* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
let tests =
let open AccessPathTestUtils in
let x = make_access_path "x" [] in
let y = make_access_path "y" [] in
let f_access = make_field_access "f" in
let g_access = make_field_access "g" in
let xF = make_access_path "x" ["f"] in
let xFG = make_access_path "x" ["f"; "g";] in
let yF = make_access_path "y" ["f"] in
let xArr =
let dummy_typ = Typ.mk Tvoid in
let dummy_arr_typ = Typ.mk (Tarray (dummy_typ, None, None)) in
let base = make_base "x" ~typ:dummy_arr_typ in
base, [make_array_access dummy_typ] in
let x_exact = AccessPath.Exact x in
let y_exact = AccessPath.Exact y in
let x_abstract = AccessPath.Abstracted x in
let xF_exact = AccessPath.Exact xF in
let xFG_exact = AccessPath.Exact xFG in
let yF_exact = AccessPath.Exact yF in
let yF_abstract = AccessPath.Abstracted yF in
let open OUnit2 in
let equal_test =
let equal_test_ _ =
assert_bool "equal works for bases" (AccessPath.Raw.equal x (make_access_path "x" []));
"equal works for paths"
(AccessPath.Raw.equal xFG (make_access_path "x" ["f"; "g";]));
assert_bool "disequality works for bases" (not (AccessPath.Raw.equal x y));
assert_bool "disequality works for paths" (not (AccessPath.Raw.equal xF xFG)) in
"equal">::equal_test_ in
let append_test =
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
"Expected output %a but got %a"
AccessPath.Raw.pp expected
AccessPath.Raw.pp actual in
let assert_eq input expected =
assert_equal ~cmp:AccessPath.Raw.equal ~pp_diff input expected in
let append_test_ _ =
assert_eq xF (AccessPath.append x [f_access]);
assert_eq xFG (AccessPath.append xF [g_access]) in
"append">::append_test_ in
let prefix_test =
let prefix_test_ _ =
assert_bool "x is prefix of self" (AccessPath.is_prefix x x);
assert_bool "x.f is prefix of self" (AccessPath.is_prefix xF xF);
assert_bool "x is not prefix of y" (not (AccessPath.is_prefix x y));
assert_bool "x is prefix of x.f" (AccessPath.is_prefix x xF);
assert_bool "x.f not prefix of x" (not (AccessPath.is_prefix xF x));
assert_bool "x.f is prefix of x.f.g" (AccessPath.is_prefix xF xFG);
assert_bool "x.f.g is not prefix of x.f" (not (AccessPath.is_prefix xFG xF));
assert_bool "y.f is not prefix of x.f" (not (AccessPath.is_prefix yF xF));
assert_bool "y.f is not prefix of x.f.g" (not (AccessPath.is_prefix yF xFG)) in
"prefix">::prefix_test_ in
let of_exp_test =
let f_resolve_id _ = None in
let dummy_typ = Typ.mk Tvoid in
let check_make_ap exp expected_ap ~f_resolve_id =
let make_ap exp =
match AccessPath.of_lhs_exp exp dummy_typ ~f_resolve_id with
| Some ap -> ap
| None -> assert false in
let actual_ap = make_ap exp in
let pp_diff fmt (actual_ap, expected_ap) =
"Expected to make access path %a from expression %a, but got %a"
AccessPath.Raw.pp expected_ap
Exp.pp exp
AccessPath.Raw.pp actual_ap in
assert_equal ~cmp:AccessPath.Raw.equal ~pp_diff actual_ap expected_ap in
let of_exp_test_ _ =
let f_fieldname = make_fieldname "f" in
let g_fieldname = make_fieldname "g" in
let x_exp = Exp.Lvar (make_var "x") in
check_make_ap x_exp x ~f_resolve_id;
let xF_exp = Exp.Lfield (x_exp, f_fieldname, dummy_typ) in
check_make_ap xF_exp xF ~f_resolve_id;
let xFG_exp = Exp.Lfield (xF_exp, g_fieldname, dummy_typ) in
check_make_ap xFG_exp xFG ~f_resolve_id;
let xArr_exp = Exp.Lindex (x_exp, Exp.zero) in
check_make_ap xArr_exp xArr ~f_resolve_id;
(* make sure [f_resolve_id] works *)
let f_resolve_id_to_xF _ = Some xF in
let xFG_exp_with_id =
let id_exp = Exp.Var (Ident.create_normal (Ident.string_to_name "") 0) in
Exp.Lfield (id_exp, g_fieldname, dummy_typ) in
check_make_ap xFG_exp_with_id xFG ~f_resolve_id:f_resolve_id_to_xF;
(* make sure we can grab access paths from compound expressions *)
let binop_exp = Exp.le xF_exp xFG_exp in
match AccessPath.of_exp binop_exp dummy_typ ~f_resolve_id with
| [ap1; ap2] ->
assert_equal ~cmp:AccessPath.Raw.equal ap1 xFG;
assert_equal ~cmp:AccessPath.Raw.equal ap2 xF;
| _ ->
assert false in
