* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module BasicCost = CostDomain.BasicCost
module Payload = SummaryPayload.Make (struct
type t = CostDomain.summary
let update_payloads sum (payloads : Payloads.t) = {payloads with cost= Some sum}
let of_payloads (payloads : Payloads.t) = payloads.cost
(* We use this threshold to give error if the cost is above it.
Currently it's set randomly to 200. *)
module ReportConfig = struct
type t = {name: string; threshold: int option; top_and_bottom: bool}
let as_list =
[ ( CostDomain.OperationCost
, { name= "The execution time"
; threshold= Option.some_if Config.use_cost_threshold 200
; top_and_bottom= true } )
; (CostDomain.AllocationCost, {name= "The allocations"; threshold= None; top_and_bottom= false})
; (CostDomain.IOCost, {name= "The IOs"; threshold= None; top_and_bottom= false}) ]
let as_map =
List.fold as_list ~init:CostDomain.CostKindMap.empty ~f:(fun acc (k, v) ->
CostDomain.CostKindMap.add k v acc )
(* CFG modules used in several other modules *)
module InstrCFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode
module NodeCFG = ProcCfg.Normal
module Node = ProcCfg.DefaultNode
(* Map associating to each node a bound on the number of times it can be executed.
This bound is computed using environments (map: val -> values), using the following
observation: the number of environments associated with a program point is an upperbound
of the number of times the program point can be executed in any execution.
The size of an environment env is computed as:
|env| = |env(v1)| * ... * |env(n_k)|
where |env(v)| is the size of the interval associated to v by env.
Reference: see Stefan Bygde PhD thesis, 2010
module BoundMap = struct
let print_upper_bound_map bound_map =
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n\n******* Bound Map : [node -> bound] ITV **** @\n %a @\n"
(Node.IdMap.pp ~pp_value:BasicCost.pp)
bound_map ;
L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n******* END Bound Map ITV **** @\n\n"
let filter_loc vars_to_keep = function
| AbsLoc.Loc.Var (Var.LogicalVar _) ->
| AbsLoc.Loc.Var var ->
Control.ControlMap.find_opt var vars_to_keep
| _ ->
let compute_upperbound_map node_cfg inferbo_invariant_map control_invariant_map loop_inv_map =
let compute_node_upper_bound bound_map node =
let node_id = NodeCFG.Node.id node in
match Procdesc.Node.get_kind node with
| Procdesc.Node.Exit_node ->
Node.IdMap.add node_id BasicCost.one bound_map
| _ -> (
let exit_state_opt =
let instr_node_id = InstrCFG.last_of_underlying_node node |> InstrCFG.Node.id in
BufferOverrunAnalysis.extract_post instr_node_id inferbo_invariant_map
match exit_state_opt with
| Some entry_mem ->
(* compute control vars, i.e. set of variables that affect the execution count *)
let control_map =
Control.compute_control_vars control_invariant_map loop_inv_map node
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n>>> All dependencies for node = %a : %a @\n\n" Procdesc.Node.pp node
(Control.ControlMap.pp ~pp_value:Location.pp)
control_map ;
(* bound = env(v1) *... * env(vn) *)
let bound =
match entry_mem with
| Bottom ->
[COST ANALYSIS INTERNAL WARNING:] No 'env' found. This location is \
unreachable returning cost 0 \n" ;
| NonBottom mem ->
BufferOverrunDomain.MemReach.range ~filter_loc:(filter_loc control_map) mem
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n>>>Setting bound for node = %a to %a@\n\n" Node.pp_id node_id BasicCost.pp
bound ;
Node.IdMap.add node_id bound bound_map
| _ ->
Node.IdMap.add node_id BasicCost.zero bound_map )
let bound_map =
NodeCFG.fold_nodes node_cfg ~f:compute_node_upper_bound ~init:Node.IdMap.empty
print_upper_bound_map bound_map ; bound_map
let upperbound bound_map nid =
match Node.IdMap.find_opt nid bound_map with
