* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module L = Logging
module BoUtils = BufferOverrunUtils
module Dom = BufferOverrunDomain
module PO = BufferOverrunProofObligations
module Sem = BufferOverrunSemantics
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
type model_env =
{ pname: Typ.Procname.t
; node_hash: int
; location: Location.t
; tenv: Tenv.t
; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t
; symbol_table: Itv.SymbolTable.t }
let mk_model_env pname node_hash location tenv integer_type_widths symbol_table =
{pname; node_hash; location; tenv; integer_type_widths; symbol_table}
type exec_fun = model_env -> ret:Ident.t * Typ.t -> Dom.Mem.astate -> Dom.Mem.astate
type check_fun = model_env -> Dom.Mem.astate -> PO.ConditionSet.t -> PO.ConditionSet.t
type model = {exec: exec_fun; check: check_fun}
type declare_local_fun =
-> model_env
-> Loc.t
-> inst_num:int
-> represents_multiple_values:bool
-> dimension:int
-> Dom.Mem.astate
-> Dom.Mem.astate * int
type declare_symbolic_fun =
-> Itv.SymbolPath.partial
-> model_env
-> depth:int
-> Loc.t
-> inst_num:int
-> new_sym_num:Counter.t
-> new_alloc_num:Counter.t
-> Dom.Mem.astate
-> Dom.Mem.astate
type typ_model = {declare_local: declare_local_fun; declare_symbolic: declare_symbolic_fun}
let no_check _model_env _mem cond_set = cond_set
(* It returns a tuple of:
- type of array element
- stride of the type
- array size
- flexible array size *)
let get_malloc_info : Exp.t -> Typ.t * Int.t option * Exp.t * Exp.t option = function
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes}, length)
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult _, length, Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes}) ->
(typ, nbytes, length, None)
(* In Java all arrays are dynamically allocated *)
| Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes; dynamic_length= Some arr_length} when Language.curr_language_is Java
(typ, nbytes, arr_length, Some arr_length)
| Exp.Sizeof {typ; nbytes; dynamic_length} ->
(typ, nbytes, Exp.one, dynamic_length)
| x ->
(Typ.mk (Typ.Tint Typ.IChar), Some 1, x, None)
let check_alloc_size size_exp {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
let _, _, length0, _ = get_malloc_info size_exp in
let v_length = Sem.eval integer_type_widths length0 mem in
match Dom.Val.get_itv v_length with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom length ->
let traces = Dom.Val.get_traces v_length in
PO.ConditionSet.add_alloc_size location ~length traces cond_set
let set_uninitialized location (typ : Typ.t) ploc mem =
match typ.desc with
| Tint _ | Tfloat _ ->
Dom.Mem.weak_update ploc Dom.Val.Itv.top mem
| _ ->
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose)
"/!\\ Do not know how to uninitialize type %a at %a@\n" (Typ.pp Pp.text) typ Location.pp
location ;
let malloc size_exp =
let exec {pname; node_hash; location; tenv; integer_type_widths} ~ret:(id, _) mem =
let size_exp = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv Sil.sub_empty size_exp in
let typ, stride, length0, dyn_length = get_malloc_info size_exp in
let length = Sem.eval integer_type_widths length0 mem in
let traces = Trace.(Set.add_elem location ArrayDeclaration) (Dom.Val.get_traces length) in
let path = Option.value_map (Dom.Mem.find_simple_alias id mem) ~default:None ~f:Loc.get_path in
let allocsite = Allocsite.make pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1 ~path in
let offset, size = (Itv.zero, Dom.Val.get_itv length) in
let size_exp_opt =
let size_exp = Option.value dyn_length ~default:length0 in
Relation.SymExp.of_exp ~get_sym_f:(Sem.get_sym_f integer_type_widths mem) size_exp
let v = Dom.Val.of_array_alloc allocsite ~stride ~offset ~size ~traces in
|> Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) v
|> Dom.Mem.init_array_relation allocsite ~offset ~size ~size_exp_opt
|> set_uninitialized location typ (Dom.Val.get_array_locs v)
|> BoUtils.Exec.init_array_fields tenv integer_type_widths pname path ~node_hash typ
(Dom.Val.get_array_locs v) ?dyn_length
and check = check_alloc_size size_exp in
{exec; check}
let calloc size_exp stride_exp =
let byte_size_exp = Exp.BinOp (Binop.Mult (Some Typ.size_t), size_exp, stride_exp) in
