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* Copyright (c) 2009 -2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - Facebook.
* All rights reserved.
(** State of symbolic execution *)
open Utils
(** Add diverging states *)
val add_diverging_states : Paths.PathSet.t -> unit
type const_map = Cfg.Node.t -> Sil.exp -> Sil.const option
(** Get the constant map for the current procedure. *)
val get_const_map : unit -> const_map
(** Get the diverging states for the node *)
val get_diverging_states_node : unit -> Paths.PathSet.t
(** Get the diverging states for the procedure *)
val get_diverging_states_proc : unit -> Paths.PathSet.t
(** Get the node target of a Sil.Goto_node instruction, if any *)
val get_goto_node : unit -> int option
(** Get update instrumentation for the current loc *)
val get_inst_update : Sil.path_pos -> Sil.inst
(** Get last instruction seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_instr : unit -> Sil.instr option
(** Get last location seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_loc : unit -> Sil.location
(** Get the location trace of the last path seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_loc_trace : unit -> Errlog.loc_trace
(** Get last node seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_node : unit -> Cfg.Node.t
(** Get id of last node seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_node_id : unit -> int
(** Get id and key of last node seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_node_id_key : unit -> int * int
(** return the normalized precondition extracted form the last prop seen, if any
the abstraction function is a parameter to get around module dependencies *)
val get_normalized_pre : (Sil.tenv -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> Prop.normal Prop.t) -> Prop.normal Prop.t option
(** Get last path seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_path : unit -> Paths.Path.t * (Sil.path_pos option)
(** Get the last path position seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_path_pos : unit -> Sil.path_pos
(** Get last last prop,tenv,pdesc seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_prop_tenv_pdesc : unit -> (Prop.normal Prop.t * Sil.tenv * Cfg.Procdesc.t) option
(** Get last session seen in symbolic execution *)
val get_session : unit -> int
(** Mark the end of symbolic execution of a node *)
val mark_execution_end : Cfg.Node.t -> unit
(** Mark the start of symbolic execution of a node *)
val mark_execution_start : Cfg.Node.t -> unit
(** Mark that the execution of the current instruction failed *)
val mark_instr_fail : (Prop.normal Prop.t) option -> exn -> unit
(** Mark that the execution of the current instruction was OK *)
val mark_instr_ok : unit -> unit
(** Create a function to find duplicate nodes.
A node is a duplicate of another one if they have the same kind and location
and normalized (w.r.t. renaming of let - bound ids) list of instructions. *)
val mk_find_duplicate_nodes: Cfg.Procdesc.t -> (Cfg.Node.t -> Cfg.NodeSet.t)
type log_issue =
Procname.t ->
?loc: Sil.location option ->
?node_id: (int * int) option ->
?session: int option ->
?ltr: Errlog.loc_trace option ->
?pre: Prop.normal Prop.t option ->
exn ->
(** Process the failures during symbolic execution of a procedure *)
val process_execution_failures : log_issue -> Procname.t -> unit
(** Reset all the global data in the module: diverging states and failure stats *)
val reset : unit -> unit
(** Reset the diverging states and goto information for the node *)
val reset_diverging_states_goto_node : unit -> unit
(** Set the constant map for the current procedure. *)
val set_const_map : const_map -> unit
(** Set the node target of a Sil.Goto_node instruction *)
val set_goto_node : int -> unit
(** Set last instruction seen in symbolic execution *)
val set_instr : Sil.instr -> unit
(** Set last node seen in symbolic execution *)
val set_node : Cfg.node -> unit
(** Get last path seen in symbolic execution *)
val set_path : Paths.Path.t -> Sil.path_pos option -> unit
(** Set last prop,tenv,pdesc seen in symbolic execution *)
val set_prop_tenv_pdesc : Prop.normal Prop.t -> Sil.tenv -> Cfg.Procdesc.t -> unit
(** Set last session seen in symbolic execution *)
val set_session : int -> unit