* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Interval abstract domain *)
open Apron
let equal_apron_typ =
(* Apron.Texpr1.typ is a sum of nullary constructors *)
(** Apron-managed map from variables to intervals *)
type t = Box.t Abstract1.t
let equal : t -> t -> bool = Poly.equal
let compare : t -> t -> int = Poly.compare
let man = lazy (Box.manager_alloc ())
let join l r = Some (Abstract1.join (Lazy.force man) l r)
let is_false x = Abstract1.is_bottom (Lazy.force man) x
let bindings (itv : t) =
let itv = Abstract1.minimize_environment (Lazy.force man) itv in
let box = Abstract1.to_box (Lazy.force man) itv in
let vars =
Environment.vars box.box1_env |> fun (i, r) -> Array.append i r
Array.combine_exn vars box.interval_array
let sexp_of_t (itv : t) =
let sexps =
Array.fold_right (bindings itv) [] ~f:(fun (v, i) acc ->
[ Sexp.Atom (Var.to_string v)
; Sexp.Atom (Scalar.to_string i.inf)
; Sexp.Atom (Scalar.to_string i.sup) ]
:: acc )
Sexp.List sexps
let pp fs =
let pp_pair a_pp b_pp fs (a, b) =
Format.fprintf fs "@[(%a@,%a)@]" a_pp a b_pp b
bindings >> Array.pp "@," (pp_pair Var.print Interval.print) fs
let init _gs = Abstract1.top (Lazy.force man) (Environment.make [||] [||])
let apron_var_of_name = (fun nm -> "%" ^ nm) >> Apron.Var.of_string
let apron_var_of_reg = Llair.Reg.name >> apron_var_of_name
let rec apron_typ_of_llair_typ : Llair.Typ.t -> Texpr1.typ option = function
| Pointer {elt= _} -> apron_typ_of_llair_typ Llair.Typ.siz
| Integer {bits= _} -> Some Texpr1.Int
| Float {bits= 32; enc= `IEEE} -> Some Texpr1.Single
| Float {bits= 64; enc= `IEEE} -> Some Texpr1.Double
| Float {bits= 80; enc= `Extended} -> Some Texpr1.Extended
| Float {bits= 128; enc= `IEEE} -> Some Texpr1.Quad
| t ->
warn "No corresponding apron type for llair type %a " Llair.Typ.pp t
() ;
let rec apron_texpr_of_llair_exp exp q =
match (exp : Llair.Exp.t) with
| Reg {name} | Global {name} | Function {name} ->
Some (Texpr1.Var (apron_var_of_name name))
| Integer {data} -> Some (Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.s_of_int (Z.to_int data)))
| Float {data} -> (
match Float.of_string_exn data with
| f -> Some (Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.s_of_float f))
| exception Invalid_argument _ -> None )
| Ap1 (Signed {bits}, _, _) ->
let n = Int.shift_left 1 (bits - 1) in
Some (Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.i_of_int (-n) (n - 1)))
| Ap1 (Unsigned {bits}, _, _) ->
let n = Int.shift_left 1 (bits - 1) in
Some (Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.i_of_int 0 n))
| Ap1 (Convert {src}, dst, x) ->
let* src' = apron_typ_of_llair_typ src in
let* dst' = apron_typ_of_llair_typ dst in
let subtm = apron_texpr_of_llair_exp x q in
if equal_apron_typ src' dst' then subtm
let+ t = subtm in
Texpr1.Unop (Texpr1.Cast, t, dst', Texpr0.Rnd)
| Ap2 (op, typ, x, y) -> (
let* typ' = apron_typ_of_llair_typ typ in
let* x' = apron_texpr_of_llair_exp x q in
let* y' = apron_texpr_of_llair_exp y q in
(* abstract evaluation of boolean binary operation [te1 op te2] at [q]
by translation to [te1 - te2 op 0] and intersection with [q] *)
let bool_binop q op x' y' =
let env = Abstract1.env q in
let lhs = Texpr1.Binop (Texpr1.Sub, x', y', typ', Texpr0.Rnd) in
let tcons = Tcons1.make (Texpr1.of_expr env lhs) op in
let ea =
Tcons1.array_make env 1 $> fun ea -> Tcons1.array_set ea 0 tcons
(* if meet of q with tree constraint encoding of binop is: (bottom
-> binop definitely false); (unchanged from q -> binop definitely
true); (else -> binop may be true or false) *)
let meet = Abstract1.meet_tcons_array (Lazy.force man) q ea in
if is_false meet then Some (Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.s_of_int 0))
else if equal meet q then Some (Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.s_of_int (-1)))
else Some (Texpr1.Cst (Coeff.i_of_int (-1) 0))
let arith_bop op x' y' =
Some (Texpr1.Binop (op, x', y', typ', Texpr0.Rnd))
match op with
| Eq -> bool_binop q Tcons0.EQ x' y'
| Dq -> bool_binop q Tcons0.DISEQ x' y'
| Gt -> bool_binop q Tcons0.SUP x' y'
| Ge -> bool_binop q Tcons0.SUPEQ x' y'
| Lt -> bool_binop q Tcons0.SUP y' x'
| Le -> bool_binop q Tcons0.SUPEQ y' x'
| Ugt | Uge | Ult | Ule | Ord | Uno -> None
| Add -> arith_bop Texpr1.Add x' y'
| Sub -> arith_bop Texpr1.Sub x' y'
| Mul -> arith_bop Texpr1.Mul x' y'
| Div -> arith_bop Texpr1.Div x' y'
| Rem -> arith_bop Texpr1.Mod x' y'
