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* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
module L = Logging
let get_cache_dir infer_cache zip_filename =
let basename = Filename.basename zip_filename in
let key = basename ^ string_crc_hex32 zip_filename in
Filename.concat infer_cache key
let load_from_cache serializer zip_path cache_dir zip_library =
let absolute_path = Filename.concat cache_dir zip_path in
let deserialize = Serialization.from_file serializer in
let extract to_path =
if not (Sys.file_exists to_path) then
create_path (Filename.dirname to_path);
let lazy zip_channel = zip_library.Config.zip_channel in
let entry = Zip.find_entry zip_channel zip_path in
Zip.copy_entry_to_file zip_channel entry to_path
DB.filename_from_string to_path in
match deserialize (extract absolute_path) with
| Some data when zip_library.Config.models -> Some (data, DB.Models)
| Some data -> Some (data, DB.Spec_lib)
| None -> None
| exception Not_found -> None
let load_from_zip serializer zip_path zip_library =
let lazy zip_channel = zip_library.Config.zip_channel in
let deserialize = Serialization.from_string serializer in
match deserialize (Zip.read_entry zip_channel (Zip.find_entry zip_channel zip_path)) with
| Some data when zip_library.Config.models -> Some (data, DB.Models)
| Some data -> Some (data, DB.Spec_lib)
| None -> None
| exception Not_found -> None
let load_data serializer path zip_library =
let zip_path = Filename.concat Config.default_in_zip_results_dir path in
match Config.infer_cache with
| None ->
load_from_zip serializer zip_path zip_library
| Some infer_cache ->
let cache_dir = get_cache_dir infer_cache zip_library.Config.zip_filename in
load_from_cache serializer zip_path cache_dir zip_library
(* Search path in the list of zip libraries and use a cache directory to save already
deserialized data *)
let load serializer path =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> None
| zip_library :: other_libraries ->
let opt = load_data serializer path zip_library in
if Option.is_some opt then opt
else loop other_libraries in
loop Config.zip_libraries