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* Copyright (c) 2013 - Facebook.
* All rights reserved.
open Clang_ast_t
open CFrontend_utils
(** This module creates extra ast constructs that are needed for the translation *)
let dummy_source_range () =
let dummy_source_loc = {
sl_file = None;
sl_line = None;
sl_column = None
} in
(dummy_source_loc, dummy_source_loc)
let dummy_stmt_info () =
Clang_ast_t.si_pointer = Ast_utils.get_fresh_pointer ();
Clang_ast_t.si_source_range = dummy_source_range ()
let dummy_decl_info decl_info =
decl_info with
Clang_ast_t.di_pointer = Ast_utils.get_fresh_pointer ();
Clang_ast_t.di_source_range = dummy_source_range ();
let empty_decl_info = {
Clang_ast_t.di_pointer = "";
Clang_ast_t.di_parent_pointer = None;
Clang_ast_t.di_previous_decl = `None;
Clang_ast_t.di_source_range = dummy_source_range ();
Clang_ast_t.di_owning_module = None;
Clang_ast_t.di_is_hidden = false;
Clang_ast_t.di_is_implicit = false;
Clang_ast_t.di_is_used = true;
Clang_ast_t.di_is_this_declaration_referenced = true;
Clang_ast_t.di_is_invalid_decl = false;
Clang_ast_t.di_attributes = [];
Clang_ast_t.di_full_comment = None;
let stmt_info_with_fresh_pointer stmt_info =
Clang_ast_t.si_pointer = Ast_utils.get_fresh_pointer ();
Clang_ast_t.si_source_range = stmt_info.si_source_range
let create_qual_type s =
Clang_ast_t.qt_raw = s;
Clang_ast_t.qt_desugared = Some s
let create_pointer_type s =
create_qual_type (s^" *")
let create_int_type () = create_qual_type "int"
let create_void_type () = create_qual_type "void *"
let create_id_type () = create_qual_type "id"
let create_char_type () = create_qual_type "char *"
let create_integer_literal stmt_info n =
let stmt_info = dummy_stmt_info () in
let expr_info = {
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = create_int_type ();
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `RValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = `Ordinary
} in
let integer_literal_info = {
Clang_ast_t.ili_is_signed = true;
Clang_ast_t.ili_bitwidth = 32;
Clang_ast_t.ili_value = n
} in
IntegerLiteral (stmt_info, [], expr_info, integer_literal_info)
let create_cstyle_cast_expr stmt_info stmts qt =
let expr_info = {
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = create_void_type ();
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `RValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = `Ordinary
} in
let cast_expr = {
Clang_ast_t.cei_cast_kind = `NullToPointer;
Clang_ast_t.cei_base_path = []
} in
CStyleCastExpr (stmt_info, stmts, expr_info, cast_expr, qt)
let create_parent_expr stmt_info stmts =
let expr_info = {
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = create_void_type ();
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `RValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = `Ordinary
} in
ParenExpr (stmt_info, stmts, expr_info)
let create_implicit_cast_expr stmt_info stmts typ cast_kind =
let expr_info = {
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = typ;
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `RValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = `Ordinary
} in
let cast_expr_info = {
Clang_ast_t.cei_cast_kind = cast_kind;
Clang_ast_t.cei_base_path = []
} in
ImplicitCastExpr (stmt_info, stmts, expr_info, cast_expr_info)
let create_nil stmt_info =
let integer_literal = create_integer_literal stmt_info "0" in
let cstyle_cast_expr = create_cstyle_cast_expr stmt_info [integer_literal] (create_int_type ()) in
let paren_expr = create_parent_expr stmt_info [cstyle_cast_expr] in
let implicit_cast_expr = create_implicit_cast_expr stmt_info [paren_expr] (create_id_type ()) `NullToPointer in
let dummy_stmt () =
let pointer = Ast_utils.get_fresh_pointer () in
let source_range = dummy_source_range () in
NullStmt({ Clang_ast_t.si_pointer = pointer; Clang_ast_t.si_source_range = source_range } ,[])
let make_stmt_info di =
{ Clang_ast_t.si_pointer = di.Clang_ast_t.di_pointer; Clang_ast_t.si_source_range = di.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range }
let make_expr_info qt objc_kind = {
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = qt;
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `LValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = objc_kind;}
let make_method_decl_info mdi body = {
Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_instance_method = mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_instance_method;
Clang_ast_t.omdi_result_type = mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_result_type;
Clang_ast_t.omdi_parameters = mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_parameters;
Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_variadic = mdi.Clang_ast_t.omdi_is_variadic;
Clang_ast_t.omdi_body = Some body; }
let make_decl_ref_exp stmt_info expr_info drei =
let stmt_info = {
Clang_ast_t.si_pointer = Ast_utils.get_fresh_pointer ();
Clang_ast_t.si_source_range = stmt_info.Clang_ast_t.si_source_range
} in
DeclRefExpr(stmt_info, [], expr_info, drei)
let make_obj_c_message_expr_info sel typ =
Clang_ast_t.omei_selector = sel;
Clang_ast_t.omei_receiver_kind = `Class (create_qual_type typ)
let make_general_decl_ref k name is_hidden qt = {
Clang_ast_t.dr_kind = k;
Clang_ast_t.dr_name = Some name;
Clang_ast_t.dr_is_hidden = is_hidden ;
Clang_ast_t.dr_qual_type = Some (qt)
let make_decl_ref name =
make_general_decl_ref (`Var) name false (create_int_type ())
let make_decl_ref_self qt = {
Clang_ast_t.dr_kind = `ImplicitParam;
Clang_ast_t.dr_name = Some "self";
Clang_ast_t.dr_is_hidden = false ;
Clang_ast_t.dr_qual_type = Some qt
let make_decl_ref_expr_info decl_ref = {
Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref = Some decl_ref;
Clang_ast_t.drti_found_decl_ref = None;
let make_obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info k n qt = {
Clang_ast_t.ovrei_decl_ref = make_general_decl_ref k n false qt;
Clang_ast_t.ovrei_pointer = Ast_utils.get_fresh_pointer ();
Clang_ast_t.ovrei_is_free_ivar = true;
let make_nondet_exp stmt_info =
let drei = {
Clang_ast_t.drti_decl_ref = Some (make_decl_ref "__INFER_NON_DET");
Clang_ast_t.drti_found_decl_ref = None; } in
let qt = create_int_type () in
let ei = make_expr_info qt `Ordinary in
let e = make_decl_ref_exp stmt_info ei drei in
let cast = create_implicit_cast_expr stmt_info [e] qt `LValueToRValue in
let zero = create_integer_literal stmt_info "0" in
BinaryOperator(stmt_info, [cast; zero], ei, { Clang_ast_t.boi_kind = `GT } )
(* Build an AST cast expression of a decl_ref_expr *)
let make_cast_expr qt di decl_ref_expr_info objc_kind =
let expr_info = make_expr_info qt objc_kind in
let stmt_info = make_stmt_info di in
let decl_ref_exp = make_decl_ref_exp stmt_info expr_info decl_ref_expr_info in
let cast_expr = {
Clang_ast_t.cei_cast_kind = `LValueToRValue;
Clang_ast_t.cei_base_path = []
} in
let cast_exp_rhs = ImplicitCastExpr(stmt_info, [decl_ref_exp], expr_info, cast_expr) in
(* Build AST expression self.field_name as `LValue *)
let make_self_field class_type di qt field_name =
let qt_class = create_qual_type class_type in
let expr_info = make_expr_info qt `ObjCProperty in
let stmt_info = make_stmt_info di in
let cast_exp = make_cast_expr qt_class di (make_decl_ref_expr_info (make_decl_ref_self qt_class)) `ObjCProperty in
let obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info = make_obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info (`ObjCIvar) field_name qt in
let ivar_ref_exp = ObjCIvarRefExpr(stmt_info, [cast_exp], expr_info, obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info) in
(* Build AST expression for self.field_name casted as `RValue. *)
let make_deref_self_field class_decl_opt di qt field_name =
let stmt_info = make_stmt_info di in
let ivar_ref_exp = make_self_field class_decl_opt di qt field_name in
let expr_info' = make_expr_info qt `ObjCProperty in
let cast_exp_info =
Clang_ast_t.cei_cast_kind = `LValueToRValue;
Clang_ast_t.cei_base_path = []
} in
let cast_exp' = ImplicitCastExpr(stmt_info, [ivar_ref_exp], expr_info', cast_exp_info) in
let make_objc_ivar_decl decl_info qt property_impl_decl_info =
let name = Ast_utils.property_name property_impl_decl_info in
let qt = match qt with
| Some qt' -> qt'
| None -> (* a qual_type was not found by the caller, so we try to get it out of property_impl_decl_info *)
(match property_impl_decl_info.Clang_ast_t.opidi_ivar_decl with
| Some decl_ref -> (match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_qual_type with
| Some qt' -> qt'
| None -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false) in
