* Copyright ( c ) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd .
* Copyright ( c ) 2013 - present Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
module L = Logging
module F = Format
open Utils
open Jsonbug_j
(* * Outfile to save the latex report *)
let latex = ref None
(* * command line flag: if true, print whole seconds only *)
let whole_seconds = ref false
(* * If true, read all .specs files from the results dir *)
let results_dir_cmdline = ref false
(* * Outfile to save bugs stats in csv format *)
let bugs_csv = ref None
(* * Outfile to save bugs stats in JSON format *)
let bugs_json = ref None
(* * Outfile to save bugs stats in txt format *)
let bugs_txt = ref None
(* * Outfile to save bugs stats in xml format *)
let bugs_xml = ref None
(* * Outfile to save procedures stats in csv format *)
let procs_csv = ref None
(* * Outfile to save procedures stats in xml format *)
let procs_xml = ref None
(* * Outfile to save call stats in csv format *)
let calls_csv = ref None
(* * Outfile to save the analysis report *)
let report = ref None
(* * command line flag: if true, produce a svg file *)
let svg = ref false
(* * command line flag: if true, export specs to xml files *)
let xml_specs = ref false
(* * command line flag: if true, produce unit test for each spec *)
let unit_test = ref false
(* * command line flag: if true, do not print the spec to standard output *)
let quiet = ref false
(* * command line flag: if true, print stats about preconditions to standard output *)
let precondition_stats = ref false
(* * name of the file to load analysis results from *)
let load_analysis_results = ref None
(* * name of the file to load save results to *)
let save_analysis_results = ref None
(* * command-line option to print the location of the copy of a source file *)
let source_file_copy = ref None
(* * command line option to test the filtering based on .inferconfig *)
let test_filtering = ref false
(* * Setup the analyzer in order to filter out errors for this analyzer only *)
let analyzer = ref None
let handle_source_file_copy_option () = match ! source_file_copy with
| None -> ()
| Some source_file ->
let source_in_resdir = DB . source_file_in_resdir source_file in
F . fprintf F . std_formatter " %s@. " ( DB . filename_to_string source_in_resdir ) ;
exit 0
let canonic_path_from_string s =
if s = Filename . dir_sep then s
else Filename . concat ( Filename . dirname s ) ( Filename . basename s ) ^ Filename . dir_sep
let arg_desc =
let base_arg =
let desc =
" -bugs " , Arg . String ( fun s -> bugs_csv := create_outfile s ) , Some " bugs.csv " , " create file bugs.csv containing a list of bugs in CSV format " ;
" -bugs_json " , Arg . String ( fun s -> bugs_json := create_outfile s ) , Some " bugs.json " , " create file bugs.json containing a list of bugs in JSON format " ;
" -bugs_txt " , Arg . String ( fun s -> bugs_txt := create_outfile s ) , Some " bugs.txt " , " create file bugs.txt containing a list of bugs in text format " ;
" -bugs_xml " , Arg . String ( fun s -> bugs_xml := create_outfile s ) , Some " bugs.xml " , " create file bugs.xml containing a list of bugs in XML format " ;
" -calls " , Arg . String ( fun s -> calls_csv := create_outfile s ) , Some " calls.csv " , " write individual calls in csv format to file.csv " ;
" -load_results " , Arg . String ( fun s -> load_analysis_results := Some s ) , Some " file.iar " , " load analysis results from Infer Analysis Results file file.iar " ;
" -procs " , Arg . String ( fun s -> procs_csv := create_outfile s ) , Some " procs.csv " , " create file procs.csv containing statistics for each procedure in CSV format " ;
" -procs_xml " , Arg . String ( fun s -> procs_xml := create_outfile s ) , Some " procs.xml " , " create file procs.xml containing statistics for each procedure in XML format " ;
" -results_dir " , Arg . String ( fun s -> results_dir_cmdline := true ; Config . results_dir := s ) , Some " dir " , " read all the .specs files in the results dir " ;
" -lib " , Arg . String ( fun s -> Config . specs_library := filename_to_absolute s :: ! Config . specs_library ) , Some " dir " , " add dir to the list of directories to be searched for spec files " ;
" -q " , Arg . Set quiet , None , " quiet: do not print specs on standard output " ;
" -save_results " , Arg . String ( fun s -> save_analysis_results := Some s ) , Some " file.iar " , " save analysis results to Infer Analysis Results file file.iar " ;
" -unit_test " , Arg . Set unit_test , None , " print unit test code " ;
" -xml " , Arg . Set xml_specs , None , " export specs into XML files file1.xml ... filen.xml " ;
" -test_filtering " , Arg . Set test_filtering , None ,
" list all the files Infer can report on (should be call at the root of the procject, where
. inferconfig lives ) . " ;
" -analyzer " , Arg . String ( fun s -> analyzer := Some ( Utils . analyzer_of_string s ) ) , Some " analyzer " ,
" setup the analyzer for the path filtering " ;
" -inferconfig_home " , Arg . String ( fun s -> Inferconfig . inferconfig_home := Some s ) , Some " dir " ,
" Path to the .inferconfig file " ;
" -local_config " , Arg . String ( fun s -> Inferconfig . local_config := Some s ) , Some " Path " ,
" Path to local config file " ;
] in
Arg2 . create_options_desc false " Options " desc in
let reserved_arg =
let desc =
" -latex " , Arg . String ( fun s -> latex := create_outfile s ) , Some " file.tex " , " print latex report to file.tex " ;
" -print_types " , Arg . Set Config . print_types , None , " print types in symbolic heaps " ;
" -precondition_stats " , Arg . Set precondition_stats , None , " print stats about preconditions to standard output " ;
" -report " , Arg . String ( fun s -> report := create_outfile s ) , Some " report_file " , " create file report_file containing a report of the analysis results " ;
