* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module Trace = ClangTrace
module AccessTree = AccessTree.Make(Trace)
let to_summary_access_tree tree = QuandarySummary.AccessTree.Clang tree
let of_summary_access_tree = function
| QuandarySummary.AccessTree.Clang tree -> tree
| _ -> assert false
let handle_unknown_call pname ret_typ_opt actuals _ =
let handle_generic_unknown ret_typ_opt actuals =
match ret_typ_opt, List.rev actuals with
| Some _, _ ->
(* propagate taint from actuals to return value *)
| None, [] ->
| None, _ when Typ.Procname.is_constructor pname ->
(* "this" is always the first arg of a constructor; propagate taint there *)
| None,
HilExp.AccessPath ((Var.ProgramVar pvar, { desc=Typ.Tptr (_, Typ.Pk_pointer) }), []) :: _
when Pvar.is_frontend_tmp pvar ->
(* no return value, but the frontend has introduced a dummy return variable and will
assign the return value to this variable. So propagate taint to the dummy return
variable *)
let actual_index = List.length actuals - 1 in
[TaintSpec.Propagate_to_actual actual_index]
| None, _ ->
(* no return value; propagate taint from actuals to receiver *)
[TaintSpec.Propagate_to_receiver] in
(* if we have a specific model for a procedure, use that. otherwise, use the generic
heuristics for dealing with unknown code *)
match Typ.Procname.get_method pname with
| "operator+="
| "operator-="
| "operator*="
| "operator/="
| "operator%="
| "operator<<="
| "operator>>="
| "operator&="
| "operator^="
| "operator|=" ->
[TaintSpec.Propagate_to_receiver; TaintSpec.Propagate_to_return]
| "memcpy" | "memmove" | "strcpy" | "strncpy" ->
[TaintSpec.Propagate_to_receiver; TaintSpec.Propagate_to_return]
| "sprintf" ->
| other ->
L.d_strln ("generic unknown " ^ other);
handle_generic_unknown ret_typ_opt actuals
let is_taintable_type _ = true