codetoanalyze/java/litho/, MyComponent RequiredProps.FP_setRequiredOnBothBranchesOk(boolean), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop1 is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, MyComponent RequiredProps.buildWithout1Bad(), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop1 is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, MyComponent RequiredProps.buildWithout3Bad(), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop3 is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, MyComponent RequiredProps.callBuildSuffixWithoutRequiredBad(), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop1 is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, MyComponent RequiredProps.setProp3InCalleeButForgetProp1Bad(), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop1 is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, MyComponent RequiredProps.setRequiredOnOneBranchBad(boolean), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop1 is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, Object RequiredProps.generalTypeForgot3Bad(), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop3 is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, void RequiredProps.buildPropResMissingBad(), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop is required, but not set before the call to build()]
codetoanalyze/java/litho/, void RequiredProps.buildWithColumnChildBad(), 0, MISSING_REQUIRED_PROP, [@Prop prop3 is required, but not set before the call to build()]