| Some bound ->
| None ->
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n\n[WARNING] Bound not found for node %a, returning Top @\n" Node.pp_id nid ;
module ControlFlowCost = struct
(* A Control-flow cost represents the number of times the flow of control can go through a certain CFG item (a node or an edge),
or a sum of such things *)
module Item = struct
type t = [`Node of Node.id | `Edge of Node.id * Node.id]
let compare : t -> t -> int =
fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| `Node id1, `Node id2 ->
Node.compare_id id1 id2
| `Node _, `Edge _ ->
| `Edge _, `Node _ ->
| `Edge (f1, t1), `Edge (f2, t2) ->
[%compare: Node.id * Node.id] (f1, t1) (f2, t2)
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt -> function
| `Node id ->
F.fprintf fmt "Node(%a)" Node.pp_id id
| `Edge (f, t) ->
F.fprintf fmt "Edge(%a -> %a)" Node.pp_id f Node.pp_id t
let normalize ~(normalizer : t -> [> t]) (x : t) : t =
match normalizer x with #t as x -> x | _ -> assert false
module Sum = struct
type 'a set = (* non-empty sorted list *) 'a list
type t = [`Sum of int * Item.t set]
let of_list l =
let length = List.length l in
let set = List.sort ~compare:Item.compare l in
`Sum (length, set)
let compare : t -> t -> int =
fun (`Sum (l1, s1)) (`Sum (l2, s2)) -> [%compare: int * Item.t list] (l1, s1) (l2, s2)
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt (`Sum (_, set)) -> Pp.seq ~sep:" + " Item.pp fmt set
let items (`Sum (_, l)) = l
let normalized_items ~normalizer (`Sum (_, l)) =
let normalizer = (normalizer :> Item.t -> [> Item.t]) in
l |> List.rev_map ~f:(Item.normalize ~normalizer)
let normalize ~normalizer sum = sum |> normalized_items ~normalizer |> of_list
(* Given a sum and an item, remove one occurence of the item in the sum. Returns [None] if the item is not present in the sum.
[remove_one_item ~item:A (A + B)] = B
[remove_one_item ~item:A (A + B + C)] = B + C
[remove_one_item ~item:A (A + A + B)] = A + B
[remove_one_item ~item:A (B + C)] = None
let remove_one_item ~item (`Sum (len, l)) =
match IList.remove_first l ~f:(Item.equal item) with
| None ->
| Some [e] ->
Some (e :> [Item.t | t])
| Some l ->
Some (`Sum (len - 1, l))
let cost ~of_item (`Sum (_, l)) =
List.fold l ~init:BasicCost.zero ~f:(fun cost item -> BasicCost.plus cost (of_item item))
type t = [Item.t | Sum.t]
let compare : t -> t -> int =
fun x y ->
match (x, y) with
| (#Item.t as x), (#Item.t as y) ->
Item.compare x y
| #Item.t, #Sum.t ->
| #Sum.t, #Item.t ->
| (#Sum.t as x), (#Sum.t as y) ->
Sum.compare x y
let make_node node = `Node node
let make_pred_edge succ pred = `Edge (pred, succ)
let make_succ_edge pred succ = `Edge (pred, succ)
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt -> function #Item.t as item -> Item.pp fmt item | #Sum.t as sum -> Sum.pp fmt sum
let sum : Item.t list -> t = function [] -> assert false | [e] -> (e :> t) | l -> Sum.of_list l
module Set = struct
type elt = t [@@deriving compare]
type t =
{ mutable size: int
; mutable items: Item.t ARList.t
; mutable sums: Sum.t ARList.t
; mutable cost: BasicCost.t }
let create e =
let items, sums =
match e with
| #Item.t as item ->
(ARList.singleton item, ARList.empty)
| #Sum.t as sum ->
(ARList.empty, ARList.singleton sum)
{size= 1; items; sums; cost= BasicCost.top}
let compare_size {size= size1} {size= size2} = Int.compare size1 size2
(* Invalidation is just a sanity check, union-find already takes care of it. *)
let is_valid {size} = size >= 1
let cost {cost} = cost
(* move semantics, should not be called with aliases *)
let merge ~from ~to_ =
assert (not (phys_equal from to_)) ;
assert (is_valid from) ;
assert (is_valid to_) ;
to_.size <- to_.size + from.size ;
to_.items <- ARList.append to_.items from.items ;
