You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** The Smallfoot Intermediate Language: Types *)
open! IStd
module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl
module L = Logging
module F = Format
(** Kinds of integers *)
type ikind =
| IChar (** [char] *)
| ISChar (** [signed char] *)
| IUChar (** [unsigned char] *)
| IBool (** [bool] *)
| IInt (** [int] *)
| IUInt (** [unsigned int] *)
| IShort (** [short] *)
| IUShort (** [unsigned short] *)
| ILong (** [long] *)
| IULong (** [unsigned long] *)
| ILongLong (** [long long] (or [_int64] on Microsoft Visual C) *)
| IULongLong (** [unsigned long long] (or [unsigned _int64] on Microsoft Visual C) *)
| I128 (** [__int128_t] *)
| IU128 (** [__uint128_t] *)
[@@deriving compare]
let ikind_to_string = function
| IChar ->
| ISChar ->
"signed char"
| IUChar ->
"unsigned char"
| IBool ->
| IInt ->
| IUInt ->
"unsigned int"
| IShort ->
| IUShort ->
"unsigned short"
| ILong ->
| IULong ->
"unsigned long"
| ILongLong ->
"long long"
| IULongLong ->
"unsigned long long"
| I128 ->
| IU128 ->
let ikind_is_char = function IChar | ISChar | IUChar -> true | _ -> false
let ikind_is_unsigned = function
| IUChar | IUInt | IUShort | IULong | IULongLong ->
| _ ->
let int_of_int64_kind i ik = IntLit.of_int64_unsigned i (ikind_is_unsigned ik)
(** Kinds of floating-point numbers *)
type fkind =
| FFloat (** [float] *)
| FDouble (** [double] *)
| FLongDouble (** [long double] *)
[@@deriving compare]
let fkind_to_string = function
| FFloat ->
| FDouble ->
| FLongDouble ->
"long double"
(** kind of pointer *)
type ptr_kind =
| Pk_pointer (** C/C++, Java, Objc standard/__strong pointer *)
| Pk_reference (** C++ reference *)
| Pk_objc_weak (** Obj-C __weak pointer *)
| Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained (** Obj-C __unsafe_unretained pointer *)
| Pk_objc_autoreleasing (** Obj-C __autoreleasing pointer *)
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_ptr_kind = [%compare.equal : ptr_kind]
let ptr_kind_string = function
| Pk_reference ->
| Pk_pointer ->
| Pk_objc_weak ->
"__weak *"
| Pk_objc_unsafe_unretained ->
"__unsafe_unretained *"
| Pk_objc_autoreleasing ->
"__autoreleasing *"
module T = struct
type type_quals = {is_const: bool; is_restrict: bool; is_volatile: bool} [@@deriving compare]
(** types for sil (structured) expressions *)
type t = {desc: desc; quals: type_quals} [@@deriving compare]
and desc =
| Tint of ikind (** integer type *)
| Tfloat of fkind (** float type *)
| Tvoid (** void type *)
| Tfun of bool (** function type with noreturn attribute *)
| Tptr of t * ptr_kind (** pointer type *)
| Tstruct of name (** structured value type name *)
| TVar of string (** type variable (ie. C++ template variables) *)
| Tarray of t * IntLit.t option * IntLit.t option
(** array type with statically fixed length and stride *)
[@@deriving compare]
and name =
| CStruct of QualifiedCppName.t
| CUnion of QualifiedCppName.t
| CppClass of QualifiedCppName.t * template_spec_info
| JavaClass of Mangled.t
| ObjcClass of QualifiedCppName.t
| ObjcProtocol of QualifiedCppName.t
[@@deriving compare]
and template_arg =
| TType of t
| TInt of Int64.t
| TNull
| TNullPtr
| TOpaque
[@@deriving compare]
and template_spec_info =
| NoTemplate
| Template of {mangled: string option; args: template_arg list}
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_desc = [%compare.equal : desc]
let equal_quals = [%compare.equal : type_quals]
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
include T
let mk_type_quals ?default ?is_const ?is_restrict ?is_volatile () =
let default_ = {is_const= false; is_restrict= false; is_volatile= false} in
let mk_aux ?(default= default_) ?(is_const= default.is_const) ?(is_restrict= default.is_restrict)
?(is_volatile= default.is_volatile) () =
{is_const; is_restrict; is_volatile}
mk_aux ?default ?is_const ?is_restrict ?is_volatile ()
let is_const {is_const} = is_const
let is_restrict {is_restrict} = is_restrict
let is_volatile {is_volatile} = is_volatile
let mk ?default ?quals desc : t =
let default_ = {desc; quals= mk_type_quals ()} in
let mk_aux ?(default= default_) ?(quals= default.quals) desc = {desc; quals} in
mk_aux ?default ?quals desc
let void_star = mk (Tptr (mk Tvoid, Pk_pointer))
let merge_quals quals1 quals2 =
{ is_const= quals1.is_const || quals2.is_const
; is_restrict= quals1.is_restrict || quals2.is_restrict
; is_volatile= quals1.is_volatile || quals2.is_volatile }
