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# Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
# of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import traceback
from inferlib import config, issues, utils, bucklib
from . import util
MODULE_NAME = __name__
MODULE_DESCRIPTION = '''Run analysis of code built with a command like:
buck [options] [target]
Analysis examples:
infer -- buck build HelloWorld'''
def gen_instance(*args):
return BuckAnalyzer(*args)
# This creates an empty argparser for the module, which provides only
# description/usage information and no arguments.
def create_argparser(group_name=MODULE_NAME):
"""This defines the set of arguments that get added by this module to the
set of global args defined in the infer top-level module
Do not use this function directly, it should be invoked by the infer
top-level module"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
group = parser.add_argument_group(
'{grp} module'.format(grp=MODULE_NAME),
group.add_argument('--print-harness', action='store_true',
help='Print generated harness code (Android only)')
group.add_argument('--use-flavors', action='store_true',
help='Run Infer analysis through the use of flavors. '
'Currently this is supported only for the cxx_* '
'targets of Buck - e.g. cxx_library, cxx_binary - '
'and not for Java. Note: this flag should be used '
'in combination with passing the #infer flavor '
'to the Buck target.')
help='Specify the path to Xcode developer directory '
'(requires --use-flavors to work)')
help='Specify the regex for files to skip during '
'the analysis (requires --use-flavors to work)')
group.add_argument('--merge-deps-files', action='store_true',
help='Merge the infer-deps.txt files generated by Buck '
'during the analysis (requires --use-flavors to '
return parser
class BuckAnalyzer:
def __init__(self, args, cmd):
self.args = args
self.cmd = cmd
util.log_java_version()['buck', '--version']))
def capture(self):
if self.args.use_flavors:
return self.capture_with_flavors()
return self.capture_without_flavors()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
if self.args.debug:
return exc.returncode
def create_cxx_buck_configuration_args(self):
# return a string that can be passed in input to buck
# and configures the paths to infer/clang/plugin/xcode
facebook_clang_plugins_root = config.FCP_DIRECTORY
clang_path = os.path.join(
plugin_path = os.path.join(
args = [
if self.args.xcode_developer_dir is not None:
if self.args.blacklist_regex:
return args
def _get_analysis_result_paths(self):
# TODO(8610738): Make targets extraction smarter
buck_results_cmd = [
] + self.cmd[2:] + self.create_cxx_buck_configuration_args()
proc = subprocess.Popen(buck_results_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(buck_output, _) = proc.communicate()
# remove target name prefixes from each line and split them into a list
out = [x.split(None, 1)[1] for x in buck_output.strip().split('\n')]
return [os.path.dirname(x)
if os.path.isfile(x) else x
for x in out if os.path.exists(x)]
def _merge_infer_dep_files(root_paths, merged_out_path):
potential_dep_files = [os.path.join(p, config.INFER_BUCK_DEPS_FILENAME)
for p in root_paths]
dep_files = filter(os.path.exists, potential_dep_files)
utils.merge_and_dedup_files_into_path(dep_files, merged_out_path)
def _merge_infer_report_files(root_paths, merged_out_path):
potential_report_files = [os.path.join(p, config.JSON_REPORT_FILENAME)
for p in root_paths]
report_files = filter(os.path.exists, potential_report_files)
all_results = issues.merge_reports_from_paths(report_files)
utils.dump_json_to_path(all_results, merged_out_path)
def _run_buck_with_flavors(self):
# TODO: Use buck to identify the project's root folder
if not os.path.isfile('.buckconfig'):
print('Please run this command from the folder where .buckconfig '
'is located')
return os.EX_USAGE
env_vars = utils.read_env()
env_vars['FCP_RUN_SYNTAX_ONLY'] = '1'
env = utils.encode_env(env_vars)
self.cmd + self.create_cxx_buck_configuration_args(), env=env)
return os.EX_OK
def capture_with_flavors(self):
ret = self._run_buck_with_flavors()
if not ret == os.EX_OK:
return ret
result_paths = self._get_analysis_result_paths()
merged_reports_path = os.path.join(
self.args.infer_out, config.JSON_REPORT_FILENAME)
merged_deps_path = os.path.join(
self.args.infer_out, config.INFER_BUCK_DEPS_FILENAME)
self._merge_infer_report_files(result_paths, merged_reports_path)
self._merge_infer_dep_files(result_paths, merged_deps_path)
bugs_out = os.path.join(self.args.infer_out, config.BUGS_FILENAME)
xml_out = None
if self.args.pmd_xml:
xml_out = os.path.join(
self.args.infer_out, config.PMD_XML_FILENAME)
issues.print_and_save_errors(merged_reports_path, bugs_out, xml_out)
return os.EX_OK
def capture_without_flavors(self):
# Java is a special case, and we run the analysis from here
buck_wrapper = bucklib.Wrapper(self.args, self.cmd)