malloc byte_size_exp
let memcpy dest_exp src_exp size_exp =
let exec _ ~ret:_ mem = mem
and check {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
BoUtils.Check.lindex_byte integer_type_widths ~array_exp:dest_exp ~byte_index_exp:size_exp mem
location cond_set
|> BoUtils.Check.lindex_byte integer_type_widths ~array_exp:src_exp ~byte_index_exp:size_exp
mem location
{exec; check}
let memset arr_exp size_exp =
let exec _ ~ret:_ mem = mem
and check {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
BoUtils.Check.lindex_byte integer_type_widths ~array_exp:arr_exp ~byte_index_exp:size_exp mem
location cond_set
{exec; check}
let realloc src_exp size_exp =
let exec {location; tenv; integer_type_widths} ~ret:(id, _) mem =
let size_exp = Prop.exp_normalize_noabs tenv Sil.sub_empty size_exp in
let typ, _, length0, dyn_length = get_malloc_info size_exp in
let length = Sem.eval integer_type_widths length0 mem in
let v =
Sem.eval integer_type_widths src_exp mem |> Dom.Val.set_array_length location ~length
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) v mem in
Option.value_map dyn_length ~default:mem ~f:(fun dyn_length ->
let dyn_length = Dom.Val.get_itv (Sem.eval integer_type_widths dyn_length mem) in
BoUtils.Exec.set_dyn_length location tenv typ (Dom.Val.get_array_locs v) dyn_length mem )
and check = check_alloc_size size_exp in
{exec; check}
let placement_new size_exp (src_exp1, t1) src_arg2_opt =
match (t1.Typ.desc, src_arg2_opt) with
| Tint _, None | Tint _, Some (_, {Typ.desc= Tint _}) ->
malloc (Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA (Some Typ.size_t), size_exp, src_exp1))
| Tstruct (CppClass (name, _)), None
when [%compare.equal: string list] (QualifiedCppName.to_list name) ["std"; "nothrow_t"] ->
malloc size_exp
| _, _ ->
let exec {integer_type_widths} ~ret:(id, _) mem =
let src_exp =
if Typ.is_pointer_to_void t1 then src_exp1
match src_arg2_opt with
| Some (src_exp2, t2) when Typ.is_pointer_to_void t2 ->
| _ ->
(* TODO: Raise an exception when given unexpected arguments. Before that, we need
to fix the frontend to parse user defined `new` correctly. *)
L.d_error "Unexpected types of arguments for __placement_new" ;
let v = Sem.eval integer_type_widths src_exp mem in
Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) v mem
{exec; check= no_check}
let inferbo_min e1 e2 =
let exec {integer_type_widths} ~ret:(id, _) mem =
let i1 = Sem.eval integer_type_widths e1 mem |> Dom.Val.get_itv in
let i2 = Sem.eval integer_type_widths e2 mem |> Dom.Val.get_itv in
let v = Itv.min_sem i1 i2 |> Dom.Val.of_itv in
mem |> Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) v
{exec; check= no_check}
let inferbo_set_size e1 e2 =
let exec {integer_type_widths; location} ~ret:_ mem =
let locs = Sem.eval integer_type_widths e1 mem |> Dom.Val.get_pow_loc in
let length = Sem.eval integer_type_widths e2 mem in
Dom.Mem.transform_mem ~f:(Dom.Val.set_array_length location ~length) locs mem
and check = check_alloc_size e2 in
{exec; check}
let model_by_value value (id, _) mem = Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_id id) value mem
let by_value =
let exec ~value _ ~ret mem = model_by_value value ret mem in
fun value -> {exec= exec ~value; check= no_check}
let bottom =
let exec _model_env ~ret:_ _mem = Bottom in
{exec; check= no_check}
let infer_print e =
let exec {location; integer_type_widths} ~ret:_ mem =
L.(debug BufferOverrun Medium)
"@[<v>=== Infer Print === at %a@,%a@]%!" Location.pp location Dom.Val.pp
(Sem.eval integer_type_widths e mem) ;
{exec; check= no_check}
let get_array_length array_exp =
let exec {integer_type_widths} ~ret mem =
let arr = Sem.eval_arr integer_type_widths array_exp mem in
let traces = Dom.Val.get_traces arr in
let length = arr |> Dom.Val.get_array_blk |> ArrayBlk.sizeof in
let result = Dom.Val.of_itv ~traces length in
model_by_value result ret mem
{exec; check= no_check}
let set_array_length array length_exp =
let exec {pname; node_hash; location; integer_type_widths} ~ret:_ mem =
match array with
| Exp.Lvar array_pvar, {Typ.desc= Typ.Tarray {elt; stride}} ->
let length = Sem.eval integer_type_widths length_exp mem in