let escape pe = if Pp.equal_print_kind pe.Pp.kind Pp.HTML then Escape.escape_xml else ident
(** Pretty print a type with all the details, using the C syntax. *)
let rec pp_full pe f typ =
let pp_quals f {quals} =
if is_const quals then F.fprintf f " const " ;
if is_restrict quals then F.fprintf f " __restrict " ;
if is_volatile quals then F.fprintf f " volatile "
let pp_desc f {desc} =
match desc with
| Tstruct tname ->
F.fprintf f "%a" (pp_name_c_syntax pe) tname
| TVar name ->
F.fprintf f "%s" name
| Tint ik ->
F.fprintf f "%s" (ikind_to_string ik)
| Tfloat fk ->
F.fprintf f "%s" (fkind_to_string fk)
| Tvoid ->
F.fprintf f "void"
| Tfun false ->
F.fprintf f "_fn_"
| Tfun true ->
F.fprintf f "_fn_noreturn_"
| Tptr (({desc= Tarray _ | Tfun _} as typ), pk) ->
F.fprintf f "%a(%s)" (pp_full pe) typ (ptr_kind_string pk |> escape pe)
| Tptr (typ, pk) ->
F.fprintf f "%a%s" (pp_full pe) typ (ptr_kind_string pk |> escape pe)
| Tarray (typ, static_len, static_stride) ->
let pp_int_opt fmt = function Some x -> IntLit.pp fmt x | None -> F.fprintf fmt "_" in
F.fprintf f "%a[%a*%a]" (pp_full pe) typ pp_int_opt static_len pp_int_opt static_stride
F.fprintf f "%a%a" pp_desc typ pp_quals typ
and pp_name_c_syntax pe f = function
| CStruct name | CUnion name | ObjcClass name | ObjcProtocol name ->
F.fprintf f "%a" QualifiedCppName.pp name
| CppClass (name, template_spec) ->
F.fprintf f "%a%a" QualifiedCppName.pp name (pp_template_spec_info pe) template_spec
| JavaClass name ->
F.fprintf f "%a" Mangled.pp name
and pp_template_spec_info pe f = function
| NoTemplate ->
| Template {args} ->
let pp_arg_opt f = function
| TType typ ->
pp_full pe f typ
| TInt i ->
Int64.pp f i
| TNull ->
Pp.string f "null"
| TNullPtr ->
Pp.string f "NullPtr"
| TOpaque ->
Pp.string f "Opaque"
F.fprintf f "%s%a%s" (escape pe "<") (Pp.comma_seq pp_arg_opt) args (escape pe ">")
(** Pretty print a type. Do nothing by default. *)
let pp pe f te = if Config.print_types then pp_full pe f te else ()
let to_string typ =
let pp fmt = pp_full Pp.text fmt typ in
F.asprintf "%t" pp
type type_subst_t = (string * t) list [@@deriving compare]
let is_type_subst_empty = List.is_empty
(** Given the template type mapping and the type, substitute tvars within the type. *)
let rec sub_type subst generic_typ : t =
match generic_typ.desc with
| TVar tname -> (
match List.Assoc.find subst ~equal:String.equal tname with
| Some t ->
(* Type qualifiers may come from original type or be part of substitution. Merge them *)
mk ~quals:(merge_quals t.quals generic_typ.quals) t.desc
| None ->
generic_typ )
| Tarray (typ, arg1, arg2) ->
let typ' = sub_type subst typ in
if phys_equal typ typ' then generic_typ
else mk ~default:generic_typ (Tarray (typ', arg1, arg2))
| Tptr (typ, arg) ->
let typ' = sub_type subst typ in
if phys_equal typ typ' then generic_typ else mk ~default:generic_typ (Tptr (typ', arg))
| Tstruct tname ->
let tname' = sub_tname subst tname in
if phys_equal tname tname' then generic_typ else mk ~default:generic_typ (Tstruct tname')
| _ ->
and sub_tname subst tname =
match tname with
| CppClass (name, Template {mangled; args}) ->
let sub_typ_opt typ_opt =
match typ_opt with
| TType typ ->
let typ' = sub_type subst typ in
if phys_equal typ typ' then typ_opt else TType typ'
| TInt _ | TNull | TNullPtr | TOpaque ->
let args' = IList.map_changed sub_typ_opt args in
if phys_equal args args' then tname else CppClass (name, Template {mangled; args= args'})
| _ ->
module Name = struct
type t = name [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
let qual_name = function
| CStruct name | CUnion name | ObjcClass name | ObjcProtocol name ->
| CppClass (name, templ_args) ->
let template_suffix = F.asprintf "%a" (pp_template_spec_info Pp.text) templ_args in
QualifiedCppName.append_template_args_to_last name ~args:template_suffix
| JavaClass _ ->
let unqualified_name = function
| CStruct name | CUnion name | ObjcClass name | ObjcProtocol name ->
| CppClass (name, _) ->
| JavaClass _ ->
let name n =
match n with
| CStruct _ | CUnion _ | CppClass _ | ObjcClass _ | ObjcProtocol _ ->
qual_name n |> QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string
| JavaClass name ->
Mangled.to_string name
let pp fmt tname =
let prefix = function
| CStruct _ ->
| CUnion _ ->
| CppClass _ | JavaClass _ | ObjcClass _ ->
| ObjcProtocol _ ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s %a" (prefix tname) (pp_name_c_syntax Pp.text) tname
