You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Configuration options *)
(** Extension of Cmdliner supporting lighter-weight option definition *)
module Cmdliner : sig
include module type of Cmdliner
val mk : default:'a -> 'a Term.t -> 'a ref
(** [mk ~default term] is a ref which, after [parse] is called, contains
the value of the command line option specified by [term]. *)
val parse : -> (unit -> unit Term.ret) -> unit
(** [parse info validate] parses the command line according to the options
declared by calls to [mk], using manual and version [info], and
calling [validate] to check usage constraints not expressible in the
[Term] language. *)
end = struct
include Cmdliner
(** existential package of a Term and a setter for a ref to receive the
parsed value *)
type arg = Arg : 'a Term.t * ('a -> unit) -> arg
(** convert a list of arg packages to a term for the tuple of all the arg
terms, and apply it to a function that sets all the receiver refs *)
let tuple args =
let pair (Arg (trm_x, set_x)) (Arg (trm_y, set_y)) =
let trm_xy = Term.(const (fun a b -> (a, b)) $ trm_x $ trm_y) in
let set_xy (a, b) = set_x a ; set_y b in
Arg (trm_xy, set_xy)
let init = Arg (Term.const (), fun () -> ()) in
let (Arg (trm, set)) = List.fold_right ~f:pair args ~init in (Term.const set) trm
let args : arg list ref = ref []
let mk ~default arg =
let var = ref default in
let set x = var := x in
args := Arg (arg, set) :: !args ;
let parse info validate =
match Term.eval (Term.(ret (const validate $ tuple !args)), info) with
| `Ok () -> ()
| `Error _ -> Caml.exit 1
| `Help | `Version -> Caml.exit 0
open Cmdliner
let input =
mk ~default:""
Arg.(required & pos ~rev:true 0 (some string) None & info [])
let output =
let default = None in
mk ~default Arg.(value & opt (some string) default & info ["o"; "output"])
let trace_all =
let default = false in
mk ~default Arg.(value & flag & info ["t"; "trace-all"])
let info = "sledge" ~version:Version.version
let validate () = `Ok ()
parse info validate
let run main =
Trace.init ~trace_all:!trace_all ;
main ~input:!input ~output:!output