to_.sums <- ARList.append to_.sums from.sums ;
from.size <- 0
let pp_equalities fmt t =
ARList.append (t.items :> elt ARList.t) (t.sums :> elt ARList.t)
|> IContainer.to_rev_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered
|> List.sort ~compare |> Pp.seq ~sep:" = " pp fmt
let normalize_sums : normalizer:(elt -> elt) -> t -> unit =
fun ~normalizer t ->
<- t.sums
|> IContainer.rev_map_to_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered ~f:(Sum.normalize ~normalizer)
|> List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Sum.compare
|> ARList.of_list
let infer_equalities_by_removing_item ~on_infer t item =
|> IContainer.rev_filter_map_to_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered
~f:(Sum.remove_one_item ~item)
|> IContainer.iter_consecutive ~fold:List.fold ~f:on_infer
let sum_items t =
|> ARList.fold_unordered ~init:ARList.empty ~f:(fun acc sum ->
sum |> Sum.items |> ARList.of_list |> ARList.append acc )
|> IContainer.to_rev_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered
|> List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Item.compare
let infer_equalities_from_sums :
on_infer:(elt -> elt -> unit) -> normalizer:(elt -> elt) -> t -> unit =
fun ~on_infer ~normalizer t ->
normalize_sums ~normalizer t ;
(* Keep in mind that [on_infer] can modify [t].
It happens only if we merge a node while infering equalities from it, i.e. in the case an item appears in an equality class both alone and in two sums, i.e. X = A + X = A + B.
This is not a problem here (we could stop if it happens but it is not necessary as existing equalities still remain true after merges) *)
(* Also keep in mind that the current version, in the worst-case scenario, is quadratic-ish in the size of the CFG *)
sum_items t |> List.iter ~f:(fun item -> infer_equalities_by_removing_item ~on_infer t item)
let init_cost : of_node:(Node.id -> BasicCost.t) -> t -> unit =
fun ~of_node t ->
let min_if_node cost item =
match item with `Node node -> BasicCost.min_default_left cost (of_node node) | _ -> cost
t.cost <- ARList.fold_unordered t.items ~init:t.cost ~f:min_if_node
let improve_cost_from_sums :
on_improve:(Sum.t -> BasicCost.t -> BasicCost.t -> unit)
-> of_item:(Item.t -> BasicCost.t)
-> t
-> unit =
fun ~on_improve ~of_item t ->
let f sum =
let cost_of_sum = Sum.cost ~of_item sum in
let new_cost = BasicCost.min_default_left t.cost cost_of_sum in
if not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:t.cost ~rhs:new_cost) then (
on_improve sum cost_of_sum new_cost ;
t.cost <- new_cost )
Container.iter t.sums ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered ~f
let improve_cost_with t cost' =
let old_cost = t.cost in
let new_cost = BasicCost.min_default_left old_cost cost' in
if not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:old_cost ~rhs:new_cost) then (
t.cost <- new_cost ;
Some old_cost )
else None
module ConstraintSolver = struct
type debug = {f: 'a. ('a, F.formatter, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a} [@@unboxed]
module Equalities = struct
include ImperativeUnionFind.Make (ControlFlowCost.Set)
let normalizer equalities e = (find equalities e :> ControlFlowCost.t)
let pp_repr fmt (repr : Repr.t) = ControlFlowCost.pp fmt (repr :> ControlFlowCost.t)
let pp_equalities fmt equalities =
let pp_item fmt (repr, set) =
F.fprintf fmt "%a --> %a" pp_repr repr ControlFlowCost.Set.pp_equalities set
IContainer.pp_collection ~fold:fold_sets ~pp_item fmt equalities
let pp_costs fmt equalities =
let pp_item fmt (repr, set) =
F.fprintf fmt "%a --> %a" pp_repr repr BasicCost.pp (ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set)
IContainer.pp_collection ~fold:fold_sets ~pp_item fmt equalities
let log_union ~debug equalities e1 e2 =
