* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open AbsLoc
module F = Format
module BoTrace = struct
type final = UnknownFrom of Typ.Procname.t option [@@deriving compare]
type elem = ArrayDeclaration | Assign | Parameter of Loc.t | Through [@@deriving compare]
type t =
| Empty
| Final of {location: Location.t; kind: final}
| Elem of {location: Location.t; length: int; kind: elem; from: t}
| Call of {location: Location.t; length: int; caller: t; callee: t}
[@@deriving compare]
let length = function Empty -> 0 | Final _ -> 1 | Elem {length} | Call {length} -> length
let compare t1 t2 = [%compare: int * t] (length t1, t1) (length t2, t2)
let final location kind = Final {location; kind}
let add_elem location kind from = Elem {location; length= length from + 1; from; kind}
let singleton location kind = add_elem location kind Empty
let call location ~caller ~callee =
Call {location; length= 1 + length caller + length callee; caller; callee}
let pp_pname_opt fmt = function
| None ->
F.fprintf fmt "non-const function"
| Some pname ->
Typ.Procname.pp fmt pname
let pp_location = Location.pp_file_pos
let pp_final f = function
| UnknownFrom pname_opt ->
F.fprintf f "UnknownFrom `%a`" pp_pname_opt pname_opt
let pp_elem f = function
| ArrayDeclaration ->
F.pp_print_string f "ArrayDeclaration"
| Assign ->
F.pp_print_string f "Assign"
| Parameter loc ->
F.fprintf f "Parameter `%a`" Loc.pp loc
| Through ->
F.pp_print_string f "Through"
let rec pp f = function
| Empty ->
F.pp_print_string f "<empty>"
| Final {location; kind} ->
F.fprintf f "%a (%a)" pp_final kind pp_location location
| Elem {location; from; kind} ->
F.fprintf f "%a%a (%a)" pp_arrow from pp_elem kind pp_location location
| Call {location; caller; callee} ->
F.fprintf f "%aCall (%a) -> %a" pp_arrow caller pp_location location pp callee
and pp_arrow f = function Empty -> () | t -> F.fprintf f "%a -> " pp t
let rec has_unknown = function
| Empty ->
| Final {kind= UnknownFrom _} ->
| Elem {from} ->
has_unknown from
| Call {caller; callee} ->
has_unknown caller || has_unknown callee
let final_err_desc = function
| UnknownFrom pname_opt ->
F.asprintf "Unknown value from: %a" pp_pname_opt pname_opt
let elem_err_desc = function
| ArrayDeclaration ->
"Array declaration"
| Assign ->
| Parameter loc ->
if Loc.is_pretty loc then F.asprintf "Parameter `%a`" Loc.pp loc else ""
| Through ->
let rec make_err_trace depth t tail =
match t with
| Empty ->
| Final {location; kind} ->
let desc = final_err_desc kind in
Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc [] :: tail
| Elem {location; kind; from} ->
let desc = elem_err_desc kind in
let tail =
if String.is_empty desc then tail
else Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc [] :: tail
make_err_trace depth from tail
| Call {location; caller; callee} ->
let desc = "Call" in
let tail =
Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc []
:: make_err_trace (depth + 1) callee tail
make_err_trace depth caller tail
module Set = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (BoTrace)
let set_singleton = singleton
let singleton location elem = singleton (BoTrace.singleton location elem)
let singleton_final location kind = set_singleton (BoTrace.final location kind)
(* currently, we keep only one trace for efficiency *)
let join x y =
if is_empty x then y
else if is_empty y then x
let tx, ty = (min_elt x, min_elt y) in
if Int.( <= ) (BoTrace.length tx) (BoTrace.length ty) then x else y
let choose_shortest set = min_elt set
let add_elem location elem t =
if is_empty t then singleton location elem else map (BoTrace.add_elem location elem) t
let non_empty t = if is_empty t then set_singleton BoTrace.Empty else t
let call location ~traces_caller ~traces_callee =
let traces_caller = non_empty traces_caller in
let traces_callee = non_empty traces_callee in
(fun caller traces ->
(fun callee traces -> add (BoTrace.call location ~caller ~callee) traces)
traces_callee traces )
traces_caller empty
let has_unknown t = exists BoTrace.has_unknown t
let make_err_trace depth set tail =
if is_empty set then tail else BoTrace.make_err_trace depth (choose_shortest set) tail
let length set = if is_empty set then 0 else BoTrace.length (choose_shortest set)
module Issue = struct
type elem = Alloc [@@deriving compare]
type binary = ArrayAccess (* offset, length *) | Binop [@@deriving compare]
type t =
| Elem of {location: Location.t; length: int; kind: elem; from: Set.t}
| Binary of {location: Location.t; length: int; kind: binary; left: Set.t; right: Set.t}
| Call of {location: Location.t; length: int; caller: Set.t; callee: t}
[@@deriving compare]
let length = function Elem {length} | Binary {length} | Call {length} -> length
let compare t1 t2 = [%compare: int * t] (length t1, t1) (length t2, t2)
let alloc location from = Elem {location; length= 1 + Set.length from; kind= Alloc; from}
let binary location kind left right =
Binary {location; length= 3 + Set.length left + Set.length right; kind; left; right}
let call location caller callee =
Call {location; length= 1 + Set.length caller + length callee; caller; callee}
let rec has_unknown = function
| Elem {from} ->
Set.has_unknown from
| Binary {left; right} ->
Set.has_unknown left || Set.has_unknown right
| Call {caller; callee} ->
Set.has_unknown caller || has_unknown callee
let binary_labels = function ArrayAccess -> ("Offset", "Length") | Binop -> ("LHS", "RHS")
let pp_elem f = function Alloc -> F.pp_print_string f "Alloc"
let pp_binary f = function
| ArrayAccess ->
F.pp_print_string f "ArrayAccess"
| Binop ->
F.pp_print_string f "Binop"
let pp_location = Location.pp_file_pos
let rec pp f = function
| Elem {location; kind; from} ->
F.fprintf f "{%a} -> %a (%a)" Set.pp from pp_elem kind pp_location location
| Binary {location; kind; left; right} ->
let left_label, right_label = binary_labels kind in
F.fprintf f "{%s: %a} {%s: %a} %a (%a)" left_label Set.pp left right_label Set.pp right
pp_binary kind pp_location location
| Call {location; caller; callee} ->
F.fprintf f "{%a} Call (%a) -> %a" Set.pp caller pp_location location pp callee
let elem_err_desc ~description = function Alloc -> "Allocation: " ^ description
let binary_err_desc ~description = function
| ArrayAccess ->
"Array access: " ^ description
| Binop ->
"Binary operation: " ^ description
let format_label label = F.sprintf "<%s trace>" label
let make_err_trace ~description t =
let rec aux depth = function
| Elem {location; kind; from} ->
let desc = elem_err_desc ~description kind in
[("", Set.make_err_trace depth from [Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc []])]
| Binary {location; kind; left; right} ->
let left_label, right_label = binary_labels kind in
let desc = binary_err_desc ~description kind in
[ (format_label left_label, Set.make_err_trace depth left [])
; (format_label right_label, Set.make_err_trace depth right [])
; ("", [Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc []]) ]
| Call {location; caller; callee} ->
let desc = "Call" in
("", Set.make_err_trace depth caller [Errlog.make_trace_element depth location desc []])
:: aux (depth + 1) callee
aux 0 t
include BoTrace