* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Module to store a set of issues per procedure *)
open! IStd
let errLogMap = ref Typ.Procname.Map.empty
let get_errlog procname =
try Typ.Procname.Map.find procname !errLogMap with Caml.Not_found ->
let errlog = Errlog.empty () in
errLogMap := Typ.Procname.Map.add procname errlog !errLogMap ;
let issues_serializer : Errlog.t Typ.Procname.Map.t Serialization.serializer =
Serialization.create_serializer Serialization.Key.issues
let iter f = Typ.Procname.Map.iter f !errLogMap
let store directory source_file =
if not (Typ.Procname.Map.is_empty !errLogMap) then (
let abbrev_source_file = DB.source_file_encoding source_file in
let issues_dir = Config.results_dir ^/ directory in
Utils.create_dir issues_dir ;
let filename =
DB.filename_from_string (Filename.concat issues_dir (abbrev_source_file ^ ".issue"))
Serialization.write_to_file issues_serializer filename ~data:!errLogMap )
else ()
(** Load issues from the given file *)
let load_issues issues_file = Serialization.read_from_file issues_serializer issues_file
(** Load all the issues in the given dir and update the issues map *)
let load dir =
let () = errLogMap := Typ.Procname.Map.empty in
let issues_dir = Filename.concat Config.results_dir dir in
let children_opt = try Some (Sys.readdir issues_dir) with Sys_error _ -> None in
let load_issues_to_map issues_file =
let file = DB.filename_from_string (Filename.concat issues_dir issues_file) in
match load_issues file with
| Some map ->
errLogMap :=
(fun _ issues1 issues2 ->
match (issues1, issues2) with
| Some issues1, Some issues2 ->
Errlog.update issues1 issues2 ; Some issues1
| Some issues1, None ->
Some issues1
| None, Some issues2 ->
Some issues2
| None, None ->
None )
!errLogMap map
| None ->
match children_opt with Some children -> Array.iter ~f:load_issues_to_map children | None -> ()