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import numpy as np
class AntColonyOptimization:
def __init__(self, distances, num_ants=10, num_iterations=100, alpha=1, beta=1, evaporation=0.5, q0=0.9):
self.distances = distances
self.num_ants = num_ants
self.num_iterations = num_iterations
self.alpha = alpha
self.beta = beta
self.evaporation = evaporation
self.q0 = q0
def optimize(self):
num_cities = len(self.distances)
pheromone = np.ones((num_cities, num_cities))
best_path = None
best_length = float('inf')
for _ in range(self.num_iterations):
paths = []
lengths = []
for _ in range(self.num_ants):
path = self.construct_path(pheromone)
length = self.calculate_length(path)
if length < best_length:
best_length = length
best_path = path
self.update_pheromone(pheromone, paths, lengths)
return best_path
def construct_path(self, pheromone):
num_cities = len(pheromone)
path = [0] # 起始城市为0
visited = np.zeros(num_cities, dtype=bool)
visited[0] = True
for _ in range(num_cities - 1):
probs = self.calculate_probs(pheromone, path[-1], visited)
next_city = self.choose_next_city(probs)
visited[next_city] = True
return path
def calculate_probs(self, pheromone, curr_city, visited):
num_cities = len(pheromone)
probs = np.zeros(num_cities)
denominator = 0
for city in range(num_cities):
if not visited[city]:
denominator += pheromone[curr_city, city] ** self.alpha + (1.0 / self.distances[curr_city, city]) ** self.beta
for city in range(num_cities):
if not visited[city]:
numerator = pheromone[curr_city, city] ** self.alpha + (1.0 / self.distances[curr_city, city]) ** self.beta
probs[city] = numerator / denominator
return probs
def choose_next_city(self, probs):
q = np.random.rand()
if q < self.q0:
next_city = np.argmax(probs)
next_city = np.random.choice(len(probs), p=probs)
return next_city
def calculate_length(self, path):
length = 0
for i in range(len(path) - 1):
length += self.distances[path[i], path[i+1]]
return length
def update_pheromone(self, pheromone, paths, lengths):
pheromone *= self.evaporation
for i, path in enumerate(paths):
for j in range(len(path) - 1):
city1 = path[j]
city2 = path[j+1]
pheromone[city1, city2] += 1.0 / lengths[i]
pheromone[city2, city1] += 1.0 / lengths[i]
distances = np.array([
[np.inf, 50, 99, np.inf, 64, np.inf],
[50, np.inf, 12, 45, 74, 13],
[99, 12, np.inf, 25, np.inf, 61],
[np.inf, 45, 25, np.inf, 45, 47],
[64, 74, np.inf, 45, np.inf, np.inf],
[np.inf, 13, 61, 47, np.inf, np.inf]
aco = AntColonyOptimization(distances)
best_path = aco.optimize()