You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

159 lines
3.8 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open Lexing
open LParser
exception LexingError of string
let space = [' ' '\t']
let newline = '\n'
let comment = ';' [^ '\n']*
let nonzero_digit = ['1'-'9']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let pos_int = nonzero_digit digit*
let intlit = '-'? digit+
let lower = ['a'-'z']
let upper = ['A'-'Z']
let id_special_char = ['-' '$' '.' '_']
let id_char = lower | upper | id_special_char
let id = id_char (id_char | digit)*
rule token = parse
| space | comment { token lexbuf }
| newline { token lexbuf }
(* keywords *)
| "define" { DEFINE }
(* delimiters *)
| ',' { COMMA }
| '(' { LPAREN }
| ')' { RPAREN }
| '{' { LBRACE }
| '}' { RBRACE }
| '<' { LANGLE }
| '>' { RANGLE }
| '[' { LSQBRACK }
| ']' { RSQBRACK }
(* symbols *)
| '=' { EQUALS }
| '*' { STAR }
| ['x' 'X'] { X }
(* TYPES *)
| "void" { VOID }
| "i1" { BIT (* INT 1 *) }
| 'i' (pos_int as width) { INT (int_of_string width) }
| "half" { HALF }
| "float" { FLOAT }
| "double" { DOUBLE }
| "fp128" { FP128 }
| "x86_fp80" { X86_FP80 }
| "ppc_fp128" { PPC_FP128 }
(*| "x86_mmx" { X86_MMX }*)
| "label" { LABEL }
| "metadata" { METADATA }
| pos_int as size { SIZE (int_of_string size) }
| "true" { CONSTINT 1 }
| "false" { CONSTINT 0 }
| intlit as i { CONSTINT (int_of_string i) }
(* floating point constants *)
| "null" { NULL }
(* terminator instructions *)
| "ret" { RET }
| "br" { BR }
(*| "switch" { SWITCH }
| "indirectbr" { INDIRECTBR }
| "invoke" { INVOKE }
| "resume" { RESUME }
| "unreachable" { UNREACHABLE }*)
(* binary operations *)
| "add" { ADD }
| "fadd" { FADD }
| "sub" { SUB }
| "fsub" { FSUB }
| "mul" { MUL }
| "fmul" { FMUL }
| "udiv" { UDIV }
| "sdiv" { SDIV }
| "fdiv" { FDIV }
| "urem" { UREM }
| "srem" { SREM }
| "frem" { FREM }
(* arithmetic options *)
| "nuw" { NUW }
| "nsw" { NSW }
| "exact" { EXACT }
(* floating point options *)
| "nnan" { NNAN }
| "ninf" { NINF }
| "nsz" { NSZ }
| "arcp" { ARCP }
| "fast" { FAST }
(* bitwise binary operations *)
| "shl" { SHL }
| "lshr" { LSHR }
| "ashr" { ASHR }
| "and" { AND }
| "or" { OR }
| "xor" { XOR }
(* vector operations *)
| "extractelement" { EXTRACTELEMENT }
| "insertelement" { INSERTELEMENT }
(*| "shufflevector" { SHUFFLEVECTOR }*)
(* aggregate operations *)
(*| "extractvalue" { EXTRACTVALUE }*)
(*| "insertvalue" { INSERTVALUE }*)
(* memory access and addressing operations *)
(*| "alloca" { ALLOCA }*)
(*| "load" { LOAD }*)
(*| "store" { STORE }*)
(*| "fence" { FENCE }*)
(*| "cmpxchg" { CMPXCHG }*)
(*| "atomicrmw" { ATOMICRMW }*)
(*| "getelementptr" { GETELEMENTPTR }*)
(* conversion operations *)
(*| "trunc" { TRUNC }*) (* e.g. trunc ... to ... *)
(*| "zext" { ZEXT }*)
(*| "sext" { SEXT }*)
(*| "fptrunc" { FPTRUNC }*)
(*| "fpext" { FPEXT }*)
(*| "fptoui" { FPTOUI }*)
(*| "fptosi" { FPTOSI }*)
(*| "uitofp" { UITOFP }*)
(*| "sitofp" { SITOFP }*)
(*| "ptrtoint" { PTRTOINT }*)
(*| "inttoptr" { INTTOPTR }*)
(*| "bitcast" { BITCAST }*)
(*| "addrspacecast" { ADDRSPACECAST }*)
(*| "to" { TO }*) (* all conversion operations include this keyword *)
(* other operations *)
(*| "icmp" { ICMP }*)
(*| "fcmp" { FCMP }*)
(*| "phi" { PHI }*)
(*| "select" { SELECT }*)
(*| "call" { CALL }*)
(*| "va_arg" { VA_ARG }*)
(*| "landingpad" { LANDINGPAD }*)
(* identifiers *)
| '@' (id as str) { GLOBAL str }
| '%' (id as str) { LOCAL str }
| id as str { IDENT str }
| eof { EOF }