" -source_file_copy " , Arg . String ( fun s -> source_file_copy := Some ( DB . abs_source_file_from_path s ) ) , Some " source_file " , " print the path of the copy of source_file in the results directory " ;
" -svg " , Arg . Set svg , None , " generate .dot and .svg " ;
" -whole_seconds " , Arg . Set whole_seconds , None , " print whole seconds only " ;
] in
Arg2 . create_options_desc false " Reserved Options " desc in
base_arg @ reserved_arg
let usage =
" Usage: InferPrint [options] name1.specs ... namen.specs \n " ^
" Read, convert, and print .specs files. \n " ^
" To process all the .specs in the current directory, pass . as only parameter. \n " ^
" To process all the .specs in the results directory, use option -results_dir. \n " ^
" Each spec is printed to standard output unless option -q is used. "
let print_usage_exit err_s =
L . err " Load Error: %s@.@. " err_s ;
Arg2 . usage arg_desc usage ;
exit ( 1 )
(* * return the list of the .specs files in the results dir and libs, if they're defined *)
let load_specfiles () =
let specs_files_in_dir dir =
let is_specs_file fname = not ( Sys . is_directory fname ) && Filename . check_suffix fname " .specs " in
let all_filenames = Array . to_list ( Sys . readdir dir ) in
let all_filepaths = list_map ( fun fname -> Filename . concat dir fname ) all_filenames in
list_filter is_specs_file all_filepaths in
let specs_dirs =
if ! results_dir_cmdline then
let result_specs_dir = DB . filename_to_string ( DB . Results_dir . specs_dir () ) in
result_specs_dir :: ! Config . specs_library
! Config . specs_library in
list_flatten ( list_map specs_files_in_dir specs_dirs )
(* * Create and initialize latex file *)
let begin_latex_file fmt =
let author = " Infer " ^ Version . versionString in
let title = " Report on Analysis Results " in
let table_of_contents = true in
Latex . pp_begin fmt ( author , title , table_of_contents )
(* * Write proc summary to latex file *)
let write_summary_latex fname fmt summary =
let proc_name = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
Latex . pp_section fmt ( " Analysis of function " ^ ( Latex . convert_string ( Procname . to_string proc_name ) ) ) ;
F . fprintf fmt " @[<v>%a@] " ( Specs . pp_summary ( pe_latex Black ) ! whole_seconds ) summary
let error_desc_to_csv_string error_desc =
let pp fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %a " Localise . pp_error_desc error_desc in
Escape . escape_csv ( pp_to_string pp () )
let error_advice_to_csv_string error_desc =
let pp fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %a " Localise . pp_error_advice error_desc in
Escape . escape_csv ( pp_to_string pp () )
let error_desc_to_plain_string error_desc =
let pp fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %a " Localise . pp_error_desc error_desc in
pp_to_string pp ()
let error_desc_to_xml_string error_desc =
let pp fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %a " Localise . pp_error_desc error_desc in
Escape . escape_xml ( pp_to_string pp () )
let error_desc_to_xml_tags error_desc =
let tags = Localise . error_desc_get_tags error_desc in
let subtree label contents =
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree label [] [ ( Io_infer . Xml . String contents ) ] in
list_map ( fun ( tag , value ) -> subtree tag ( Escape . escape_xml value ) ) tags
let get_bug_hash ( kind : string ) ( type_str : string ) ( procedure_id : string ) ( filename : string ) ( node_key : int ) ( error_desc : Localise . error_desc ) =
let qualifier_tag_call_procedure = Localise . error_desc_get_tag_call_procedure error_desc in
let qualifier_tag_value = Localise . error_desc_get_tag_value error_desc in
Hashtbl . hash ( kind , type_str , procedure_id , filename , node_key , qualifier_tag_call_procedure , qualifier_tag_value )
let loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record trace_list ekind =
match ekind with
| Exceptions . Kinfo -> []
| _ ->
(* writes a trace as a record for atdgen conversion *)
let node_tags_to_records tags_list =
list_map ( fun tag -> { tag = fst tag ; value = snd tag } ) tags_list in
let trace_item_to_record trace_item =
{ level = trace_item . Errlog . lt_level ;
filename = DB . source_file_to_string trace_item . Errlog . lt_loc . Location . file ;
line_number = trace_item . Errlog . lt_loc . Location . line ;
description = trace_item . Errlog . lt_description ;
node_tags = node_tags_to_records trace_item . Errlog . lt_node_tags ;
} in
let record_list = list_rev ( list_rev_map trace_item_to_record trace_list ) in
let error_desc_to_qualifier_tags_records error_desc =
let tag_value_pairs = Localise . error_desc_to_tag_value_pairs error_desc in
let tag_value_to_record ( tag , value ) =
{ tag = tag ; value = value } in
list_map ( fun tag_value -> tag_value_to_record tag_value ) tag_value_pairs
type summary_val =
{ vname : string ;
vname_id : string ;
vspecs : int ;
vtime : string ;
vto : string ;
vsymop : int ;
verr : int ;
vfile : string ;
vflags : proc_flags ;
vline : int ;
vloc : int ;
vtop : string ;
vsignature : string ;
vweight : int ;
vproof_coverage : string ;
vrank : string ;
vin_calls : int ;
vout_calls : int ;
vproof_trace : string ;
vcyclomatic : int }
(* * compute values from summary data to export to csv and xml format *)
let summary_values top_proc_set summary =
let stats = summary . Specs . stats in
let proc_name = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
let is_top = Procname . Set . mem proc_name top_proc_set in
let signature = Specs . get_signature summary in
let nodes_nr = list_length summary . Specs . nodes in
let specs = Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary in
let nr_nodes_visited , lines_visited =
let visited = ref Specs . Visitedset . empty in
let do_spec spec = visited := Specs . Visitedset . union spec . Specs . visited ! visited in
list_iter do_spec specs ;
let visited_lines = ref IntSet . empty in
