* Copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd .
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 - Facebook .
* All rights reserved .
* )
(* * Interprocedural footprint analysis *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
type splitting = {
sub : Sil . subst ;
frame : Sil . hpred list ;
missing_pi : Sil . atom list ;
missing_sigma : Sil . hpred list ;
frame_fld : Sil . hpred list ;
missing_fld : Sil . hpred list ;
frame_typ : ( Sil . exp * Sil . exp ) list ;
missing_typ : ( Sil . exp * Sil . exp ) list ;
type deref_error =
| Deref_freed of Sil . res_action (* * dereference a freed pointer *)
| Deref_minusone (* * dereference -1 *)
| Deref_null of Sil . path_pos (* * dereference null *)
| Deref_undef of Procname . t * Sil . location * Sil . path_pos (* * dereference a value coming from the given undefined function *)
type invalid_res =
| Dereference_error of deref_error * Localise . error_desc * Paths . Path . t option (* * dereference error and description *)
| Prover_checks of Prover . check list (* * the abduction prover failed some checks *)
| Cannot_combine (* * cannot combine actual pre with splitting and post *)
| Missing_fld_not_empty (* * missing_fld not empty in re-execution mode *)
| Missing_sigma_not_empty (* * missing sigma not empty in re-execution mode *)
type valid_res =
{ incons_pre_missing : bool ; (* * whether the actual pre is consistent with the missing part *)
vr_pi : Sil . atom list ; (* * missing pi *)
vr_sigma : Sil . hpred list ; (* * missing sigma *)
vr_cons_res : ( Prop . normal Prop . t * Paths . Path . t ) list ; (* * consistent result props *)
vr_incons_res : ( Prop . normal Prop . t * Paths . Path . t ) list ; (* * inconsistent result props *) }
(* * Result of ( bi ) -abduction on a single spec.
A result is invalid if no splitting was found , or if combine failed , or if we are in re - execution mode and the sigma
part of the splitting is not empty .
A valid result contains the missing pi ans sigma , as well as the resulting props . * )
type abduction_res =
| Valid_res of valid_res (* * valid result for a function cal *)
| Invalid_res of invalid_res (* * reason for invalid result *)
(* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * printing functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *)
let d_splitting split =
L . d_strln " Actual splitting " ;
L . d_increase_indent 1 ;
L . d_strln " ------------------------------------------------------------ " ;
L . d_strln " SUB = " ; Prop . d_sub split . sub ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " FRAME = " ; Prop . d_sigma split . frame ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " MISSING = " ; Prop . d_pi_sigma split . missing_pi split . missing_sigma ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " FRAME FLD = " ; Prop . d_sigma split . frame_fld ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " MISSING FLD = " ; Prop . d_sigma split . missing_fld ; L . d_ln () ;
if split . frame_typ < > [] then L . d_strln " FRAME TYP = " ; Prover . d_typings split . frame_typ ; L . d_ln () ;
if split . missing_typ < > [] then L . d_strln " MISSING TYP = " ; Prover . d_typings split . missing_typ ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " ------------------------------------------------------------ " ;
L . d_decrease_indent 1
let print_results actual_pre results =
L . d_strln " ***** RESULTS FUNCTION CALL ******* " ;
Propset . d actual_pre ( Propset . from_proplist results ) ;
L . d_strln " ***** END RESULTS FUNCTION CALL ******* "
(* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *)
(* * Rename the variables in the spec. *)
let spec_rename_vars pname spec =
let prop_add_callee_suffix p =
let f = function
| Sil . Lvar pv ->
Sil . Lvar ( Sil . pvar_to_callee pname pv )
| e -> e in
Prop . prop_expmap f p in
let jprop_add_callee_suffix = function
| Specs . Jprop . Prop ( n , p ) -> Specs . Jprop . Prop ( n , prop_add_callee_suffix p )
| Specs . Jprop . Joined ( n , p , jp1 , jp2 ) -> Specs . Jprop . Joined ( n , prop_add_callee_suffix p , jp1 , jp2 ) in
let fav = Sil . fav_new () in
Specs . Jprop . fav_add fav spec . Specs . pre ;
list_iter ( fun ( p , path ) -> Prop . prop_fav_add fav p ) spec . Specs . posts ;
let ids = Sil . fav_to_list fav in
let ids' = list_map ( fun i -> ( i , Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed ) ) ids in
let ren_sub = Sil . sub_of_list ( list_map ( fun ( i , i' ) -> ( i , Sil . Var i' ) ) ids' ) in
let pre' = Specs . Jprop . jprop_sub ren_sub spec . Specs . pre in
let posts' = list_map ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( Prop . prop_sub ren_sub p , path ) ) spec . Specs . posts in
let pre'' = jprop_add_callee_suffix pre' in
let posts'' = list_map ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( prop_add_callee_suffix p , path ) ) posts' in
{ Specs . pre = pre'' ; Specs . posts = posts'' ; Specs . visited = spec . Specs . visited }
(* * Find and number the specs for [proc_name], after renaming their vars, and also return the parameters *)
let spec_find_rename trace_call ( proc_name : Procname . t ) : ( int * Prop . exposed Specs . spec ) list * Sil . pvar list =
let count = ref 0 in
let f spec =
incr count ; ( ! count , spec_rename_vars proc_name spec ) in
let specs , formals = Specs . get_specs_formals proc_name in
if specs = = [] then
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_found ;
raise ( Exceptions . Precondition_not_found ( Localise . verbatim_desc ( Procname . to_string proc_name ) , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
end ;
let formal_parameters =
list_map ( fun ( x , _ ) -> Sil . mk_pvar_callee ( Mangled . from_string x ) proc_name ) formals in
list_map f specs , formal_parameters
with Not_found -> begin
L . d_strln ( " ERROR: found no entry for procedure " ^ Procname . to_string proc_name ^ " . Give up... " ) ;
raise ( Exceptions . Precondition_not_found ( Localise . verbatim_desc ( Procname . to_string proc_name ) , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
(* * Process a splitting coming straight from a call to the prover:
change the instantiating substitution so that it returns primed vars ,
except for vars occurring in the missing part , where it returns
footprint vars . * )
let process_splitting actual_pre sub1 sub2 frame missing_pi missing_sigma frame_fld missing_fld frame_typ missing_typ =
let check_precondition () =
let dom1 = Sil . sub_domain sub1 in
let rng1 = Sil . sub_range sub1 in
let dom2 = Sil . sub_domain sub2 in
let rng2 = Sil . sub_range sub2 in
let overlap = list_exists ( fun id -> list_exists ( Ident . equal id ) dom1 ) dom2 in
if overlap then begin
L . d_str " Dom(Sub1): " ; Sil . d_exp_list ( list_map ( fun id -> Sil . Var id ) dom1 ) ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Ran(Sub1): " ; Sil . d_exp_list rng1 ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Dom(Sub2): " ; Sil . d_exp_list ( list_map ( fun id -> Sil . Var id ) dom2 ) ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Ran(Sub2): " ; Sil . d_exp_list rng2 ; L . d_ln () ;
assert false
end in
check_precondition () ;
* )
let sub = Sil . sub_join sub1 sub2 in
let sub1_inverse =
let sub1_list = Sil . sub_to_list sub1 in
let sub1_list' = list_filter ( function ( _ , Sil . Var _ ) -> true | _ -> false ) sub1_list in
let sub1_inverse_list = list_map ( function ( id , Sil . Var id' ) -> ( id' , Sil . Var id ) | _ -> assert false ) sub1_list'
in Sil . sub_of_list_duplicates sub1_inverse_list in
let fav_actual_pre =
let fav_sub2 = (* vars which represent expansions of fields *)
let fav = Sil . fav_new () in
list_iter ( Sil . exp_fav_add fav ) ( Sil . sub_range sub2 ) ;
let filter id = Ident . get_stamp id = - 1 in
Sil . fav_filter_ident fav filter ;
fav in
let fav_pre = Prop . prop_fav actual_pre in
Sil . ident_list_fav_add ( Sil . fav_to_list fav_sub2 ) fav_pre ;
fav_pre in
