# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tkinter as tk import tkinter.font as tf import math import pandas as pd import pymysql import os # Y形分形 Y_Fractal # 参数初始化 FinishLevel_Y = 14 TreePercent_Y = 0.7 LeftAngle_Y = 30 RightAngle_Y = 30 InitPoint_Y = (420, 500) InitAngle_Y = 90 InitLong_Y = 150 # Y形分形参数的字符串形式输出 params_Y = " 分形层数:finishLevel={}\n" \ " 缩放比例:treePercent={}\n" \ " 左枝倾角:leftAngle={}\n" \ " 右枝倾角:rightAngle={}\n" \ " 初始点:initPoint={}\n" \ " 初始角:initAngle={}\n" \ " 初始长度:initLong={}".format(FinishLevel_Y, TreePercent_Y, LeftAngle_Y, RightAngle_Y, InitPoint_Y, InitAngle_Y, InitLong_Y) # Y形基本图案函数 def yPattern(): cv_small.delete("all") # 清除画布 cv_small.create_line(30, 10, 90, 70, fill='red', width=2) # 左臂 cv_small.create_line(150, 10, 90, 70, fill='red', width=2) # 右臂 cv_small.create_line(90, 140, 90, 70, fill='red', width=2) # 中心线 # Y形树执行函数 def run_Y_tree(): # Y形分形树函数 def Y_tree(depth, percent, left_angle, right_angle, start_point, angle, length, canvas): if depth == 0: return end_point = (start_point[0] + length * math.cos(math.radians(angle)), start_point[1] - length * math.sin(math.radians(angle))) canvas.create_line(start_point, end_point, fill='LightBlue4', width=2) # canvas.update() # canvas.after(1) Y_tree(depth - 1, percent, left_angle, right_angle, end_point, angle + right_angle, length * percent, canvas) # 画右枝 Y_tree(depth - 1, percent, left_angle, right_angle, end_point, angle - left_angle, length * percent, canvas) # 画左枝 # print(start_point,end_point) # 清除画布 cv_big.delete("all") # 将初始参数传入函数 Y_tree(FinishLevel_Y, TreePercent_Y, LeftAngle_Y, RightAngle_Y, InitPoint_Y, InitAngle_Y, InitLong_Y, cv_big) output_text.delete("1.0", "end") # 在底部的结果输出框输出分形树的绘制参数 text = " 结果输出:<分形绘制参数的字符串形式输出>\n finishLevel={}, treePercent={}," \ " leftAngle={}, rightAngle={}, initPoint={}, initAngle={}, initLong={}" \ .format(FinishLevel_Y, TreePercent_Y, LeftAngle_Y, RightAngle_Y, InitPoint_Y, InitAngle_Y, InitLong_Y) output_text.insert(tk.INSERT, text) # Y形分形参数更新函数 def update_params_Y(): new_str = params_text.get("1.0", "end-1c") # 获取文本框中的分形参数字符串 new_params = new_str.split('\n') new_params = [x.split('=')[1].strip() for x in new_params] # 获取参数值 # 参数更新 global FinishLevel_Y, TreePercent_Y, LeftAngle_Y, RightAngle_Y, InitPoint_Y, InitAngle_Y, InitLong_Y FinishLevel_Y = int(new_params[0]) TreePercent_Y = float(new_params[1]) LeftAngle_Y = int(new_params[2]) RightAngle_Y = int(new_params[3]) InitPoint_Y = tuple(map(int, new_params[4][1:-1].split(','))) InitAngle_Y = int(new_params[5]) InitLong_Y = int(new_params[6]) # 三角形分形 Triangle_Fractal # 参数初始化 FinishLevel_tri = 14 TreePercent_tri = 0.7 InitPoint_tri = (420, 500) InitAngle_tri = 30 InitLong_tri = 170 params_Triangle = " 分形层数:finishLevel={}\n" \ " 缩放比例:treePercent={}\n" \ " 初始点:initPoint={}\n" \ " 初始角:initAngle={}\n" \ " 初始长度:initLong={}".format(FinishLevel_tri, TreePercent_tri, InitPoint_tri, InitAngle_tri, InitLong_tri) # 三角形分形参数设置 def update_params_Triangle(): new_str = params_text.get("1.0", "end-1c") # 获取文本框中的分形参数字符串 new_params = new_str.split('\n') new_params = [x.split('=')[1].strip() for x in new_params] # 获取参数值 # 参数更新 global FinishLevel_tri, TreePercent_tri, InitPoint_tri, InitAngle_tri, InitLong_tri FinishLevel_tri = int(new_params[0]) TreePercent_tri = float(new_params[1]) InitPoint_tri = tuple(map(int, new_params[2][1:-1].split(','))) InitAngle_tri = int(new_params[3]) InitLong_tri = int(new_params[4]) # 三角形基本图案函数 def Triangle_Pattern(): cv_small.delete("all") # 清除画布 cv_small.create_polygon(80, 130, 20, 10, 140, 10, outline='red', fill='white', width=2) # 