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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
(** invariant: if [package = Some str] then [not (String.equal str "")] *)
type t = {classname: string; package: string option} [@@deriving compare, equal]
let make ~package ~classname =
match package with Some "" -> {package= None; classname} | _ -> {package; classname}
let from_string str =
match String.rsplit2 str ~on:'.' with
| None ->
{classname= str; package= None}
| Some ("", _) ->
L.die InternalError "Empty package path in Java qualified classname.@."
| Some (pkg, classname) ->
{classname; package= Some pkg}
let to_string = function
| {classname; package= None} ->
| {classname; package= Some pkg} ->
String.concat ~sep:"." [pkg; classname]
let pp fmt = function
| {classname; package= None} ->
F.pp_print_string fmt classname
| {classname; package= Some pkg} ->
F.fprintf fmt "%s.%s" pkg classname
let package {package} = package
let classname {classname} = classname
let is_int s =
ignore (int_of_string s) ;
with Failure _ -> false
(* Strips $<int> suffixes from the class name, and return how many were stripped *)
let strip_anonymous_suffixes_if_present classname =
let rec strip_recursively classname nesting_level =
match String.rsplit2 classname ~on:'$' with
| Some (outer, suffix) when is_int (String.strip suffix) ->
(* Suffix is an integer - that was an anonymous class.
But it could be nested inside another anonymous class as well *)
strip_recursively outer (nesting_level + 1)
| _ ->
(* Suffix is not an integer or not present - not an anonymous class *)
(classname, nesting_level)
strip_recursively classname 0
Anonymous classes have suffixes in form of $<int>; but they can be nested inside of each other.
Also non-anonymous (user-defined) name can be nested as well (Class$NestedClass).
So in general case anonymous class name looks something like
Class$NestedClass$1$17$5, and we need to return Class$NestedClass *)
let get_user_defined_class_if_anonymous_inner {package; classname} =
let outer_class_name, nesting_level = strip_anonymous_suffixes_if_present classname in
if nesting_level > 0 then Some {package; classname= outer_class_name} else None
let is_anonymous_inner_class_name t = get_user_defined_class_if_anonymous_inner t |> is_some
let is_external_via_config t =
let package = package t in
Option.exists ~f:Config.java_package_is_external package
let pp_with_verbosity ~verbose fmt t =
if verbose then pp fmt t else F.pp_print_string fmt (classname t)