| Udiv | Urem -> None
| And | Or | Xor | Shl | Lshr | Ashr | Update _ -> None )
| Label _
|Ap1 ((Splat | Select _), _, _)
|Ap3 (Conditional, _, _, _, _)
|ApN (Record, _, _) ->
let assign reg exp q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "@ {%a}@\n%a := %a" pp q Llair.Reg.pp reg Llair.Exp.pp exp]
let lval = apron_var_of_reg reg in
( match apron_texpr_of_llair_exp exp q with
| Some e ->
let env = Abstract1.env q in
let new_env =
( Environment.mem_var env lval
, apron_typ_of_llair_typ (Llair.Reg.typ reg) )
| true, _ -> env
| false, Some Texpr1.Int -> Environment.add env [|lval|] [||]
| false, _ -> Environment.add env [||] [|lval|]
let man = Lazy.force man in
let q = Abstract1.change_environment man q new_env true in
Abstract1.assign_texpr man q lval (Texpr1.of_expr new_env e) None
| _ -> q )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r -> pf "{%a}" pp r]
(** block if [e] is known to be false; skip otherwise *)
let exec_assume q e =
match apron_texpr_of_llair_exp e q with
| Some e ->
let cond =
Abstract1.bound_texpr (Lazy.force man) q (Texpr1.of_expr q.env e)
if Interval.is_zero cond then None else Some q
| _ -> Some q
(** existentially quantify killed register [r] out of state [q] *)
let exec_kill r q =
let apron_v = apron_var_of_reg r in
if Environment.mem_var (Abstract1.env q) apron_v then
Abstract1.forget_array (Lazy.force man) q [|apron_v|] false
else q
(** perform a series [move_vec] of reg:=exp moves at state [q] *)
let exec_move move_vec q =
let defs, uses =
IArray.fold move_vec (Llair.Reg.Set.empty, Llair.Reg.Set.empty)
~f:(fun (r, e) (defs, uses) ->
( Llair.Reg.Set.add r defs
, Llair.Exp.fold_regs ~f:Llair.Reg.Set.add e uses ) )
if not (Llair.Reg.Set.disjoint defs uses) then
todo "overwritten variables in Domain_itv" () ;
IArray.fold ~f:(fun (r, e) q -> assign r e q) move_vec q
let exec_inst i q =
match (i : Llair.inst) with
| Move {reg_exps; loc= _} -> Ok (exec_move reg_exps q)
| Store {ptr; exp; len= _; loc= _} -> (
match Llair.Reg.of_exp ptr with
| Some reg -> Ok (assign reg exp q)
| None -> Ok q )
| Load {reg; ptr; len= _; loc= _} -> Ok (assign reg ptr q)
| Nondet {reg= Some reg; msg= _; loc= _} -> Ok (exec_kill reg q)
| Nondet {reg= None; msg= _; loc= _} | Alloc _ | Free _ -> Ok q
| Intrinsic {reg= Some reg; _} -> Ok (exec_kill reg q)
| Intrinsic {reg= None; _} -> Ok q
| Abort {loc} ->
{ Alarm.kind= Abort
; loc
; pp_action= Fun.flip Llair.Inst.pp i
; pp_state= Fun.flip pp q }
type from_call = {areturn: Llair.Reg.t option; caller_q: t}
[@@deriving sexp_of]
let recursion_beyond_bound = `prune
(** existentially quantify locals *)
let post locals _ (q : t) =
let locals =
Llair.Reg.Set.fold locals [] ~f:(fun r a ->
let v = apron_var_of_reg r in
if Environment.mem_var q.env v then v :: a else a )
|> Array.of_list
Abstract1.forget_array (Lazy.force man) q locals false
(** drop caller-local variables, add returned value to caller state *)
let retn _ freturn {areturn; caller_q} callee_q =
match (areturn, freturn) with
| Some aret, Some fret ->
let env_fret_only =
match apron_typ_of_llair_typ (Llair.Reg.typ fret) with
| None -> Environment.make [||] [||]
| Some Texpr1.Int -> Environment.make [|apron_var_of_reg fret|] [||]
| _ -> Environment.make [||] [|apron_var_of_reg fret|]
let env = Environment.lce env_fret_only (Abstract1.env caller_q) in
let man = Lazy.force man in
let callee_fret =
(* drop all callee vars, scope to (caller + freturn) env *)
Abstract1.change_environment man callee_q env_fret_only false
|> fun q -> Abstract1.change_environment man q env false
let caller_q = Abstract1.change_environment man caller_q env false in
let result = Abstract1.meet man callee_fret caller_q in
Abstract1.rename_array man result
[|apron_var_of_reg fret|]
[|apron_var_of_reg aret|]
| Some aret, None -> exec_kill aret caller_q
| None, _ -> caller_q
(** map actuals to formals (via temporary registers), stash constraints on
caller-local variables. Note that this exploits the non-relational-ness
of Box to ignore all variables other than the formal/actual params/
returns; this will not be possible if extended to a relational domain *)
let call ~summaries ~globals:_ ~actuals ~areturn ~formals ~freturn:_
~locals:_ q =
if summaries then
todo "Summaries not yet implemented for interval analysis" ()
let mangle r =
Llair.Reg.mk (Llair.Reg.typ r) 0 ("__tmp__" ^ Llair.Reg.name r)