let to_string = F.asprintf "%a" pp
let is_class = function CppClass _ | JavaClass _ | ObjcClass _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_same_type t1 t2 =
match (t1, t2) with
| CStruct _, CStruct _
| CUnion _, CUnion _
| CppClass _, CppClass _
| JavaClass _, JavaClass _
| ObjcClass _, ObjcClass _
| ObjcProtocol _, ObjcProtocol _ ->
| _ ->
module C = struct
let from_qual_name qual_name = CStruct qual_name
let from_string name_str = QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name_str |> from_qual_name
let union_from_qual_name qual_name = CUnion qual_name
module Java = struct
let from_string name_str = JavaClass (Mangled.from_string name_str)
let from_package_class package_name class_name =
if String.equal package_name "" then from_string class_name
else from_string (package_name ^ "." ^ class_name)
let is_class = function JavaClass _ -> true | _ -> false
let java_lang_object = from_string "java.lang.Object"
let java_io_serializable = from_string ""
let java_lang_cloneable = from_string "java.lang.Cloneable"
module Cpp = struct
let from_qual_name template_spec_info qual_name = CppClass (qual_name, template_spec_info)
let is_class = function CppClass _ -> true | _ -> false
module Objc = struct
let from_qual_name qual_name = ObjcClass qual_name
let from_string name_str = QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name_str |> from_qual_name
let protocol_from_qual_name qual_name = ObjcProtocol qual_name
let is_class = function ObjcClass _ -> true | _ -> false
module Set = Caml.Set.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
(** {2 Sets and maps of types} *)
module Set = Caml.Set.Make (T)
module Map = Caml.Map.Make (T)
module Tbl = Hashtbl.Make (T)
(** dump a type with all the details. *)
let d_full (t: t) = L.add_print_action (L.PTtyp_full, Obj.repr t)
(** dump a list of types. *)
let d_list (tl: t list) = L.add_print_action (L.PTtyp_list, Obj.repr tl)
let name typ = match typ.desc with Tstruct name -> Some name | _ -> None
let unsome s = function
| Some default_typ ->
| None ->
L.internal_error "No default typ in %s@." s ;
assert false
(** turn a *T into a T. fails if [typ] is not a pointer type *)
let strip_ptr typ = match typ.desc with Tptr (t, _) -> t | _ -> assert false
(** If an array type, return the type of the element.
If not, return the default type if given, otherwise raise an exception *)
let array_elem default_opt typ =
match typ.desc with Tarray (t_el, _, _) -> t_el | _ -> unsome "array_elem" default_opt
let is_class_of_kind check_fun typ =
match typ.desc with Tstruct tname -> check_fun tname | _ -> false
let is_objc_class = is_class_of_kind Name.Objc.is_class
let is_cpp_class = is_class_of_kind Name.Cpp.is_class
let is_java_class = is_class_of_kind Name.Java.is_class
let rec is_array_of_cpp_class typ =
match typ.desc with Tarray (typ, _, _) -> is_array_of_cpp_class typ | _ -> is_cpp_class typ
let is_pointer_to_cpp_class typ = match typ.desc with Tptr (t, _) -> is_cpp_class t | _ -> false
let has_block_prefix s =
match Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string Config.anonymous_block_prefix) s with
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
| _ ->
(** Check if type is a type for a block in objc *)
let is_block_type typ = has_block_prefix (to_string typ)
(** Java types by name *)
let rec java_from_string : string -> t = function
| "" | "void" ->
mk Tvoid
| "int" ->
mk (Tint IInt)
| "byte" ->
mk (Tint IShort)
| "short" ->
mk (Tint IShort)
| "boolean" ->
mk (Tint IBool)
| "char" ->
mk (Tint IChar)
| "long" ->
mk (Tint ILong)
| "float" ->
mk (Tfloat FFloat)
| "double" ->
mk (Tfloat FDouble)
| typ_str when String.contains typ_str '[' ->
let stripped_typ = String.sub typ_str ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length typ_str - 2) in
mk (Tptr (mk (Tarray (java_from_string stripped_typ, None, None)), Pk_pointer))
| typ_str ->
mk (Tstruct (Name.Java.from_string typ_str))
type typ = t
module Procname = struct
(* e.g. ("", "int") for primitive types or ("", "PrintWriter") for objects *)
type java_type = string option * string
(* compare in inverse order *)
let compare_java_type (p1, c1) (p2, c2) = [%compare : string * string option] (c1, p1) (c2, p2)
type method_kind =
| Non_Static
(* in Java, procedures called with invokevirtual, invokespecial, and invokeinterface *)
| Static
(* in Java, procedures called with invokestatic *)
[@@deriving compare]
