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8 years ago
* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
type compilation_data = {
dir : string;
command : string;
8 years ago
args : string;
8 years ago
type t = compilation_data StringMap.t ref
let empty () = ref StringMap.empty
let get_size database = StringMap.cardinal !database
let iter database f = StringMap.iter f !database
let find database key = StringMap.find key !database
8 years ago
let parse_command_and_arguments command_and_arguments =
let regexp = Str.regexp "[^\\][ ]" in
let index = Str.search_forward regexp command_and_arguments 0 in
let command = Str.string_before command_and_arguments (index+1) in
let arguments = Str.string_after command_and_arguments (index+1) in
command, arguments
8 years ago
(** Parse the compilation database json file into the compilationDatabase
map. The json file consists of an array of json objects that contain the file
to be compiled, the directory to be compiled in, and the compilation command as a list
and as a string. We pack this information into the compilationDatabase map, and remove the
clang invocation part, because we will use a clang wrapper. *)
let decode_json_file (database : t) should_add_file json_path =
8 years ago
let exit_format_error () =
failwith ("Json file doesn't have the expected format") in
8 years ago
let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file json_path in
8 years ago
let get_dir el =
match el with
| ("directory", `String dir) -> Some dir
| _ -> None in
let get_file el =
match el with
| ("file", `String file) -> Some file
| _ -> None in
let get_cmd el =
match el with
| ("command", `String cmd) -> Some cmd
| _ -> None in
8 years ago
let rec parse_json json =
match json with
| `List arguments ->
IList.iter parse_json arguments
8 years ago
| `Assoc l ->
let dir = match IList.find_map_opt get_dir l with
| Some dir -> dir
| None -> exit_format_error () in
let file = match IList.find_map_opt get_file l with
| Some file -> file
| None -> exit_format_error () in
let cmd = match IList.find_map_opt get_cmd l with
| Some cmd -> cmd
| None -> exit_format_error () in
let command, args = parse_command_and_arguments cmd in
if should_add_file file then
let compilation_data = { dir; command; args;} in
database := StringMap.add file compilation_data !database
| _ -> exit_format_error () in
8 years ago
parse_json json