match union equalities e1 e2 with
| None ->
debug.f "[UF] Preexisting %a = %a@\n" ControlFlowCost.pp e1 ControlFlowCost.pp e2 ;
| Some (e1, e2) ->
debug.f "[UF] Union %a into %a@\n" ControlFlowCost.pp e1 ControlFlowCost.pp e2 ;
let try_to_improve ~debug ~on_improve ~f equalities ~max =
let f did_improve repr_set =
if did_improve then (
f ~did_improve:(fun () -> ()) repr_set ;
true )
let did_improve = ref false in
f ~did_improve:(fun () -> did_improve := true) repr_set ;
let rec loop max =
if fold_sets equalities ~init:false ~f then (
on_improve () ;
if max > 0 then loop (max - 1)
else debug.f "[ConstraintSolver] Maximum number of iterations reached@\n" )
loop max
Infer equalities from sums, like this:
(1) A + sum1 = A + sum2 => sum1 = sum2
It does not try to saturate
(2) A = B + C /\ B = D + E => A = C + D + E
Nor combine more than 2 equations
(3) A = B + C /\ B = D + E /\ F = C + D + E => A = F
((3) is implied by (1) /\ (2))
Its complexity is unknown but I think it is bounded by nbNodes x nbEdges x max.
let infer_equalities_from_sums ~debug equalities ~max =
let normalizer = normalizer equalities in
let f ~did_improve (_repr, set) =
let on_infer e1 e2 = if log_union equalities ~debug e1 e2 then did_improve () in
ControlFlowCost.Set.infer_equalities_from_sums ~on_infer ~normalizer set
let on_improve () = debug.f "[ConstraintSolver][EInfe] %a@\n" pp_equalities equalities in
try_to_improve ~debug ~on_improve ~f equalities ~max
let normalize_sums equalities =
let normalizer = normalizer equalities in
Container.iter ~fold:fold_sets equalities ~f:(fun (_repr, set) ->
ControlFlowCost.Set.normalize_sums ~normalizer set )
let union ~debug equalities e1 e2 =
let _ : bool = log_union ~debug equalities e1 e2 in
let init_costs bound_map equalities =
let of_node node_id = BoundMap.upperbound bound_map node_id in
Container.iter equalities ~fold:fold_sets ~f:(fun (_repr, set) ->
ControlFlowCost.Set.init_cost ~of_node set )
From sums: if A = B + C, do cost(A) = min(cost(A), cost(B) + cost(C))
From inequalities: if A = B + C, then B <= A, do cost(B) = min(cost(B), cost(A))
let improve_costs ~debug equalities ~max =
let of_item (item : ControlFlowCost.Item.t) =
(item :> ControlFlowCost.t)
|> find equalities |> find_set equalities
|> Option.value_map ~f:ControlFlowCost.Set.cost ~default:BasicCost.top
let f ~did_improve (repr, set) =
let on_improve sum cost_of_sum new_cost =
"[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] Improved cost of %a using %a (cost: %a), from %a to %a@\n"
pp_repr repr ControlFlowCost.Sum.pp sum BasicCost.pp cost_of_sum BasicCost.pp
(ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set) BasicCost.pp new_cost ;
did_improve ()
ControlFlowCost.Set.improve_cost_from_sums ~on_improve ~of_item set ;
let try_from_inequality (sum_item : ControlFlowCost.Item.t) =
let sum_item_set =
(sum_item :> ControlFlowCost.t) |> find equalities |> find_create_set equalities
ControlFlowCost.Set.improve_cost_with sum_item_set (ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set)
| Some previous_cost ->
"[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] Improved cost of %a <= %a (cost: %a), from %a to %a@\n"
ControlFlowCost.Item.pp sum_item pp_repr repr BasicCost.pp
(ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set) BasicCost.pp previous_cost BasicCost.pp
(ControlFlowCost.Set.cost sum_item_set) ;
did_improve ()
| None ->
ControlFlowCost.Set.sum_items set |> List.iter ~f:try_from_inequality
let on_improve () = debug.f "[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] %a@\n" pp_costs equalities in
try_to_improve ~debug ~on_improve ~f equalities ~max
let add_constraints ~debug equalities node get_nodes make =
match get_nodes node with
| [] ->