let fav_missing = Prop . sigma_fav ( Prop . sigma_sub sub missing_sigma ) in
Prop . pi_fav_add fav_missing ( Prop . pi_sub sub missing_pi ) ;
let fav_missing_primed =
let filter id = Ident . is_primed id && not ( Sil . fav_mem fav_actual_pre id )
in Sil . fav_copy_filter_ident fav_missing filter in
let fav_missing_fld = Prop . sigma_fav ( Prop . sigma_sub sub missing_fld ) in
let map_var_to_pre_var_or_fresh id =
match Sil . exp_sub sub1_inverse ( Sil . Var id ) with
| Sil . Var id' ->
if Sil . fav_mem fav_actual_pre id' | | Ident . is_path id' (* * a path id represents a position in the pre *)
then Sil . Var id'
else Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed )
| _ -> assert false in
let sub_list = Sil . sub_to_list sub in
let fav_sub_list =
let fav_sub = Sil . fav_new () in
list_iter ( fun ( _ , e ) -> Sil . exp_fav_add fav_sub e ) sub_list ;
Sil . fav_to_list fav_sub in
let sub1 =
let f id =
if Sil . fav_mem fav_actual_pre id then ( id , Sil . Var id )
else if Ident . is_normal id then ( id , map_var_to_pre_var_or_fresh id )
else if Sil . fav_mem fav_missing_fld id then ( id , Sil . Var id )
else if Ident . is_footprint id then ( id , Sil . Var id )
else begin
let dom1 = Sil . sub_domain sub1 in
let rng1 = Sil . sub_range sub1 in
let dom2 = Sil . sub_domain sub2 in
let rng2 = Sil . sub_range sub2 in
let vars_actual_pre = list_map ( fun id -> Sil . Var id ) ( Sil . fav_to_list fav_actual_pre ) in
L . d_str " fav_actual_pre: " ; Sil . d_exp_list vars_actual_pre ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Dom(Sub1): " ; Sil . d_exp_list ( list_map ( fun id -> Sil . Var id ) dom1 ) ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Ran(Sub1): " ; Sil . d_exp_list rng1 ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Dom(Sub2): " ; Sil . d_exp_list ( list_map ( fun id -> Sil . Var id ) dom2 ) ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Ran(Sub2): " ; Sil . d_exp_list rng2 ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " Don't know about id: " ; Sil . d_exp ( Sil . Var id ) ; L . d_ln () ;
assert false ;
in Sil . sub_of_list ( list_map f fav_sub_list ) in
let sub2_list =
let f id = ( id , Sil . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kfootprint ) )
in list_map f ( Sil . fav_to_list fav_missing_primed ) in
let sub_list' =
list_map ( fun ( id , e ) -> ( id , Sil . exp_sub sub1 e ) ) sub_list in
let sub' = Sil . sub_of_list ( sub2_list @ sub_list' ) in
{ sub = sub' ; frame = frame ; missing_pi = missing_pi ; missing_sigma = missing_sigma ; frame_fld = frame_fld ; missing_fld = missing_fld ; frame_typ = frame_typ ; missing_typ = missing_typ }
(* * Check whether an inst represents a dereference without null check, and return the line number and path position *)
let find_dereference_without_null_check_in_inst = function
| Sil . Iupdate ( Some true , _ , n , pos )
| Sil . Irearrange ( Some true , _ , n , pos ) -> Some ( n , pos )
| _ -> None
(* * Check whether a sexp contains a dereference without null check, and return the line number and path position *)
let rec find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp = function
| Sil . Eexp ( _ , inst ) -> find_dereference_without_null_check_in_inst inst
| Sil . Estruct ( fsel , inst ) ->
let res = find_dereference_without_null_check_in_inst inst in
if res = None then
find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp_list ( list_map snd fsel )
else res
| Sil . Earray ( _ , esel , inst ) ->
let res = find_dereference_without_null_check_in_inst inst in
if res = None then
find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp_list ( list_map snd esel )
else res
and find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp_list = function
| [] -> None
| se :: sel ->
( match find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp se with
| None -> find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp_list sel
| Some x -> Some x )
(* * Check dereferences implicit in the spec pre.
In case of dereference error , return [ Some ( deref_error , description ) ] , otherwise [ None ] * )
let check_dereferences callee_pname actual_pre sub spec_pre formal_params =
let check_dereference e sexp =
let e_sub = Sil . exp_sub sub e in
let desc use_buckets deref_str =
let error_desc =
Errdesc . explain_dereference_as_caller_expression
~ use_buckets
deref_str actual_pre spec_pre e ( State . get_node () ) ( State . get_loc () ) formal_params in
( L . d_strln_color Red ) " found error in dereference " ;
L . d_strln " spec_pre: " ; Prop . d_prop spec_pre ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " exp " ; Sil . d_exp e ; L . d_strln ( " desc: " ^ ( pp_to_string Localise . pp_error_desc error_desc ) ) ;
error_desc in
let deref_no_null_check_pos =
if Sil . exp_equal e_sub Sil . exp_zero then
match find_dereference_without_null_check_in_sexp sexp with
| Some ( _ , pos ) -> Some pos
| None -> None
else None in
if deref_no_null_check_pos != None
then (* only report a dereference null error if we know there was a dereference without null check *)
match deref_no_null_check_pos with
| Some pos -> Some ( Deref_null pos , desc true ( Localise . deref_str_null ( Some callee_pname ) ) )
| None -> assert false
else if Sil . exp_equal e_sub Sil . exp_minus_one then Some ( Deref_minusone , desc true ( Localise . deref_str_dangling None ) )
else match Prop . get_resource_undef_attribute actual_pre e_sub with
| Some ( Sil . Aundef ( s , loc , pos ) ) ->
Some ( Deref_undef ( s , loc , pos ) , desc false ( Localise . deref_str_undef ( s , loc ) ) )
| Some ( Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Rrelease } as ra ) ) ->
Some ( Deref_freed ra , desc true ( Localise . deref_str_freed ra ) )
| _ -> None in
let check_hpred = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( lexp , se , _ ) ->
check_dereference ( Sil . root_of_lexp lexp ) se
| _ -> None in
let deref_err_list = list_fold_left ( fun deref_errs hpred -> match check_hpred hpred with
| Some reason -> reason :: deref_errs
| None -> deref_errs
) [] ( Prop . get_sigma spec_pre ) in
match deref_err_list with
| [] -> None
| deref_err :: _ ->
if ! Config . angelic_execution then
(* In angelic mode, prefer to report Deref_null over other kinds of deref errors. this
* makes sure we report a NULL_DEREFERENCE instead of a less interesting PRECONDITION_NOT_MET
* whenever possible * )
(* TOOD ( t4893533 ) : use this trick outside of angelic mode and in other parts of the code *)
( try
( fun err -> match err with
| ( Deref_null _ , _ ) -> true
| _ -> false )
with Not_found -> deref_err )
else Some deref_err
let post_process_sigma ( sigma : Sil . hpred list ) loc : Sil . hpred list =
let map_inst inst = Sil . inst_new_loc loc inst in
let do_hpred ( _ , _ , hpred ) = Sil . hpred_instmap map_inst hpred in (* * update the location of instrumentations *)
list_map ( fun hpred -> do_hpred ( Prover . expand_hpred_pointer false hpred ) ) sigma
(* * check for interprocedural path errors in the post *)
let check_path_errors_in_post caller_pname post post_path =
let check_attr ( e , att ) = match att with
| Sil . Adiv0 path_pos ->
if Prover . check_zero e then
let desc = Errdesc . explain_divide_by_zero e ( State . get_node () ) ( State . get_loc () ) in
let new_path , path_pos_opt =
let current_path , _ = State . get_path () in
if Paths . Path . contains_position post_path path_pos
then post_path , Some path_pos
else current_path , None in (* position not found, only use the path up to the callee *)
State . set_path new_path path_pos_opt ;
let exn = Exceptions . Divide_by_zero ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) in
let pre_opt = State . get_normalized_pre ( fun te p -> p ) (* Abs.abstract_no_symop *) in
Reporting . log_warning caller_pname ~ pre : pre_opt exn
| _ -> () in
list_iter check_attr ( Prop . get_all_attributes post )
(* * Post process the instantiated post after the function call so that
x . f | -> se becomes x | -> \ { f : se \ } .
