* Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
@interface A : NSObject
- (int)foo:(int)foo_par;
@implementation A
- (int)foo:(int)foo_par {
return foo_par;
@interface B : A // Error: A subclass
- (int)bar;
@implementation B
- (int)bar {
A* a = [[A alloc] init];
return [a foo:5]; // Error: report MACRO_TEST1, MACRO_TEST2, MACRO_TEST3
@interface C : B // Error: C subclass of B subclass of A
@implementation C
@interface D : C // Error: D subclass of C ... subclass of A
@implementation D
@interface E : D // Error: E subclass of D ... subclass of A
@implementation E
@interface F : NSObject
@implementation F
@interface ThisIsAVeryLongName : NSObject
@implementation ThisIsAVeryLongName
@interface TestType : NSObject
- (void)m1;
- (bool)m2;
- (char)m3;
- (unsigned char)m4;
//- (wchar_t) m5;
//- (char16_t) m6;
- (unsigned short)m7;
- (unsigned int)m8;
- (unsigned long)m9;
- (unsigned long long)m10;
- (__int128)m11;
- (unsigned __int128)m12;
- (signed char)m13;
- (short)m14;
- (int)m15;
- (long)m16;
- (long long)m17;
//- (half) m18;
- (float)m20;
- (double)m21;
- (long double)m22;
//- (__float128) m23;
//- (nullptr_t) m24;
//- (id) m25;
//- (Class) m26;
//- (SEL) m27;
- (float*)m23;
- (unsigned int**)m24;
- (A*)m25;
- (ThisIsAVeryLongName*)m26;
- (void)m26:(int)p1