let stride = Option.map ~f:IntLit.to_int_exn stride in
let path = Some (Symb.SymbolPath.of_pvar array_pvar) in
let allocsite = Allocsite.make pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1 ~path in
let traces = Trace.(Set.add_elem location ArrayDeclaration) (Dom.Val.get_traces length) in
let size = Dom.Val.get_itv length in
let v = Dom.Val.of_array_alloc allocsite ~stride ~offset:Itv.zero ~size ~traces in
|> Dom.Mem.add_stack (Loc.of_pvar array_pvar) v
|> set_uninitialized location elt (Dom.Val.get_array_locs v)
| _ ->
L.(die InternalError) "Unexpected type of first argument for __set_array_length() "
and check = check_alloc_size length_exp in
{exec; check}
module Split = struct
let std_vector integer_type_widths ~adds_at_least_one (vector_exp, vector_typ) location mem =
let increment = if adds_at_least_one then Dom.Val.Itv.pos else Dom.Val.Itv.nat in
let vector_type_name = Option.value_exn (vector_typ |> Typ.strip_ptr |> Typ.name) in
let size_field = Typ.Fieldname.Clang.from_class_name vector_type_name "infer_size" in
let vector_size_locs =
Sem.eval integer_type_widths vector_exp mem
|> Dom.Val.get_all_locs
|> PowLoc.append_field ~fn:size_field
let f_trace _ traces = Trace.(Set.add_elem location Through) traces in
Dom.Mem.transform_mem ~f:(Dom.Val.plus_a ~f_trace increment) vector_size_locs mem
module Boost = struct
module Split = struct
let std_vector vector_arg =
let exec {location; integer_type_widths} ~ret:_ mem =
Split.std_vector integer_type_widths ~adds_at_least_one:true vector_arg location mem
{exec; check= no_check}
module Folly = struct
module Split = struct
let std_vector vector_arg ignore_empty_opt =
let exec {location; integer_type_widths} ~ret:_ mem =
let adds_at_least_one =
match ignore_empty_opt with
| Some ignore_empty_exp ->
Sem.eval integer_type_widths ignore_empty_exp mem |> Dom.Val.get_itv |> Itv.is_false
| None ->
(* default: ignore_empty is false *)
Split.std_vector integer_type_widths ~adds_at_least_one vector_arg location mem
{exec; check= no_check}
module StdArray = struct
let typ typ length =
let declare_local ~decl_local {pname; node_hash; location} loc ~inst_num
~represents_multiple_values ~dimension mem =
(* should this be deferred to the constructor? *)
let length = Some (IntLit.of_int64 length) in
BoUtils.Exec.decl_local_array ~decl_local pname ~node_hash location loc typ ~length ~inst_num
~represents_multiple_values ~dimension mem
let declare_symbolic ~decl_sym_val path {pname; tenv; node_hash; location; symbol_table} ~depth
loc ~inst_num ~new_sym_num ~new_alloc_num mem =
let offset = Itv.zero in
let size = Itv.of_int64 length in
BoUtils.Exec.decl_sym_arr ~decl_sym_val Symb.SymbolPath.Deref_ArrayIndex pname symbol_table
path tenv ~node_hash location ~depth loc typ ~offset ~size ~inst_num ~new_sym_num
~new_alloc_num mem
{declare_local; declare_symbolic}
let constructor _size =
let exec _model_env ~ret:_ mem = mem (* initialize? *) in
{exec; check= no_check}
let at _size (array_exp, _) (index_exp, _) =
(* TODO? use size *)
let exec {integer_type_widths} ~ret:(id, _) mem =
L.d_printfln_escaped "Using model std::array<_, %Ld>::at" _size ;
BoUtils.Exec.load_val id (Sem.eval_lindex integer_type_widths array_exp index_exp mem) mem
and check {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
BoUtils.Check.lindex integer_type_widths ~array_exp ~index_exp mem location cond_set
{exec; check}
let no_model =
let exec {pname} ~ret:_ mem =
L.d_printfln "No model for %a" Typ.Procname.pp pname ;
{exec; check= no_check}
let no_typ_model =
let no_model kind pname location mem =
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose)
"No %s type model in %a at %a" kind Typ.Procname.pp pname Location.pp location ;
let declare_local ~decl_local:_ {pname; location} _loc ~inst_num ~represents_multiple_values:_
~dimension:_ mem =
(no_model "local" pname location mem, inst_num)
let declare_symbolic ~decl_sym_val:_ _path {pname; location} ~depth:_ _loc ~inst_num:_
~new_sym_num:_ ~new_alloc_num:_ mem =
no_model "symbolic" pname location mem
{declare_local; declare_symbolic}
(* Java's Collections are represented by their size. We don't care about the elements.
