* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(* example build report json output
"success" : true,
"results" : {
"//annotations:annotations_infer" : {
"success" : true,
"type" : "BUILT_LOCALLY",
"output" : "buck-out/gen/annotations/annotations_infer/infer_out"
"//module2:module2_infer" : {
"success" : true,
"type" : "BUILT_LOCALLY",
"output" : "buck-out/gen/module2/module2_infer/infer_out"
"//module1:module1_infer" : {
"success" : true,
"type" : "BUILT_LOCALLY",
"output" : "buck-out/gen/module1/module1_infer/infer_out"
"//module3:module1_infer" : {
"success" : "SUCCESS",
"type" : "BUILT_LOCALLY",
"outputs" : {
"DEFAULT" : [ "buck-out/gen/module1/module3_infer/infer_out" ]
"failures" : { }
(** Read the build report json file buck produced, and parse into a list of pairs
[(target, output-path)]. NB contrary to what buck documentation says, the output path is always
present even when the target is locally cached. *)
let read_and_parse_report build_report =
let get_json_field fieldname = function
| `Assoc fields ->
List.Assoc.find fields ~equal:String.equal fieldname
| _ ->
let parse_target (target, json) =
let path_opt =
match get_json_field "output" json with
| Some (`String str) ->
Some str
| _ -> (
match get_json_field "outputs" json |> Option.bind ~f:(get_json_field "DEFAULT") with
| Some (`List [`String str]) ->
Some str
| _ ->
None )
match path_opt with
| None ->
L.internal_error "Could not parse target json: %s" (Yojson.Basic.to_string json) ;
| Some path ->
Some (target, path)
let parse_results = function
| `Assoc results ->
(* NB this will simply skip unparseable targets *)
List.filter_map results ~f:parse_target |> Option.some
| _ ->
Yojson.Basic.from_file build_report |> get_json_field "results" |> Option.bind ~f:parse_results
let infer_deps_of_build_report build_report =
match read_and_parse_report build_report with
| None ->
L.die InternalError "Couldn't parse buck build report: %s@." build_report
| Some target_path_list ->
let out_line out_channel (target, target_output_path) =
Printf.fprintf out_channel "%s\t-\t%s\n" target (Config.project_root ^/ target_output_path)
let infer_deps = ResultsDir.get_path BuckDependencies in
Utils.with_file_out infer_deps ~f:(fun out_channel ->
List.iter target_path_list ~f:(out_line out_channel) )
let run_buck_capture cmd =
let path_var = "PATH" in
let new_path =
Sys.getenv path_var
|> Option.value_map ~default:Config.bin_dir ~f:(fun old_path -> Config.bin_dir ^ ":" ^ old_path)
let extend_env = [(path_var, new_path)] in
Buck.wrap_buck_call ~extend_env ~label:"build" cmd |> ignore
let capture build_cmd =
let prog, buck_cmd = (List.hd_exn build_cmd, List.tl_exn build_cmd) in
L.progress "Querying buck for genrule capture targets...@." ;
let time0 = Mtime_clock.counter () in
let command, args, targets =
[buck] one buck mode datatype to rule them all
This changes how we select amongst our (currently) 4 Buck integrations
for Java and clang, as well as how the user's choice is reflected by the
Config module.
The old command line interface is still supported but is now deprecated.
The changes in how to select each integration are:
- clang via "flavors", activated with `--flavors`, now with `--buck-clang`
- clang via "compilation DB", activated with `--buck-compilation-database`, unchanged
- Java via "genrule", activated with `--genrule-master-mode`, now with `--buck-java`
- Java "without genrules", used to be activated by *not specifying any other Buck mode*, unchanged
Instead of various `Config` flags corresponding to the previous CLI that
are allowed in any combination of `flavors`,
`buck_compilation_database`, `genrule_master_mode`, `Config` now exposes
a single `buck_mode` datatype. This allows, eg, `flavors` to override
`buck_compilation_database` if needed. It will also make it easier to
get rid of the old "Java without genrules" integration in a later diff
(see inline comments).
Reviewed By: ngorogiannis
Differential Revision: D19175686
fbshipit-source-id: 29b3831be
5 years ago
Buck.parse_command_and_targets JavaGenruleMaster ~filter_kind:`Yes buck_cmd
L.progress "Found %d genrule capture targets in %a.@." (List.length targets) Mtime.Span.pp
(Mtime_clock.count time0) ;
let all_args = List.rev_append args targets in
let build_report_file =
Filename.temp_file ~in_dir:(ResultsDir.get_path Temporary) "buck_build_report" ".json"
let updated_buck_cmd =
(* make buck tell us where in buck-out are the capture directories for merging *)
(prog :: command :: "--build-report" :: build_report_file :: Buck.buck_config JavaGenruleMaster)
@ List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args_no_inline (Buck.store_args_in_file all_args)
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
"Processed buck command '%a'@." (Pp.seq F.pp_print_string) updated_buck_cmd ;
if List.is_empty targets then L.external_warning "WARNING: found no buck targets to analyze.@."
let time0 = Mtime_clock.counter () in
run_buck_capture updated_buck_cmd ;
infer_deps_of_build_report build_report_file ;
L.progress "Genrule capture took %a.@." Mtime.Span.pp (Mtime_clock.count time0) ;
ResultsDir.RunState.set_merge_capture true ;