三角形分形树执行函数(倒的坐标系) def run_Triangle_tree(): # 三角形分形树函数 def Triangle_tree(depth, percent, start_point, angle, length, canvas): if depth == 0: return # 左枝点 end_point1 = (start_point[0] - length * math.sin(math.radians(angle)), start_point[1] - length * math.cos(math.radians(angle))) # 右枝点 end_point2 = (start_point[0] + length * math.sin(math.radians(angle)), start_point[1] - length * math.cos(math.radians(angle))) # 画三角形 canvas.create_polygon(start_point, end_point1, end_point2, fill='LightBlue4', outline='white') # 画左枝 Triangle_tree(depth - 1, percent, end_point1, angle, length * percent, canvas) # 画右枝 Triangle_tree(depth - 1, percent, end_point2, angle, length * percent, canvas) # canvas.update() # canvas.after(10) # 清除画布 cv_big.delete("all") # 将初始参数传入函数 Triangle_tree(FinishLevel_tri, TreePercent_tri, InitPoint_tri, InitAngle_tri, InitLong_tri, cv_big) # 在底部的结果输出框输出分形树的绘制参数 output_text.delete("1.0", "end") text = " 结果输出:<分形绘制参数的字符串形式输出>\n finishLevel={}, treePercent={}, initPoint={}, initAngle={}, " \ "initLong={}".format(FinishLevel_tri, TreePercent_tri, InitPoint_tri, InitAngle_tri, InitLong_tri) output_text.insert(tk.INSERT, text) # 方形分形 Rect_Fractal # 参数初始化 FinishLevel_Rect = 10 LeftPoint_Rect = (350, 410) RightPoint_Rect = (450, 410) InitAngle_Rect = 45 params_Rect = " 分形层数:finishLevel={}\n" \ " 左下点:leftPoint={}\n" \ " 右下点:rightPoint={}\n" \ " 初始角:initAngle={}".format(FinishLevel_Rect, LeftPoint_Rect, RightPoint_Rect, InitAngle_Rect) # 方形参数更新函数 def update_params_Rect(): new_str = params_text.get("1.0", "end-1c") # 获取文本框中的分形参数字符串 new_params = new_str.split('\n') new_params = [x.split('=')[1].strip() for x in new_params] # 获取参数值 # 参数更新 global FinishLevel_Rect, LeftPoint_Rect, RightPoint_Rect, InitAngle_Rect FinishLevel_Rect = int(new_params[0]) LeftPoint_Rect = tuple(map(int, new_params[1][1:-1].split(','))) RightPoint_Rect = tuple(map(int, new_params[2][1:-1].split(','))) InitAngle_Rect = int(new_params[3]) # 方形基本图案函数 def Rect_Pattern(): cv_small.delete("all") # 清空画布 cv_small.create_rectangle(35, 10, 155, 120, outline='red', fill='white', width=2) # 方形分形树执行函数 def run_Rect_tree(): # 方形分形树函数 def Rect_tree(depth, point1, point2, angle, canvas): # 直线的旋转,point1是定点 def rotate(point1, point2, angle): x1, y1 = point1[0], point1[1] x2, y2 = point2[0], point2[1] x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * math.cos(math.radians(angle)) + (y2 - y1) * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * math.cos(math.radians(angle)) - (x2 - x1) * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) point = (x, y) # print(point) return point # 直线的缩放,point1是定点 def zoom(point1, point2, ratio): x1, y1 = point1[0], point1[1] x2, y2 = point2[0], point2[1] x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * ratio y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * ratio point = (x, y) return point point3 = rotate(point1, point2, 90) point4 = rotate(point2, point1, 270) # print(point1,point2,point3,point4) # 画正方形 canvas.create_polygon(point1, point2, point4, point3, fill='LightBlue4', outline='white') if depth == 0: return point = rotate(point3, point4, angle) # 旋转 point = zoom(point3, point, math.cos(math.radians(angle))) # 缩放 Rect_tree(depth - 1, point, point4, angle, canvas) # 画左枝 Rect_tree(depth - 1, point3, point, angle, canvas) # 画右枝 # 清除画布 cv_big.delete("all") # 将初始参数传入函数 Rect_tree(FinishLevel_Rect, LeftPoint_Rect, RightPoint_Rect, InitAngle_Rect, cv_big) # 在底部的结果输出框输出分形树的绘制参数 output_text.delete("1.0", "end") text = " 结果输出:<分形绘制参数的字符串形式输出>\n finishLevel={}, leftPoint={}, rightPoint={}, initAngle={}" \ .format(FinishLevel_Rect, LeftPoint_Rect, RightPoint_Rect, InitAngle_Rect) output_text.insert(tk.INSERT, text) # 按钮【删除选项】的回调函数 def delete_rb(): fractal_type = shape_var.get() # 获取用户选择的分形类型 # 遍历 Frame组件中的所有单选框 for radio_button in frame.pack_slaves(): # 如果选中对象是单选框且与单选框的值与 fractal_type相等,删除单选框 if isinstance(radio_button, tk.Radiobutton) and radio_button["value"] == fractal_type: radio_button.destroy() # 连接到数据库 def mysql_chart(table_query): import mysql.connector # 连接到MySQL数据库 cnx = mysql.connector.connect( host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', db='ec' ) # 创建游标对象 cursor = cnx.cursor() # 执行SQL语句来创建数据表 cursor.execute(table_query) # 提交事务并关闭连接 cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() # 建立数据库连接 def connect_To_database(): try: conn = pymysql.connect( host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', db='ec', charset='utf8' ) # print('连接成功') return conn except pymysql.Error as e: print('连接失败!', e) # 文本框内的参数随着单选框的变化实时更新 def update_Text(): params_text.delete(1.0, tk.END) # 清空文本框中的内容 fractal_type = shape_var.get() # 获取用户选择的分形类型 # print(fractal_type) # 根据分形类型在文本框内显示不同的分形参数字符串 if fractal_type == 'Y': params_text.insert(tk.INSERT, params_Y) elif fractal_type == 'Triangle': params_text.insert(tk.INSERT, params_Triangle) elif fractal_type == 'Rect': params_text.insert(tk.INSERT, params_Rect) # 如果分形类型在分形参数输出字典中,运行相应的代码 # elif fractal_type in str_params_dict: # code = str_params_dict[fractal_type] # exec(code) conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', database='ec') df = pd.read_sql('select * from fractal', con=conn) for i in df['fractal_e']: # print(i) if fractal_type == i: code = df[df['fractal_e'] == i].params_initial.values[0] exec(code) code1 = df[df['fractal_e'] == i].str_params.values[0] exec(code1) conn.close() def Y_pattern(): cv_small.delete("all") # 清除画布 cv_small.create_line(50, 30, 110, 90, fill='red', width=2) # 左臂 cv_small.create_line(170, 30, 110, 90, fill='red', width=2) # 右臂 cv_small.create_line(110, 160, 110, 90, fill='red', width=2) # 中心线 # 按钮【基本图案绘制】的回调函数 def draw_pattern(): fractal_type = shape_var.get() # 获取用户选择的分形类型 # 根据分形类型 绘制基本图案 if fractal_type == 'Y': Y_pattern() elif fractal_type == 'Triangle': Triangle_Pattern() elif fractal_type == 'Rect': Rect_Pattern() # 如果分形类型在基本图案绘制函数字典中,执行相应的代码 # elif fractal_type in pattern_dict: # code = pattern_dict[fractal_type] # exec(code) conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', database='ec') df = pd.read_sql('select * from fractal', con=conn) for i in df['fractal_e']: if fractal_type == i: code = df[df['fractal_e'] == i].pattern.values[0] exec(code) conn.close() # 按钮【绘制】的回调函数 def draw_tree(): fractal_type = shape_var.get() # 获取用户选择的分形类型 # 根据分形类型 绘制分形树 if fractal_type == 'Y': run_Y_tree() elif fractal_type == 'Triangle': run_Triangle_tree() elif fractal_type == 'Rect': run_Rect_tree() # 如果分形类型在分形树绘制函数字典中,执行相应的代码 # elif fractal_type in tree_dict: # code = tree_dict[fractal_type] # exec(code) conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', database='ec') df = pd.read_sql('select * from fractal', con=conn) for i in df['fractal_e']: if fractal_type == i: code = df[df['fractal_e'] == i].tree.values[0] exec(code) conn.close() # 按钮【绘制参数设置】的回调函数 def update_params(): fractal_type = shape_var.get() # 获取用户选择的分形类型 # 根据分形类型 执行对应的参数更新函数 if fractal_type == 'Y': update_params_Y() elif fractal_type == 'Triangle': update_params_Triangle() elif fractal_type == 'Rect': update_params_Rect() # 如果分形类型在参数更新字典中,运行相应的代码 # if fractal_type in update_params_dict: # code = update_params_dict[fractal_type] # exec(code) conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', database='ec') df = pd.read_sql('select * from fractal', con=conn) for i in df['fractal_e']: if fractal_type == i: code = df[df['fractal_e'] == i].updata_tree.values[0] exec(code) conn.close() # 按钮【新增分形图案类型】的回调函数 def add_fractal(): # 按钮【添加】的回调函数,将分形图案对应的函数模块增加到相关字典 def add_function(): # 获取分形名称,更改单选框名字 name_fractal = text_name.