* Copyright (c) 2013 - Facebook.
* All rights reserved.
(** Translate an enumeration declaration by adding it to the tenv and *)
(** translating the code and adding it to a fake procdesc *)
open CFrontend_utils
open Clang_ast_t
let create_empty_procdesc () =
let procname = Procname.from_string "__INFER_$GLOBAL_VAR_env" in
let open Cfg.Procdesc in
let proc_attributes =
Sil.access = Sil.Default;
Sil.exceptions = [];
Sil.is_abstract = false;
Sil.is_bridge_method = false;
Sil.is_objc_instance_method = false;
Sil.is_synthetic_method = false;
Sil.language = Sil.C_CPP;
Sil.func_attributes = [];
Sil.method_annotation = Sil.method_annotation_empty;
} in
create {
cfg = Cfg.Node.create_cfg ();
name = procname;
is_defined = false;
ret_type = Sil.Tvoid;
formals = [];
locals = [];
captured = [];
loc = Sil.loc_none;
proc_attributes = proc_attributes;
(* We will use global_procdesc for storing global variables. *)
(* Globals will be stored as locals in global_procdesc and they are added*)
(* when traversing the AST. *)
let global_procdesc = ref (create_empty_procdesc ())
let rec get_enum_constants context decl_list v =
match decl_list with
| [] -> []
| EnumConstantDecl(decl_info, name_info, qual_type, enum_constant_decl_info) :: decl_list' ->
let name = name_info.Clang_ast_t.ni_name in
(match enum_constant_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.ecdi_init_expr with
| None -> Printing.log_out "%s" (" ...Defining Enum Constant ("^name^", "^(string_of_int v));
(Mangled.from_string name, Sil.Cint (Sil.Int.of_int v))
:: get_enum_constants context decl_list' (v + 1)
| Some stmt ->
let e = CGen_trans.CTransImpl.expression_trans context stmt
"WARNING: Expression in Enumeration constant not found\n" in
let const = (match Prop.exp_normalize_prop Prop.prop_emp e with
| Sil.Const c -> c
| _ -> (* This is a hack to avoid failing in some strange definition of Enum *)
Sil.Cint Sil.Int.zero) in
Printing.log_out " ...Defining Enum Constant ('%s', " name;
Printing.log_out "'%s')\n" (Sil.exp_to_string (Sil.Const const));
(Mangled.from_string name, const) :: get_enum_constants context decl_list' v)
| _ -> assert false
let enum_decl name tenv cfg cg namespace decl_list opt_type =
Printing.log_out "ADDING: EnumDecl '%s'\n" name;
let context' =
CContext.create_context tenv cg cfg !global_procdesc namespace CContext.ContextNoCls
false [] false in
let enum_constants = get_enum_constants context' decl_list 0 in
let name = (match opt_type with (* If the type is defined it's of the kind "enum name" and we take that.*)
| `Type s -> s
| `NoType -> assert false) in
(* Here we could give "enum "^name but I want to check that this the type is always defined *)
let typename = Sil.TN_enum (Mangled.from_string name) in
let typ = Sil.Tenum enum_constants in
Printing.log_out " TN_typename('%s')\n" (Sil.typename_to_string typename);
Sil.tenv_add tenv typename typ