- when they are constructed, we set the size to 0
- each time we add an element, we increase the length of the array
- each time we delete an element, we decrease the length of the array *)
module Collection = struct
let typ =
let declare_local ~decl_local:_ {pname; node_hash; location} loc ~inst_num
~represents_multiple_values ~dimension mem =
BoUtils.Exec.decl_local_collection pname ~node_hash location loc ~inst_num
~represents_multiple_values ~dimension mem
let declare_symbolic ~decl_sym_val:_ path {pname; location; symbol_table} ~depth:_ loc
~inst_num:_ ~new_sym_num ~new_alloc_num:_ mem =
BoUtils.Exec.decl_sym_collection pname symbol_table path location loc ~new_sym_num mem
{declare_local; declare_symbolic}
let new_list _ =
let exec {pname; node_hash; location} ~ret:(id, _) mem =
let loc = Loc.of_id id in
let path =
Option.value_map (Dom.Mem.find_simple_alias id mem) ~default:None ~f:Loc.get_path
let allocsite = Allocsite.make pname ~node_hash ~inst_num:0 ~dimension:1 ~path in
let alloc_loc = Loc.of_allocsite allocsite in
let init_size = Dom.Val.of_int 0 in
let traces = Trace.(Set.singleton location ArrayDeclaration) in
let v = Dom.Val.of_pow_loc (PowLoc.singleton alloc_loc) ~traces in
mem |> Dom.Mem.add_stack loc v |> Dom.Mem.add_heap alloc_loc init_size
{exec; check= no_check}
let change_size_by ~size_f alist_id _ ~ret:_ mem =
let alist_v = Dom.Mem.find (Loc.of_id alist_id) mem in
let locs = Dom.Val.get_pow_loc alist_v in
Dom.Mem.transform_mem ~f:size_f locs mem
let incr_size = Dom.Val.plus_a Dom.Val.Itv.one
let decr_size size = Dom.Val.minus_a size Dom.Val.Itv.one
let add alist_id = {exec= change_size_by ~size_f:incr_size alist_id; check= no_check}
let get_size integer_type_widths alist mem =
BoUtils.Exec.get_alist_size (Sem.eval integer_type_widths alist mem) mem
let size array_exp =
let exec {integer_type_widths} ~ret mem =
let size = get_size integer_type_widths array_exp mem in
model_by_value size ret mem
{exec; check= no_check}
let iterator alist =
let exec {integer_type_widths} ~ret mem =
let itr = Sem.eval integer_type_widths alist mem in
model_by_value itr ret mem
{exec; check= no_check}
let hasNext iterator =
let exec {integer_type_widths} ~ret mem =
(* Set the size of the iterator to be [0, size-1], so that range
will be size of the collection. *)
let collection_size =
get_size integer_type_widths iterator mem |> Dom.Val.get_iterator_itv
model_by_value collection_size ret mem
{exec; check= no_check}
let addAll alist_id alist_to_add =
let exec ({integer_type_widths} as model_env) ~ret mem =
let to_add_length = get_size integer_type_widths alist_to_add mem in
change_size_by ~size_f:(Dom.Val.plus_a to_add_length) alist_id model_env ~ret mem
{exec; check= no_check}
let add_at_index (alist_id : Ident.t) index_exp =
let check {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
let array_exp = Exp.Var alist_id in
BoUtils.Check.collection_access integer_type_widths ~array_exp ~index_exp
~is_collection_add:true mem location cond_set
{exec= change_size_by ~size_f:incr_size alist_id; check}
let remove_at_index alist_id index_exp =
let check {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
let array_exp = Exp.Var alist_id in
BoUtils.Check.collection_access integer_type_widths ~array_exp ~index_exp mem location
{exec= change_size_by ~size_f:decr_size alist_id; check}
let addAll_at_index alist_id index_exp alist_to_add =
let exec ({integer_type_widths} as model_env) ~ret mem =
let to_add_length = get_size integer_type_widths alist_to_add mem in
change_size_by ~size_f:(Dom.Val.plus_a to_add_length) alist_id model_env ~ret mem
let check {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
let array_exp = Exp.Var alist_id in
BoUtils.Check.collection_access integer_type_widths ~index_exp ~array_exp
~is_collection_add:true mem location cond_set
{exec; check}
let get_or_set_at_index alist_id index_exp =