let equal_method_kind = [%compare.equal : method_kind]
(** Type of java procedure names. *)
type java =
{ method_name: string
; parameters: java_type list
; class_name: Name.t
; return_type: java_type option (* option because constructors have no return type *)
; kind: method_kind }
[@@deriving compare]
(** Type of c procedure names. *)
type c =
{ name: QualifiedCppName.t
; mangled: string option
; template_args: template_spec_info
; is_generic_model: bool }
[@@deriving compare]
type objc_cpp_method_kind =
| CPPMethod of string option (** with mangling *)
| CPPConstructor of (string option * bool) (** with mangling + is it constexpr? *)
| CPPDestructor of string option (** with mangling *)
| ObjCClassMethod
| ObjCInstanceMethod
| ObjCInternalMethod
[@@deriving compare]
(** Type of Objective C and C++ procedure names: method signatures. *)
type objc_cpp =
{ method_name: string
; class_name: Name.t
; kind: objc_cpp_method_kind
; template_args: template_spec_info
; is_generic_model: bool }
[@@deriving compare]
(** Type of Objective C block names. *)
type block_name = string [@@deriving compare]
let block_from_string s = s
(** Type of procedure names. *)
type t =
| Java of java
| C of c
| Linters_dummy_method
| Block of block_name
| ObjC_Cpp of objc_cpp
| WithBlockParameters of t * block_name list
[@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
(** Level of verbosity of some to_string functions. *)
type detail_level = Verbose | Non_verbose | Simple [@@deriving compare]
let equal_detail_level = [%compare.equal : detail_level]
let objc_method_kind_of_bool is_instance =
if is_instance then ObjCInstanceMethod else ObjCClassMethod
let block_name_of_procname procname =
match procname with
| Block block_name ->
| _ ->
Logging.die InternalError "Only to be called with Objective-C block names"
let empty_block = Block ""
let is_verbose v = match v with Verbose -> true | _ -> false
(** A type is a pair (package, type_name) that is translated in a string package.type_name *)
let java_type_to_string_verbosity p verbosity =
match p with
| None, typ ->
| Some p, cls ->
if is_verbose verbosity then p ^ "." ^ cls else cls
let java_type_to_string p = java_type_to_string_verbosity p Verbose
(** Given a list of types, it creates a unique string of types separated by commas *)
let rec java_param_list_to_string inputList verbosity =
match inputList with
| [] ->
| [head] ->
java_type_to_string_verbosity head verbosity
| head :: rest ->
java_type_to_string_verbosity head verbosity ^ ","
^ java_param_list_to_string rest verbosity
(** It is the same as java_type_to_string, but Java return types are optional because of constructors without type *)
let java_return_type_to_string j verbosity =
match j.return_type with None -> "" | Some typ -> java_type_to_string_verbosity typ verbosity
(** Given a package.class_name string, it looks for the latest dot and split the string
in two (package, class_name) *)
let split_classname package_classname =
match String.rsplit2 package_classname ~on:'.' with
| Some (x, y) ->
(Some x, y)
| None ->
(None, package_classname)
let split_typename typename = split_classname ( typename)
let c name mangled template_args ~is_generic_model =
{name; mangled= Some mangled; template_args; is_generic_model}
let from_string_c_fun (name: string) =
{ name= QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string name
; mangled= None
; template_args= NoTemplate
; is_generic_model= false }
let java class_name return_type method_name parameters kind =
{class_name; return_type; method_name; parameters; kind}
(** Create an objc procedure name from a class_name and method_name. *)
let objc_cpp class_name method_name kind template_args ~is_generic_model =
{class_name; method_name; kind; template_args; is_generic_model}
let with_block_parameters base blocks = WithBlockParameters (base, blocks)
(** Create an objc procedure name from a class_name and method_name. *)
let mangled_objc_block name = Block name
let is_java = function Java _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_c_method = function ObjC_Cpp _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_c_function = function C _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_obj_c_pp = function ObjC_Cpp _ | C _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_constexpr = function ObjC_Cpp {kind= CPPConstructor (_, true)} -> true | _ -> false
(** Replace the class name component of a procedure name.