(* either start/exit node or dead node (broken CFG) *)
| nodes ->
let node_id = Node.id node in
let edges = List.rev_map nodes ~f:(fun other -> make node_id (Node.id other)) in
let sum = ControlFlowCost.sum edges in
Equalities.union ~debug equalities (ControlFlowCost.make_node node_id) sum
let collect_on_node ~debug equalities node =
add_constraints ~debug equalities node Procdesc.Node.get_preds ControlFlowCost.make_pred_edge ;
add_constraints ~debug equalities node Procdesc.Node.get_succs ControlFlowCost.make_succ_edge
let collect_constraints ~debug node_cfg =
let equalities = Equalities.create () in
Container.iter node_cfg ~fold:NodeCFG.fold_nodes ~f:(collect_on_node ~debug equalities) ;
debug.f "[ConstraintSolver] Procedure %a @@ %a@\n" Typ.Procname.pp
(Procdesc.get_proc_name node_cfg) Location.pp_file_pos (Procdesc.get_loc node_cfg) ;
debug.f "[ConstraintSolver][EInit] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_equalities equalities ;
Equalities.normalize_sums equalities ;
debug.f "[ConstraintSolver][ENorm] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_equalities equalities ;
Equalities.infer_equalities_from_sums equalities ~debug ~max:10 ;
debug.f "[ConstraintSolver][EInfe] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_equalities equalities ;
let compute_costs ~debug bound_map equalities =
Equalities.init_costs bound_map equalities ;
debug.f "[ConstraintSolver][CInit] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_costs equalities ;
Equalities.improve_costs equalities ~debug ~max:10 ;
debug.f "[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_costs equalities
let get_node_nb_exec equalities node_id =
let set =
node_id |> ControlFlowCost.make_node |> Equalities.find equalities
|> Equalities.find_set equalities
Option.value_exn set |> ControlFlowCost.Set.cost
type extras_WorstCaseCost =
{ inferbo_invariant_map: BufferOverrunAnalysis.invariant_map
; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t
; get_node_nb_exec: Node.id -> BasicCost.t }
let instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem ~callee_pname ~callee_formals ~params
~callee_cost ~loc =
let eval_sym =
BufferOverrunSemantics.mk_eval_sym integer_type_widths callee_formals params inferbo_caller_mem
BasicCost.subst callee_pname loc callee_cost eval_sym
module InstrBasicCost = struct
Compute the cost for an instruction.
For example for basic operation we set it to 1 and for function call we take it from the spec of the function.
let get_callee_summary caller_pdesc callee_pname =
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name ~caller_pdesc callee_pname
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun summary ->
Payload.of_summary summary
|> Option.map ~f:(fun payload ->
(payload, Summary.get_proc_desc summary |> Procdesc.get_pvar_formals) ) )
let get_instr_cost_record pdata instr_node instr =
match instr with
| Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), params, _, _) -> (
let ProcData.({pdesc; extras= {inferbo_invariant_map; integer_type_widths}}) = pdata in
BufferOverrunAnalysis.extract_pre (InstrCFG.Node.id instr_node) inferbo_invariant_map
| None ->
| Some inferbo_mem -> (
let loc = InstrCFG.Node.loc instr_node in
match CostModels.Call.dispatch () callee_pname params with
| Some model ->
CostDomain.of_operation_cost (model loc inferbo_mem)
| None -> (
match get_callee_summary pdesc callee_pname with
| Some ({CostDomain.post= callee_cost_record}, callee_formals) ->
CostDomain.map callee_cost_record ~f:(fun callee_cost ->
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem
~callee_pname ~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost ~loc )
| None ->
CostDomain.unit_cost_atomic_operation ) ) )
| Sil.Load _ | Sil.Store _ | Sil.Call _ | Sil.Prune _ ->
