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import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.font as tf
import math
FinishLevel_Y = 14
TreePercent_Y = 0.7
LeftAngle_Y = 30
RightAngle_Y = 30
InitPoint_Y = (420, 500)
InitAngle_Y = 90
InitLong_Y = 150
params_Y = " 分形层数finishLevel={}\n" \
" 缩放比例treePercent={}\n" \
" 左枝倾角leftAngle={}\n" \
" 右枝倾角rightAngle={}\n" \
" 初始点initPoint={}\n" \
" 初始角initAngle={}\n" \
" 初始长度initLong={}".format(FinishLevel_Y, TreePercent_Y, LeftAngle_Y, RightAngle_Y,
InitPoint_Y, InitAngle_Y, InitLong_Y)
# 创建全局变量 cv_small 和 cv_big
cv_small = None
cv_big = None
# Y形基本图案函数
def yPattern():
cv_small.delete("all") # 清除画布
cv_small.create_line(30, 10, 90, 70, fill='red', width=2) # 左臂
cv_small.create_line(150, 10, 90, 70, fill='red', width=2) # 右臂
cv_small.create_line(90, 140, 90, 70, fill='red', width=2)
# Y形树执行函数
def run_Y_tree():
def Y_tree(depth, percent, left_angle, right_angle, start_point, angle, length, canvas):
if depth == 0:
end_point = (start_point[0] + length * math.cos(math.radians(angle)),
start_point[1] - length * math.sin(math.radians(angle)))
canvas.create_line(start_point, end_point, fill='LightBlue4', width=2)
Y_tree(depth - 1, percent, left_angle, right_angle, end_point, angle + right_angle, length * percent,
canvas) # 画右枝
Y_tree(depth - 1, percent, left_angle, right_angle, end_point, angle - left_angle, length * percent,
canvas) # 画左枝
root = tk.Tk()
ft3 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=18)
global cv_small, cv_big # 声明 cv_small 和 cv_big 为全局变量
# 创建蓝色边框的大画布
cv_big = tk.Canvas(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue")
cv_big_width = 880
cv_big_height = 690
cv_big.config(width=cv_big_width, height=cv_big_height), y=10, anchor='nw')
# 创建红色边框的小画布
cv_small_width = cv_big_width // 4
cv_small_height = cv_big_height // 4
cv_small = tk.Canvas(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="red")
cv_small.config(width=cv_small_width, height=cv_small_height), y=cv_big_height - cv_small_height + 10, anchor='nw')
# 绘制Y形基本图案
# 调用绘制Y形分形树的函数
Y_tree(FinishLevel_Y, TreePercent_Y, LeftAngle_Y, RightAngle_Y, InitPoint_Y, InitAngle_Y, InitLong_Y, cv_big)
# 创建底部的结果输出框
output_text = tk.Text(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue")
output_text.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=8)
output_text.insert(tk.INSERT, params_Y)
# 设置文本框不可编辑
output_text.configure(state="disabled"), y=800, width=1390, height=80, anchor='sw')
# 调用运行Y形树的函数