* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
(** Module to process clusters of procedures. *)
(** if true, print tracing information for functions that manipulate clusters *)
let trace_clusters = ref false
(** cluster element: the file name, the number of procedures defined in it,
and the list of active procedures.
A procedure is active if it is defined only in this file,
or if it is defined in several files and this
is the representative file for it (see Exe_env.add_cg) *)
type elem =
ce_active_procs : Procname.t list; (** list of active procedures *)
ce_file : DB.source_file;
ce_naprocs : int; (** number of active procedures defined in the file *)
ce_ondemand : DB.source_dir option; (** if present, the other fields are unused *)
(** cluster of files *)
type t = elem list
(** type stored in .cluster file: (n,m,cl) indicates cl is cluster n out of m *)
type serializer_t = int * int * t
(** Serializer for clusters *)
let serializer : serializer_t Serialization.serializer =
Serialization.create_serializer Serialization.cluster_key
(** Load a cluster from a file *)
let load_from_file (filename : DB.filename) : serializer_t option =
Serialization.from_file serializer filename
(** Save a cluster into a file *)
let store_to_file (filename : DB.filename) (serializer_t: serializer_t) =
Serialization.to_file serializer filename serializer_t
let get_ondemand_info ce =
let one_cluster_per_procedure = true
let create_ondemand source_dir =
let defined_procs_opt =
if Ondemand.one_cluster_per_procedure () then
let cg_fname = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".cg" in
match Cg.load_from_file cg_fname with
| None -> None
| Some cg ->
Some (Cg.get_defined_nodes cg)
None in
let ce =
ce_active_procs = [];
ce_file = DB.source_file_from_string "";
ce_naprocs = 0;
ce_ondemand = Some source_dir;
} in
let mk_cluster pname =
[{ce with ce_active_procs = [pname]}] in
let clusters = match defined_procs_opt with
| None ->
| Some defined_procs ->
IList.map mk_cluster defined_procs in
let create_bottomup source_file naprocs active_procs =
ce_active_procs = active_procs;
ce_file = source_file;
ce_naprocs = naprocs;
ce_ondemand = None;
let cluster_nfiles cluster = IList.length cluster
let cluster_naprocs cluster =
IList.fold_left (fun n ce -> ce.ce_naprocs + n) 0 cluster
let clusters_nfiles clusters =
IList.fold_left (fun n cluster -> cluster_nfiles cluster + n) 0 clusters
let clusters_naprocs clusters =
IList.fold_left (fun n cluster -> cluster_naprocs cluster + n) 0 clusters
let print_clusters_stats clusters =
let pp_cluster num cluster =
L.err "cluster #%d files: %d active procedures: %d@."
(cluster_nfiles cluster)
(cluster_naprocs cluster) in
let i = ref 0 in
(fun cluster ->
incr i;
pp_cluster !i cluster)
let cluster_split_prefix (cluster : t) size =
let rec split (cluster_seen : t) (cluster_todo : t) n =
if n <= 0 then (IList.rev cluster_seen, cluster_todo)
else match cluster_todo with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| ce :: todo' -> split (ce :: cluster_seen) todo' (n - ce.ce_naprocs) in
split [] cluster size
let combine_split_clusters (clusters : t list) max_size desired_size =
if !trace_clusters then L.err "[combine_split_clusters]@.";
let old_clusters = ref clusters in
let old_size = clusters_naprocs !old_clusters in
let new_clusters = ref [] in
let current = ref [] in
let current_size = ref 0 in
while !old_clusters != [] do
if old_size !=
clusters_naprocs !old_clusters + clusters_naprocs !new_clusters + !current_size
then begin
L.err "mismatch in invariant for cluster size@.";
assert (cluster_naprocs !current = !current_size);
L.err "old size: %d@." old_size;
L.err "old clusters size: %d@." (clusters_naprocs !old_clusters);
L.err "new clusters size: %d@." (clusters_naprocs !new_clusters);
L.err "current size: %d@." !current_size;
assert false
let next_cluster = IList.hd !old_clusters in
let next_size = cluster_naprocs next_cluster in
let new_size = !current_size + next_size in
if (new_size > max_size || new_size > desired_size) && !current_size > 0 then
new_clusters := !new_clusters @ [!current];
current := [];
current_size := 0
else if new_size > max_size then
let next_cluster', next_cluster'' = cluster_split_prefix next_cluster max_size in
current := [];
current_size := 0;
new_clusters := !new_clusters @ [next_cluster'];
old_clusters := next_cluster'' :: (IList.tl !old_clusters)
current := !current @ next_cluster;
current_size := !current_size + next_size;
old_clusters := IList.tl !old_clusters
if !current_size > 0 then new_clusters := !new_clusters @ [!current];
(** return the set of active procedures in a cluster *)
let get_active_procs cluster =
match !Config.ondemand_enabled, cluster with
| true, [{ce_active_procs = []}] ->
| _ ->
let procset = ref Procname.Set.empty in
let do_cluster_elem cluster_elem =
let add proc =
if not (Procname.Set.mem proc !procset) then
procset := Procname.Set.add proc !procset in
IList.iter add cluster_elem.ce_active_procs in
IList.iter do_cluster_elem cluster;
Some !procset
let cl_name n = "cl" ^ string_of_int n
let cl_file n = "x" ^ (cl_name n) ^ ".cluster"
let pp_cl fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (cl_name n)
let pp_cluster_dependency nr tot_nr cluster print_files fmt dependents =
let fname = cl_file nr in
let pp_cl fmt n = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (cl_name n) in
store_to_file (DB.filename_from_string fname) (nr, tot_nr, cluster);
let pp_active_procs fmt cluster =
let procnames = match get_active_procs cluster with
| None ->
| Some procset ->
Procname.Set.elements procset in
let pp_pname fmt pname = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (Procname.to_string pname) in
F.fprintf fmt "procedures: %a" (pp_seq pp_pname) procnames in
let pp_file fmt ce = F.fprintf fmt "%s" (DB.source_file_to_string ce.ce_file) in
let pp_files fmt cluster = F.fprintf fmt "files: %a" (pp_seq pp_file) cluster in
F.fprintf fmt "%a : %a@\n" pp_cl nr (pp_seq pp_cl) dependents;
F.fprintf fmt "\t$(INFERANALYZE) -cluster %s >%a@\n" fname pp_cl nr;
if print_files then F.fprintf fmt "# %a %a" pp_files cluster pp_active_procs cluster;
F.fprintf fmt "@\n"