"of_exp">::of_exp_test_ in
let abstraction_test =
let abstraction_test_ _ =
assert_bool "extract" (AccessPath.Raw.equal (AccessPath.extract xF_exact) xF);
assert_bool "is_exact" (AccessPath.is_exact x_exact);
assert_bool "not is_exact" (not (AccessPath.is_exact x_abstract));
assert_bool "(<=)1" (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:x_exact ~rhs:x_abstract);
assert_bool "(<=)2" (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:xF_exact ~rhs:x_abstract);
"not (<=)1"
(not (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:x_abstract ~rhs:x_exact));
"not (<=)2"
(not (AccessPath.(<=) ~lhs:x_abstract ~rhs:xF_exact)) in
"abstraction">::abstraction_test_ in
let domain_test =
let domain_test_ _ =
let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) =
F.fprintf fmt "Expected %s but got %s" expected actual in
let assert_eq input_aps expected =
let input = F.asprintf "%a" AccessPathDomains.Set.pp input_aps in
assert_equal ~cmp:String.equal ~pp_diff input expected in
let aps1 = AccessPathDomains.Set.of_list [x_exact; x_abstract] in (* { x*, x } *)
let aps2 = AccessPathDomains.Set.add xF_exact aps1 in (* x*, x, x.f *)
let aps3 = AccessPathDomains.Set.add yF_exact aps2 in (* x*, x, x.f, y.f *)
assert_bool "mem_easy" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem x_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_harder1" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem xFG_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_harder2" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem x_abstract aps1);
assert_bool "mem_negative" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem y_exact aps1));
assert_bool "mem_not_fully_contained" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem yF_abstract aps3));
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_easy" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy x_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_harder1" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy xFG_exact aps1);
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_harder2" (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy x_abstract aps1);
assert_bool "mem_fuzzy_negative" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy y_exact aps1));
(* [mem_fuzzy] should behave the same as [mem] except in this case *)
(AccessPathDomains.Set.mem_fuzzy yF_abstract aps3);
assert_bool "<= on same is true" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps1 ~rhs:aps1);
assert_bool "aps1 <= aps2" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps1 ~rhs:aps2);
assert_bool "aps2 <= aps1" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps2 ~rhs:aps1);
assert_bool "aps1 <= aps3" (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps1 ~rhs:aps3);
assert_bool "not aps3 <= aps1" (not (AccessPathDomains.Set.(<=) ~lhs:aps3 ~rhs:aps1));
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.join aps1 aps1) "{ &x*, &x }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.join aps1 aps2) "{ &x*, &x, &x.f }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.join aps1 aps3) "{ &x*, &x, &x.f, &y.f }";
let widen s1 s2 =
AccessPathDomains.Set.widen ~prev:s1 ~next:s2 ~num_iters:10 in
assert_eq (widen aps1 aps1) "{ &x*, &x }";
assert_eq (widen aps2 aps3) "{ &x*, &y.f*, &x, &x.f }";
let aps_prev = AccessPathDomains.Set.of_list [x_exact; y_exact] in (* { x, y } *)
let aps_next = AccessPathDomains.Set.of_list [y_exact; yF_exact] in (* { y. y.f } *)
(* { x, y } \/ { y, y.f } = { y.f*, x, y } *)
assert_eq (widen aps_prev aps_next) "{ &y.f*, &x, &y }";
(* { y, y.f } \/ { x, y } = { x*, y, y.f } *)
assert_eq (widen aps_next aps_prev) "{ &x*, &y, &y.f }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.normalize aps1) "{ &x* }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.normalize aps2) "{ &x* }";
assert_eq (AccessPathDomains.Set.normalize aps3) "{ &x*, &y.f }" in
"domain">::domain_test_ in