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6 years ago
* Copyright (c) 2019-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module AbstractAddress = PulseDomain.AbstractAddress
module Attributes = PulseDomain.Attributes
module BaseStack = PulseDomain.Stack
module BaseMemory = PulseDomain.Memory
(** signature common to the "normal" [Domain], representing the post at the current program point,
and the inverted [InvertedDomain], representing the inferred pre-condition*)
module type BaseDomain = sig
(* private because the lattice is not the same for preconditions and postconditions so we don't
want to confuse them *)
type t = private PulseDomain.t [@@deriving compare]
val empty : t
val make : BaseStack.t -> BaseMemory.t -> t
val update : ?stack:BaseStack.t -> ?heap:BaseMemory.t -> t -> t
include AbstractDomain.NoJoin with type t := t
(* just to expose the [heap] and [stack] record field names without having to type
[PulseDomain.heap] *)
type base_domain = PulseDomain.t = {heap: BaseMemory.t; stack: BaseStack.t}
(** operations common to [Domain] and [InvertedDomain], see also the [BaseDomain] signature *)
module BaseDomainCommon = struct
let make stack heap = {stack; heap}
let update ?stack ?heap foot =
let new_stack, new_heap =
(Option.value ~default:foot.stack stack, Option.value ~default:foot.heap heap)
if phys_equal new_stack foot.stack && phys_equal new_heap foot.heap then foot
else {stack= new_stack; heap= new_heap}
(** represents the post abstract state at each program point *)
module Domain : BaseDomain = struct
include BaseDomainCommon
include PulseDomain
(** represents the inferred pre-condition at each program point, biabduction style *)
module InvertedDomain : BaseDomain = struct
include BaseDomainCommon
type t = PulseDomain.t [@@deriving compare]
let empty = PulseDomain.empty
let pp = PulseDomain.pp
(** inverted lattice *)
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = PulseDomain.( <= ) ~rhs:lhs ~lhs:rhs
(** biabduction-style pre/post state *)
type t =
{ post: Domain.t (** state at the current program point*)
; pre: InvertedDomain.t (** inferred pre at the current program point *) }
[@@deriving compare]
let pp f {post; pre} = F.fprintf f "@[<v>%a@;[%a]@]" Domain.pp post InvertedDomain.pp pre
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
PulseDomain.isograph_map PulseDomain.empty_mapping
~lhs:(rhs.pre :> PulseDomain.t)
~rhs:(lhs.pre :> PulseDomain.t)
| NotIsomorphic ->
| IsomorphicUpTo foot_mapping ->
PulseDomain.is_isograph foot_mapping
~lhs:( :> PulseDomain.t)
~rhs:( :> PulseDomain.t)
module Stack = struct
let is_abducible _var =
(* TODO: need to keep only formals + return variable + globals in the pre *) true
(** [astate] with [ = f] *)
let map_post_stack ~f astate =
let new_post = Domain.update ~stack:(f ( :> base_domain).stack) in
if phys_equal new_post then astate else {astate with post= new_post}
let materialize var astate =
match BaseStack.find_opt var ( :> base_domain).stack with
| Some addr_loc_opt ->
(astate, addr_loc_opt)
| None ->
let addr_loc_opt' = (AbstractAddress.mk_fresh (), None) in
let post_stack = BaseStack.add var addr_loc_opt' ( :> base_domain).stack in
let pre =
if is_abducible var then
let foot_stack = BaseStack.add var addr_loc_opt' (astate.pre :> base_domain).stack in
let foot_heap =
BaseMemory.register_address (fst addr_loc_opt') (astate.pre :> base_domain).heap
InvertedDomain.make foot_stack foot_heap
else astate.pre
({post= Domain.update ~stack:post_stack; pre}, addr_loc_opt')
let add var addr_loc_opt astate =
map_post_stack astate ~f:(fun stack -> BaseStack.add var addr_loc_opt stack)
let remove_vars vars astate =
map_post_stack astate ~f:(fun stack ->
