* Copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd .
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 - present Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
(* * Module to handle IO. Includes html and xml modules. *)
module F = Format
open Utils
(* =============== START of module Html =============== *)
module Html : sig
val close : Unix . file_descr * Format . formatter -> unit (* * Close an Html file *)
val create : DB . Results_dir . path_kind -> DB . Results_dir . path -> Unix . file_descr * Format . formatter (* * Create a new html file *)
val modified_during_analysis : DB . Results_dir . path -> bool (* * Return true if the html file was modified since the beginning of the analysis *)
val open_out : DB . Results_dir . path -> Unix . file_descr * Format . formatter (* * Open an Html file to append data *)
val pp_line_link : ? with_name : bool -> ? text : ( string option ) -> DB . Results_dir . path -> Format . formatter -> int -> unit (* * Print an html link to the given line number of the current source file *)
val pp_hline : Format . formatter -> unit -> unit (* * Print a horizontal line *)
val pp_end_color : Format . formatter -> unit -> unit (* * Print end color *)
(* * [pp_node_link path_to_root description isvisited isproof fmt id] prints an html link to the given node.
[ path_to_root ] is the path to the dir for the procedure in the spec db .
[ description ] is a string description .
[ is_visited ] indicates whether the node should be active or greyed out .
[ is_proof ] indicates whether the node is part of a proof and should be green .
[ id ] is the node identifier . * )
val pp_node_link : DB . Results_dir . path -> string -> int list -> int list -> int list -> bool -> bool -> Format . formatter -> int -> unit
val pp_proc_link : DB . Results_dir . path -> Procname . t -> Format . formatter -> string -> unit (* * Print an html link to the given proc *)
val pp_session_link : ? with_name : bool -> string list -> Format . formatter -> int * int * int -> unit (* * Print an html link given node id and session *)
val pp_start_color : Format . formatter -> color -> unit (* * Print start color *)
end = struct
let create pk path =
let fname , dir_path = match IList . rev path with
| fname :: dir_path -> fname , dir_path
| [] -> raise ( Failure " Html.create " ) in
let fd = DB . Results_dir . create_file pk ( IList . rev ( ( fname ^ " .html " ) :: dir_path ) ) in
let outc = Unix . out_channel_of_descr fd in
let fmt = F . formatter_of_out_channel outc in
let ( + + ) x y = x ^ " \n " ^ y in
let s =
" <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN \" > " + +
" <html> \n <head> \n <title> " ^ fname ^ " </title> " + +
" <style type= \" text/css \" > " + +
" body { color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff } " + +
" body { font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10pt } " + +
" h1 { font-size:14pt } " + +
" .code { border-collapse:collapse; width:100%; } " + +
" .code { font-family: \" Andale Mono \" , monospace; font-size:10pt } " + +
" .code { line-height: 1.2em } " + +
" .comment { color: green; font-style: oblique } " + +
" .keyword { color: blue } " + +
" .string_literal { color: red } " + +
" .color_black { color: black } " + +
" .color_blue { color: blue } " + +
" .color_green { color: green } " + +
" .color_red { color: red } " + +
" .color_orange { color: orange } " + +
" .directive { color: darkmagenta } " + +
" .expansion { display: none; } " + +
" .visited:hover .expansion { display: block; border: 2px solid #FF0000; padding: 2px; background-color:#FFF0F0; font-weight: normal; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 7px #000; position: absolute; top: -1em; left:10em; z-index: 1 } " + +
" .visited { color: darkmagenta; background-color:LemonChiffon; position: relative } " + +
" .visitedproof:hover .expansion { display: block; border: 2px solid #FF0000; padding: 2px; background-color:#FFF0F0; font-weight: normal; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 7px #000; position: absolute; top: -1em; left:10em; z-index: 1 } " + +
" .visitedproof { color: darkmagenta; background-color:lightgreen; position: relative } " + +