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # 文本框控件中第一个字符的位置是 1.0,'end-1c'返回的输入中不包含换行符 # print(name_fractal) # 获取分形单选框的值 fractal_type = text_radio.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # print(fractal_type) # 创建单选框 rb = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text=name_fractal, variable=shape_var, value=fractal_type, bg="white", font=ft1) rb.pack(anchor='w') # 执行参数初始化的代码 params_code = text_param.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # exec(params_code) global str_params_dict, pattern_dict, tree_dict, update_params_dict # 分形参数输出字典 str_code = text_str.get('1.0', 'end-1c') str_params_dict[fractal_type] = str_code # 基本图案绘制函数字典 pattern_code = text_pattern.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # pattern_dict[fractal_type] = pattern_code # 分形树绘制函数字典 tree_code = text_tree.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # tree_dict[fractal_type] = tree_code # 参数更新字典 update_code = text_up.get('1.0', 'end-1c') # update_params_dict[fractal_type] = update_code # 添加后关闭窗口 small_root2.destroy() list1 = [(name_fractal, fractal_type, params_code, str_code, pattern_code, tree_code, update_code)] conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='123456', database='ec') insert_query = "insert into fractal (name,fractal_e,params_initial,str_params,pattern,tree,updata_tree) " \ "values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" tree.insert_data(conn, insert_query, list1[0]) # 弹出一个添加分形代码的窗口 small_root2 = tk.Tk() small_root2.geometry("1000x700+200+50") small_root2.title("新增分形图案类型") # 分形名称,读取为单选框的名字 lab_name = tk.Label(small_root2, text="分形名称:", font=ft1) lab_name.place(x=40, y=10, width=100, height=30, anchor='nw') text_name = tk.Text(small_root2, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") text_name.configure(font=ft3) text_name.place(x=140, y=10, width=340, height=30) # 分形单选框的值,读取为单选框的值 lab_radio = tk.Label(small_root2, text="分形英文简写:", font=ft1) lab_radio.place(x=520, y=10, width=140, height=30, anchor='nw') text_radio = tk.Text(small_root2, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") text_radio.configure(font=ft3) text_radio.place(x=660, y=10, width=300, height=30) # 分形参数初始化,读取的代码可以直接运行 lab_param = tk.Label(small_root2, text="请输入分形参数初始化的代码:", font=ft1) lab_param.place(x=40, y=50, width=280, height=30, anchor='nw') text_param = tk.Text(small_root2, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") text_param.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=5) text_param.place(x=40, y=85, width=440, height=140) # 分形参数字符串形式输出,后续读取代码到分形参数输出字典str_params_dict lab_str = tk.Label(small_root2, text="请输入分形参数字符串形式输出的代码:", font=ft1) lab_str.place(x=40, y=230, width=360, height=30, anchor='nw') text_str = tk.Text(small_root2, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") text_str.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=5) text_str.place(x=40, y=265, width=440, height=140) # print(text_str) # 参数更新,后续读取代码到参数更新字典update_params_dict lab_up = tk.Label(small_root2, text="请输入分形参数更新的代码:", font=ft1) lab_up.place(x=40, y=410, width=260, height=30, anchor='nw') text_up = tk.Text(small_root2, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") text_up.