| Sil.ExitScope _ -> (
match InstrCFG.Node.kind instr_node with
| Procdesc.Node.Start_node ->
| _ ->
CostDomain.zero_record )
| _ ->
let get_instr_node_cost_record pdata instr_node =
let instrs = InstrCFG.instrs instr_node in
let instr =
match IContainer.singleton_or_more instrs ~fold:Instrs.fold with
| Empty ->
| Singleton instr ->
| More ->
assert false
get_instr_cost_record pdata instr_node instr
let compute_errlog_extras cost =
{ Jsonbug_t.cost_polynomial= Some (Format.asprintf "%a" BasicCost.pp cost)
; cost_degree= BasicCost.degree cost |> Option.map ~f:Polynomials.Degree.encode_to_int }
module ThresholdReports = struct
type threshold_or_report =
| Threshold of BasicCost.t
| ReportOn of {location: Location.t; cost: BasicCost.t}
type t = threshold_or_report CostDomain.CostKindMap.t
let none = CostDomain.CostKindMap.empty
let config =
List.fold ReportConfig.as_list ~init:none ~f:(fun acc -> function
| k, ReportConfig.({threshold= Some threshold}) ->
CostDomain.CostKindMap.add k (Threshold (BasicCost.of_int_exn threshold)) acc
| _ ->
acc )
Calculate the final Worst Case Cost predicted for each cost field and each WTO component.
It is the dot product of basic_cost_map and get_node_nb_exec.
module WorstCaseCost = struct
type astate = {costs: CostDomain.t; reports: ThresholdReports.t}
We don't report when the cost is Top as it corresponds to subsequent 'don't know's.
Instead, we report Top cost only at the top level per function when `report_infinity` is set to true
let should_report_cost cost ~threshold =
(not (BasicCost.is_top cost)) && not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:cost ~rhs:threshold)
let exec_node {costs; reports} pdata instr_node =
let {ProcData.extras= {get_node_nb_exec}} = pdata in
let node_cost =
let instr_cost_record = InstrBasicCost.get_instr_node_cost_record pdata instr_node in
let node_id = InstrCFG.Node.underlying_node instr_node |> Node.id in
let nb_exec = get_node_nb_exec node_id in
CostDomain.mult_by_scalar instr_cost_record nb_exec
let costs = CostDomain.plus costs node_cost in
let reports =
(fun _kind threshold_or_report_opt cost_opt ->
match (threshold_or_report_opt, cost_opt) with
| None, _ ->
| Some (ThresholdReports.Threshold threshold), Some cost
when should_report_cost cost ~threshold ->
Some (ThresholdReports.ReportOn {location= InstrCFG.Node.loc instr_node; cost})
| _ ->
threshold_or_report_opt )
reports costs
{costs; reports}
let rec exec_partition astate pdata
(partition : InstrCFG.Node.t WeakTopologicalOrder.Partition.t) =
match partition with
| Empty ->
| Node {node; next} ->
let astate = exec_node astate pdata node in
exec_partition astate pdata next
| Component {head; rest; next} ->
let {costs; reports} = astate in
let {costs} = exec_partition {costs; reports= ThresholdReports.none} pdata rest in
(* Execute head after the loop body to always report at loop head *)
let astate = exec_node {costs; reports} pdata head in
exec_partition astate pdata next
let compute pdata =
let cfg = InstrCFG.from_pdesc pdata.ProcData.pdesc in
let initial = {costs= CostDomain.zero_record; reports= ThresholdReports.config} in
exec_partition initial pdata (InstrCFG.wto cfg)
module Check = struct
let report_threshold summary ~name ~location ~cost ~threshold =
let degree_str =
match BasicCost.degree cost with
| Some degree ->
Format.asprintf ", degree = %a" Polynomials.Degree.pp degree
| None ->
let message =
"%s from the beginning of the function up to this program point is likely above the \
acceptable threshold of %d (estimated cost %a%s)"
name threshold BasicCost.pp cost degree_str
let cost_trace =
let cost_desc = F.asprintf "with estimated cost %a%s" BasicCost.pp cost degree_str in
Errlog.make_trace_element 0 location cost_desc []