BaseStack.filter (fun var _ -> not (List.mem ~equal:Var.equal vars var)) stack )
let fold f astate accum = BaseStack.fold f ( :> base_domain).stack accum
let find_opt var astate = BaseStack.find_opt var ( :> base_domain).stack
module Memory = struct
open Result.Monad_infix
module Access = BaseMemory.Access
(** [astate] with [ = f] *)
let map_post_heap ~f astate =
let new_post = Domain.update ~heap:(f ( :> base_domain).heap) in
if phys_equal new_post then astate else {astate with post= new_post}
(** if [address] is in [pre] and it should be valid then that fact goes in the precondition *)
let record_must_be_valid actor address (pre : InvertedDomain.t) =
if BaseMemory.mem_edges address (pre :> base_domain).heap then
InvertedDomain.update pre
(BaseMemory.add_attributes address
(Attributes.singleton (MustBeValid actor))
(pre :> base_domain).heap)
else pre
let check_valid actor addr ({post; pre} as astate) =
BaseMemory.check_valid addr (post :> base_domain).heap
>>| fun () ->
let new_pre = record_must_be_valid actor addr pre in
if phys_equal new_pre pre then astate else {astate with pre= new_pre}
let add_edge addr access new_addr_trace astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.add_edge addr access new_addr_trace heap)
let add_edge_and_back_edge addr access new_addr_trace astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap ->
BaseMemory.add_edge_and_back_edge addr access new_addr_trace heap )
let materialize_edge addr access astate =
match BaseMemory.find_edge_opt addr access ( :> base_domain).heap with
| Some addr_trace' ->
(astate, addr_trace')
| None ->
let addr_trace' = (AbstractAddress.mk_fresh (), []) in
let post_heap =
BaseMemory.add_edge_and_back_edge addr access addr_trace'
( :> base_domain).heap
let foot_heap =
if BaseMemory.mem_edges addr (astate.pre :> base_domain).heap then
BaseMemory.add_edge_and_back_edge addr access addr_trace'
(astate.pre :> base_domain).heap
|> BaseMemory.register_address (fst addr_trace')
else (astate.pre :> base_domain).heap
( { post= Domain.update ~heap:post_heap
; pre= InvertedDomain.update astate.pre ~heap:foot_heap }
, addr_trace' )
let invalidate address actor astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.invalidate address actor heap)
let add_attributes address attributes astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.add_attributes address attributes heap)
let std_vector_reserve addr astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.std_vector_reserve addr heap)
let is_std_vector_reserved addr astate =
BaseMemory.is_std_vector_reserved addr ( :> base_domain).heap
let find_opt address astate = BaseMemory.find_opt address ( :> base_domain).heap
let set_cell addr cell astate =
map_post_heap astate ~f:(fun heap -> BaseMemory.set_cell addr cell heap)
module Edges = BaseMemory.Edges
let empty = {post= Domain.empty; pre= InvertedDomain.empty}
let discard_unreachable ({pre; post} as astate) =
let pre_addresses = PulseDomain.visit (pre :> PulseDomain.t) in
let pre_old_heap = (pre :> PulseDomain.t).heap in
let pre_new_heap =
(fun address -> PulseDomain.AbstractAddressSet.mem address pre_addresses)
let post_addresses = PulseDomain.visit (post :> PulseDomain.t) in
let all_addresses = PulseDomain.AbstractAddressSet.union pre_addresses post_addresses in
let post_old_heap = (post :> PulseDomain.t).heap in
let post_new_heap =
(fun address -> PulseDomain.AbstractAddressSet.mem address all_addresses)
if phys_equal pre_new_heap pre_old_heap && phys_equal post_new_heap post_old_heap then astate
{ pre= InvertedDomain.make (pre :> PulseDomain.t).stack pre_new_heap
; post= Domain.make (post :> PulseDomain.t).stack post_new_heap }