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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** Symbolic Operations and Failures: the units in which analysis work is measured *)
open! Utils
(** Internal state of the module *)
type t
(** if the wallclock alarm has expired, raise a timeout exception *)
val check_wallclock_alarm : unit -> unit
(** Return the time remaining before the wallclock alarm expires *)
val get_remaining_wallclock_time : unit -> float
(** Timeout in seconds for each function *)
val get_timeout_seconds : unit -> float
(** Return the total number of symop's since the beginning *)
val get_total : unit -> int
(** Count one symop *)
val pay : unit -> unit
(** Reset the total number of symop's *)
val reset_total : unit -> unit
(** Restore the old state. *)
val restore_state : t -> unit
(** Return the old state, and revert the current state to the initial one.
If keep_symop_total is true, share the total counter. *)
val save_state : keep_symop_total:bool -> t
(** Reset the counter and activate the alarm *)
val set_alarm : unit -> unit
(** Set the wallclock alarm checked at every pay() *)
val set_wallclock_alarm : float -> unit
(** set the handler for the wallclock timeout *)
val set_wallclock_timeout_handler : (unit -> unit) -> unit
(** De-activate the alarm *)
val unset_alarm : unit -> unit
(** Unset the wallclock alarm checked at every pay() *)
val unset_wallclock_alarm : unit -> unit
type failure_kind =
| FKtimeout (* max time exceeded *)
| FKsymops_timeout of int (* max symop's exceeded *)
| FKrecursion_timeout of int (* max recursion level exceeded *)
| FKcrash of string (* uncaught exception or failed assertion *)
(** Timeout exception *)
exception Analysis_failure_exe of failure_kind
(** check that the exception is not a timeout exception *)
val exn_not_failure : exn -> bool
val pp_failure_kind : Format.formatter -> failure_kind -> unit