Specs . Visitedset . iter ( fun ( n , ls ) ->
list_iter ( fun l -> visited_lines := IntSet . add l ! visited_lines ) ls )
! visited ;
Specs . Visitedset . cardinal ! visited , IntSet . elements ! visited_lines in
let proof_trace =
let pp_line fmt l = F . fprintf fmt " %d " l in
let pp fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %a " ( pp_seq pp_line ) lines_visited in
pp_to_string pp () in
let node_coverage =
if nodes_nr = 0 then 0 . 0
else float_of_int nr_nodes_visited /. float_of_int nodes_nr in
let logscale x =
log10 ( float_of_int ( x + 1 ) ) in
let in_calls , out_calls =
let calls = stats . Specs . stats_calls in
calls . Cg . in_calls , calls . Cg . out_calls in
let call_rank =
let c1 = 1 and c2 = 1 in
logscale ( c1 * in_calls + c2 * out_calls ) in
let cyclomatic = stats . Specs . cyclomatic in
{ vname = Procname . to_string proc_name ;
vname_id = Procname . to_filename proc_name ;
vspecs = list_length specs ;
vtime = Printf . sprintf " %.0f " stats . Specs . stats_time ;
vto = if stats . Specs . stats_timeout then " TO " else " " ;
vsymop = stats . Specs . symops ;
verr = Errlog . size
( fun ekind in_footprint -> ekind = Exceptions . Kerror && in_footprint )
stats . Specs . err_log ;
vflags = summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . proc_flags ;
vfile = DB . source_file_to_string summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file ;
vline = summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . line ;
vloc = summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . nLOC ;
vtop = if is_top then " Y " else " N " ;
vsignature = signature ;
vweight = nodes_nr ;
vproof_coverage = Printf . sprintf " %2.2f " node_coverage ;
vrank = Printf . sprintf " %2.2f " call_rank ;
vin_calls = in_calls ;
vout_calls = out_calls ;
vproof_trace = proof_trace ;
vcyclomatic = cyclomatic }
module ProcsCsv = struct
(* * Print the header of the procedures csv file, with column names *)
let pp_header fmt () =
Format . fprintf fmt " %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s@ \n " Io_infer . Xml . tag_name Io_infer . Xml . tag_name_id Io_infer . Xml . tag_specs Io_infer . Xml . tag_time Io_infer . Xml . tag_to Io_infer . Xml . tag_symop Io_infer . Xml . tag_err Io_infer . Xml . tag_file Io_infer . Xml . tag_line Io_infer . Xml . tag_loc Io_infer . Xml . tag_top Io_infer . Xml . tag_signature Io_infer . Xml . tag_weight Io_infer . Xml . tag_proof_coverage Io_infer . Xml . tag_rank Io_infer . Xml . tag_in_calls Io_infer . Xml . tag_out_calls Io_infer . Xml . tag_proof_trace Io_infer . Xml . tag_cyclomatic
(* * Write proc summary stats in csv format *)
let pp_summary fname top_proc_set fmt summary =
let pp x = F . fprintf fmt x in
let sv = summary_values top_proc_set summary in
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv sv . vname ) ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv sv . vname_id ) ;
pp " %d, " sv . vspecs ;
pp " %s, " sv . vtime ;
pp " %s, " sv . vto ;
pp " %d, " sv . vsymop ;
pp " %d, " sv . verr ;
pp " %s, " sv . vfile ;
pp " %d, " sv . vline ;
pp " %d, " sv . vloc ;
pp " %s, " sv . vtop ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv sv . vsignature ) ;
pp " %d, " sv . vweight ;
pp " %s, " sv . vproof_coverage ;
pp " %s, " sv . vrank ;
pp " %d, " sv . vin_calls ;
pp " %d, " sv . vout_calls ;
pp " %s, " sv . vproof_trace ;
pp " %d@ \n " sv . vcyclomatic
module ProcsXml = struct
let xml_procs_id = ref 0
(* * print proc in xml *)
let pp_proc top_proc_set fmt summary =
let sv = summary_values top_proc_set summary in
let subtree label contents =
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree label [] [ ( Io_infer . Xml . String contents ) ] in
let tree =
incr xml_procs_id ;
let attributes = [ ( " id " , string_of_int ! xml_procs_id ) ] in
let forest =
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_name ( Escape . escape_xml sv . vname ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_name_id ( Escape . escape_xml sv . vname_id ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_specs ( string_of_int sv . vspecs ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_time sv . vtime ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_to sv . vto ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_symop ( string_of_int sv . vsymop ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_err ( string_of_int sv . verr ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_file sv . vfile ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_line ( string_of_int sv . vline ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_loc ( string_of_int sv . vloc ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_top sv . vtop ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_signature ( Escape . escape_xml sv . vsignature ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_weight ( string_of_int sv . vweight ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_proof_coverage sv . vproof_coverage ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_rank sv . vrank ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_in_calls ( string_of_int sv . vin_calls ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_out_calls ( string_of_int sv . vin_calls ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_proof_trace sv . vproof_trace ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_cyclomatic ( string_of_int sv . vcyclomatic ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_flags ( string_of_int ( Hashtbl . length sv . vflags ) ) ;
] in
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree " procedure " attributes forest in
Io_infer . Xml . pp_inner_node fmt tree
(* * print the opening of the procedures xml file *)
let pp_procs_open fmt () =
Io_infer . Xml . pp_open fmt " procedures "
(* * print the closing of the procedures xml file *)