In case of Java, replace package and class name. *)
let rec replace_class t (new_class: Name.t) =
match t with
| Java j ->
Java {j with class_name= new_class}
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp {osig with class_name= new_class}
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
WithBlockParameters (replace_class base new_class, blocks)
| C _ | Block _ | Linters_dummy_method ->
let rec objc_cpp_replace_method_name t (new_method_name: string) =
match t with
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
ObjC_Cpp {osig with method_name= new_method_name}
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
WithBlockParameters (objc_cpp_replace_method_name base new_method_name, blocks)
| C _ | Block _ | Linters_dummy_method | Java _ ->
(** Get the class name of a Objective-C/C++ procedure name. *)
let objc_cpp_get_class_name objc_cpp = objc_cpp.class_name
let objc_cpp_get_class_type_name objc_cpp = objc_cpp.class_name
(** Return the package.classname of a java procname. *)
let java_get_class_name (j: java) = j.class_name
(** Return the package.classname as a typename of a java procname. *)
let java_get_class_type_name (j: java) = j.class_name
(** Return the class name of a java procedure name. *)
let java_get_simple_class_name (j: java) = snd (split_classname (java_get_class_name j))
(** Return the package of a java procname. *)
let java_get_package (j: java) = fst (split_classname (java_get_class_name j))
(** Return the method of a java procname. *)
let java_get_method (j: java) = j.method_name
(** Replace the method of a java procname. *)
let java_replace_method (j: java) mname = {j with method_name= mname}
(** Replace the return type of a java procname. *)
let java_replace_return_type j ret_type = {j with return_type= Some ret_type}
(** Replace the parameters of a java procname. *)
let java_replace_parameters j parameters = {j with parameters}
(** Return the method/function of a procname. *)
let rec get_method = function
| ObjC_Cpp name ->
| WithBlockParameters (base, _) ->
get_method base
| C {name} ->
QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name
| Block name ->
| Java j ->
| Linters_dummy_method ->
(** Return whether the procname is a block procname. *)
let is_objc_block = function Block _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_with_block_parameters = function WithBlockParameters _ -> true | _ -> false
(** Return whether the procname is a cpp lambda. *)
let is_cpp_lambda procname = String.is_substring ~substring:"operator()" (get_method procname)
(** Return the language of the procedure. *)
let get_language = function
| ObjC_Cpp _ ->
| C _ ->
| Block _ ->
| Linters_dummy_method ->
| WithBlockParameters _ ->
| Java _ ->
(** Return the return type of a java procname. *)
let java_get_return_type (j: java) = java_return_type_to_string j Verbose
(** Return the parameters of a java procname. *)
let java_get_parameters j = j.parameters
(** Return the parameters of a java procname as strings. *)
let java_get_parameters_as_strings j = ~f:(fun param -> java_type_to_string param) j.parameters
(** Return true if the java procedure is static *)
let java_is_static = function Java j -> equal_method_kind j.kind Static | _ -> false
let java_is_lambda = function
| Java j ->
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"lambda$" j.method_name
| _ ->
let java_is_generated = function
| Java j ->
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"$" j.method_name
| _ ->
(** Prints a string of a java procname with the given level of verbosity *)
let java_to_string ?(withclass= false) (j: java) verbosity =
match verbosity with
| Verbose | Non_verbose ->
(* if verbose, then package.class.method(params): rtype,
else rtype package.class.method(params)
verbose is used for example to create unique filenames, non_verbose to create reports *)
let return_type = java_return_type_to_string j verbosity in
let params = java_param_list_to_string j.parameters verbosity in
let class_name = java_type_to_string_verbosity (split_typename j.class_name) verbosity in
let separator =
match (j.return_type, verbosity) with None, _ -> "" | Some _, Verbose -> ":" | _ -> " "
let output = class_name ^ "." ^ j.method_name ^ "(" ^ params ^ ")" in
if equal_detail_level verbosity Verbose then output ^ separator ^ return_type
else return_type ^ separator ^ output
| Simple ->
(* methodname(...) or without ... if there are no parameters *)
let cls_prefix =
if withclass then java_type_to_string_verbosity (split_typename j.class_name) verbosity
^ "."
else ""
let params = match j.parameters with [] -> "" | _ -> "..." in
let method_name =
if String.equal j.method_name "<init>" then java_get_simple_class_name j
else cls_prefix ^ j.method_name
method_name ^ "(" ^ params ^ ")"
(** Check if the class name is for an anonymous inner class. *)
let is_anonymous_inner_class_name class_name =
let class_name_no_package = snd (split_typename class_name) in
match String.rsplit2 class_name_no_package ~on:'$' with
| Some (_, s) ->
let is_int =
ignore (int_of_string (String.strip s)) ;
with Failure _ -> false
| None ->
(** Check if the procedure belongs to an anonymous inner class. *)
let java_is_anonymous_inner_class = function
| Java j ->
is_anonymous_inner_class_name j.class_name
| _ ->
(** Check if the last parameter is a hidden inner class, and remove it if present.
This is used in private constructors, where a proxy constructor is generated
with an extra parameter and calls the normal constructor. *)
let java_remove_hidden_inner_class_parameter = function
| Java js -> (
match List.rev js.parameters with
| (_, s) :: par' ->
if is_anonymous_inner_class_name (Name.Java.from_string s) then
Some (Java {js with parameters= List.rev par'})
else None
| [] ->
None )
| _ ->
(** Check if the procedure name is an anonymous inner class constructor. *)
let java_is_anonymous_inner_class_constructor = function
| Java js ->
is_anonymous_inner_class_name js.class_name
| _ ->
(** Check if the procedure name is an acess method (e.g. access$100 used to
access private members from a nested class. *)
let java_is_access_method = function
| Java js -> (
match String.rsplit2 js.method_name ~on:'$' with
| Some ("access", s) ->
let is_int =
ignore (int_of_string s) ;
with Failure _ -> false
| _ ->
false )
| _ ->
(** Check if the procedure name is of an auto-generated method containing '$'. *)
let java_is_autogen_method = function
| Java js ->
String.contains js.method_name '$'
| _ ->
(** Check if the proc name has the type of a java vararg.
