You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

182 lines
6.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module L = Logging
let infer_profile_name = "infer-capture"
let infer_profile =
(* indented so that users may copy it into their projects if they want to *)
(Config.bin_dir ^/ CLOpt.infer_exe_name))
let pom_worklist = ref [CLOpt.init_work_dir]
let add_infer_profile_to_xml dir maven_xml infer_xml =
let copy xml_in xml_out = Xmlm.output xml_out (Xmlm.input xml_in) in
(* whether we ever found a <profiles> tag *)
let found_profiles_tag = ref false in
(* whether there already is an infer profile --this will always be true at the end *)
let found_infer_profile = ref false in
(* Process an xml document from the root. Assume the Dtd has already been handled. *)
let rec process_root xml_in xml_out = process xml_in xml_out []
and insert_infer_profile xml_out =
let infer_xml = Xmlm.make_input ~strip:false (`String (0, Lazy.force infer_profile)) in
Xmlm.input infer_xml |> ignore ;
(* skip dummy DTD *)
process_root infer_xml xml_out
and process xml_in xml_out tag_stack =
let elt_in = Xmlm.input xml_in in
match elt_in with
| `El_start tag ->
Xmlm.output xml_out elt_in ;
let tag_name = snd (fst tag) in
if String.equal tag_name "profiles" then found_profiles_tag := true ;
process xml_in xml_out (tag_name :: tag_stack)
| `El_end
-> (
( match tag_stack with
| "profiles" :: _ when not !found_infer_profile ->
(* found the </profiles> tag but no infer profile found, add one *)
insert_infer_profile xml_out
| [_] when not !found_profiles_tag ->
(* closing the root tag but no <profiles> tag found, add
<profiles>[infer profile]</profiles> *)
Xmlm.output xml_out (`El_start (("", "profiles"), [])) ;
found_profiles_tag := true ;
(* do not add <profiles> again *)
insert_infer_profile xml_out ;
Xmlm.output xml_out `El_end
| _ ->
() ) ;
Xmlm.output xml_out elt_in ;
match tag_stack with
| _ :: parent :: tl ->
process xml_in xml_out (parent :: tl)
| [_] ->
(* closing the first tag, we're done *)
| [] ->
L.(die UserError) "ill-formed xml" )
| `Data data ->
Xmlm.output xml_out elt_in ;
( match tag_stack with
| "id" :: "profile" :: "profiles" :: _ when String.equal data infer_profile_name ->
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "Found infer profile, not adding one@." ;
found_infer_profile := true
| "module" :: "modules" :: _ ->
let abs_data = dir ^/ data in
L.(debug Capture Quiet) "Adding maven module %s@." abs_data ;
pom_worklist := abs_data :: !pom_worklist
| _ ->
() ) ;
process xml_in xml_out tag_stack
| `Dtd _ ->
(* already processed the Dtd node *)
assert false
let process_document () =
(* process `Dtd; if present, it is always the first node *)
( match Xmlm.peek maven_xml with
| `Dtd _ ->
copy maven_xml infer_xml
| _ ->
Xmlm.output infer_xml (`Dtd None) ) ;
process_root maven_xml infer_xml ;
Xmlm.eoi maven_xml |> ignore ;
if not (Xmlm.eoi maven_xml) then L.(die UserError) "More than one document"
process_document ()
let add_infer_profile mvn_pom infer_pom =
let ic = In_channel.create mvn_pom in
let with_oc out_chan =
let with_ic () =
let xml_in =
Xmlm.make_input ~strip:false (`Channel ic) ~ns:(fun ns -> Some ns)
(* be generous with namespaces *)
let xml_out =
Xmlm.make_output ~nl:true (`Channel out_chan) ~ns_prefix:(fun prefix -> Some prefix)
(* be generous with namespaces *)
add_infer_profile_to_xml (Filename.dirname mvn_pom) xml_in xml_out
protect ~f:with_ic ~finally:(fun () -> In_channel.close ic)
try Utils.with_file_out infer_pom ~f:with_oc with Xmlm.Error ((line, col), error) ->
L.die ExternalError "%s:%d:%d: ERROR: %s" mvn_pom line col (Xmlm.error_message error)
let add_profile_to_pom_in_directory dir =
(* Even though there is a "-f" command-line arguments to change the config file Maven reads from,
this is unreliable and Maven pretty much always reads from "pom.xml" anyway. So, we replace
"pom.xml" with a version holding a special profile for infer capture, then put the original
back in place. *)
let maven_pom_path = dir ^/ "pom.xml" in
let saved_pom_path = dir ^/ "pom.xml.infer-orig" in
let infer_pom_path = dir ^/ "pom.xml.infer" in
add_infer_profile maven_pom_path infer_pom_path ;
Unix.rename ~src:maven_pom_path ~dst:saved_pom_path ;
~f:(fun () -> Unix.rename ~src:saved_pom_path ~dst:maven_pom_path)
"restoring Maven's pom.xml to its original state" ;
Unix.rename ~src:infer_pom_path ~dst:maven_pom_path ;
if Config.debug_mode || Config.stats_mode then
~f:(fun () -> Unix.rename ~src:maven_pom_path ~dst:infer_pom_path)
"saving infer's pom.xml"
let capture ~prog ~args =
while not (List.is_empty !pom_worklist) do
let pom = List.hd_exn !pom_worklist in
pom_worklist := List.tl_exn !pom_worklist ;
add_profile_to_pom_in_directory pom
done ;
let extra_args = ["-P"; infer_profile_name] in
let capture_args = args @ extra_args in
L.(debug Capture Quiet)
"Running maven capture:@\n%s %s@." prog
(String.concat ~sep:" " ( ~f:(Printf.sprintf "'%s'") capture_args)) ;
(* let children infer processes know that they are spawned by Maven *)
Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~argv:(prog :: capture_args) ~env:Config.env_inside_maven () |> Unix.waitpid
|> function
| Ok () ->
| Error _ as status ->
L.(die UserError)
"*** Maven command failed:@\n*** %s@\n*** %s@\n"
(String.concat ~sep:" " (prog :: capture_args))
(Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status)