* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
(** This module handles C or Objective-C types for which there are special rules for memory management *)
(** This module models special c struct types from the Apple's Core Foundation libraries
for which there are particular rules for memory management. *)
module Core_foundation_model =
let core_foundation = [
let cf_network = [
let core_media = [
let core_text = [
let core_video = [
let image_io = [
let security = [
let system_configuration = [
let core_graphics_types = [
let core_foundation_types =
core_foundation @
cf_network @
core_media @
core_text @
core_video @
image_io @
security @
let copy = "Copy"
let create = "Create"
let cf_retain = "CFRetain"
let cf_release = "CFRelease"
let upper_release = "Release"
let ref = "Ref"
let cf_type = "CFTypeRef"
type core_lib =
| Core_foundation
| Core_graphics
let core_lib_to_type_list lib =
match lib with
| Core_foundation -> core_foundation_types
| Core_graphics -> core_graphics_types
let is_objc_memory_model_controlled o =
List.mem ~equal:String.equal core_foundation_types o ||
List.mem ~equal:String.equal core_graphics_types o
let rec is_core_lib lib typ =
match typ with
| Typ.Tptr (styp, _ ) ->
is_core_lib lib styp
| Typ.Tstruct name ->
let core_lib_types = core_lib_to_type_list lib in
List.mem ~equal:String.equal core_lib_types (Typename.name name)
| _ -> false
let is_core_foundation_type typ =
is_core_lib Core_foundation typ
let is_core_graphics_type typ =
is_core_lib Core_graphics typ
let is_core_lib_type typ =
is_core_foundation_type typ ||
is_core_graphics_type typ
let is_core_lib_create typ funct =
is_core_lib_type typ &&
((String.is_substring ~substring:create funct) ||
(String.is_substring ~substring:copy funct ))
let function_arg_is_cftype typ =
(String.is_substring ~substring:cf_type typ)
let is_core_lib_retain typ funct =
function_arg_is_cftype typ && String.equal funct cf_retain
let is_core_lib_release typ funct =
function_arg_is_cftype typ && String.equal funct cf_release
let is_core_graphics_release typ funct =
let cg_typ = IList.find
(fun lib -> (String.equal funct (lib^upper_release))) core_graphics_types in
(String.is_substring ~substring:(cg_typ^ref) typ)
with Not_found -> false
let function_arg_is_core_pgraphics typ =
let res = (String.is_substring ~substring:cf_type typ) in
let is_core_lib_type typ =
Core_foundation_model.is_core_lib_type typ