* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
open CFrontend_utils
open Objc_models
let is_cf_non_null_alloc funct =
match funct with
| Some procname ->
Procname.to_string procname = CFrontend_config.cf_non_null_alloc
| None -> false
let is_alloc funct =
match funct with
| Some procname ->
Procname.to_string procname = CFrontend_config.cf_alloc
| None -> false
let is_alloc_model typ funct =
match funct with
| Some procname ->
if Specs.summary_exists procname then false
let funct = Procname.to_string procname in
(* if (Core_foundation_model.is_core_lib_create typ funct) then
print_endline ("\nCore Foundation create not modelled "^(Sil.typ_to_string typ)^" "^(funct));*)
Core_foundation_model.is_core_lib_create typ funct
| None -> false
let rec get_func_type_from_stmt stmt =
match stmt with
| Clang_ast_t.DeclRefExpr(_, _, expr_info, _) ->
Some expr_info.Clang_ast_t.ei_type_ptr
| _ ->
match CFrontend_utils.Ast_utils.get_stmts_from_stmt stmt with
| stmt:: _ -> get_func_type_from_stmt stmt
| [] -> None
let is_retain_predefined_model typ funct =
Core_foundation_model.is_core_lib_retain typ funct
let is_release_predefined_model typ funct =
Core_foundation_model.is_core_lib_release typ funct ||
Core_foundation_model.is_core_graphics_release typ funct
let is_retain_method funct =
funct = CFrontend_config.retain
let is_release_method funct =
funct = CFrontend_config.release
let is_autorelease_method funct =
funct = CFrontend_config.autorelease
let get_builtinname method_name =
if is_retain_method method_name then
Some ModelBuiltins.__objc_retain
else if is_autorelease_method method_name then
Some ModelBuiltins.__set_autorelease_attribute
else if is_release_method method_name then
Some ModelBuiltins.__objc_release
else None
let is_modeled_builtin funct =
funct = CFrontend_config.builtin_expect ||
funct = CFrontend_config.builtin_memset_chk
let is_assert_log_s funct =
funct = CFrontend_config.assert_rtn ||
funct = CFrontend_config.assert_fail ||
funct = CFrontend_config.fbAssertWithSignalAndLogFunctionHelper
let is_handleFailureInMethod funct =
funct = CFrontend_config.handleFailureInMethod ||
funct = CFrontend_config.handleFailureInFunction
let is_retain_or_release funct =
is_retain_method funct ||
is_release_method funct ||
is_autorelease_method funct
let is_toll_free_bridging pn_opt =
match pn_opt with
| Some pn ->
let funct = (Procname.to_string pn) in
funct = CFrontend_config.cf_bridging_release ||
funct = CFrontend_config.cf_bridging_retain ||
funct = CFrontend_config.cf_autorelease ||
funct = CFrontend_config.ns_make_collectable
| None -> false
(** If the function is a builtin model, return the model, otherwise return the function *)
let builtin_predefined_model fun_stmt sil_fe =
match get_func_type_from_stmt fun_stmt with
| Some typ ->
let typ = Ast_utils.string_of_type_ptr typ in
(match sil_fe with
| Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pn) when Specs.summary_exists pn -> sil_fe, false
| Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pn) when is_retain_predefined_model typ (Procname.to_string pn) ->
Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun ModelBuiltins.__objc_retain_cf) , true
| Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pn) when is_release_predefined_model typ (Procname.to_string pn) ->
Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun ModelBuiltins.__objc_release_cf), true
| _ -> sil_fe, false)
| _ -> sil_fe, false
(** If the function is a builtin model, return the model, otherwise return the function *)
let is_assert_log sil_fe =
match sil_fe with
| Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pn) when is_assert_log_s (Procname.to_string pn) -> true
| _ -> false
let is_objc_memory_model_controlled o =
Core_foundation_model.is_objc_memory_model_controlled o
let get_predefined_ms_method condition class_name method_name method_kind mk_procname lang
arguments return_type attributes builtin =
if condition then
let procname =
match builtin with
| Some procname -> procname
| None -> mk_procname class_name method_name method_kind in
let ms = CMethod_signature.make_ms procname arguments return_type attributes
(Ast_expressions.dummy_source_range ()) false lang None None None in
Some ms
else None
let get_predefined_ms_stringWithUTF8String class_name method_name mk_procname lang =
let condition =
class_name = CFrontend_config.nsstring_cl
&& method_name = CFrontend_config.string_with_utf8_m in
[clang] [2 of 3] Dealing with custom ast expressions and flow of types in the frontend.
This is the second of 3 stack diffs to deal with replacing the parser of types.
This diff is about general changes to the frontend to make it cope with the change. There
are two main challenges:
1. We create pieces of ast in ast_expressions, such as getters and setters. For that we create
custom types.
2. We store types in cMethod_signature for parameters and return type of functions. This was
stored as strings, but that means losing the pointer information which is vital to get the
sil types.
So this diff consists mostly of dealing with these challenges. It change the signature of
cMethod_signature and update modules accordingly.