Note: currently only checks that the last argument has type Object[]. *)
let java_is_vararg = function
| Java js -> (
match List.rev js.parameters with (_, "java.lang.Object[]") :: _ -> true | _ -> false )
| _ ->
let is_objc_constructor method_name =
String.equal method_name "new" || String.is_prefix ~prefix:"init" method_name
let is_objc_kind = function
| ObjCClassMethod | ObjCInstanceMethod | ObjCInternalMethod ->
| _ ->
let is_objc_method = function ObjC_Cpp {kind} -> is_objc_kind kind | _ -> false
(** [is_constructor pname] returns true if [pname] is a constructor *)
let is_constructor = function
| Java js ->
String.equal js.method_name "<init>"
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= CPPConstructor _} ->
| ObjC_Cpp {kind; method_name} when is_objc_kind kind ->
is_objc_constructor method_name
| _ ->
let is_objc_dealloc method_name = String.equal method_name "dealloc"
(** [is_dealloc pname] returns true if [pname] is the dealloc method in Objective-C *)
let is_destructor = function
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= CPPDestructor _} ->
| ObjC_Cpp name ->
is_objc_dealloc name.method_name
| _ ->
let java_is_close = function Java js -> String.equal js.method_name "close" | _ -> false
(** [is_class_initializer pname] returns true if [pname] is a class initializer *)
let is_class_initializer = function
| Java js ->
String.equal js.method_name "<clinit>"
| _ ->
(** [is_infer_undefined pn] returns true if [pn] is a special Infer undefined proc *)
let is_infer_undefined pn =
match pn with
| Java j ->
let regexp = Str.regexp "com.facebook.infer.builtins.InferUndefined" in
Str.string_match regexp (java_get_class_name j) 0
| _ ->
(* TODO: add cases for obj-c, c, c++ *)
let get_global_name_of_initializer = function
| C {name}
when String.is_prefix ~prefix:Config.clang_initializer_prefix
(QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name) ->
let name_str = QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string name in
let prefix_len = String.length Config.clang_initializer_prefix in
Some (String.sub name_str ~pos:prefix_len ~len:(String.length name_str - prefix_len))
| _ ->
(** to_string for C_function type *)
let to_readable_string (c1, c2) verbose =
let plain = QualifiedCppName.to_qual_string c1 in
if verbose then match c2 with None -> plain | Some s -> plain ^ "{" ^ s ^ "}" else plain
let c_method_kind_verbose_str kind =
match kind with
| CPPMethod m | CPPDestructor m ->
"(" ^ (match m with None -> "" | Some s -> s) ^ ")"
| CPPConstructor (m, is_constexpr) ->
"{" ^ (match m with None -> "" | Some s -> s) ^ (if is_constexpr then "|constexpr" else "")
^ "}"
| ObjCClassMethod ->
| ObjCInstanceMethod ->
| ObjCInternalMethod ->
let c_method_to_string osig detail_level =
match detail_level with
| Simple ->
| Non_verbose -> osig.class_name ^ "_" ^ osig.method_name
| Verbose ->
let m_str = c_method_kind_verbose_str osig.kind in osig.class_name ^ "_" ^ osig.method_name ^ m_str
let with_blocks_parameters_to_string base blocks to_string_f =
let base_id = to_string_f base in
String.concat ~sep:"_" (base_id :: blocks)
(** Very verbose representation of an existing Procname.t *)
let rec to_unique_id pn =
match pn with
| Java j ->
java_to_string j Verbose
| C {name; mangled} ->
to_readable_string (name, mangled) true
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
c_method_to_string osig Verbose
| Block name ->
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
with_blocks_parameters_to_string base blocks to_unique_id
| Linters_dummy_method ->
(** Convert a proc name to a string for the user to see *)
let rec to_string p =
match p with
| Java j ->
java_to_string j Non_verbose
| C {name; mangled} ->
to_readable_string (name, mangled) false
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
c_method_to_string osig Non_verbose
| Block name ->
| WithBlockParameters (base, blocks) ->
with_blocks_parameters_to_string base blocks to_string
| Linters_dummy_method ->
to_unique_id p
let sexp_of_t p = Sexp.Atom (to_string p)
(** Convenient representation of a procname for external tools (e.g. eclipse plugin) *)
let rec to_simplified_string ?(withclass= false) p =
match p with
| Java j ->
java_to_string ~withclass j Simple
| C {name; mangled} ->
to_readable_string (name, mangled) false ^ "()"
| ObjC_Cpp osig ->
c_method_to_string osig Simple
| Block _ ->
| WithBlockParameters (base, _) ->
to_simplified_string base
| Linters_dummy_method ->
to_unique_id p
(** Pretty print a proc name *)
let pp f pn = F.fprintf f "%s" (to_string pn)
(** hash function for procname *)
let hash_pname = Hashtbl.hash
module Hashable = struct
type nonrec t = t
let equal = equal
let hash = hash_pname
module Hash = Hashtbl.Make (Hashable)
module Map = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
let pp = pp