[sledge] Represent function formal parameters and actual arguments in order
Previously, when LLAIR was in SSA form, blocks took parameters just
like functions, and it was sometimes necessary to partially apply a
block to some of the parameters. For example, blocks to which function
calls return would need to accept the return value as an argument, and
sometimes immediately jump to another block passing the rest of the
arguments as well. These "trampoline" blocks were partial applications
of the eventual block to all but the final, return value,
This partial application mechanism meant that function parameters and
arguments were represented as a stack, with the first argument at the
bottom, that is, in reverse order.
Now that LLAIR is free of SSA, this confusion is no longer needed, and
this diff changes the representation of function formal parameters and
actual arguments to be in the natural order. This also brings Call
instructions in line with Intrinsic instructions, which will make
changing the handling of intrinsics from Calls to Intrinsic less
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D25146163
fbshipit-source-id: d3ed07a45
4 years ago
let args = IArray.combine_exn formals actuals in
let q' =
IArray.fold ~f:(fun (f, a) q -> assign (mangle f) a q) args q
let callee_env =
[sledge] Represent function formal parameters and actual arguments in order
Previously, when LLAIR was in SSA form, blocks took parameters just
like functions, and it was sometimes necessary to partially apply a
block to some of the parameters. For example, blocks to which function
calls return would need to accept the return value as an argument, and
sometimes immediately jump to another block passing the rest of the
arguments as well. These "trampoline" blocks were partial applications
of the eventual block to all but the final, return value,
This partial application mechanism meant that function parameters and
arguments were represented as a stack, with the first argument at the
bottom, that is, in reverse order.
Now that LLAIR is free of SSA, this confusion is no longer needed, and
this diff changes the representation of function formal parameters and
actual arguments to be in the natural order. This also brings Call
instructions in line with Intrinsic instructions, which will make
changing the handling of intrinsics from Calls to Intrinsic less
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D25146163
fbshipit-source-id: d3ed07a45
4 years ago
IArray.fold formals ([], []) ~f:(fun f (is, fs) ->
match apron_typ_of_llair_typ (Llair.Reg.typ f) with
| None -> (is, fs)
| Some Texpr1.Int -> (apron_var_of_reg (mangle f) :: is, fs)
| _ -> (is, apron_var_of_reg (mangle f) :: fs) )
|> fun (is, fs) ->
Environment.make (Array.of_list is) (Array.of_list fs)
let man = Lazy.force man in
let q'' = Abstract1.change_environment man q' callee_env false in
let q''' =
Abstract1.rename_array man q''
[sledge] Represent function formal parameters and actual arguments in order
Previously, when LLAIR was in SSA form, blocks took parameters just
like functions, and it was sometimes necessary to partially apply a
block to some of the parameters. For example, blocks to which function
calls return would need to accept the return value as an argument, and
sometimes immediately jump to another block passing the rest of the
arguments as well. These "trampoline" blocks were partial applications
of the eventual block to all but the final, return value,
This partial application mechanism meant that function parameters and
arguments were represented as a stack, with the first argument at the
bottom, that is, in reverse order.
Now that LLAIR is free of SSA, this confusion is no longer needed, and
this diff changes the representation of function formal parameters and
actual arguments to be in the natural order. This also brings Call
instructions in line with Intrinsic instructions, which will make
changing the handling of intrinsics from Calls to Intrinsic less
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D25146163
fbshipit-source-id: d3ed07a45
4 years ago
~f:(mangle >> apron_var_of_reg)
(IArray.to_array formals))
(Array.map ~f:apron_var_of_reg (IArray.to_array formals))
(q''', {areturn; caller_q= q})
let dnf q = [q]
let resolve_callee _ _ _ = []
type summary = t
let pp_summary = pp
let apply_summary _ _ = None
let create_summary ~locals:_ ~formals:_ q = (q, q)