let field_decl_info = {
Clang_ast_t.fldi_is_mutable = true;
Clang_ast_t.fldi_is_module_private = true;
Clang_ast_t.fldi_init_expr = None;
Clang_ast_t.fldi_bit_width_expr = None } in
let obj_c_ivar_decl_info = {
Clang_ast_t.ovdi_is_synthesize = true; (* NOTE: We set true here because we use this definition to synthesize the getter/setter*)
Clang_ast_t.ovdi_access_control = `Private } in
ObjCIvarDecl(decl_info, name, qt, field_decl_info, obj_c_ivar_decl_info)
let make_expr_info qt =
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = qt;
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `LValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = `ObjCProperty
let make_decl_ref_exp_var (var_name, var_qt) var_kind stmt_info =
let stmt_info = stmt_info_with_fresh_pointer stmt_info in
let decl_ref = make_general_decl_ref var_kind var_name false var_qt in
let expr_info = make_expr_info var_qt in
make_decl_ref_exp stmt_info expr_info (make_decl_ref_expr_info decl_ref)
let make_message_expr param_qt selector decl_ref_exp stmt_info =
let stmt_info = stmt_info_with_fresh_pointer stmt_info in
let cast_expr = create_implicit_cast_expr stmt_info [decl_ref_exp] param_qt `LValueToRValue in
let parameters = [cast_expr] in
let obj_c_message_expr_info = {
omei_selector = selector;
omei_receiver_kind = `Instance
} in
let expr_info = make_expr_info param_qt in
ObjCMessageExpr (stmt_info, parameters, expr_info, obj_c_message_expr_info)
let make_compound_stmt stmts stmt_info =
let stmt_info = stmt_info_with_fresh_pointer stmt_info in
CompoundStmt (stmt_info, stmts)
let make_binary_stmt stmt1 stmt2 stmt_info expr_info boi =
let stmt_info = stmt_info_with_fresh_pointer stmt_info in
BinaryOperator(stmt_info, [stmt1; stmt2], expr_info, boi)
let make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class selector qt =
omei_selector = selector;
omei_receiver_kind = `Class qt;
let empty_var_decl = {
vdi_storage_class = None;
vdi_tls_kind =`Tls_none;
vdi_is_module_private = false;
vdi_is_nrvo_variable = false;
vdi_init_expr = None
(* dispatch_once(v,block_def) is transformed as: *)
(* void (^block_var)()=block_def; block_var() *)
let translate_dispatch_function block_name stmt_info stmt_list ei n =
let block_expr =
try Utils.list_nth stmt_list (n + 1)
with Not_found -> assert false in
match block_expr with BlockExpr(bsi, bsl, bei, bd) ->
let qt = bei.Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type in
let cast_info = { cei_cast_kind = `BitCast; cei_base_path =[]} in
let block_def = ImplicitCastExpr(stmt_info,[block_expr], bei, cast_info) in
let decl_info = { empty_decl_info
with di_pointer = stmt_info.si_pointer; di_source_range = stmt_info.si_source_range } in
let var_decl_info = { empty_var_decl with vdi_init_expr = Some block_def } in
let block_var_decl = VarDecl(decl_info, block_name, ei.ei_qual_type, var_decl_info) in
let decl_stmt = DeclStmt(stmt_info,[], [block_var_decl]) in
let expr_info_call = {
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = create_void_type ();
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `XValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = `Ordinary
} in
let expr_info_dre = {
Clang_ast_t.ei_qual_type = qt;
Clang_ast_t.ei_value_kind = `LValue;
Clang_ast_t.ei_object_kind = `Ordinary
} in
let decl_ref = {
dr_kind = `Var;
dr_name = Some block_name;
dr_is_hidden = false;
dr_qual_type = Some qt;
} in
let decl_ref_expr_info = {
drti_decl_ref = Some decl_ref;
drti_found_decl_ref = None
} in
let cast_info_call = { cei_cast_kind = `LValueToRValue; cei_base_path =[]} in
let decl_ref_exp = DeclRefExpr(stmt_info, [], expr_info_dre, decl_ref_expr_info) in
let stmt_call = ImplicitCastExpr(stmt_info, [decl_ref_exp], bei, cast_info_call) in
let call_block_var = CallExpr(stmt_info, [stmt_call], expr_info_call) in
CompoundStmt (stmt_info, [decl_stmt; call_block_var]), qt
| _ -> assert false (* when we call this function we have already checked that this cannot be possible *)
(* We translate the logical negation of an integer with a conditional*)
(* !x <=> x?0:1 *)
let trans_negation_with_conditional stmt_info expr_info stmt_list =
let stmt_list_cond = stmt_list @ [create_integer_literal stmt_info "0"] @ [create_integer_literal stmt_info "1"] in
ConditionalOperator(stmt_info, stmt_list_cond, expr_info)