let pp_procs_close fmt () =
Io_infer . Xml . pp_close fmt " procedures "
module BugsCsv = struct
let csv_bugs_id = ref 0
let timestamp = Unix . time ()
let pp_header fmt () =
Format . fprintf fmt " %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s@ \n "
Io_infer . Xml . tag_class
Io_infer . Xml . tag_kind
Io_infer . Xml . tag_type
Io_infer . Xml . tag_qualifier
Io_infer . Xml . tag_severity
Io_infer . Xml . tag_line
Io_infer . Xml . tag_procedure
Io_infer . Xml . tag_procedure_id
Io_infer . Xml . tag_file
Io_infer . Xml . tag_trace
Io_infer . Xml . tag_key
Io_infer . Xml . tag_qualifier_tags
Io_infer . Xml . tag_hash
" bug_id "
" always_report "
" advice "
(* * Write bug report in csv format *)
let pp_bugs error_filter fname fmt summary =
let pp x = F . fprintf fmt x in
let err_log = summary . Specs . stats . Specs . err_log in
let pp_row ( node_id , node_key ) loc ekind in_footprint error_name error_desc severity ltr pre_opt eclass =
if in_footprint && error_filter error_desc error_name then
let err_desc_string = error_desc_to_csv_string error_desc in
let err_advice_string = error_advice_to_csv_string error_desc in
let qualifier_tag_xml =
let xml_node = Io_infer . Xml . create_tree Io_infer . Xml . tag_qualifier_tags [] ( error_desc_to_xml_tags error_desc ) in
let p fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %a " ( Io_infer . Xml . pp_document false ) xml_node in
let s = Utils . pp_to_string p () in
Escape . escape_csv s in
let kind = Exceptions . err_kind_string ekind in
let type_str = Localise . to_string error_name in
let procedure_id = Procname . to_filename ( Specs . get_proc_name summary ) in
let filename = DB . source_file_to_string summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file in
let always_report =
match Localise . error_desc_extract_tag_value error_desc " always_report " with
| " " -> " false "
| v -> v in
let trace = string_of_json_trace { trace = loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record ltr ekind } in
incr csv_bugs_id ;
pp " %s, " ( Exceptions . err_class_string eclass ) ;
pp " %s, " kind ;
pp " %s, " type_str ;
pp " \" %s \" , " err_desc_string ;
pp " %s, " severity ;
pp " %d, " loc . Location . line ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv ( Procname . to_string ( Specs . get_proc_name summary ) ) ) ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv procedure_id ) ;
pp " %s, " filename ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv trace ) ;
pp " \" %d \" , " node_key ;
pp " \" %s \" , " qualifier_tag_xml ;
pp " \" %d \" , " ( get_bug_hash kind type_str procedure_id filename node_key error_desc ) ;
pp " \" %d \" , " ! csv_bugs_id ; (* * bug id *)
pp " \" %s \" , " always_report ;
pp " \" %s \" @ \n " err_advice_string ; in
Errlog . iter pp_row err_log
module BugsJson = struct
let is_first_item = ref true
let pp_json_open fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " [@? "
let pp_json_close fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " ] \n @? "
(* * Write bug report in JSON format *)
let pp_bugs error_filter fname fmt summary =
let pp x = F . fprintf fmt x in
let err_log = summary . Specs . stats . Specs . err_log in
let pp_row ( node_id , node_key ) loc ekind in_footprint error_name error_desc severity ltr pre_opt eclass =
if in_footprint && error_filter error_desc error_name then
let kind = Exceptions . err_kind_string ekind in
let bug_type = Localise . to_string error_name in
let procedure_id = Procname . to_filename ( Specs . get_proc_name summary ) in
let file = DB . source_file_to_string summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file in
let bug = {
bug_class = Exceptions . err_class_string eclass ;
kind = kind ;
bug_type = bug_type ;
qualifier = error_desc_to_plain_string error_desc ;
severity = severity ;
line = loc . Location . line ;
procedure = Procname . to_string ( Specs . get_proc_name summary ) ;
procedure_id = procedure_id ;
file = file ;
bug_trace = loc_trace_to_jsonbug_record ltr ekind ;
key = node_key ;
qualifier_tags = error_desc_to_qualifier_tags_records error_desc ;
hash = get_bug_hash kind bug_type procedure_id file node_key error_desc ;
} in
if not ! is_first_item then pp " , " else is_first_item := false ;
pp " %s@? " ( string_of_jsonbug bug ) in
Errlog . iter pp_row err_log
module BugsTxt = struct
(* * Write bug report in text format *)
let pp_bugs error_filter fname fmt summary =
let err_log = summary . Specs . stats . Specs . err_log in
let pp_row ( node_id , node_key ) loc ekind in_footprint error_name error_desc severity ltr pre_opt eclass =
if in_footprint && error_filter error_desc error_name then
Exceptions . pp_err ( node_id , node_key ) loc ekind error_name error_desc None fmt () in
Errlog . iter pp_row err_log
module BugsXml = struct
let xml_bugs_id = ref 0
let include_precondition_tree = false
let loc_trace_to_xml linereader ltr =
let subtree label contents =
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree label [] [ ( Io_infer . Xml . String contents ) ] in
let level_to_xml level = subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_level ( string_of_int level ) in
let line_to_xml line = subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_line ( string_of_int line ) in
let file_to_xml file = subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_file file in
let code_to_xml code = subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_code code in
let description_to_xml descr = subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_description ( Escape . escape_xml descr ) in
let node_tags_to_xml node_tags =
let escaped_tags = list_map ( fun ( tag , value ) -> ( tag , Escape . escape_xml value ) ) node_tags in
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree Io_infer . Xml . tag_node escaped_tags [] in
let num = ref 0 in
let loc_to_xml lt =