To deal with the custom types, we build methods in ast_expressions for creating those types,
with a custom type pointer, like "internal_typeint". At the beginning of the translation we save
all these custom types in the map from type pointers to sil types that we build as we compute the
types, so that they are available later.
Another custom type that we build is a type of classes or pointer of classes based on the current
class. I found a simple way to deal with it, giving it a pointer "class_name", and then we know
how to translate those. Something I tried is to save the declaration of the current class and pass
that declaration around, but somehow that lead to pref regression, so I removed it in favor of this
more lightweight version.
9 years ago
let id_type = Ast_expressions.create_id_type in
get_predefined_ms_method condition class_name method_name Procname.Class_objc_method
mk_procname lang [("x", Ast_expressions.create_char_star_type)] id_type [] None
let get_predefined_ms_retain_release method_name mk_procname lang =
let condition = is_retain_or_release method_name in
let return_type =
if is_retain_method method_name || is_autorelease_method method_name
[clang] [2 of 3] Dealing with custom ast expressions and flow of types in the frontend.
This is the second of 3 stack diffs to deal with replacing the parser of types.
This diff is about general changes to the frontend to make it cope with the change. There
are two main challenges:
1. We create pieces of ast in ast_expressions, such as getters and setters. For that we create
custom types.
2. We store types in cMethod_signature for parameters and return type of functions. This was
stored as strings, but that means losing the pointer information which is vital to get the
sil types.
So this diff consists mostly of dealing with these challenges. It change the signature of
cMethod_signature and update modules accordingly.
To deal with the custom types, we build methods in ast_expressions for creating those types,
with a custom type pointer, like "internal_typeint". At the beginning of the translation we save
all these custom types in the map from type pointers to sil types that we build as we compute the
types, so that they are available later.
Another custom type that we build is a type of classes or pointer of classes based on the current
class. I found a simple way to deal with it, giving it a pointer "class_name", and then we know
how to translate those. Something I tried is to save the declaration of the current class and pass
that declaration around, but somehow that lead to pref regression, so I removed it in favor of this
more lightweight version.
9 years ago
then Ast_expressions.create_id_type else Ast_expressions.create_void_type in
let class_name = CFrontend_config.nsobject_cl in
let class_type = Ast_expressions.create_class_type (class_name, `OBJC) in
let args = [(CFrontend_config.self, class_type)] in
get_predefined_ms_method condition class_name method_name Procname.Instance_objc_method
mk_procname lang args return_type [] (get_builtinname method_name)
let get_predefined_ms_autoreleasepool_init class_name method_name mk_procname lang =
let condition =
method_name = CFrontend_config.init
&& class_name = CFrontend_config.nsautorelease_pool_cl in
let class_type = Ast_expressions.create_class_type (class_name, `OBJC) in
get_predefined_ms_method condition class_name method_name Procname.Instance_objc_method
mk_procname lang [(CFrontend_config.self, class_type)]
Ast_expressions.create_void_type [] None
let get_predefined_ms_nsautoreleasepool_release class_name method_name mk_procname lang =
let condition =
(method_name = CFrontend_config.release || method_name = CFrontend_config.drain)
&& class_name = CFrontend_config.nsautorelease_pool_cl in
let class_type = Ast_expressions.create_class_type (class_name, `OBJC) in
get_predefined_ms_method condition class_name method_name Procname.Instance_objc_method
mk_procname lang [(CFrontend_config.self, class_type)] Ast_expressions.create_void_type
[] (Some ModelBuiltins.__objc_release_autorelease_pool)
let get_predefined_ms_is_kind_of_class class_name method_name mk_procname lang =
let condition = method_name = CFrontend_config.is_kind_of_class in
let class_type = Ast_expressions.create_class_type (class_name, `OBJC) in
get_predefined_ms_method condition class_name method_name Procname.Instance_objc_method
mk_procname lang [(CFrontend_config.self, class_type)] Ast_expressions.create_BOOL_type
[] (Some ModelBuiltins.__instanceof)
let get_predefined_model_method_signature class_name method_name mk_procname lang =
let next_predefined f = function
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> f method_name mk_procname lang in
get_predefined_ms_nsautoreleasepool_release class_name method_name mk_procname lang
|> next_predefined get_predefined_ms_retain_release
|> next_predefined (get_predefined_ms_stringWithUTF8String class_name)
|> next_predefined (get_predefined_ms_autoreleasepool_init class_name)
|> next_predefined (get_predefined_ms_is_kind_of_class class_name)
let dispatch_functions = [
("_dispatch_once", 1);
("dispatch_async", 1);
("dispatch_sync", 1);
("dispatch_after", 2);
("dispatch_group_async", 2);
("dispatch_group_notify", 2);
("dispatch_group_wait", 2);
("dispatch_barrier_async", 1);
let is_dispatch_function_name function_name =
let rec is_dispatch functions =
match functions with
| [] -> None
| (el, block_arg_pos):: rest -> if (el = function_name) then
Some (el, block_arg_pos)
else is_dispatch rest in
is_dispatch dispatch_functions