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61 lines
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5 years ago
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module CallEvent = PulseCallEvent
module ValueHistory = PulseValueHistory
type 'a t =
| Immediate of {imm: 'a; location: Location.t; history: ValueHistory.t}
| ViaCall of {f: CallEvent.t; location: Location.t; history: ValueHistory.t; in_call: 'a t}
[@@deriving compare]
let rec get_immediate = function
| Immediate {imm; _} ->
| ViaCall {in_call; _} ->
get_immediate in_call
let get_outer_location = function Immediate {location; _} | ViaCall {location; _} -> location
let get_history = function Immediate {history; _} | ViaCall {history; _} -> history
let get_start_location trace =
match get_history trace |> List.last with
| Some event ->
ValueHistory.location_of_event event
| None ->
get_outer_location trace
let rec pp pp_immediate fmt = function
| Immediate {imm; location= _; history} ->
if Config.debug_level_analysis < 3 then pp_immediate fmt imm
else F.fprintf fmt "%a::%a" ValueHistory.pp history pp_immediate imm
| ViaCall {f; location= _; history; in_call} ->
if Config.debug_level_analysis < 3 then pp pp_immediate fmt in_call
F.fprintf fmt "%a::%a[%a]" ValueHistory.pp history CallEvent.pp f (pp pp_immediate) in_call
let rec add_to_errlog ~nesting pp_immediate trace errlog =
match trace with
| Immediate {imm; location; history} ->
ValueHistory.add_to_errlog ~nesting history
@@ Errlog.make_trace_element nesting location (F.asprintf "%a" pp_immediate imm) []
:: errlog
| ViaCall {f; location; in_call; history} ->
ValueHistory.add_to_errlog ~nesting history
@@ (fun errlog ->
Errlog.make_trace_element nesting location
(F.asprintf "when calling %a here" CallEvent.pp f)
:: errlog )
@@ add_to_errlog ~nesting:(nesting + 1) pp_immediate in_call
@@ errlog