let exec _model_env ~ret:_ mem = mem in
let check {location; integer_type_widths} mem cond_set =
let array_exp = Exp.Var alist_id in
BoUtils.Check.collection_access integer_type_widths ~index_exp ~array_exp mem location
{exec; check}
module Call = struct
let dispatch : (Tenv.t, model) ProcnameDispatcher.Call.dispatcher =
let open ProcnameDispatcher.Call in
let mk_std_array () = -"std" &:: "array" < any_typ &+ capt_int in
let std_array0 = mk_std_array () in
let std_array2 = mk_std_array () in
[ -"__inferbo_min" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $!--> inferbo_min
; -"__inferbo_set_size" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $!--> inferbo_set_size
; -"__exit" <>--> bottom
; -"exit" <>--> bottom
; -"fgetc" <>--> by_value Dom.Val.Itv.m1_255
; -"infer_print" <>$ capt_exp $!--> infer_print
; -"malloc" <>$ capt_exp $+...$--> malloc
; -"calloc" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $!--> calloc
; -"__new"
<>$ capt_exp_of_typ (+PatternMatch.implements_collection)
$+...$--> Collection.new_list
; -"__new" <>$ capt_exp $+...$--> malloc
; -"__new_array" <>$ capt_exp $+...$--> malloc
; -"__placement_new" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_arg $+? capt_arg $!--> placement_new
; -"realloc" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $+...$--> realloc
; -"__get_array_length" <>$ capt_exp $!--> get_array_length
; -"__set_array_length" <>$ capt_arg $+ capt_exp $!--> set_array_length
; -"strlen" <>--> by_value Dom.Val.Itv.nat
; -"memcpy" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $+...$--> memcpy
; -"memmove" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $+...$--> memcpy
; -"memset" <>$ capt_exp $+ any_arg $+ capt_exp $!--> memset
; -"strncpy" <>$ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $+...$--> memcpy
; -"boost" &:: "split"
$ capt_arg_of_typ (-"std" &:: "vector")
$+ any_arg $+ any_arg $+? any_arg $--> Boost.Split.std_vector
; -"folly" &:: "split" $ any_arg $+ any_arg
$+ capt_arg_of_typ (-"std" &:: "vector")
$+? capt_exp $--> Folly.Split.std_vector
; std_array0 >:: "array" &--> StdArray.constructor
; std_array2 >:: "at" $ capt_arg $+ capt_arg $!--> StdArray.at
; std_array2 >:: "operator[]" $ capt_arg $+ capt_arg $!--> StdArray.at
; -"std" &:: "array" &::.*--> StdArray.no_model
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "get" <>$ capt_var_exn $+ capt_exp $--> Collection.get_or_set_at_index
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "set" <>$ capt_var_exn $+ capt_exp $+ any_arg $--> Collection.get_or_set_at_index
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "remove" <>$ capt_var_exn $+ capt_exp $--> Collection.remove_at_index
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "add" <>$ capt_var_exn $+ any_arg $--> Collection.add
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "add" <>$ capt_var_exn $+ capt_exp $+ any_arg $!--> Collection.add_at_index
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection &:: "iterator" <>$ capt_exp $!--> Collection.iterator
; +PatternMatch.implements_iterator &:: "hasNext" <>$ capt_exp $!--> Collection.hasNext
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "addAll" <>$ capt_var_exn $+ capt_exp $--> Collection.addAll
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection
&:: "addAll" <>$ capt_var_exn $+ capt_exp $+ capt_exp $!--> Collection.addAll_at_index
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection &:: "size" <>$ capt_exp $!--> Collection.size ]
module TypName = struct
let dispatch : (Tenv.t, typ_model) ProcnameDispatcher.TypName.dispatcher =
let open ProcnameDispatcher.TypName in
[ -"std" &:: "array" < capt_typ `T &+ capt_int >--> StdArray.typ
; +PatternMatch.implements_collection &::.*--> Collection.typ
; +PatternMatch.implements_iterator &::.*--> Collection.typ
; -"std" &:: "array" &::.*--> StdArray.no_typ_model ]