incr num ;
let loc = lt . Errlog . lt_loc in
let code = match Printer . LineReader . from_loc linereader loc with
| Some s -> Escape . escape_xml s
| None -> " " in
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree Io_infer . Xml . tag_loc [ ( " num " , string_of_int ! num ) ]
[ ( level_to_xml lt . Errlog . lt_level ) ;
( file_to_xml ( DB . source_file_to_string loc . Location . file ) ) ;
( line_to_xml loc . Location . line ) ;
( code_to_xml code ) ;
( description_to_xml lt . Errlog . lt_description ) ;
( node_tags_to_xml lt . Errlog . lt_node_tags ) ] in
list_rev ( list_rev_map loc_to_xml ltr )
(* * print bugs from summary in xml *)
let pp_bugs error_filter linereader fmt summary =
let err_log = summary . Specs . stats . Specs . err_log in
let do_row ( node_id , node_key ) loc ekind in_footprint error_name error_desc severity ltr pre_opt eclass =
if in_footprint && error_filter error_desc error_name then
let err_desc_string = error_desc_to_xml_string error_desc in
let precondition_tree () = match pre_opt with
| None -> []
| Some pre ->
Dotty . reset_node_counter () ;
[ Dotty . prop_to_xml pre Io_infer . Xml . tag_precondition 1 ] in
let subtree label contents =
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree label [] [ ( Io_infer . Xml . String contents ) ] in
let kind = Exceptions . err_kind_string ekind in
let type_str = Localise . to_string error_name in
let tree =
incr xml_bugs_id ;
let attributes = [ ( " id " , string_of_int ! xml_bugs_id ) ] in
let error_class = Exceptions . err_class_string eclass in
let error_line = string_of_int loc . Location . line in
let proc_name = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
let procedure_name = Procname . to_string proc_name in
let procedure_id = Procname . to_filename proc_name in
let filename = DB . source_file_to_string summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file in
let bug_hash = get_bug_hash kind type_str procedure_id filename node_key error_desc in
let forest =
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_class error_class ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_kind kind ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_type type_str ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_qualifier err_desc_string ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_severity severity ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_line error_line ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_procedure ( Escape . escape_xml procedure_name ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_procedure_id ( Escape . escape_xml procedure_id ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_file filename ;
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree Io_infer . Xml . tag_trace [] ( loc_trace_to_xml linereader ltr ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_key ( string_of_int node_key ) ;
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree Io_infer . Xml . tag_qualifier_tags [] ( error_desc_to_xml_tags error_desc ) ;
subtree Io_infer . Xml . tag_hash ( string_of_int bug_hash )
( if include_precondition_tree then precondition_tree () else [] ) in
Io_infer . Xml . create_tree " bug " attributes forest in
Io_infer . Xml . pp_inner_node fmt tree in
Errlog . iter do_row err_log
(* * print the opening of the bugs xml file *)
let pp_bugs_open fmt () =
Io_infer . Xml . pp_open fmt " bugs "
(* * print the closing of the bugs xml file *)
let pp_bugs_close fmt () =
Io_infer . Xml . pp_close fmt " bugs "
module CallsCsv = struct
(* * Print the header of the calls csv file, with column names *)
let pp_header fmt () =
Format . fprintf fmt " %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s@ \n " Io_infer . Xml . tag_caller Io_infer . Xml . tag_caller_id Io_infer . Xml . tag_callee Io_infer . Xml . tag_callee_id Io_infer . Xml . tag_file Io_infer . Xml . tag_line Io_infer . Xml . tag_call_trace
(* * Write proc summary stats in csv format *)
let pp_calls fname fmt summary =
let pp x = F . fprintf fmt x in
let stats = summary . Specs . stats in
let caller_name = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
let do_call ( callee_name , loc ) trace =
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv ( Procname . to_string caller_name ) ) ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv ( Procname . to_filename caller_name ) ) ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv ( Procname . to_string callee_name ) ) ;
pp " \" %s \" , " ( Escape . escape_csv ( Procname . to_filename callee_name ) ) ;
pp " %s, " ( DB . source_file_to_string summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file ) ;
pp " %d, " loc . Location . line ;
pp " %a@ \n " Specs . CallStats . pp_trace trace in
Specs . CallStats . iter do_call stats . Specs . call_stats
module UnitTest = struct
(* * Store the unit test functions generated, so that they can be called by main at the end *)
let procs_done = ref []
(* * Print unit test for every spec in the summary *)
let print_unit_test fname proc_name summary =
let cnt = ref 0 in
let fmt = F . std_formatter in
let do_spec spec =
incr cnt ;
let c_file = Filename . basename
( DB . source_file_to_string summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file ) in
let code =
Autounit . genunit c_file proc_name ! cnt ( Specs . get_formals summary ) spec in
F . fprintf fmt " %a@. " Autounit . pp_code code in
let specs = Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary in
list_iter do_spec specs ;
procs_done := ( proc_name , list_length specs ) :: ! procs_done
(* * Print main function which calls all the unit test functions generated *)
let print_unit_test_main () =
let fmt = F . std_formatter in
let code = Autounit . genmain ! procs_done in
F . fprintf fmt " %a@. " Autounit . pp_code code
(* * Module to compute the top procedures.