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=5) text_up.place(x=40, y=445, width=440, height=145) # 输入基本图案函数,后续读取代码到基本图案绘制函数字典pattern_dict lab_pattern = tk.Label(small_root2, text="请输入基本图案绘制函数:", font=ft1) lab_pattern.place(x=520, y=50, width=240, height=30, anchor='nw') text_pattern = tk.Text(small_root2, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") text_pattern.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=5) text_pattern.place(x=520, y=85, width=440, height=240) # 输入分形树函数,后续读取代码到分形树绘制函数字典tree_dict lab_tree = tk.Label(small_root2, text="请输入分形树绘制函数:", font=ft1) lab_tree.place(x=520, y=330, width=220, height=30, anchor='nw') text_tree = tk.Text(small_root2, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") text_tree.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=5) text_tree.place(x=520, y=365, width=440, height=230) # 按钮【添加】 button_add = tk.Button(small_root2, text="添加", command=add_function, font=ft2) button_add.place(x=450, y=610, width=100, height=35, anchor='nw') def main(): # 创建主窗口 root = tk.Tk() w = root.winfo_screenwidth() h = root.winfo_screenheight() root.geometry("%dx%d" % (w, h)) root.title("分形树 电脑的分辨率是%dx%d" % (root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight())) root.geometry('1270x650') root.title('分形树') # 创建新增分形图案类型所需的字典 str_params_dict = {} pattern_dict = {} tree_dict = {} update_params_dict = {} # 定义变量,用于存储用户选择的分形类型 shape_var = tk.StringVar() # 设置字体 ft1 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=21) ft2 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=21, weight=tf.BOLD) ft3 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=18) ft4 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=19) # 创建一个标签 lab1 = tk.Label(root, text="分形图案类型", font=ft1) lab1.place(x=20, y=10, width=180, height=50, anchor='nw') # 创建一个按钮,用来新增分形图案类型 button_addPattern = tk.Button(root, text="新增分形图案类型", command=add_fractal, font=ft2) button_addPattern.place(x=500, y=10, width=270, height=50, anchor='ne') ## 滚动框的设置 # 创建一个Canvas对象,使用该对象作为滚动区域 canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=445, height=160) # 创建一个列表框对象Rlist,并将其放入滚动区域中 Rlist = tk.Listbox(canvas, width=445, height=20, bg='white', highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") # 创建滚动条对象并与Canvas绑定,实现滚动条功能 scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview) canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) canvas.place(x=20, y=75, anchor='nw') scrollbar.place(x=470, y=75, width=30, height=160, anchor='nw') # 创建一个Frame组件用于放置单选框 frame = tk.Frame(Rlist, bg='white') frame.place(anchor='nw') # 将列表框放入Canvas中,并设置Canvas窗口的大小 box_id = canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=Rlist, anchor="nw") Rlist.update_idletasks() # 更新视图 canvas.config(scrollregion=canvas.bbox("all")) # 设置画布的滚动区域 # 添加单选框到 Frame组件 rb_Y = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text="Y形分形 Y_Fractal", variable=shape_var, value='Y', bg="white", font=ft1) rb_Y.pack(anchor='w') rb_Triangle = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text="三角形分形 Triangle_Fractal", variable=shape_var, value='Triangle', bg="white", font=ft1) rb_Triangle.pack(anchor='w') rb_Rect = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text="矩形分形 Rect_Fractal", variable=shape_var, value='Rect', bg="white", font=ft1) rb_Rect.pack(anchor='w') if os.path.exists('params.csv'): df = pd.read_csv("params.csv") for i in df["分型名称"]: rb1 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text=i, variable=shape_var, value=df[df['分型名称'] == i].