Also , update any Aresource attributes to refer to the caller * )
let post_process_post
caller_pname callee_pname loc actual_pre ( ( post : Prop . exposed Prop . t ) , post_path ) =
let actual_pre_has_freed_attribute e = match Prop . get_resource_undef_attribute actual_pre e with
| Some ( Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Rrelease } ) ) -> true
| _ -> false in
let atom_update_alloc_attribute = function
| Sil . Aneq ( e , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute ( Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_res = res } as ra ) ) ) )
| Sil . Aneq ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute ( Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_res = res } as ra ) ) ) , e )
when not ( ra . Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Rrelease && actual_pre_has_freed_attribute e ) -> (* unless it was already freed before the call *)
let vpath , _ = Errdesc . vpath_find post e in
let ra' = { ra with Sil . ra_pname = callee_pname ; Sil . ra_loc = loc ; Sil . ra_vpath = vpath } in
let c = Sil . Const ( Sil . Cattribute ( Sil . Aresource ra' ) ) in
Sil . Aneq ( e , c )
| a -> a in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma ( post_process_sigma ( Prop . get_sigma post ) loc ) post in
let pi' = list_map atom_update_alloc_attribute ( Prop . get_pi prop' ) in (* update alloc attributes to refer to the caller *)
let post' = Prop . replace_pi pi' prop' in
check_path_errors_in_post caller_pname post' post_path ;
post' , post_path
let hpred_has_only_footprint_vars hpred =
let fav = Sil . fav_new () in
Sil . hpred_fav_add fav hpred ;
Sil . fav_for_all fav Ident . is_footprint
let hpred_lhs_compare hpred1 hpred2 = match hpred1 , hpred2 with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , _ , _ ) , Sil . Hpointsto ( e2 , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_compare e1 e2
| Sil . Hpointsto _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , Sil . Hpointsto _ -> 1
| hpred1 , hpred2 -> Sil . hpred_compare hpred1 hpred2
(* * set the inst everywhere in a sexp *)
let rec sexp_set_inst inst = function
| Sil . Eexp ( e , _ ) ->
Sil . Eexp ( e , inst )
| Sil . Estruct ( fsel , _ ) ->
Sil . Estruct ( ( list_map ( fun ( f , se ) -> ( f , sexp_set_inst inst se ) ) fsel ) , inst )
| Sil . Earray ( size , esel , _ ) ->
Sil . Earray ( size , list_map ( fun ( e , se ) -> ( e , sexp_set_inst inst se ) ) esel , inst )
let rec fsel_star_fld fsel1 fsel2 = match fsel1 , fsel2 with
| [] , fsel2 -> fsel2
| fsel1 , [] -> fsel1
| ( f1 , se1 ) :: fsel1' , ( f2 , se2 ) :: fsel2' ->
( match Ident . fieldname_compare f1 f2 with
| 0 -> ( f1 , sexp_star_fld se1 se2 ) :: fsel_star_fld fsel1' fsel2'
| n when n < 0 -> ( f1 , se1 ) :: fsel_star_fld fsel1' fsel2
| _ -> ( f2 , se2 ) :: fsel_star_fld fsel1 fsel2' )
and array_content_star se1 se2 =
try sexp_star_fld se1 se2 with
| exn when exn_not_timeout exn -> se1 (* let postcondition override *)
and esel_star_fld esel1 esel2 = match esel1 , esel2 with
| [] , esel2 -> (* don't know whether element is read or written in fun call with array *)
list_map ( fun ( e , se ) -> ( e , sexp_set_inst Sil . Inone se ) ) esel2
| esel1 , [] -> esel1
| ( e1 , se1 ) :: esel1' , ( e2 , se2 ) :: esel2' ->
( match Sil . exp_compare e1 e2 with
| 0 -> ( e1 , array_content_star se1 se2 ) :: esel_star_fld esel1' esel2'
| n when n < 0 -> ( e1 , se1 ) :: esel_star_fld esel1' esel2
| _ ->
let se2' = sexp_set_inst Sil . Inone se2 in (* don't know whether element is read or written in fun call with array *)
( e2 , se2' ) :: esel_star_fld esel1 esel2' )
and sexp_star_fld se1 se2 : Sil . strexp =
(* L.d_str "sexp_star_fld "; Sil.d_sexp se1; L.d_str " "; Sil.d_sexp se2; L.d_ln ( ) ; *)
match se1 , se2 with
| Sil . Estruct ( fsel1 , _ ) , Sil . Estruct ( fsel2 , inst2 ) ->
Sil . Estruct ( fsel_star_fld fsel1 fsel2 , inst2 )
| Sil . Earray ( size1 , esel1 , _ ) , Sil . Earray ( size2 , esel2 , inst2 ) ->
Sil . Earray ( size1 , esel_star_fld esel1 esel2 , inst2 )
| Sil . Eexp ( e1 , inst1 ) , Sil . Earray ( size2 , esel2 , _ ) ->
let esel1 = [ ( Sil . exp_zero , se1 ) ] in
Sil . Earray ( size2 , esel_star_fld esel1 esel2 , inst1 )
| _ ->
L . d_str " cannot star " ;
Sil . d_sexp se1 ; L . d_str " and " ; Sil . d_sexp se2 ;
L . d_ln () ;
assert false
let texp_star texp1 texp2 =
let rec ftal_sub ftal1 ftal2 = match ftal1 , ftal2 with
| [] , _ -> true
| _ , [] -> false
| ( f1 , t1 , a1 ) :: ftal1' , ( f2 , t2 , a2 ) :: ftal2' ->
begin match Ident . fieldname_compare f1 f2 with
| n when n < 0 -> false
| 0 -> ftal_sub ftal1' ftal2'
| _ -> ftal_sub ftal1 ftal2' end in
let rec typ_star t1 t2 = match t1 , t2 with
| Sil . Tstruct ( ftal1 , sftal1 , csu1 , _ , _ , _ , _ ) , Sil . Tstruct ( ftal2 , sftal2 , csu2 , _ , _ , _ , _ ) when csu1 = csu2 ->
if ftal_sub ftal1 ftal2 then t2 else t1
| _ -> t1 in
match texp1 , texp2 with
| Sil . Sizeof ( t1 , st1 ) , Sil . Sizeof ( t2 , st2 ) -> Sil . Sizeof ( typ_star t1 t2 , Sil . Subtype . join st1 st2 )
| _ -> texp1
let hpred_star_fld ( hpred1 : Sil . hpred ) ( hpred2 : Sil . hpred ) : Sil . hpred =
match hpred1 , hpred2 with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , se1 , t1 ) , Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , se2 , t2 ) ->
(* L.d_str "hpred_star_fld t1: "; Sil.d_texp_full t1; L.d_str " t2: "; Sil.d_texp_full t2;
L . d_str " se1: " ; Sil . d_sexp se1 ; L . d_str " se2: " ; Sil . d_sexp se2 ; L . d_ln () ; * )
Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , sexp_star_fld se1 se2 , texp_star t1 t2 )
| _ -> assert false
(* * Implementation of [ * ] for the field-splitting model *)
let sigma_star_fld ( sigma1 : Sil . hpred list ) ( sigma2 : Sil . hpred list ) : Sil . hpred list =
let sigma1 = list_stable_sort hpred_lhs_compare sigma1 in
let sigma2 = list_stable_sort hpred_lhs_compare sigma2 in
(* L.out "@.@. computing %a@.STAR @.%a@.@." pp_sigma sigma1 pp_sigma sigma2; *)
let rec star sg1 sg2 : Sil . hpred list =
match sg1 , sg2 with
| [] , sigma2 -> []
| sigma1 , [] -> sigma1
| hpred1 :: sigma1' , hpred2 :: sigma2' ->
match hpred_lhs_compare hpred1 hpred2 with
| 0 -> hpred_star_fld hpred1 hpred2 :: star sigma1' sigma2'
| n when n < 0 -> hpred1 :: star sigma1' sg2
| _ -> star sg1 sigma2'
try star sigma1 sigma2
with exn when exn_not_timeout exn ->
L . d_str " cannot star " ;