A procedure is top if it has specs and any procedure calling it has no specs * )
module TopProcedures : sig
type t
val create : unit -> t
val process_summary : t -> string * Specs . summary -> unit
val top_set : t -> Procname . Set . t
end = struct
type t =
{ mutable possible : Procname . Set . t ;
mutable impossible : Procname . Set . t }
let create () =
{ possible = Procname . Set . empty ;
impossible = Procname . Set . empty }
let mark_possible x pname =
x . possible <- Procname . Set . add pname x . possible
let mark_impossible x pname =
x . impossible <- Procname . Set . add pname x . impossible
let top_set x =
Procname . Set . diff x . possible x . impossible
let process_summary x ( _ , summary ) =
let proc_name = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
let nspecs = list_length ( Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary ) in
if nspecs > 0 then
mark_possible x proc_name ;
Procname . Map . iter ( fun p _ -> mark_impossible x p ) summary . Specs . dependency_map
module Stats = struct
type t = {
files : ( DB . source_file , unit ) Hashtbl . t ;
mutable nchecked : int ;
mutable ndefective : int ;
mutable nerrors : int ;
mutable ninfos : int ;
mutable nLOC : int ;
mutable nprocs : int ;
mutable nspecs : int ;
mutable nverified : int ;
mutable nwarnings : int ;
mutable saved_errors : string list ;
let create () = {
files = Hashtbl . create 3 ;
nchecked = 0 ;
ndefective = 0 ;
nerrors = 0 ;
ninfos = 0 ;
nLOC = 0 ;
nprocs = 0 ;
nspecs = 0 ;
nverified = 0 ;
nwarnings = 0 ;
saved_errors = [] ;
let process_loc loc stats =
try Hashtbl . find stats . files loc . Location . file
with Not_found ->
stats . nLOC <- stats . nLOC + loc . Location . nLOC ;
Hashtbl . add stats . files loc . Location . file ()
let loc_trace_to_string_list linereader indent_num ltr =
let res = ref [] in
let indent_string n =
let s = ref " " in
for i = 1 to n do s := " " ^ ! s done ;
! s in
let num = ref 0 in
let loc_to_string lt =
incr num ;
let loc = lt . Errlog . lt_loc in
let level = lt . Errlog . lt_level in
let description = lt . Errlog . lt_description in
let code = match Printer . LineReader . from_loc linereader loc with
| Some s -> s
| None -> " " in
let line =
let pp fmt () =
if description < > " " then F . fprintf fmt " %s%04s // %s@ \n " ( indent_string ( level + indent_num ) ) " " description ;
F . fprintf fmt " %s%04d: %s " ( indent_string ( level + indent_num ) ) loc . Location . line code in
pp_to_string pp () in
res := line :: " " :: ! res in
list_iter loc_to_string ltr ;
list_rev ! res
let process_err_log error_filter linereader err_log stats =
let found_errors = ref false in
let process_row ( node_id , node_key ) loc ekind in_footprint error_name error_desc severity ltr pre_opt eclass =
let type_str = Localise . to_string error_name in
if in_footprint && error_filter error_desc error_name
then match ekind with
| Exceptions . Kerror ->
found_errors := true ;
stats . nerrors <- stats . nerrors + 1 ;
let error_strs =
let pp1 fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %d: %s " stats . nerrors type_str in
let pp2 fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " %s:%d "
( DB . source_file_to_string loc . Location . file ) loc . Location . line in
let pp3 fmt () = F . fprintf fmt " (%a) " Localise . pp_error_desc error_desc in
[ pp_to_string pp1 () ; pp_to_string pp2 () ; pp_to_string pp3 () ] in
let trace = loc_trace_to_string_list linereader 1 ltr in
stats . saved_errors <- list_rev_append ( error_strs @ trace @ [ " " ] ) stats . saved_errors
| Exceptions . Kwarning -> stats . nwarnings <- stats . nwarnings + 1
| Exceptions . Kinfo -> stats . ninfos <- stats . ninfos + 1 in
Errlog . iter process_row err_log ;
! found_errors
let process_summary error_filter summary linereader stats =
let specs = Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary in
let found_errors =
process_err_log error_filter linereader summary . Specs . stats . Specs . err_log stats in
let is_defective = found_errors in
let is_verified = specs < > [] && not is_defective in
let is_checked = not ( is_defective | | is_verified ) in
stats . nprocs <- stats . nprocs + 1 ;
stats . nspecs <- stats . nspecs + ( list_length specs ) ;
if is_verified then stats . nverified <- stats . nverified + 1 ;
if is_checked then stats . nchecked <- stats . nchecked + 1 ;
if is_defective then stats . ndefective <- stats . ndefective + 1 ;
process_loc summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc stats
let num_files stats =
Hashtbl . length stats . files
let pp fmt stats =
F . fprintf fmt " Files: %d@ \n " ( num_files stats ) ;
F . fprintf fmt " LOC: %d@ \n " stats . nLOC ;
F . fprintf fmt " Specs: %d@ \n " stats . nspecs ;
F . fprintf fmt " Procedures: %d@ \n " stats . nprocs ;
F . fprintf fmt " Verified: %d@ \n " stats . nverified ;
F . fprintf fmt " Checked: %d@ \n " stats . nchecked ;
F . fprintf fmt " Defective: %d@ \n " stats . ndefective ;
F . fprintf fmt " Errors: %d@ \n " stats . nerrors ;
F . fprintf fmt " Warnings: %d@ \n " stats . nwarnings ;
F . fprintf fmt " Infos: %d@ \n " stats . ninfos ;
F . fprintf fmt " @ \n -------------------@ \n " ;
F . fprintf fmt " @ \n Detailed Errors@ \n @ \n " ;
list_iter ( fun s -> F . fprintf fmt " %s@ \n " s ) ( list_rev stats . saved_errors ) ;
module Report = struct
let pp_header fmt () =