分形英文.values[0], bg="white", font=ft1) rb1.pack(anchor='w') # 将默认选项设置为 Y 形分形 rb_Y.select() # 创建一个标签 lab2 = tk.Label(root, text="分形参数设置【参数含义:参量名=参量值】", font=ft4) lab2.place(x=20, y=255, width=490, height=40, anchor='nw') # 大画布的宽度和高度变量,方便后期调整 big_width = 880 big_height = 690 # 创建蓝色边框的大画布 cv_big = tk.Canvas(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") cv_big.config(width=big_width, height=big_height) cv_big.place(x=530, y=10, anchor='nw') # 创建红色边框的小画布,宽高设置为大画布的1/4 cv_small = tk.Canvas(cv_big, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="tomato") cv_small.config(width=big_width * 0.25, height=big_height * 0.25) cv_small.place(x=0, y=big_height, anchor='sw') # 创建一个多行文本框 params_text = tk.Text(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") params_text.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=15) params_text.place(x=20, y=300, width=480, height=310, anchor='nw') # 初始化分形参数并输出 params_str = params_Y params_text.insert(tk.INSERT, params_str) # trace追踪变量w模式,回调函数update_text shape_var.trace('w', lambda *args, str_params_dict=str_params_dict: update_Text()) # 创建四个按钮 button_delete = tk.Button(root, text="删除\n选项", command=delete_rb, font=ft2) button_delete.place(x=20, y=700, width=90, height=75, anchor='sw') button_pattern = tk.Button(root, text="基本图\n案绘制", command=draw_pattern, font=ft2) button_pattern.place(x=130, y=700, width=120, height=75, anchor='sw') button_params = tk.Button(root, text="绘制参\n数设置", command=update_params, font=ft2) button_params.place(x=270, y=700, width=120, height=75, anchor='sw') button_drawTree = tk.Button(root, text="绘制", command=draw_tree, font=ft2) button_drawTree.place(x=410, y=700, width=90, height=75, anchor='sw') # 创建底部输出框 output_text = tk.Text(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") output_text.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=8) text = " 结果输出:<分形绘制参数的字符串形式输出>" output_text.insert(tk.INSERT, text) output_text.place(x=20, y=800, width=1390, height=80, anchor='sw') # 进入消息循环 root.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': from pycallgraph2 import PyCallGraph from pycallgraph2.output import GraphvizOutput from pycallgraph2 import Config from pycallgraph2 import GlobbingFilter output = GraphvizOutput(font_size=30) output.output_file = "basic.png" output.group_font_size = 40 config = Config() # config.trace_filter = GlobbingFilter(include=[ # 'update_params_Triangle.*', # 'yPattern.*', # 'Rect_Pattern.*', # 'run_Rect_tree.*', # 'delete_rb.*', # 'mysql_Text.*', # 'Y_pattern.*', # 'draw_pattern.*', # 'draw_tree.*', # 'update_params.*', # 'add_fractal.*', # 'main.*', # ]) with PyCallGraph(output=output, config=config): # 创建主窗口 root = tk.Tk() w = root.winfo_screenwidth() h = root.winfo_screenheight() root.geometry("%dx%d" % (w, h)) root.title("分形树 电脑的分辨率是%dx%d" % (root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight())) root.geometry('1270x650') root.title('分形树') # 创建新增分形图案类型所需的字典 str_params_dict = {} pattern_dict = {} tree_dict = {} update_params_dict = {} # 定义变量,用于存储用户选择的分形类型 shape_var = tk.StringVar() # 设置字体 ft1 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=21) ft2 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=21, weight=tf.BOLD) ft3 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=18) ft4 = tf.Font(family="黑体", size=19) # 创建一个标签 lab1 = tk.Label(root, text="分形图案类型", font=ft1) lab1.place(x=20, y=10, width=180, height=50, anchor='nw') # 创建一个按钮,用来新增分形图案类型 button_addPattern = tk.Button(root, text="新增分形图案类型", command=add_fractal, font=ft2) button_addPattern.place(x=500, y=10, width=270, height=50, anchor='ne') ## 