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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
(** {2 Building arithmetic constraints} *)
val and_nonnegative : Trace.t -> AbstractValue.t -> AbductiveDomain.t -> AbductiveDomain.t
(** [and_nonnegative trace v astate] is [astate ∧ v≥0] *)
val and_positive : Trace.t -> AbstractValue.t -> AbductiveDomain.t -> AbductiveDomain.t
(** [and_positive v astate] is [astate ∧ v>0] *)
val and_eq_int : Trace.t -> AbstractValue.t -> IntLit.t -> AbductiveDomain.t -> AbductiveDomain.t
(** [and_eq_int v i astate] is [astate ∧ v=i] *)
(** {2 Operations} *)
type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of AbstractValue.t
val eval_binop :
-> Binop.t
-> operand
-> operand
-> ValueHistory.t
-> AbductiveDomain.t
-> AbductiveDomain.t * (AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t)
val eval_unop :
-> Unop.t
-> AbstractValue.t
-> ValueHistory.t
-> AbductiveDomain.t
-> AbductiveDomain.t * (AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t)
val prune_binop :
-> Sil.if_kind
-> Location.t
-> negated:bool
-> Binop.t
-> operand
-> operand
-> AbductiveDomain.t
-> AbductiveDomain.t * bool
(** {2 Queries} *)
val is_known_zero : AbductiveDomain.t -> AbstractValue.t -> bool
(** [is_known_zero astate t] returns [true] if [astate |- t = 0], [false] if we don't know for sure *)
val is_unsat : AbductiveDomain.t -> bool
(** returns whether the state contains a contradiction *)