F . fprintf fmt " Infer Analysis Results -- generated %a@ \n @ \n " pp_current_time () ;
F . fprintf fmt " Summary Report@ \n @ \n "
let pp_stats fmt stats =
Stats . pp fmt stats
(* * Categorize the preconditions of specs and print stats *)
module PreconditionStats = struct
let nr_nopres = ref 0
let nr_empty = ref 0
let nr_onlyallocation = ref 0
let nr_dataconstraints = ref 0
let do_summary proc_name summary =
let specs = Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary in
let preconditions = list_map ( fun spec -> Specs . Jprop . to_prop spec . Specs . pre ) specs in
match Prop . CategorizePreconditions . categorize preconditions with
| Prop . CategorizePreconditions . Empty ->
incr nr_empty ;
L . out " Procedure: %a footprint:Empty@. " Procname . pp proc_name
| Prop . CategorizePreconditions . OnlyAllocation ->
incr nr_onlyallocation ;
L . out " Procedure: %a footprint:OnlyAllocation@. " Procname . pp proc_name
| Prop . CategorizePreconditions . NoPres ->
incr nr_nopres ;
L . out " Procedure: %a footprint:NoPres@. " Procname . pp proc_name
| Prop . CategorizePreconditions . DataConstraints ->
incr nr_dataconstraints ;
L . out " Procedure: %a footprint:DataConstraints@. " Procname . pp proc_name
let pp_stats () =
L . out " @.Precondition stats@. " ;
L . out " Procedures with no preconditions: %d@. " ! nr_nopres ;
L . out " Procedures with empty precondition: %d@. " ! nr_empty ;
L . out " Procedures with only allocation conditions: %d@. " ! nr_onlyallocation ;
L . out " Procedures with data constraints: %d@. " ! nr_dataconstraints
(* * Process a summary *)
let process_summary filters linereader stats ( top_proc_set : Procname . Set . t ) ( fname , summary ) =
let proc_name = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
let base = DB . chop_extension ( DB . filename_from_string fname ) in
let pp_simple_saved = ! Config . pp_simple in
Config . pp_simple := true ;
if ! quiet then ()
else L . out " Procedure: %a@ \n %a@. " Procname . pp proc_name ( Specs . pp_summary pe_text ! whole_seconds ) summary ;
let error_filter error_desc error_name =
let always_report () =
Localise . error_desc_extract_tag_value error_desc " always_report " = " true " in
( filters . Inferconfig . path_filter summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file
| | always_report () ) &&
filters . Inferconfig . error_filter error_name && filters . Inferconfig . proc_filter proc_name in
do_outf procs_csv ( fun outf -> F . fprintf outf . fmt " %a " ( ProcsCsv . pp_summary fname top_proc_set ) summary ) ;
do_outf calls_csv ( fun outf -> F . fprintf outf . fmt " %a " ( CallsCsv . pp_calls fname ) summary ) ;
do_outf procs_xml ( fun outf -> ProcsXml . pp_proc top_proc_set outf . fmt summary ) ;
do_outf bugs_csv ( fun outf -> BugsCsv . pp_bugs error_filter fname outf . fmt summary ) ;
do_outf bugs_json ( fun outf -> BugsJson . pp_bugs error_filter fname outf . fmt summary ) ;
do_outf bugs_txt ( fun outf -> BugsTxt . pp_bugs error_filter linereader outf . fmt summary ) ;
do_outf bugs_xml ( fun outf -> BugsXml . pp_bugs error_filter linereader outf . fmt summary ) ;
do_outf report ( fun outf -> Stats . process_summary error_filter summary linereader stats ) ;
if ! precondition_stats then PreconditionStats . do_summary proc_name summary ;
if ! unit_test then UnitTest . print_unit_test fname proc_name summary ;
Config . pp_simple := pp_simple_saved ;
do_outf latex ( fun outf -> write_summary_latex ( DB . filename_from_string fname ) outf . fmt summary ) ;
if ! svg then begin
let specs = Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary in
let dot_file = DB . filename_add_suffix base " .dot " in
let svg_file = DB . filename_add_suffix base " .svg " in
if not ( DB . file_exists dot_file )
| | DB . file_modified_time ( DB . filename_from_string fname ) > DB . file_modified_time dot_file
Dotty . pp_speclist_dotty_file base specs ;
if not ( DB . file_exists svg_file )
| | DB . file_modified_time dot_file > DB . file_modified_time svg_file
ignore ( Sys . command ( " dot -Tsvg \" " ^ ( DB . filename_to_string dot_file ) ^ " \" > \" " ^ ( DB . filename_to_string svg_file ) ^ " \" " ) )
end ;
if ! xml_specs then begin
let xml_file = DB . filename_add_suffix base " .xml " in
let specs = Specs . get_specs_from_payload summary in
if not ( DB . file_exists xml_file )
| | DB . file_modified_time ( DB . filename_from_string fname ) > DB . file_modified_time xml_file
let xml_out = ref ( create_outfile ( DB . filename_to_string xml_file ) ) in
do_outf xml_out ( fun outf ->
Dotty . print_specs_xml
( Specs . get_signature summary )
specs summary . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc outf . fmt ;
close_outf outf )
(* ignore ( Sys.command ( "open " ^ base ^ ".svg" ) ) *)
module AnalysisResults = struct
type t = ( string * Specs . summary ) list
let spec_files_from_cmdline = (* parse command-line arguments, and find spec files specified there *)
let args = ref [] in
let f arg =
if not ( Filename . check_suffix arg " .specs " ) && arg < > " . "
then print_usage_exit " arguments must be .specs files "
else args := arg :: ! args in
Arg2 . parse arg_desc f usage ;
if ! test_filtering then
Inferconfig . test () ;
exit ( 0 )
end ;
list_append ( if ! args = [ " . " ] then begin
let arr = Sys . readdir " . " in
