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* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils;
/** Main module for the analysis after the capture phase */
let module L = Logging;
let module F = Format;
let () = {
if Config.print_builtins {
Builtin.print_and_exit ()
switch Config.modified_targets {
| Some file => MergeCapture.modified_file file
| None => ()
if (not (Sys.file_exists Config.results_dir)) {
L.err "ERROR: results directory %s does not exist@.@." Config.results_dir;
Config.print_usage_exit ()
let analyze_exe_env exe_env => {
let init_time = Unix.gettimeofday ();
L.log_progress_file ();
Specs.clear_spec_tbl ();
Random.self_init ();
let line_reader = Printer.LineReader.create ();
if Config.checkers {
/* run the checkers only */
let call_graph = Exe_env.get_cg exe_env;
Callbacks.iterate_callbacks Checkers.ST.store_summary call_graph exe_env
} else {
/* run the full analysis */
Interproc.do_analysis exe_env;
Printer.write_all_html_files line_reader exe_env;
Interproc.print_stats exe_env;
let elapsed = Unix.gettimeofday () -. init_time;
L.out "Interprocedural footprint analysis terminated in %f sec@." elapsed
/** Create an exe_env from a cluster. */
let exe_env_from_cluster cluster => {
let _exe_env = Exe_env.create ();
Exe_env.add_cg _exe_env cluster;
Exe_env.freeze _exe_env
/** Analyze a cluster of files */
let analyze_cluster cluster_num (cluster: Cluster.t) => {
let exe_env = exe_env_from_cluster cluster;
let defined_procs = Cg.get_defined_nodes (Exe_env.get_cg exe_env);
let num_procs = IList.length defined_procs;
L.err "@.Processing cluster #%d with %d procedures@." (cluster_num + 1) num_procs;
analyze_exe_env exe_env
let output_json_makefile_stats clusters => {
let clusters_to_analyze = IList.filter ClusterMakefile.cluster_should_be_analyzed clusters;
let num_files = IList.length clusters_to_analyze;
let num_procs = 0;
/* can't compute it at this stage */
let num_lines = 0;
let file_stats =
`Assoc [("files", `Int num_files), ("procedures", `Int num_procs), ("lines", `Int num_lines)];
/* write stats file to disk, intentionally overwriting old file if it already exists */
let f = open_out (Filename.concat Config.results_dir Config.proc_stats_filename);
Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_channel f file_stats
let print_prolog () =>
switch Config.cluster_cmdline {
| None =>
L.stdout "Starting analysis (Infer version %s)@\n" Version.versionString;
L.stdout "@\n";
L.stdout "legend:@\n";
L.stdout " \"%s\" analyzing a file@\n" Config.log_analysis_file;
L.stdout " \"%s\" analyzing a procedure@\n" Config.log_analysis_procedure;
if Config.stats_mode {
L.stdout " \"%s\" analyzer crashed@\n" Config.log_analysis_crash;
" \"%s\" timeout: procedure analysis took too much time@\n"
" \"%s\" timeout: procedure analysis took too many symbolic execution steps@\n"
" \"%s\" timeout: procedure analysis took too many recursive iterations@\n"
L.stdout "@\n@?"
| Some clname => L.stdout "Cluster %s@." clname
let process_cluster_cmdline fname =>
switch (Cluster.load_from_file (DB.filename_from_string fname)) {
| None => L.err "Cannot find cluster file %s@." fname
| Some (nr, cluster) => analyze_cluster (nr - 1) cluster
let register_perf_stats_report () => {
let stats_dir = Filename.concat Config.results_dir Config.backend_stats_dir_name;
let cluster =
switch Config.cluster_cmdline {
| Some cl => "_" ^ cl
| None => ""
let stats_base = Config.perf_stats_prefix ^ "_" ^ Filename.basename cluster ^ ".json";
let stats_file = Filename.concat stats_dir stats_base;
DB.create_dir Config.results_dir;
DB.create_dir stats_dir;
PerfStats.register_report_at_exit stats_file
let () = {
register_perf_stats_report ();
if Config.developer_mode {
Printexc.record_backtrace true
print_prolog ();
RegisterCheckers.register ();
if (Config.allow_specs_cleanup == true && Config.cluster_cmdline == None) {
DB.Results_dir.clean_specs_dir ()
switch Config.cluster_cmdline {
| Some fname => process_cluster_cmdline fname
| None =>
if Config.merge {
MergeCapture.merge_captured_targets ()
let clusters = DB.find_source_dirs ();
L.err "Found %d source files in %s@." (IList.length clusters) Config.results_dir;
if (Config.makefile_cmdline != "") {
ClusterMakefile.create_cluster_makefile clusters Config.makefile_cmdline
} else {
IList.iteri (fun i cluster => analyze_cluster i cluster) clusters;
L.stdout "Analysis finished in %as@." pp_elapsed_time ()
output_json_makefile_stats clusters