Prop . d_sigma sigma1 ; L . d_str " and " ; Prop . d_sigma sigma2 ;
L . d_ln () ;
raise ( Prop . Cannot_star ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
let hpred_typing_lhs_compare hpred1 ( e2 , te2 ) = match hpred1 with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , _ , _ ) -> Sil . exp_compare e1 e2
| _ -> - 1
let hpred_star_typing ( hpred1 : Sil . hpred ) ( e2 , te2 ) : Sil . hpred =
match hpred1 with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , se1 , te1 ) -> Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , se1 , te2 )
| _ -> assert false
(* * Implementation of [ * ] between predicates and typings *)
let sigma_star_typ ( sigma1 : Sil . hpred list ) ( typings2 : ( Sil . exp * Sil . exp ) list ) : Sil . hpred list =
if ! Config . Experiment . activate_subtyping_in_cpp | | ! Sil . curr_language = Sil . Java then
let typing_lhs_compare ( e1 , _ ) ( e2 , _ ) = Sil . exp_compare e1 e2 in
let sigma1 = list_stable_sort hpred_lhs_compare sigma1 in
let typings2 = list_stable_sort typing_lhs_compare typings2 in
let rec star sg1 typ2 : Sil . hpred list =
match sg1 , typ2 with
| [] , _ -> []
| sigma1 , [] -> sigma1
| hpred1 :: sigma1' , typing2 :: typings2' ->
match hpred_typing_lhs_compare hpred1 typing2 with
| 0 -> hpred_star_typing hpred1 typing2 :: star sigma1' typings2'
| n when n < 0 -> hpred1 :: star sigma1' typ2
| _ -> star sg1 typings2'
end in
try star sigma1 typings2
with exn when exn_not_timeout exn ->
L . d_str " cannot star " ;
Prop . d_sigma sigma1 ; L . d_str " and " ; Prover . d_typings typings2 ;
L . d_ln () ;
raise ( Prop . Cannot_star ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
else sigma1
(* * [prop_footprint_add_pi_sigma_starfld_sigma prop pi sigma missing_fld] extends the footprint of [prop] with [pi,sigma] and extends the fields of |-> with [missing_fld] *)
let prop_footprint_add_pi_sigma_starfld_sigma ( prop : ' a Prop . t ) pi_new sigma_new missing_fld missing_typ : Prop . normal Prop . t option =
let rec extend_sigma current_sigma new_sigma = match new_sigma with
| [] -> Some current_sigma
| hpred :: new_sigma' ->
let fav = Prop . sigma_fav [ hpred ] in
(* TODO ( t4893479 ) : make this check less angelic *)
if Sil . fav_exists fav
( fun id -> not ( Ident . is_footprint id ) && not ! Config . angelic_execution )
then begin
L . d_warning " found hpred with non-footprint variable, dropping the spec " ; L . d_ln () ; Sil . d_hpred hpred ; L . d_ln () ;
else extend_sigma ( hpred :: current_sigma ) new_sigma' in
let rec extend_pi current_pi new_pi = match new_pi with
| [] -> current_pi
| a :: new_pi' ->
let fav = Prop . pi_fav [ a ] in
if Sil . fav_exists fav ( fun id -> not ( Ident . is_footprint id ) )
then begin
L . d_warning " dropping atom with non-footprint variable " ; L . d_ln () ; Sil . d_atom a ; L . d_ln () ;
extend_pi current_pi new_pi'
else extend_pi ( a :: current_pi ) new_pi' in
let foot_pi' = extend_pi ( Prop . get_pi_footprint prop ) pi_new in
match extend_sigma ( Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop ) sigma_new with
| None -> None
| Some sigma' ->
let foot_sigma' = sigma_star_fld sigma' missing_fld in
let foot_sigma'' = sigma_star_typ foot_sigma' missing_typ in
let pi' = pi_new @ Prop . get_pi prop in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint foot_sigma'' ( Prop . replace_pi_footprint foot_pi' prop ) in
let prop'' = Prop . replace_pi pi' prop' in
Some ( Prop . normalize prop'' )
(* * Check if the attribute change is a mismatch between a kind of allocation and a different kind of deallocation *)
let check_attr_dealloc_mismatch att_old att_new = match att_old , att_new with
| Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Racquire ; Sil . ra_res = Sil . Rmemory mk_old } as ra_old ) ,
Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_kind = Sil . Rrelease ; Sil . ra_res = Sil . Rmemory mk_new } as ra_new )
when Sil . mem_kind_compare mk_old mk_new < > 0 ->
let desc = Errdesc . explain_allocation_mismatch ra_old ra_new in
raise ( Exceptions . Deallocation_mismatch ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| _ -> ()
(* * [prop_copy_footprint p1 p2] copies the footprint and pure part of [p1] into [p2] *)
let prop_copy_footprint_pure p1 p2 =
let p2' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint ( Prop . get_sigma_footprint p1 ) ( Prop . replace_pi_footprint ( Prop . get_pi_footprint p1 ) p2 ) in
let pi2 = Prop . get_pi p2' in
let pi2_attr , pi2_noattr = list_partition Prop . atom_is_attribute pi2 in
let res_noattr = Prop . replace_pi ( Prop . get_pure p1 @ pi2_noattr ) p2' in
let replace_attr prop atom = (* call replace_atom_attribute which deals with existing attibutes *)
Prop . replace_atom_attribute check_attr_dealloc_mismatch prop atom in
list_fold_left replace_attr ( Prop . normalize res_noattr ) pi2_attr
(* * check if an expression is an exception *)
let exp_is_exn = function
| Sil . Const Sil . Cexn _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* * check if a prop is an exception *)
let prop_is_exn pname prop =
let ret_pvar = Sil . Lvar ( Sil . get_ret_pvar pname ) in
let is_exn = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , Sil . Eexp ( e2 , _ ) , _ ) when Sil . exp_equal e1 ret_pvar ->
exp_is_exn e2
| _ -> false in
list_exists is_exn ( Prop . get_sigma prop )
(* * when prop is an exception, return the exception name *)
let prop_get_exn_name pname prop =
let ret_pvar = Sil . Lvar ( Sil . get_ret_pvar pname ) in
let exn_name = ref ( Mangled . from_string " " ) in
let find_exn_name e =
let do_hpred = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , _ , Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tstruct ( _ , _ , _ , Some name , _ , _ , _ ) , _ ) ) when Sil . exp_equal e1 e ->
exn_name := name
| _ -> () in
list_iter do_hpred ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
let find_ret () =
let do_hpred = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e1 , Sil . Eexp ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cexn e2 ) , _ ) , _ ) when Sil . exp_equal e1 ret_pvar ->
find_exn_name e2
| _ -> () in
list_iter do_hpred ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
find_ret () ;
! exn_name
(* * search in prop for some assignment of global errors *)
let lookup_global_errors prop =
let rec search_error = function