module Set = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
let pp = pp
(** Pretty print a set of proc names *)
let pp_set fmt set = Set.iter (fun pname -> F.fprintf fmt "%a " pp pname) set
let objc_cpp_get_class_qualifiers objc_cpp = Name.qual_name objc_cpp.class_name
let get_qualifiers pname =
match pname with
| C {name} ->
| ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp ->
objc_cpp_get_class_qualifiers objc_cpp
|> QualifiedCppName.append_qualifier ~qual:objc_cpp.method_name
| _ ->
(** Convert a proc name to a filename *)
let to_concrete_filename ?crc_only pname =
(* filenames for clang procs are REVERSED qualifiers with '#' as separator *)
let get_qual_name_str pname =
get_qualifiers pname |> QualifiedCppName.to_rev_list |> String.concat ~sep:"#"
let proc_id =
match pname with
| C {mangled} ->
get_qual_name_str pname :: Option.to_list mangled |> String.concat ~sep:"#"
| ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp ->
get_qual_name_str pname ^ "#" ^ c_method_kind_verbose_str objc_cpp.kind
| _ ->
to_unique_id pname
Escape.escape_filename @@ DB.append_crc_cutoff ?crc_only proc_id
let to_generic_filename ?crc_only pname =
let proc_id =
get_qualifiers pname |> QualifiedCppName.strip_template_args |> QualifiedCppName.to_rev_list
|> String.concat ~sep:"#"
Escape.escape_filename @@ DB.append_crc_cutoff ?crc_only proc_id
let to_filename ?crc_only pname =
match pname with
| (C {is_generic_model} | ObjC_Cpp {is_generic_model}) when Bool.equal is_generic_model true ->
to_generic_filename ?crc_only pname
| _ ->
to_concrete_filename ?crc_only pname
(** given two template arguments, try to generate mapping from generic ones to concrete ones. *)
let get_template_args_mapping generic_procname concrete_procname =
let mapping_for_template_args (generic_name, generic_args) (concrete_name, concrete_args) =
match (generic_args, concrete_args) with
| Template {args= generic_typs}, Template {args= concrete_typs}
when QualifiedCppName.equal generic_name concrete_name -> (
(List.fold2_exn generic_typs concrete_typs ~init:[] ~f:
(fun (* result will be reversed list. Ordering in template mapping doesn't matter so it's ok *)
match (gtyp, ctyp) with
| TType {desc= TVar name}, TType concrete ->
(name, concrete) :: result
| _ ->
result ))
with Invalid_argument _ ->
`Invalid (* fold2_exn throws on length mismatch, we need to handle it *) )
| NoTemplate, NoTemplate ->
| _ ->
let combine_mappings mapping1 mapping2 =
match (mapping1, mapping2) with
| `Valid m1, `Valid m2 ->
`Valid (List.append m1 m2)
| `NoTemplate, a | a, `NoTemplate ->
(* no template is no-op state, simply return the other state *) | _ ->
(* otherwise there is no valid mapping *)
let extract_mapping = function `Invalid | `NoTemplate -> None | `Valid m -> Some m in
let empty_qual =
QualifiedCppName.of_qual_string "FIXME"
(* TODO we should look at procedure names *)
match (generic_procname, concrete_procname) with
| C {template_args= args1}, C {template_args= args2} (* template function *) ->
mapping_for_template_args (empty_qual, args1) (empty_qual, args2) |> extract_mapping
| ( ObjC_Cpp {template_args= args1; class_name= CppClass (name1, class_args1)}
, ObjC_Cpp {template_args= args2; class_name= CppClass (name2, class_args2)}
(* template methods/template classes/both *) ) ->
(mapping_for_template_args (name1, class_args1) (name2, class_args2))
(mapping_for_template_args (empty_qual, args1) (empty_qual, args2))
|> extract_mapping
| _ ->
(** Return the return type of [pname_java]. *)
let java_proc_return_typ pname_java : t =
let typ = java_from_string (Procname.java_get_return_type pname_java) in
match typ.desc with Tstruct _ -> mk (Tptr (typ, Pk_pointer)) | _ -> typ
module Fieldname = struct
type clang_field_info = {class_name: Name.t; field_name: string} [@@deriving compare]
type t =
| Hidden
(* Backend relies that Hidden is the smallest (first) field in Abs.should_raise_objc_leak *)
| Clang of clang_field_info
| Java of string
[@@deriving compare]
let hidden_str = ".hidden"
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
module T = struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
module Set = Caml.Set.Make (T)
module Map = Caml.Map.Make (T)
(** Convert a fieldname to a string. *)
let to_string = function
| Hidden ->
| Java fname ->
| Clang {field_name} ->
(** Convert a fieldname to a simplified string with at most one-level path. *)
let to_simplified_string fn =
let s = to_string fn in
match String.rsplit2 s ~on:'.' with
| Some (s1, s2) -> (
match String.rsplit2 s1 ~on:'.' with Some (_, s4) -> s4 ^ "." ^ s2 | _ -> s )
| _ ->
let to_full_string fname =
match fname with
| Clang {class_name; field_name} ->
Name.to_string class_name ^ "::" ^ field_name
| _ ->
to_string fname
(** Convert a fieldname to a flat string without path. *)
let to_flat_string fn =
