* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
let tt = ToplUtils.debug
module Vname = struct
module T = struct
type t = ToplAst.property_name * ToplAst.vertex [@@deriving compare, hash, sexp]
include T
include Hashable.Make (T)
type vname = Vname.t
type vindex = int
type tindex = int
type transition = {source: vindex; target: vindex; label: ToplAst.label}
(** - INV1: Array.length states = Array.length outgoing
- INV2: each index of [transitions] occurs exactly once in one of [outgoing]'s lists
- INV3: max_args is the maximum length of the arguments list in a label on a transition *)
type t =
{ states: vname array
; transitions: transition array
; outgoing: tindex list array
; vindex: vname -> vindex
; max_args: int (* redundant; cached for speed *) }
(** [index_in H a x] is the (last) index of [x] in array [a]. *)
let index_in (type k) (module H : Hashtbl_intf.S with type key = k) (a : k array) : k -> int =
let h = H.create ~size:(2 * Array.length a) () in
let f i x = H.set h ~key:x ~data:i in
Array.iteri ~f a ; H.find_exn h
let make properties =
let states : vname array =
let open ToplAst in
let f p =
let f {source; target; _} = [(p.name, source); (p.name, target)] in
List.concat_map ~f p.transitions
Array.of_list (List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Vname.compare (List.concat_map ~f properties))
if Config.trace_topl then Array.iteri ~f:(fun i (p, v) -> tt "state[%d]=(%s,%s)@\n" i p v) states ;
let vindex = index_in (module Vname.Table) states in
let transitions : transition array =
let f p =
let prefix_pname pname =
"^\\(\\|" ^ String.concat ~sep:"\\|" p.ToplAst.prefixes ^ "\\)\\." ^ pname ^ "("
let f t =
let source = vindex ToplAst.(p.name, t.source) in
let target = vindex ToplAst.(p.name, t.target) in
let procedure_name = prefix_pname ToplAst.(t.label.procedure_name) in
let label = {t.ToplAst.label with procedure_name} in
{source; target; label}
List.map ~f p.ToplAst.transitions
Array.of_list (List.concat_map ~f properties)
if Config.trace_topl then
Array.iteri transitions ~f:(fun i {source; target; label} ->
tt "transition%d %d -> %d on %s@\n" i source target label.ToplAst.procedure_name ) ;
let outgoing : tindex list array =
let vcount = Array.length states in
let a = Array.create ~len:vcount [] in
let f i t = a.(t.source) <- i :: a.(t.source) in
Array.iteri ~f transitions ; a
let max_args =
let f x t =
let y = Option.value_map ~default:0 ~f:List.length t.label.ToplAst.arguments in
Int.max x y
Array.fold ~init:0 ~f transitions
{states; transitions; outgoing; vindex; max_args}
let outgoing a i = a.outgoing.(i)
let vname a i = a.states.(i)
let vcount a = Array.length a.states
let transition a i = a.transitions.(i)
let tcount a = Array.length a.transitions
let max_args a = a.max_args
let get_start_error_pairs a =
let starts = String.Table.create () ~size:(2 * vcount a) in
let errors = String.Table.create () ~size:(2 * vcount a) in
let record dict keep index (property, name) =
if String.equal keep name then Hashtbl.add_exn dict ~key:property ~data:index
Array.iteri ~f:(record starts "start") a.states ;
Array.iteri ~f:(record errors "error") a.states ;
let f ~key:_ = function `Both (x, y) -> Some (x, y) | _ -> None in
let pairs = Hashtbl.merge starts errors ~f in
Hashtbl.data pairs