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7 years ago
* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open ConcurrencyModels
let is_synchronized_library_call =
let targets = ["java.lang.StringBuffer"; "java.util.Hashtable"; "java.util.Vector"] in
fun tenv pn ->
(not (Typ.Procname.is_constructor pn))
match pn with
| Typ.Procname.Java java_pname ->
let classname = Typ.Procname.Java.get_class_type_name java_pname in
List.exists targets ~f:(PatternMatch.is_subtype_of_str tenv classname)
| _ ->
let is_futures_getdone =
is_call_of_class [""] "getDone" |> Staged.unstage
let should_skip_analysis =
let matchers = [is_futures_getdone] in
fun tenv pn actuals -> List.exists matchers ~f:(fun matcher -> matcher tenv pn actuals)
(** magical value from *)
let android_anr_time_limit = 5.0
(* get time unit in seconds *)
let timeunit_of_exp =
let time_units =
[ ("NANOSECONDS", 0.000_000_001)
; ("MICROSECONDS", 0.000_001)
; ("MILLISECONDS", 0.001)
; ("SECONDS", 1.0)
; ("MINUTES", 60.0)
; ("HOURS", 3_600.0)
; ("DAYS", 86_400.0) ]
let str_of_access_path = function
| _, [AccessPath.FieldAccess field]
when String.equal "java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit" (Typ.Fieldname.Java.get_class field) ->
Some (Typ.Fieldname.Java.get_field field)
| _ ->
let str_of_exp = function
| HilExp.AccessExpression timeunit_acc_exp ->
AccessExpression.to_access_path timeunit_acc_exp |> str_of_access_path
| _ ->
fun timeunit_exp -> str_of_exp timeunit_exp |> Option.bind ~f:(String.Map.find time_units)
(** check whether actuals of a method call either empty, denoting indefinite timeout,
or evaluate to a finite timeout greater than the android anr limit *)
let empty_or_excessive_timeout actuals =
let duration_of_exp = function
| HilExp.Constant (Const.Cint duration_lit) ->
Some (IntLit.to_float duration_lit)
| _ ->
(* all arguments in seconds *)
let is_excessive_secs duration = duration >. android_anr_time_limit in
match actuals with
| [_] ->
(* this is a wait or lock call without timeout, thus it can block indefinitely *)
| [_; snd_arg] ->
(* this is an Object.wait(_) call, second argument should be a duration in milliseconds *)
duration_of_exp snd_arg
|> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:(fun duration -> is_excessive_secs (0.001 *. duration))
| [_; snd_arg; third_arg] ->
(* this is either a call to Object.wait(_, _) or to a java.util.concurent.lock(_, _) method.
In the first case the arguments are a duration in milliseconds and an extra duration in
nanoseconds; in the second case, the arguments are a duration and a time unit. *)
duration_of_exp snd_arg
|> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:(fun duration ->
match timeunit_of_exp third_arg with
| Some timeunit ->
is_excessive_secs (timeunit *. duration)
| None ->
duration_of_exp third_arg
|> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:(fun extra ->
is_excessive_secs (0.001 *. (duration +. (0.000_001 *. extra))) ) )
| _ ->
(** is the method called Object.wait or on subclass, without timeout or with excessive timeout ? *)
let is_object_wait =
is_call_of_class ~actuals_pred:empty_or_excessive_timeout ["java.lang.Object"] "wait"
|> Staged.unstage
(** is the method called CountDownLath.await or on subclass? *)
let is_countdownlatch_await =
is_call_of_class ~actuals_pred:empty_or_excessive_timeout
|> Staged.unstage
(** an IBinder.transact call is an RPC. If the 4th argument (5th counting `this` as the first)
is int-zero then a reply is expected and returned from the remote process, thus potentially
blocking. If the 4th argument is anything else, we assume a one-way call which doesn't block.
let is_two_way_binder_transact =
let actuals_pred actuals =
List.nth actuals 4 |> Option.value_map ~default:false ~f:HilExp.is_int_zero
is_call_of_class ~actuals_pred ["android.os.IBinder"] "transact" |> Staged.unstage
(** is it a call to Future.get()? *)
let is_future_get =
is_call_of_class ~search_superclasses:false ~actuals_pred:empty_or_excessive_timeout
["java.util.concurrent.Future"] "get"
|> Staged.unstage
let is_accountManager_setUserData =
is_call_of_class ~search_superclasses:false ["android.accounts.AccountManager"] "setUserData"
|> Staged.unstage
let is_asyncTask_get =
is_call_of_class ~actuals_pred:empty_or_excessive_timeout ["android.os.AsyncTask"] "get"
|> Staged.unstage
(* consider any call to sleep as bad, even with timeouts lower than the anr limit *)
let is_thread_sleep = is_call_of_class ["java.lang.Thread"] "sleep" |> Staged.unstage
(* at most one function is allowed to be true, sort from High to Low *)
let may_block =
let open StarvationDomain.Event in
let matchers =
[ (is_accountManager_setUserData, High)
; (is_two_way_binder_transact, High)
; (is_countdownlatch_await, High)
; (is_thread_sleep, High)
; (is_object_wait, High)
; (is_asyncTask_get, Low)
; (is_future_get, Low) ]
fun tenv pn actuals ->
List.find_map matchers ~f:(fun (matcher, sev) -> Option.some_if (matcher tenv pn actuals) sev)