_data.maxV gl_data.LOW = -gl_data.MAXV q_button()#更新象限显示面板 def q_button(): r = 7.5 rr = 2.5 for widget in Q_root.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() q_cv = tk.Canvas(Q_root, width=400, height=50) q_cv.place(x=0, y=0) l = tk.Label(Q_root, text='坐标轴', bd=0, font=("微软雅黑", 16) , anchor=W) l.place(x=20, y=0, width=80, height=50,) # 四象限按钮 b1 = tk.Button(Q_root, text='四象限', bd=0, font=("微软雅黑", 16) , command=lambda: change_Q(0), anchor=W) b1.place(x=170, y=0, width=80, height=50,) # 一象限按钮 b2 = tk.Button(Q_root, text='一象限', bd=0, font=("微软雅黑", 16) , command=lambda: change_Q(1), anchor=W) b2.place(x=320, y=0, width=80, height=50,) # 绘制标记框 q_cv.create_oval(140 - r, 25 - r, 140 + r, 25 + r , fill="white", width=1, outline="black") q_cv.create_oval(290 - r, 25 - r, 290 + r, 25 + r , fill="white", width=1, outline="black") # 根据当前的象限选择值来填充标记框 if gl_data.Quadrant == 0: q_cv.create_oval(140 - rr, 25 - rr, 140 + rr, 25 + rr , fill="black", width=1, outline="black") else: q_cv.create_oval(290 - rr, 25 - rr, 290 + rr, 25 + rr , fill="black", width=1, outline="black") def change_f(no): gl_data.Xian_index = no#设置全局函数编号为该函数 f_button()#重新绘制函数显示界面 def f_button(): r = 7.5#设置按钮大小 rr = 2.5#设置按钮大小 for widget in F_root.winfo_children(): widget.destroy()#清空原有按钮 f_cv = tk.Canvas(F_root, width=400, height=330)#新建画布 f_cv.place(x=0, y=0)#放置画布 f_cv.create_rectangle(2, 2, 398, 328, fill='white', outline="#0099ff")#设置画布边框及底色 cur = 0#函数计数 for fun in function.Fit_type_library:#遍历函数库 f = function.Fit_type_library.get(fun)#获取函数具体信息 if function.Show[f[0]] == 1:# 如果show为1则显示 f_cv.create_oval(20 - r, 20 + 15 + cur * 30 - r, 20 + r, 20 + 15 + cur * 30 + r , fill="white", width=1, outline="black")# 绘制标记框 if f[0] == gl_data.Xian_index:# 若选择为当前函数则标记 f_cv.create_oval(20 - rr, 20 + 15 + cur * 30 - rr, 20 + rr, 20 + 15 + cur * 30 + rr , fill="black", width=1, outline="black") # 绘制切换按钮,单击则将当前使用函数切换为该函数 button = tk.Button(F_root, text=f[2] + ' ' + f[1], bd=0, bg="white", font=("微软雅黑", 12) , command=lambda x=f[0]: change_f(x), anchor=W) button.place(x=40, y=20 + cur * 30, width=300, height=30) cur += 1#计数加一 def close_window(): sys.exit() def main(): global Q_root, F_root,root_window gl_data.X = [] gl_data.X = [] window() function.f_read() # 函数选择相关界面 F_root = tk.Frame(root_window, width=400, height=330, bg='white', ) F_root.place(x=490, y=60) # 象限选择相关界面 Q_root = tk.Frame(root_window, width=400, height=50, bg='white', ) Q_root.place(x=20, y=410) buttons() f_button() q_button() show_fit() root_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close_window) root_window.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main() pass