* Copyright ( c ) 2016 - present Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
open ! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(* * find transitive procedure calls for each procedure *)
module Domain = AbstractDomain . FiniteSet ( Typ . Procname )
(* Store a single stacktree frame per method. That is, callees is
always [] . Instead , the expanded per - method summaries are directly stored
in the output directory as JSON files and * only * for those methods that
will be part of the final crashcontext . json . * )
module SpecSummary = Summary . Make ( struct
type payload = Stacktree_j . stacktree
let update_payload frame ( summary : Specs . summary ) =
let payload = { summary . payload with Specs . crashcontext_frame = Some frame } in
{ summary with payload }
let read_payload ( summary : Specs . summary ) = summary . payload . crashcontext_frame
end )
type extras_t = { get_proc_desc : Typ . Procname . t -> Procdesc . t option ; stacktraces : Stacktrace . t list }
let line_range_of_pdesc pdesc =
let ploc = Procdesc . get_loc pdesc in
let start_line = ploc . Location . line in
let end_line =
Procdesc . fold_instrs
( fun acc _ instr ->
let new_loc = Sil . instr_get_loc instr in
max acc new_loc . Location . line )
start_line pdesc
{ Stacktree_j . start_line ; end_line }
let stacktree_of_pdesc pdesc ? ( loc = Procdesc . get_loc pdesc ) ? ( callees = [] ) location_type =
let procname = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let frame_loc =
{ Stacktree_j . location_type
; file = SourceFile . to_string loc . Location . file
; line = Some loc . Location . line
; blame_range = [ line_range_of_pdesc pdesc ] }
{ Stacktree_j . method_name = Typ . Procname . to_unique_id procname ; location = frame_loc ; callees }
let stacktree_stub_of_procname procname =
{ Stacktree_j . method_name = Typ . Procname . to_unique_id procname ; location = None ; callees = [] }
module TransferFunctions ( CFG : ProcCfg . S ) = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Domain = Domain
type extras = extras_t
let stacktree_of_astate pdesc astate loc location_type get_proc_desc =
let procs = Domain . elements astate in
let callees =
List . map
~ f : ( fun pn ->
match SpecSummary . read_summary pdesc pn with
| None -> (
match get_proc_desc pn with
| None ->
stacktree_stub_of_procname pn
(* This can happen when the callee is in the same cluster/ buck
target , but it hasn't been checked yet . So we need both the
inter - target lookup ( SpecSummary ) and the intra - target
lookup ( using get_proc_desc ) . * )
| Some callee_pdesc ->
stacktree_of_pdesc callee_pdesc " proc_start " )
| Some stracktree ->
stracktree )
stacktree_of_pdesc pdesc ~ loc ~ callees location_type
let output_json_summary pdesc astate loc location_type get_proc_desc =
let caller = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let stacktree = stacktree_of_astate pdesc astate loc location_type get_proc_desc in
let dir = Filename . concat Config . results_dir " crashcontext " in
let suffix = F . sprintf " %s_%d " location_type loc . Location . line in
let fname = F . sprintf " %s.%s.json " ( Typ . Procname . to_filename caller ) suffix in
let fpath = Filename . concat dir fname in
Utils . create_dir dir ;
Ag_util . Json . to_file Stacktree_j . write_stacktree fpath stacktree
let exec_instr astate proc_data _ = function
| Sil . Call ( _ , Const Const . Cfun pn , _ , loc , _ )
-> (
let get_proc_desc = proc_data . ProcData . extras . get_proc_desc in
let traces = proc_data . ProcData . extras . stacktraces in
let caller = Procdesc . get_proc_name proc_data . ProcData . pdesc in
let matches_proc frame =
let matches_class pname =
match pname with
| Typ . Procname . Java java_proc ->
String . equal frame . Stacktrace . class_str
( Typ . Procname . Java . get_class_name java_proc )
| Typ . Procname . ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp_prod ->
String . equal frame . Stacktrace . class_str
( Typ . Procname . ObjC_Cpp . get_class_name objc_cpp_prod )
| Typ . Procname . C _ ->
true (* Needed for test code. *)
| Typ . Procname . Block _
| Typ . Procname . Linters_dummy_method
| Typ . Procname . WithBlockParameters _ ->
L . ( die InternalError ) " Proc type not supported by crashcontext: block "
String . equal frame . Stacktrace . method_str ( Typ . Procname . get_method caller )
&& matches_class caller
let all_frames = List . concat ( List . map ~ f : ( fun trace -> trace . Stacktrace . frames ) traces ) in
match List . find ~ f : matches_proc all_frames with
| Some frame ->
let new_astate = Domain . add pn astate in
( if Stacktrace . frame_matches_location frame loc then
let pdesc = proc_data . ProcData . pdesc in
output_json_summary pdesc new_astate loc " call_site " get_proc_desc ) ;
| None ->
astate )
| Sil . Call _ ->
(* We currently ignore calls through function pointers in C and
other potential special kinds of procedure calls to be added later ,
e . g . Java reflection . * )
| Sil . Load _ | Store _ | Prune _ | Declare_locals _ | Remove_temps _ | Abstract _ | Nullify _ ->
module Analyzer = AbstractInterpreter . Make ( ProcCfg . Exceptional ) ( TransferFunctions )
let loaded_stacktraces =
(* Load all stacktraces defined in either Config.stacktrace or
Config . stacktraces_dir . * )
let json_files_in_dir dir =
let stacktrace_path_regexp = Str . regexp " .* \\ .json " in
let path_matcher path = Str . string_match stacktrace_path_regexp path 0 in
DB . paths_matching dir path_matcher
let filenames =
match ( Config . stacktrace , Config . stacktraces_dir ) with
| None , None ->
| Some fname , None ->
Some [ fname ]
| None , Some dir ->
Some ( json_files_in_dir dir )
| Some fname , Some dir ->
Some ( fname :: json_files_in_dir dir )
match filenames with
| None ->
| Some files ->
Some ( List . map ~ f : Stacktrace . of_json_file files )
let checker { Callbacks . proc_desc ; tenv ; get_proc_desc ; summary } : Specs . summary =
( match loaded_stacktraces with
| None ->
L . ( die UserError )
" Missing command line option. Either '--stacktrace stack.json' or '--stacktrace-dir ./dir' must be used when running '-a crashcontext'. This options expects a JSON formated stack trace or a directory containing multiple such traces, respectively. See tests/codetoanalyze/java/crashcontext/*.json for examples of the expected format. "
| Some stacktraces ->
let extras = { get_proc_desc ; stacktraces } in
ignore ( Analyzer . exec_pdesc ( ProcData . make proc_desc tenv extras ) ~ initial : Domain . empty ) ) ;