| [] -> None
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar var , Sil . Eexp ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr str ) , _ ) , _ ) :: tl
when Sil . pvar_equal var Sil . global_error -> Some ( Mangled . from_string str )
| _ :: tl -> search_error tl in
search_error ( Prop . get_sigma prop )
(* * set a prop to an exception sexp *)
let prop_set_exn pname prop se_exn =
let ret_pvar = Sil . Lvar ( Sil . get_ret_pvar pname ) in
let map_hpred = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , t ) when Sil . exp_equal e ret_pvar ->
Sil . Hpointsto ( e , se_exn , t )
| hpred -> hpred in
let sigma' = list_map map_hpred ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_sigma sigma' prop )
(* * Include a subtrace for a procedure call if the callee is not a model. *)
let include_subtrace callee_pname =
Specs . get_origin callee_pname < > Specs . Models
(* * combine the spec's post with a splitting and actual precondition *)
let combine
cfg ret_ids ( posts : ( ' a Prop . t * Paths . Path . t ) list )
actual_pre path_pre split
caller_pdesc callee_pname loc =
let caller_pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name caller_pdesc in
let new_footprint_pi = Prop . pi_sub split . sub split . missing_pi in
let new_footprint_sigma = Prop . sigma_sub split . sub split . missing_sigma in
let new_frame_fld = Prop . sigma_sub split . sub split . frame_fld in
let new_frame_typ = list_map ( fun ( e , te ) -> Sil . exp_sub split . sub e , Sil . exp_sub split . sub te ) split . frame_typ in
let new_missing_typ = list_map ( fun ( e , te ) -> Sil . exp_sub split . sub e , Sil . exp_sub split . sub te ) split . missing_typ in
let new_missing_fld =
let sigma = Prop . sigma_sub split . sub split . missing_fld in
let filter hpred =
if not ( hpred_has_only_footprint_vars hpred ) then
L . d_warning " Missing fields hpred has non-footprint vars: " ; Sil . d_hpred hpred ; L . d_ln () ;
else match hpred with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Var id , _ , _ ) -> true
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar pvar , _ , _ ) -> Sil . pvar_is_global pvar
| _ ->
L . d_warning " Missing fields in complex pred: " ; Sil . d_hpred hpred ; L . d_ln () ;
false in
list_filter filter sigma in
let instantiated_frame = Prop . sigma_sub split . sub split . frame in
let instantiated_post =
let posts' =
if ! Config . footprint && posts = []
then (* in case of divergence, produce a prop *)
(* with updated footprint and inconsistent current *)
[ ( Prop . replace_pi [ Sil . Aneq ( Sil . exp_zero , Sil . exp_zero ) ] Prop . prop_emp , path_pre ) ]
( fun ( p , path_post ) ->
( p ,
Paths . Path . add_call
( include_subtrace callee_pname )
path_post ) )
posts in
( fun ( p , path ) ->
( post_process_post
caller_pname callee_pname loc actual_pre ( Prop . prop_sub split . sub p , path ) ) )
posts' in
L . d_increase_indent 1 ;
L . d_strln " New footprint: " ; Prop . d_pi_sigma new_footprint_pi new_footprint_sigma ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " Frame fld: " ; Prop . d_sigma new_frame_fld ; L . d_ln () ;
if new_frame_typ < > [] then L . d_strln " Frame typ: " ; Prover . d_typings new_frame_typ ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " Missing fld: " ; Prop . d_sigma new_missing_fld ; L . d_ln () ;
if new_frame_typ < > [] then L . d_strln " Missing typ: " ; Prover . d_typings new_missing_typ ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " Instantiated frame: " ; Prop . d_sigma instantiated_frame ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " Instantiated post: " ; Propgraph . d_proplist Prop . prop_emp ( list_map fst instantiated_post ) ;
L . d_decrease_indent 1 ; L . d_ln () ;
let compute_result post_p =
let post_p' =
let post_sigma = sigma_star_fld ( Prop . get_sigma post_p ) new_frame_fld in
let post_sigma' = sigma_star_typ post_sigma new_frame_typ in
Prop . replace_sigma post_sigma' post_p in
let post_p1 = Prop . prop_sigma_star ( prop_copy_footprint_pure actual_pre post_p' ) instantiated_frame in
let handle_null_case_analysis sigma =
let id_assigned_to_null id =
let filter = function
| Sil . Aeq ( Sil . Var id' , Sil . Const ( Sil . Cint i ) ) ->
Ident . equal id id' && Sil . Int . isnull i
| _ -> false in
list_exists filter new_footprint_pi in
let f ( e , inst_opt ) = match e , inst_opt with
| Sil . Var id , Some inst when id_assigned_to_null id ->
let inst' = Sil . inst_set_null_case_flag inst in
( e , Some inst' )
| _ -> ( e , inst_opt ) in
Sil . hpred_list_expmap f sigma in
let post_p2 =
let post_p1_sigma = Prop . get_sigma post_p1 in
let post_p1_sigma' = handle_null_case_analysis post_p1_sigma in
let post_p1' = Prop . replace_sigma post_p1_sigma' post_p1 in
Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_pi ( Prop . get_pi post_p1 @ new_footprint_pi ) post_p1' ) in
let post_p3 = (* * replace [result|callee] with an aux variable dedicated to this proc *)
let callee_ret_pvar =
Sil . Lvar ( Sil . pvar_to_callee callee_pname ( Sil . get_ret_pvar callee_pname ) ) in
match Prop . prop_iter_create post_p2 with
| None -> post_p2
| Some iter ->
let filter = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , se , t ) when Sil . exp_equal e callee_ret_pvar -> Some ()
| _ -> None in
match Prop . prop_iter_find iter filter with
| None -> post_p2
| Some iter' ->
match fst ( Prop . prop_iter_current iter' ) with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Eexp ( e' , inst ) , t ) when exp_is_exn e' -> (* resuls is an exception: set in caller *)
let p = Prop . prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop iter' in
prop_set_exn caller_pname p ( Sil . Eexp ( e' , inst ) )
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Eexp ( e' , inst ) , t ) when list_length ret_ids = 1 ->
let p = Prop . prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop iter' in
Prop . conjoin_eq e' ( Sil . Var ( list_hd ret_ids ) ) p
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Estruct ( ftl , _ ) , t )
when list_length ftl = list_length ret_ids ->
let rec do_ftl_ids p = function
| [] , [] -> p
| ( f , Sil . Eexp ( e' , inst' ) ) :: ftl' , ret_id :: ret_ids' ->
let p' = Prop . conjoin_eq e' ( Sil . Var ret_id ) p in
do_ftl_ids p' ( ftl' , ret_ids' )
| _ -> p in
let p = Prop . prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop iter' in