let full_trace =
BasicCost.get_symbols cost
|> List.map ~f:Bounds.NonNegativeBound.make_err_trace
|> Errlog.concat_traces
Reporting.log_error summary ~loc:location ~ltr:(cost_trace :: full_trace)
~extras:(compute_errlog_extras cost) IssueType.expensive_execution_time_call message
let report_top_and_bottom proc_desc summary ~name ~cost =
let report issue suffix =
let message =
F.asprintf "%s of the function %a %s" name Typ.Procname.pp
(Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc)
let loc = Procdesc.get_start_node proc_desc |> Procdesc.Node.get_loc in
Reporting.log_error ~loc ~extras:(compute_errlog_extras cost) summary issue message
if BasicCost.is_top cost then
report IssueType.infinite_execution_time_call "cannot be computed"
else if BasicCost.is_zero cost then report IssueType.zero_execution_time_call "is zero"
let check_and_report WorstCaseCost.({costs; reports}) proc_desc summary =
CostDomain.CostKindMap.iter2 ReportConfig.as_map reports
~f:(fun _kind ReportConfig.({name; threshold}) -> function
| ThresholdReports.Threshold _ ->
| ThresholdReports.ReportOn {location; cost} ->
report_threshold summary ~name ~location ~cost ~threshold:(Option.value_exn threshold) ) ;
CostDomain.CostKindMap.iter2 ReportConfig.as_map costs
~f:(fun _kind ReportConfig.({name; top_and_bottom}) cost ->
if top_and_bottom then report_top_and_bottom proc_desc summary ~name ~cost )
let checker {Callbacks.tenv; proc_desc; integer_type_widths; summary} : Summary.t =
let inferbo_invariant_map =
BufferOverrunAnalysis.cached_compute_invariant_map proc_desc tenv integer_type_widths
let node_cfg = NodeCFG.from_pdesc proc_desc in
(* computes reaching defs: node -> (var -> node set) *)
let reaching_defs_invariant_map =
let proc_data = ProcData.make_default proc_desc tenv in
ReachingDefs.Analyzer.exec_cfg node_cfg proc_data
~initial:(ReachingDefs.init_reaching_defs_with_formals proc_desc)
(* collect all prune nodes that occur in loop guards, needed for ControlDepAnalyzer *)
let control_maps, loop_head_to_loop_nodes = Loop_control.get_control_maps node_cfg in
(* computes the control dependencies: node -> var set *)
let control_dep_invariant_map = Control.compute_invariant_map proc_desc tenv control_maps in
(* compute loop invariant map for control var analysis *)
let loop_inv_map =
LoopInvariant.get_loop_inv_var_map tenv reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes
(* given the semantics computes the upper bound on the number of times a node could be executed *)
let bound_map =
BoundMap.compute_upperbound_map node_cfg inferbo_invariant_map control_dep_invariant_map
let get_node_nb_exec =
let debug =
if Config.write_html then
let f fmt = L.d_printfln fmt in
let f fmt = L.(debug Analysis Verbose) fmt in
let start_node = NodeCFG.start_node node_cfg in
( if Config.write_html then
let pp_name fmt = F.pp_print_string fmt "cost(constraints)" in
NodePrinter.start_session ~pp_name start_node ) ;
let equalities = ConstraintSolver.collect_constraints ~debug node_cfg in
let () = ConstraintSolver.compute_costs ~debug bound_map equalities in
if Config.write_html then NodePrinter.finish_session start_node ;
ConstraintSolver.get_node_nb_exec equalities
let astate =
let pdata =
ProcData.make proc_desc tenv {inferbo_invariant_map; integer_type_widths; get_node_nb_exec}
WorstCaseCost.compute pdata
let exit_cost_record = astate.WorstCaseCost.costs in
L.(debug Analysis Verbose)
"@\n[COST ANALYSIS] PROCEDURE '%a' |CFG| = %i FINAL COST = %a @\n" Typ.Procname.pp
(Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc)
(Container.length ~fold:NodeCFG.fold_nodes node_cfg)
CostDomain.VariantCostMap.pp exit_cost_record ;
Check.check_and_report astate proc_desc summary ;
Payload.update_summary {post= exit_cost_record} summary