滚动框的设置 # 创建一个Canvas对象,使用该对象作为滚动区域 canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=445, height=160) # 创建一个列表框对象Rlist,并将其放入滚动区域中 Rlist = tk.Listbox(canvas, width=445, height=20, bg='white', highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") # 创建滚动条对象并与Canvas绑定,实现滚动条功能 scrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=canvas.yview) canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) canvas.place(x=20, y=75, anchor='nw') scrollbar.place(x=470, y=75, width=30, height=160, anchor='nw') # 创建一个Frame组件用于放置单选框 frame = tk.Frame(Rlist, bg='white') frame.place(anchor='nw') # 将列表框放入Canvas中,并设置Canvas窗口的大小 box_id = canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=Rlist, anchor="nw") Rlist.update_idletasks() # 更新视图 canvas.config(scrollregion=canvas.bbox("all")) # 设置画布的滚动区域 # 添加单选框到 Frame组件 rb_Y = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text="Y形分形 Y_Fractal", variable=shape_var, value='Y', bg="white", font=ft1) rb_Y.pack(anchor='w') rb_Triangle = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text="三角形分形 Triangle_Fractal", variable=shape_var, value='Triangle', bg="white", font=ft1) rb_Triangle.pack(anchor='w') rb_Rect = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text="矩形分形 Rect_Fractal", variable=shape_var, value='Rect', bg="white", font=ft1) rb_Rect.pack(anchor='w') if os.path.exists('params.csv'): df = pd.read_csv("params.csv") for i in df["分型名称"]: rb1 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, text=i, variable=shape_var, value=df[df['分型名称'] == i].分形英文.values[0], bg="white", font=ft1) rb1.pack(anchor='w') # 将默认选项设置为 Y 形分形 rb_Y.select() # 创建一个标签 lab2 = tk.Label(root, text="分形参数设置【参数含义:参量名=参量值】", font=ft4) lab2.place(x=20, y=255, width=490, height=40, anchor='nw') # 大画布的宽度和高度变量,方便后期调整 big_width = 880 big_height = 690 # 创建蓝色边框的大画布 cv_big = tk.Canvas(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") cv_big.config(width=big_width, height=big_height) cv_big.place(x=530, y=10, anchor='nw') # 创建红色边框的小画布,宽高设置为大画布的1/4 cv_small = tk.Canvas(cv_big, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="tomato") cv_small.config(width=big_width * 0.25, height=big_height * 0.25) cv_small.place(x=0, y=big_height, anchor='sw') # 创建一个多行文本框 params_text = tk.Text(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") params_text.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=15) params_text.place(x=20, y=300, width=480, height=310, anchor='nw') # 初始化分形参数并输出 params_str = params_Y params_text.insert(tk.INSERT, params_str) # trace追踪变量w模式,回调函数update_text shape_var.trace('w', lambda *args, str_params_dict=str_params_dict: update_Text()) # 创建四个按钮 button_delete = tk.Button(root, text="删除\n选项", command=delete_rb, font=ft2) button_delete.place(x=20, y=700, width=90, height=75, anchor='sw') button_pattern = tk.Button(root, text="基本图\n案绘制", command=draw_pattern, font=ft2) button_pattern.place(x=130, y=700, width=120, height=75, anchor='sw') button_params = tk.Button(root, text="绘制参\n数设置", command=update_params, font=ft2) button_params.place(x=270, y=700, width=120, height=75, anchor='sw') button_drawTree = tk.Button(root, text="绘制", command=draw_tree, font=ft2) button_drawTree.place(x=410, y=700, width=90, height=75, anchor='sw') # 创建底部输出框 output_text = tk.Text(root, bg="white", highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="LightBlue") output_text.configure(font=ft3, spacing1=8) text = " 结果输出:<分形绘制参数的字符串形式输出>" output_text.insert(tk.INSERT, text) output_text.place(x=20, y=800, width=1390, height=80, anchor='sw') # 进入消息循环 root.mainloop()