do_ftl_ids p ( ftl , ret_ids )
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , t ) -> (* * returning nothing or unexpected sexp, turning into nondet *)
Prop . prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop iter'
| _ -> assert false in
let post_p4 =
if ! Config . footprint
prop_footprint_add_pi_sigma_starfld_sigma post_p3 new_footprint_pi new_footprint_sigma new_missing_fld new_missing_typ
else Some post_p3 in
post_p4 in
let _ results = list_map ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( compute_result p , path ) ) instantiated_post in
if list_exists ( fun ( x , _ ) -> x = None ) _ results then (* at least one combine failed *)
let results = list_map ( function ( Some x , path ) -> ( x , path ) | ( None , _ ) -> assert false ) _ results in
print_results actual_pre ( list_map fst results ) ;
Some results
(* * Construct the actual precondition: add to the current state a copy
of the ( callee's ) formal parameters instantiated with the actual
parameters . * )
let mk_actual_precondition prop actual_params formal_params =
let formals_actuals =
let rec comb fpars apars = match fpars , apars with
| f :: fpars' , a :: apars' -> ( f , a ) :: comb fpars' apars'
| [] , _ ->
if apars != [] then
( let str = " more actual pars than formal pars in fun call ( " ^ string_of_int ( list_length actual_params ) ^ " vs " ^ string_of_int ( list_length formal_params ) ^ " ) " in
L . d_warning str ; L . d_ln () ) ;
| _ :: _ , [] -> raise ( Exceptions . Wrong_argument_number ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) ) in
comb formal_params actual_params in
let mk_instantiation ( formal_var , ( actual_e , actual_t ) ) =
Prop . mk_ptsto ( Sil . Lvar formal_var ) ( Sil . Eexp ( actual_e , Sil . inst_actual_precondition ) ) ( Sil . Sizeof ( actual_t , Sil . Subtype . exact ) ) in
let instantiated_formals = list_map mk_instantiation formals_actuals in
let actual_pre = Prop . prop_sigma_star prop instantiated_formals in
Prop . normalize actual_pre
(* * Check if actual_pre * missing_footprint |- false *)
let inconsistent_actualpre_missing actual_pre split_opt =
match split_opt with
| Some split ->
let norm_missing_pi = Prop . pi_sub split . sub split . missing_pi in
let norm_missing_sigma = Prop . sigma_sub split . sub split . missing_sigma in
let prop' = Prop . normalize ( Prop . prop_sigma_star actual_pre norm_missing_sigma ) in
let prop'' = list_fold_left Prop . prop_atom_and prop' norm_missing_pi in
Prover . check_inconsistency prop''
| None -> false
(* get the taint/untaint info from the pure part *)
let rec get_taint_untaint pi =
match pi with
| [] -> ( [] , [] )
| Sil . Aneq ( e1 , e2 ) :: pi' ->
let p = Prop . replace_pi pi Prop . prop_emp in
( match Prop . get_taint_attribute p e1 , Prop . get_taint_attribute p e2 with
| Some ( Sil . Ataint ) , _ -> let ( t' , u' ) = get_taint_untaint pi' in ( e1 :: t' , u' )
| Some ( Sil . Auntaint ) , _ -> let ( t' , u' ) = get_taint_untaint pi' in ( t' , e1 :: u' )
| _ , Some ( Sil . Ataint ) -> let ( t' , u' ) = get_taint_untaint pi' in ( e2 :: t' , u' )
| _ , Some ( Sil . Auntaint ) -> let ( t' , u' ) = get_taint_untaint pi' in ( t' , e2 :: u' )
| _ , _ -> get_taint_untaint pi' )
| _ :: pi' -> get_taint_untaint pi'
(* perform the taint analysis check *)
let do_taint_check caller_pname actual_pre missing_pi missing_sigma sub1 sub2 =
let rec intersection_taint_untaint taint untaint = (* note: return the first element in the intersection *)
match taint with
| [] -> None
| e :: taint' -> if ( list_exists ( fun e' -> Sil . exp_equal e e' ) untaint ) then ( Some e )
else intersection_taint_untaint taint' untaint in
let augmented_actual_pre = Prop . replace_pi ( ( Prop . get_pi actual_pre ) @ missing_pi ) actual_pre in
let augmented_actual_pre = Prop . replace_sigma ( ( Prop . get_sigma actual_pre ) @ missing_sigma ) augmented_actual_pre in
let sub2_augmented_actual_pre = Prop . prop_sub sub2 augmented_actual_pre in
let taint2 , untaint2 = get_taint_untaint ( Prop . get_pi sub2_augmented_actual_pre ) in
L . d_str " ^^^^AUGMENTED ACTUAL PRE2: " ; Prop . d_prop sub2_augmented_actual_pre ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " ^^^^TAINT2: " ; Sil . d_exp_list taint2 ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_str " ^^^^UNTAINT2: " ; Sil . d_exp_list untaint2 ; L . d_ln () ;
match intersection_taint_untaint taint2 untaint2 with
| None -> L . d_str " ^^^^^^NO TAINT ERROR "
| Some e -> begin
L . d_str " ^^^^^ERROR in TAINT ANALYSIS: " ;
let e' = match Errdesc . find_pvar_with_exp sub2_augmented_actual_pre e with
| Some ( pv , _ ) -> Sil . Lvar pv
| None -> e in
let err_desc = Errdesc . explain_tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function e' ( State . get_loc () ) in
let exn =
Exceptions . Tainted_value_reaching_sensitive_function
( err_desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) in
Reporting . log_warning caller_pname exn
let class_cast_exn pname_opt texp1 texp2 exp ml_location =
let desc = Errdesc . explain_class_cast_exception pname_opt texp1 texp2 exp ( State . get_node () ) ( State . get_loc () ) in
Exceptions . Class_cast_exception ( desc , ml_location )
let raise_cast_exception ml_location pname_opt texp1 texp2 exp =
let exn = class_cast_exn pname_opt texp1 texp2 exp ml_location in
raise exn
let get_check_exn check callee_pname loc ml_location = match check with
| Prover . Bounds_check ->
let desc = Localise . desc_precondition_not_met ( Some Localise . Pnm_bounds ) callee_pname loc in
Exceptions . Precondition_not_met ( desc , ml_location )
| Prover . Class_cast_check ( texp1 , texp2 , exp ) ->
class_cast_exn ( Some callee_pname ) texp1 texp2 exp ml_location
(* * Perform symbolic execution for a single spec *)
let exe_spec
tenv cfg ret_ids ( n , nspecs ) caller_pdesc callee_pname loc prop path_pre
( spec : Prop . exposed Specs . spec ) actual_params formal_params : abduction_res =
let caller_pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name caller_pdesc in
let posts =
match ret_ids with
| [ ret_id ] when ! Config . idempotent_getters && ! Sil . curr_language = Sil . Java ->
(* if we have seen a previous call to the same function, only use specs whose return value
is consistent with constraints on the return value of the previous call w . r . t to nullness .