let all_files = Array . to_list arr in
list_filter ( fun fname -> ( Filename . check_suffix fname " .specs " ) ) all_files
else ! args ) ( load_specfiles () )
(* * apply [f] to [arg] with the gc compaction disabled during the execution *)
let apply_without_gc f arg =
let stat = Gc . get () in
let space_oh = stat . Gc . space_overhead in
Gc . set { stat with Gc . space_overhead = 10000 } ;
let res = f arg in
Gc . set { stat with Gc . space_overhead = space_oh } ;
(* * Load .specs files in memory and return list of summaries *)
let load_summaries_in_memory () : t =
let summaries = ref [] in
let load_file fname =
match Specs . load_summary ( DB . filename_from_string fname ) with
| None ->
L . err " Error: cannot open file %s@. " fname ;
exit 0
| Some summary ->
summaries := ( fname , summary ) :: ! summaries in
apply_without_gc ( list_iter load_file ) spec_files_from_cmdline ;
let summ_cmp ( fname1 , summ1 ) ( fname2 , summ2 ) =
let n =
DB . source_file_compare
summ1 . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file
summ2 . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . file in
if n < > 0 then n
else int_compare
summ1 . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . line
summ2 . Specs . attributes . Sil . loc . Location . line in
list_sort summ_cmp ! summaries
(* * Create an iterator which loads spec files one at a time *)
let iterator_of_spec_files () =
let sorted_spec_files = list_sort string_compare spec_files_from_cmdline in
let do_spec f fname =
match Specs . load_summary ( DB . filename_from_string fname ) with
| None ->
L . err " Error: cannot open file %s@. " fname ;
exit 0
| Some summary ->
f ( fname , summary ) in
let iterate f =
list_iter ( do_spec f ) sorted_spec_files in
(* * Serializer for analysis results *)
let analysis_results_serializer : t Serialization . serializer = Serialization . create_serializer Serialization . analysis_results_key
(* * Load analysis_results from a file *)
let load_analysis_results_from_file ( filename : DB . filename ) : t option =
Serialization . from_file analysis_results_serializer filename
(* * Save analysis_results into a file *)
let store_analysis_results_to_file ( filename : DB . filename ) ( analysis_results : t ) =
Serialization . to_file analysis_results_serializer filename analysis_results
(* * Return an iterator over all the summaries.
If options - load_results or - save_results are used , all the summaries are loaded in memory * )
let get_summary_iterator () =
let iterator_of_summary_list r =
fun f -> list_iter f r in
match ! load_analysis_results with
| None ->
match ! save_analysis_results with
| None ->
iterator_of_spec_files ()
| Some s ->
let r = load_summaries_in_memory () in
store_analysis_results_to_file ( DB . filename_from_string s ) r ;
iterator_of_summary_list r
| Some fname ->
match load_analysis_results_from_file ( DB . filename_from_string fname ) with
| Some r ->
iterator_of_summary_list r
| None ->
L . err " Error: cannot open analysis results file %s@. " fname ;
exit 0
let compute_top_procedures = ref false (* warning: computing top procedures iterates over summaries twice *)
let () =
Config . print_using_diff := true ;
handle_source_file_copy_option () ;
let iterate_summaries = AnalysisResults . get_summary_iterator () in
let filters =
match ! analyzer with
| None -> Inferconfig . do_not_filter
| Some analyzer -> Inferconfig . create_filters analyzer in
let pdflatex fname = ignore ( Sys . command ( " pdflatex " ^ fname ) ) in
do_outf latex ( fun outf -> begin_latex_file outf . fmt ) ;
do_outf procs_csv ( fun outf -> ProcsCsv . pp_header outf . fmt () ) ;
do_outf procs_xml ( fun outf -> ProcsXml . pp_procs_open outf . fmt () ) ;
do_outf calls_csv ( fun outf -> CallsCsv . pp_header outf . fmt () ) ;
do_outf bugs_csv ( fun outf -> BugsCsv . pp_header outf . fmt () ) ;
do_outf bugs_json ( fun outf -> BugsJson . pp_json_open outf . fmt () ) ;
do_outf bugs_xml ( fun outf -> BugsXml . pp_bugs_open outf . fmt () ) ;
do_outf report ( fun outf -> Report . pp_header outf . fmt () ) ;
let top_proc = TopProcedures . create () in
if ! compute_top_procedures && ( ! procs_csv != None | | ! procs_xml != None ) then iterate_summaries ( TopProcedures . process_summary top_proc ) ;
let top_proc_set = TopProcedures . top_set top_proc in
let linereader = Printer . LineReader . create () in
let stats = Stats . create () in
iterate_summaries ( process_summary filters linereader stats top_proc_set ) ;
if ! unit_test then UnitTest . print_unit_test_main () ;
do_outf procs_csv close_outf ;
do_outf procs_xml ( fun outf -> ProcsXml . pp_procs_close outf . fmt () ; close_outf outf ) ;
do_outf bugs_csv close_outf ;
do_outf bugs_json ( fun outf -> BugsJson . pp_json_close outf . fmt () ; close_outf outf ) ;
do_outf bugs_json close_outf ;
do_outf calls_csv close_outf ;
do_outf bugs_txt close_outf ;
do_outf bugs_xml ( fun outf -> BugsXml . pp_bugs_close outf . fmt () ; close_outf outf ) ;
do_outf latex ( fun outf ->
Latex . pp_end outf . fmt () ;
close_outf outf ;
pdflatex outf . fname ;
let pdf_name = ( Filename . chop_extension outf . fname ) ^ " .pdf " in
ignore ( Sys . command ( " open " ^ pdf_name ) ) ) ;
do_outf report ( fun outf -> F . fprintf outf . fmt " %a@? " Report . pp_stats stats ; close_outf outf ) ;
if ! precondition_stats then PreconditionStats . pp_stats ()