" .dangling:hover .expansion { display: block; border: 2px solid #FF0000; padding: 2px; background-color:#FFF0F0; font-weight: normal; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 7px #000; position: absolute; top: -1em; left:10em; z-index: 1 } " + +
" .dangling { color: gray; background-color:white; position: relative } " + +
" .num { width:2.5em; padding-right:2ex; background-color:#eeeeee } " + +
" .num { text-align:right; font-size: smaller } " + +
" .num { color:#444444 } " + +
" .line { padding-left: 1ex; border-left: 3px solid #ccc } " + +
" .line { white-space: pre } " + +
" .msg { background-color:#fff8b4; color:#000000 } " + +
" .msg { -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 7px #000 } " + +
" .msg { -webkit-border-radius:5px } " + +
" .msg { font-family:Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: smaller } " + +
" .msg { font-weight: bold } " + +
" .msg { float:left } " + +
" .msg { padding:0.5em 1ex 0.5em 1ex } " + +
" .msg { margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px } " + +
" .msg { max-width:60em; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;} " + +
" .mrange { background-color:#dfddf3 } " + +
" .mrange { border-bottom:1px solid #6F9DBE } " + +
" .PathIndex { font-weight: bold } " + +
" table.simpletable { " + +
" padding: 5px; " + +
" font-size:12pt; " + +
" margin:20px; " + +
" border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0px; " + +
" } " + +
" td.rowname { " + +
" text-align:right; font-weight:bold; color:#444444; " + +
" padding-right:2ex; } " + +
" </style> " + +
" </head> " + +
" <body " ^ " > " + +
" " in
F . fprintf fmt " %s " s ;
( fd , fmt )
(* * get the full html filename from a path *)
let get_full_fname path =
let fname , dir_path = match IList . rev path with
| fname :: dir_path -> fname , dir_path
| [] -> raise ( Failure " Html.open_out " ) in
DB . Results_dir . path_to_filename DB . Results_dir . Abs_source_dir ( IList . rev ( ( fname ^ " .html " ) :: dir_path ) )
let open_out path =
let full_fname = get_full_fname path in
let fd = Unix . openfile ( DB . filename_to_string full_fname ) [ Unix . O_WRONLY ; Unix . O_APPEND ] 0o777 in
let outc = Unix . out_channel_of_descr fd in
let fmt = F . formatter_of_out_channel outc in
( fd , fmt )
let modified_during_analysis path =
let fname = get_full_fname path in
if DB . file_exists fname then
DB . file_modified_time fname > = initial_analysis_time
else false
let close ( fd , fmt ) =
F . fprintf fmt " </body>@ \n </html>@. " ;
Unix . close fd
(* * Print a horizontal line *)
let pp_hline fmt () =
F . fprintf fmt " <hr width= \" 100%% \" >@ \n "
(* * Print start color *)
let pp_start_color fmt color =
F . fprintf fmt " %s " ( " <span class=' " ^ ( color_string color ) ^ " '> " )
(* * Print end color *)
let pp_end_color fmt () =
F . fprintf fmt " %s " " </span> "
let pp_link ? ( name = None ) ? ( pos = None ) path fmt text =
let pos_str = match pos with
| None -> " "
| Some s -> " # " ^ s in
let link_str = ( DB . filename_to_string ( DB . Results_dir . path_to_filename DB . Results_dir . Rel path ) ) ^ " .html " ^ pos_str in
let name_str = match name with
| None -> " "
| Some n -> " name= \" " ^ n ^ " \" " in
let pr_str = " <a " ^ name_str ^ " href= \" " ^ link_str ^ " \" > " ^ text ^ " </a> " in
F . fprintf fmt " %s " pr_str
(* * [pp_node_link path_to_root description isvisited isproof fmt id] prints an html link to the given node. *)
let pp_node_link path_to_root description preds succs exn isvisited isproof fmt id =
let display_name =
( if description = " " then " N " else String . sub description 0 1 ) ^ " _ " ^ ( string_of_int id ) in
let node_name = " node " ^ string_of_int id in
let style_class = if not isvisited then " dangling " else if isproof then " visitedproof " else " visited " in
let node_text =
let pp fmt () =
Format . fprintf fmt " <span class='%s'>%s<span class='expansion'>node%d preds:%a succs:%a exn:%a %s%s</span></span> "
style_class display_name id
( pp_seq Format . pp_print_int ) preds ( pp_seq Format . pp_print_int ) succs ( pp_seq Format . pp_print_int ) exn
description ( if not isvisited then " \n NOT VISITED " else " " ) in
pp_to_string pp () in
if not isvisited then F . fprintf fmt " %s " node_text
else pp_link ( path_to_root @ [ " nodes " ; node_name ] ) fmt node_text