meant to eliminate false NPE warnings from the common " if (get() != null) get().something() "
pattern * )
let last_call_ret_non_null =
( fun ( exp , attr ) ->
match attr with
| Sil . Aretval pname when Procname . equal callee_pname pname ->
Prover . check_disequal prop exp Sil . exp_zero
| _ -> false )
( Prop . get_all_attributes prop ) in
if last_call_ret_non_null then
let returns_null prop =
( function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Lvar pvar , Sil . Eexp ( e , _ ) , _ ) when Sil . pvar_is_return pvar ->
Prover . check_equal ( Prop . normalize prop ) e Sil . exp_zero
| _ -> false )
( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
list_filter ( fun ( prop , _ ) -> not ( returns_null prop ) ) spec . Specs . posts
else spec . Specs . posts
| _ -> spec . Specs . posts in
let actual_pre = mk_actual_precondition prop actual_params formal_params in
let spec_pre = Specs . Jprop . to_prop spec . Specs . pre in
L . d_strln ( " EXECUTING SPEC " ^ string_of_int n ^ " / " ^ string_of_int nspecs ) ;
L . d_strln " ACTUAL PRECONDITION = " ;
L . d_increase_indent 1 ; Prop . d_prop actual_pre ; L . d_decrease_indent 1 ; L . d_ln () ;
L . d_strln " SPEC = " ;
L . d_increase_indent 1 ; Specs . d_spec spec ; L . d_decrease_indent 1 ; L . d_ln () ;
SymOp . pay () ; (* pay one symop *)
match Prover . check_implication_for_footprint caller_pname tenv actual_pre spec_pre with
| Prover . ImplFail checks -> Invalid_res ( Prover_checks checks )
| Prover . ImplOK ( checks , sub1 , sub2 , frame , missing_pi , missing_sigma , frame_fld , missing_fld , frame_typ , missing_typ ) ->
let log_check_exn check =
let exn = get_check_exn check callee_pname loc ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) in
Reporting . log_warning caller_pname exn in
let do_split () =
let split = process_splitting actual_pre sub1 sub2 frame missing_pi missing_sigma frame_fld missing_fld frame_typ missing_typ in
d_splitting split ; L . d_ln () ;
let norm_missing_pi = Prop . pi_sub split . sub split . missing_pi in
let norm_missing_sigma = Prop . sigma_sub split . sub split . missing_sigma in
( split , norm_missing_pi , norm_missing_sigma ) in
let report_valid_res split norm_missing_pi norm_missing_sigma =
match combine
cfg ret_ids posts
actual_pre path_pre split
caller_pdesc callee_pname loc with
| None -> Invalid_res Cannot_combine
| Some results ->
let inconsistent_results , consistent_results =
list_partition ( fun ( p , _ ) -> Prover . check_inconsistency p ) results in
let incons_pre_missing = inconsistent_actualpre_missing actual_pre ( Some split ) in
Valid_res { incons_pre_missing = incons_pre_missing ;
vr_pi = norm_missing_pi ;
vr_sigma = norm_missing_sigma ;
vr_cons_res = consistent_results ;
vr_incons_res = inconsistent_results } in
list_iter log_check_exn checks ;
if ( ! Config . taint_analysis && ! Config . developer_mode ) then
do_taint_check caller_pname actual_pre missing_pi missing_sigma sub1 sub2 ;
let subbed_pre = ( Prop . prop_sub sub1 actual_pre ) in
match check_dereferences callee_pname subbed_pre sub2 spec_pre formal_params with
| Some ( Deref_undef _ , _ ) when ! Config . angelic_execution ->
let ( split , norm_missing_pi , norm_missing_sigma ) = do_split () in
report_valid_res split norm_missing_pi norm_missing_sigma
| Some ( deref_error , desc ) ->
let rec join_paths = function
| [] -> None
| ( _ , p ) :: l ->
( match join_paths l with
| None -> Some p
| Some p' -> Some ( Paths . Path . join p p' ) ) in
let pjoin = join_paths posts in (* join the paths from the posts *)
Invalid_res ( Dereference_error ( deref_error , desc , pjoin ) )
| None ->
let ( split , norm_missing_pi , norm_missing_sigma ) = do_split () in
(* check if a missing_fld hpred is about a hidden field *)
let hpred_missing_hidden = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( _ , Sil . Estruct ( [ ( fld , _ ) ] , _ ) , _ ) -> Ident . fieldname_is_hidden fld
| _ -> false in
(* missing fields minus hidden fields *)
let missing_fld_nohidden =
list_filter ( fun hp -> not ( hpred_missing_hidden hp ) ) missing_fld in
if ! Config . footprint = false && norm_missing_sigma != [] then
L . d_strln " Implication error: missing_sigma not empty in re-execution " ;
Invalid_res Missing_sigma_not_empty
else if ! Config . footprint = false && missing_fld_nohidden != [] then
L . d_strln " Implication error: missing_fld not empty in re-execution " ;
Invalid_res Missing_fld_not_empty
else report_valid_res split norm_missing_pi norm_missing_sigma
let remove_constant_string_class prop =
let filter = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Sil . Const ( Sil . Cstr _ | Sil . Cclass _ ) , _ , _ ) -> false
| _ -> true in
let sigma = list_filter filter ( Prop . get_sigma prop ) in
let sigmafp = list_filter filter ( Prop . get_sigma_footprint prop ) in
let prop' = Prop . replace_sigma_footprint sigmafp ( Prop . replace_sigma sigma prop ) in
Prop . normalize prop'
(* * existentially quantify the path identifier generated by the prover to keep track of expansions of lhs paths
and remove pointsto's whose lhs is a constant string * )
let quantify_path_idents_remove_constant_strings ( prop : Prop . normal Prop . t ) : Prop . normal Prop . t =
let fav = Prop . prop_fav prop in
Sil . fav_filter_ident fav Ident . is_path ;
remove_constant_string_class ( Prop . exist_quantify fav prop )
(* * Strengthen the footprint by adding pure facts from the current part *)
let prop_pure_to_footprint ( p : ' a Prop . t ) : Prop . normal Prop . t =
let is_footprint_atom_not_attribute a =
not ( Prop . atom_is_attribute a )
let a_fav = Sil . atom_fav a in
Sil . fav_for_all a_fav Ident . is_footprint in
let pure = Prop . get_pure p in
let new_footprint_atoms = list_filter is_footprint_atom_not_attribute pure in
if new_footprint_atoms = = []
then p
else (* * add pure fact to footprint *)
Prop . normalize ( Prop . replace_pi_footprint ( Prop . get_pi_footprint p @ new_footprint_atoms ) p )
(* * check whether 0|->- occurs in sigma *)
let sigma_has_null_pointer sigma =
let hpred_null_pointer = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e , _ , _ ) ->
Sil . exp_equal e Sil . exp_zero
| _ -> false in
list_exists hpred_null_pointer sigma
(* * post-process the raw result of a function call *)
let exe_call_postprocess tenv ret_ids trace_call callee_pname loc initial_prop results =
let filter_valid_res = function
| Invalid_res _ -> false
| Valid_res _ -> true in
let valid_res0 , invalid_res0 =
list_partition filter_valid_res results in
let valid_res =
list_map ( function Valid_res cr -> cr | Invalid_res _ -> assert false ) valid_res0 in
let invalid_res =
list_map ( function Valid_res cr -> assert false | Invalid_res ir -> ir ) invalid_res0 in
let valid_res_miss_pi , valid_res_no_miss_pi =
list_partition ( fun vr -> vr . vr_pi != [] ) valid_res in
