* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module type Set = sig
type elt [@@deriving compare]
type t
val create : elt -> t
val compare_size : t -> t -> int
val merge : from:t -> to_:t -> unit
module Make (Set : Set) = struct
module H = struct
include Caml.Hashtbl
let fold : (('a, 'b) t, 'a * 'b, 'accum) Container.fold =
fun h ~init ~f ->
let f' k v accum = f accum (k, v) in
fold f' h init
module Repr : sig
(* Sort-of abstracting away the fact that a representative is just an element itself.
This ensures that the [Sets] hashtable is accessed with representative only. *)
type t = private Set.elt
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val of_elt : Set.elt -> t
val is_simpler_than : t -> t -> bool
end = struct
type t = Set.elt [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let of_elt e = e
let is_simpler_than r1 r2 = compare r1 r2 <= 0
module Reprs = struct
type t = (Set.elt, Repr.t) H.t
let create () = H.create 1
let is_a_repr (t : t) e = not (H.mem t e)
let rec find (t : t) e : Repr.t =
match H.find_opt t e with
| None ->
Repr.of_elt e
| Some r ->
let r' = find t (r :> Set.elt) in
if not (phys_equal r r') then H.replace t e r' ;
let merge (t : t) ~(from : Repr.t) ~(to_ : Repr.t) = H.replace t (from :> Set.elt) to_
module Sets = struct
type t = (Repr.t, Set.t) H.t
let create () = H.create 1
let find t r = H.find_opt t r
let find_create t (r : Repr.t) =
match H.find_opt t r with
| Some set ->
| None ->
let set = Set.create (r :> Set.elt) in
H.replace t r set ; set
let fold = H.fold
let remove_now t r = H.remove t r
(** Data-structure for disjoint sets. [reprs] is the mapping element -> representative [sets] is
the mapping representative -> set
It implements path-compression and union by size, hence find and union are amortized O(1)-ish.
[nb_iterators] and [to_remove] are used to defer removing elements to avoid iterator
invalidation during fold. *)
type t = {reprs: Reprs.t; sets: Sets.t; mutable nb_iterators: int; mutable to_remove: Repr.t list}
let create () = {reprs= Reprs.create (); sets= Sets.create (); nb_iterators= 0; to_remove= []}
let find t e = Reprs.find t.reprs e
let do_merge t ~from_r ~from_set ~to_r ~to_set =
Reprs.merge t.reprs ~from:from_r ~to_:to_r ;
Set.merge ~from:from_set ~to_:to_set ;
if t.nb_iterators <= 0 then Sets.remove_now t.sets from_r
else t.to_remove <- from_r :: t.to_remove
let find_create_set t repr = Sets.find_create t.sets repr
let union t e1 e2 =
let repr1 = find t e1 in
let repr2 = find t e2 in
if Repr.equal repr1 repr2 then None
let set1 = find_create_set t repr1 in
let set2 = find_create_set t repr2 in
let cmp_size = Set.compare_size set1 set2 in
if cmp_size < 0 || (Int.equal cmp_size 0 && Repr.is_simpler_than repr2 repr1) then (
(* A desired side-effect of using [is_simpler_than] is that the representative for a set will always be a [`Node]. For now. *)
do_merge t ~from_r:repr1 ~from_set:set1 ~to_r:repr2 ~to_set:set2 ;
Some (e1, e2) )
else (
do_merge t ~from_r:repr2 ~from_set:set2 ~to_r:repr1 ~to_set:set1 ;
Some (e2, e1) )
let is_still_a_repr t ((repr : Repr.t), _) = Reprs.is_a_repr t.reprs (repr :> Set.elt)
let after_fold t =
let new_nb_iterators = t.nb_iterators - 1 in
t.nb_iterators <- new_nb_iterators ;
if new_nb_iterators <= 0 && not (List.is_empty t.to_remove) then (
List.iter t.to_remove ~f:(Sets.remove_now t.sets) ;
t.to_remove <- [] )
let find_set t r = Sets.find t.sets r
let fold_sets t ~init ~f =
t.nb_iterators <- t.nb_iterators + 1 ;
match IContainer.filter ~fold:Sets.fold ~filter:(is_still_a_repr t) t.sets ~init ~f with
| result ->
after_fold t ; result
| exception e ->
(* Ensures [nb_iterators] is correct *)
IExn.reraise_after ~f:(fun () -> after_fold t) e