(* * Print an html link to the given proc *)
let pp_proc_link path_to_root proc_name fmt text =
pp_link ( path_to_root @ [ Procname . to_filename proc_name ] ) fmt text
(* * Print an html link to the given line number of the current source file *)
let pp_line_link ? ( with_name = false ) ? ( text = None ) path_to_root fmt linenum =
let fname = DB . source_file_encoding ! DB . current_source in
let linenum_str = string_of_int linenum in
let name = " LINE " ^ linenum_str in
pp_link ~ name : ( if with_name then Some name else None ) ( path_to_root @ [ " .. " ; fname ] ) ~ pos : ( Some name )
fmt ( match text with Some s -> s | None -> linenum_str )
(* * Print an html link given node id and session *)
let pp_session_link ? ( with_name = false ) path_to_root fmt ( node_id , session , linenum ) =
let node_name = " node " ^ ( string_of_int node_id ) in
let path_to_node = path_to_root @ [ " nodes " ; node_name ] in
let pos = " session " ^ ( string_of_int session ) in
pp_link ~ name : ( if with_name then Some pos else None ) ~ pos : ( Some pos ) path_to_node fmt ( node_name ^ " # " ^ pos ) ;
F . fprintf fmt " (%a) " ( pp_line_link path_to_root ) linenum
(* =============== END of module Html =============== *)
(* =============== START of module Xml =============== *)
(* * Create and print xml trees *)
module Xml = struct
let tag_branch = " branch "
let tag_call_trace = " call_trace "
let tag_callee = " callee "
let tag_callee_id = " callee_id "
let tag_caller = " caller "
let tag_caller_id = " caller_id "
let tag_cyclomatic = " cyclomatic "
let tag_class = " class "
let tag_code = " code "
let tag_description = " description "
let tag_err = " err "
let tag_flags = " flags "
let tag_file = " file "
let tag_hash = " hash "
let tag_in_calls = " in_calls "
let tag_key = " key "
let tag_kind = " kind "
let tag_level = " level "
let tag_line = " line "
let tag_loc = " loc "
let tag_name = " name "
let tag_name_id = " name_id "
let tag_node = " node "
let tag_out_calls = " out_calls "
let tag_precondition = " precondition "
let tag_procedure = " procedure "
let tag_procedure_id = " procedure_id "
let tag_proof_coverage = " proof_coverage "
let tag_proof_trace = " proof_trace "
let tag_qualifier = " qualifier "
let tag_qualifier_tags = " qualifier_tags "
let tag_rank = " rank "
let tag_severity = " severity "
let tag_signature = " signature "
let tag_specs = " specs "
let tag_symop = " symop "
let tag_time = " time "
let tag_to = " to "
let tag_top = " top "
let tag_trace = " trace "
let tag_type = " type "
let tag_weight = " weight "
type tree = { name : string ; attributes : ( string * string ) list ; forest : node list }
and node =
| Tree of tree
| String of string
let pp = F . fprintf
let create_tree name attributes forest =
Tree { name = name ; attributes = attributes ; forest = forest }
let pp_attribute fmt ( name , value ) =
pp fmt " %s= \" %s \" " name value
let pp_attributes fmt l =
pp_seq pp_attribute fmt l
(* * print an xml node *)
let rec pp_node newline indent fmt = function
| Tree { name = name ; attributes = attributes ; forest = forest } ->
let indent' = if newline = " " then " " else indent ^ " " in
let space = if attributes = [] then " " else " " in
let pp_inside fmt () = match forest with
| [] -> ()
| [ String s ] -> pp fmt " %s " s
| _ -> pp fmt " %s%a%s " newline ( pp_forest newline indent' ) forest indent in
pp fmt " %s<%s%s%a>%a</%s>%s " indent name space pp_attributes attributes pp_inside () name newline
| String s ->
F . fprintf fmt " %s%s%s " indent s newline
and pp_forest newline indent fmt forest =
IList . iter ( pp_node newline indent fmt ) forest
let pp_prelude fmt = pp fmt " %s " " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" encoding= \" UTF-8 \" ?> \n "
let pp_open fmt name =
pp_prelude fmt ;
pp fmt " <%s>@ \n " name
let pp_close fmt name =
pp fmt " </%s>@. " name
let pp_inner_node fmt node =
pp_node " \n " " " fmt node
(* * print an xml document, if the first parameter is false on a single line without preamble *)
let pp_document on_several_lines fmt node =
let newline = if on_several_lines then " \n " else " " in
if on_several_lines then pp_prelude fmt ;
pp_node newline " " fmt node ;
if on_several_lines then pp fmt " @. "
(* =============== END of module Xml =============== *)