let valid_res_incons_pre_missing , valid_res_cons_pre_missing =
list_partition ( fun vr -> vr . incons_pre_missing ) valid_res in
let deref_errors = list_filter ( function Dereference_error _ -> true | _ -> false ) invalid_res in
let print_pi pi =
L . d_str " pi: " ; Prop . d_pi pi ; L . d_ln () in
let call_desc kind_opt = Localise . desc_precondition_not_met kind_opt callee_pname loc in
let res_with_path_idents =
if ! Config . footprint then
if valid_res_cons_pre_missing = = [] then (* no valid results where actual pre and missing are consistent *)
if deref_errors < > [] then (* dereference error detected *)
let extend_path path_opt path_pos_opt = match path_opt with
| None -> ()
| Some path_post ->
let old_path , _ = State . get_path () in
let new_path = Paths . Path . add_call ( include_subtrace callee_pname ) old_path callee_pname path_post in
State . set_path new_path path_pos_opt in
match list_hd deref_errors with
| Dereference_error ( Deref_minusone , desc , path_opt ) ->
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
extend_path path_opt None ;
raise ( Exceptions . Dangling_pointer_dereference ( Some Sil . DAminusone , desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| Dereference_error ( Deref_null pos , desc , path_opt ) ->
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
extend_path path_opt ( Some pos ) ;
if Localise . is_parameter_not_null_checked_desc desc then
raise ( Exceptions . Parameter_not_null_checked ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
else if Localise . is_field_not_null_checked_desc desc then
raise ( Exceptions . Field_not_null_checked ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
else raise ( Exceptions . Null_dereference ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| Dereference_error ( Deref_freed ra , desc , path_opt ) ->
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
extend_path path_opt None ;
raise ( Exceptions . Use_after_free ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| Dereference_error ( Deref_undef ( s , loc , pos ) , desc , path_opt ) ->
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
extend_path path_opt ( Some pos ) ;
raise ( Exceptions . Skip_pointer_dereference ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| Prover_checks _ | Cannot_combine | Missing_sigma_not_empty | Missing_fld_not_empty ->
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
assert false
else (* no dereference error detected *)
let desc =
if list_exists ( function Cannot_combine -> true | _ -> false ) invalid_res then
call_desc ( Some Localise . Pnm_dangling )
else if list_exists ( function
| Prover_checks ( check :: _ ) ->
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
let exn = get_check_exn check callee_pname loc ( try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) in
raise exn
| _ -> false ) invalid_res then
call_desc ( Some Localise . Pnm_bounds )
else call_desc None in
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
raise ( Exceptions . Precondition_not_met ( desc , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
else (* combine the valid results, and store diverging states *)
let process_valid_res vr =
let save_diverging_states () =
if not vr . incons_pre_missing && vr . vr_cons_res = [] then (* no consistent results on one spec: divergence *)
let incons_res = list_map ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( prop_pure_to_footprint p , path ) ) vr . vr_incons_res in
State . add_diverging_states ( Paths . PathSet . from_renamed_list incons_res ) in
save_diverging_states () ;
vr . vr_cons_res in
list_map ( fun ( p , path ) -> ( prop_pure_to_footprint p , path ) ) ( list_flatten ( list_map process_valid_res valid_res ) )
else if valid_res_no_miss_pi != [] then
list_flatten ( list_map ( fun vr -> vr . vr_cons_res ) valid_res_no_miss_pi )
else if valid_res_miss_pi = = [] then
raise ( Exceptions . Precondition_not_met ( call_desc None , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
L . d_strln " Missing pure facts for the function call: " ;
list_iter print_pi ( list_map ( fun vr -> vr . vr_pi ) valid_res_miss_pi ) ;
match Prover . find_minimum_pure_cover ( list_map ( fun vr -> ( vr . vr_pi , vr . vr_cons_res ) ) valid_res_miss_pi ) with
| None ->
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_not_met ;
raise ( Exceptions . Precondition_not_met ( call_desc None , try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x ) )
| Some cover ->
L . d_strln " Found minimum cover " ;
list_iter print_pi ( list_map fst cover ) ;
list_flatten ( list_map snd cover )
end in
trace_call Specs . CallStats . CR_success ;
let res =
( fun ( p , path ) -> ( quantify_path_idents_remove_constant_strings p , path ) )
res_with_path_idents in
let should_add_ret_attr _ =
let is_likely_getter pn = list_length ( Procname . java_get_parameters pn ) = 0 in
! Config . idempotent_getters && ! Sil . curr_language = Sil . Java && is_likely_getter callee_pname in
match ret_ids with
| [ ret_id ] when should_add_ret_attr () ->
(* add attribute to remember what function call a return id came from *)
let ret_var = Sil . Var ret_id in
let mark_id_as_retval ( p , path ) =
(* check if the retval already has an important resource that should not be overwritten *)
let has_important_resource_attr =
match Prop . get_resource_undef_attribute p ret_var with
| Some ( Sil . Aresource ( { Sil . ra_res = Sil . Rfile ; } ) ) -> true
| _ -> false in
if has_important_resource_attr then p , path
let check_attr_change att_old att_new = () in
let att_retval = Sil . Aretval callee_pname in
Prop . add_or_replace_exp_attribute check_attr_change p ret_var att_retval , path in
list_map mark_id_as_retval res
| _ -> res
(* * Execute the function call and return the list of results with return value *)
let exe_function_call tenv cfg ret_ids caller_pdesc callee_pname loc actual_params prop path =
let caller_pname = Cfg . Procdesc . get_proc_name caller_pdesc in
let trace_call res =
match Specs . get_summary caller_pname with
| None -> ()
| Some summary ->
Specs . CallStats . trace
summary . Specs . stats . Specs . call_stats callee_pname loc res ! Config . footprint in
let spec_list , formal_params = spec_find_rename trace_call callee_pname in
let nspecs = list_length spec_list in
L . d_strln ( " Found " ^ string_of_int nspecs ^ " specs for function " ^ Procname . to_string callee_pname ) ;
L . d_strln ( " START EXECUTING SPECS FOR " ^ Procname . to_string callee_pname ^ " from state " ) ;
Prop . d_prop prop ; L . d_ln () ;
let exe_one_spec ( n , spec ) = exe_spec tenv cfg ret_ids ( n , nspecs ) caller_pdesc callee_pname loc prop path spec actual_params formal_params in
let results = list_map exe_one_spec spec_list in
exe_call_postprocess tenv ret_ids trace_call callee_pname loc prop results