let s = to_string fn in
match String.rsplit2 s ~on:'.' with Some (_, s2) -> s2 | _ -> s
let pp f = function
| Hidden ->
Format.fprintf f "%s" hidden_str
| Java field_name | Clang {field_name} ->
Format.fprintf f "%s" field_name
let pp_latex style f fn = Latex.pp_string style f (to_string fn)
let class_name_replace fname ~f =
match fname with
| Clang {class_name; field_name} ->
let class_name' = f class_name in
if phys_equal class_name class_name' then fname
else Clang {class_name= class_name'; field_name}
| _ ->
(** Returns the class part of the fieldname *)
let java_get_class fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let ri = String.rindex_exn fn '.' in
String.slice fn 0 ri
(** Returns the last component of the fieldname *)
let java_get_field fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let ri = 1 + String.rindex_exn fn '.' in
String.slice fn ri 0
(** Check if the field is the synthetic this$n of a nested class, used to access the n-th outher instance. *)
let java_is_outer_instance fn =
let fn = to_string fn in
let fn_len = String.length fn in
fn_len <> 0
let this = ".this$" in
let last_char = fn.[fn_len - 1] in
(last_char >= '0' && last_char <= '9')
&& String.is_suffix fn ~suffix:(this ^ String.of_char last_char)
let clang_get_qual_class = function
| Clang {class_name} ->
Some (Name.qual_name class_name)
| _ ->
(** hidded fieldname constant *)
let hidden = Hidden
(** hidded fieldname constant *)
let is_hidden fn = equal fn hidden
module Clang = struct
let from_class_name class_name field_name = Clang {class_name; field_name}
module Java = struct
let from_string n = Java n
let is_captured_parameter field_name =
match field_name with
| Java _ ->
String.is_prefix ~prefix:"val$" (to_flat_string field_name)
| Hidden | Clang _ ->
module Struct = struct
type field = Fieldname.t * T.t * Annot.Item.t [@@deriving compare]
type fields = field list
(** Type for a structured value. *)
type t =
{ fields: fields (** non-static fields *)
; statics: fields (** static fields *)
; supers: Name.t list (** superclasses *)
; methods: Procname.t list (** methods defined *)
; annots: Annot.Item.t (** annotations *) }
type lookup = Name.t -> t option
let pp_field pe f (field_name, typ, ann) =
F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a %a %a" (pp_full pe) typ Fieldname.pp field_name Annot.Item.pp ann
let pp pe name f {fields; supers; methods; annots} =
if Config.debug_mode then
(* change false to true to print the details of struct *)
F.fprintf f
"%a @\n\tfields: {%a@\n\t}@\n\tsupers: {%a@\n\t}@\n\tmethods: {%a@\n\t}@\n\tannots: {%a@\n\t}"
Name.pp name
(Pp.seq (pp_field pe))
(Pp.seq (fun f n -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Name.pp n))
(Pp.seq (fun f m -> F.fprintf f "@\n\t\t%a" Procname.pp m))
methods Annot.Item.pp annots
else F.fprintf f "%a" Name.pp name
let internal_mk_struct ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?supers ?annots () =
let default_ = {fields= []; statics= []; methods= []; supers= []; annots= Annot.Item.empty} in
let mk_struct_ ?(default= default_) ?(fields= default.fields) ?(statics= default.statics)
?(methods= default.methods) ?(supers= default.supers) ?(annots= default.annots) () =
{fields; statics; methods; supers; annots}
mk_struct_ ?default ?fields ?statics ?methods ?supers ?annots ()
(** the element typ of the final extensible array in the given typ, if any *)
let rec get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup (typ: T.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tarray (typ, _, _) ->
Some typ
| Tstruct name -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields} -> (
match List.last fields with
| Some (_, fld_typ, _) ->
get_extensible_array_element_typ ~lookup fld_typ
| None ->
None )
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
(** If a struct type with field f, return the type of f. If not, return the default *)
let fld_typ ~lookup ~default fn (typ: T.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields} ->
List.find ~f:(fun (f, _, _) -> Fieldname.equal f fn) fields
|> Option.value_map ~f:snd3 ~default
| None ->
default )
| _ ->
let get_field_type_and_annotation ~lookup fn (typ: T.t) =
match typ.desc with
| Tstruct name | Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _) -> (
match lookup name with
| Some {fields; statics} ->
~f:(fun (f, t, a) ->
match Fieldname.equal f fn with true -> Some (t, a) | false -> None)
(fields @ statics)
| None ->
None )
| _ ->
let objc_ref_counter_annot = [({Annot.class_name= "ref_counter"; parameters= []}, false)]
(** Field used for objective-c reference counting *)
let objc_ref_counter_field = (Fieldname.hidden, mk (T.Tint IInt), objc_ref_counter_annot)
let is_objc_ref_counter_field (fld, _, a) =
Fieldname.is_hidden fld && Annot.Item.equal a objc_ref_counter_annot