* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
(** This function should be used before adding a new index to Earray. The [exp] is the newly created
index. This function "cleans" [exp] according to whether it is the footprint or current part of
the prop. The function faults in the re - execution mode, as an internal check of the tool. *)
let array_clean_new_index footprint_part new_idx =
assert (not (footprint_part && not !BiabductionConfig.footprint)) ;
&& Exp.free_vars new_idx |> Sequence.exists ~f:(fun id -> not (Ident.is_footprint id))
then (
( "Array index " ^ Exp.to_string new_idx
^ " has non-footprint vars: replaced by fresh footprint var" ) ;
L.d_ln () ;
let id = Ident.create_fresh Ident.kfootprint in
Exp.Var id )
else new_idx
(** Abstraction for Arrays *)
type sigma = Predicates.hpred list
(** Matcher for the sigma part specialized to strexps *)
module StrexpMatch : sig
(** path through a strexp *)
type path
val path_to_exps : path -> Exp.t list
(** convert a path into a list of expressions *)
val path_from_exp_offsets : Exp.t -> Predicates.offset list -> path
(** create a path from a root and a list of offsets *)
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(** path to the root, length, elements and type of a new_array *)
type strexp_data = path * Predicates.strexp * Typ.t
(** sigma with info about a current array *)
type t
val find_path : sigma -> path -> t
(** Find a strexp at the given path. Can raise [Not_found] *)
val find : Tenv.t -> sigma -> (strexp_data -> bool) -> t list
(** Find a strexp with the given property. *)
val get_data : Tenv.t -> t -> strexp_data
(** Get the array *)
val replace_strexp : Tenv.t -> bool -> t -> Predicates.strexp -> sigma
(** Replace the strexp at a given position by a new strexp *)
val replace_index : Tenv.t -> bool -> t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> sigma
(** Replace the index in the array at a given position with the new index *)
end = struct
(** syntactic offset *)
type syn_offset = Field of Typ.Fieldname.t * Typ.t | Index of Exp.t
(** path through an Estruct *)
type path = Exp.t * syn_offset list
(** Find a strexp and a type at the given syntactic offset list *)
let rec get_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se (t : Typ.t) syn_offs =
let fail () =
L.d_strln "Failure of get_strexp_at_syn_offsets" ;
L.d_str "se: " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_str "t: " ;
Typ.d_full t ;
L.d_ln () ;
assert false
match (se, t.desc, syn_offs) with
| _, _, [] ->
(se, t)
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, _), Tstruct name, Field (fld, _) :: syn_offs' -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {fields} ->
let se' = snd (List.find_exn ~f:(fun (f', _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal f' fld) fsel) in
let t' = snd3 (List.find_exn ~f:(fun (f', _, _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal f' fld) fields) in
get_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se' t' syn_offs'
| None ->
fail () )
| Predicates.Earray (_, esel, _), Typ.Tarray {elt= t'}, Index ind :: syn_offs' ->
let se' = snd (List.find_exn ~f:(fun (i', _) -> Exp.equal i' ind) esel) in
get_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se' t' syn_offs'
| _ ->
fail ()
(** Replace a strexp at the given syntactic offset list *)
let rec replace_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se (t : Typ.t) syn_offs update =
match (se, t.desc, syn_offs) with
| _, _, [] ->
update se
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, inst), Tstruct name, Field (fld, _) :: syn_offs' -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {fields} ->
let se' = snd (List.find_exn ~f:(fun (f', _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal f' fld) fsel) in
let t' =
(fun (_, y, _) -> y)
(List.find_exn ~f:(fun (f', _, _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal f' fld) fields)
let se_mod = replace_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se' t' syn_offs' update in
let fsel' =
~f:(fun (f'', se'') ->
if Typ.Fieldname.equal f'' fld then (fld, se_mod) else (f'', se'') )
Predicates.Estruct (fsel', inst)
| None ->
assert false )
| Predicates.Earray (len, esel, inst), Tarray {elt= t'}, Index idx :: syn_offs' ->
let se' = snd (List.find_exn ~f:(fun (i', _) -> Exp.equal i' idx) esel) in
let se_mod = replace_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se' t' syn_offs' update in
let esel' =
List.map ~f:(fun ese -> if Exp.equal (fst ese) idx then (idx, se_mod) else ese) esel
Predicates.Earray (len, esel', inst)
| _ ->
assert false
(** convert a path into an expression *)
let path_to_exps (root, syn_offs_in) =
let rec convert acc = function
| [] ->
| Field (f, t) :: syn_offs' ->
let acc' = List.map ~f:(fun e -> Exp.Lfield (e, f, t)) acc in
convert acc' syn_offs'
| Index idx :: syn_offs' ->
let acc' = List.map ~f:(fun e -> Exp.Lindex (e, idx)) acc in
convert acc' syn_offs'
convert [root] syn_offs_in
(** create a path from a root and a list of offsets *)
let path_from_exp_offsets root offs =
let offset_to_syn_offset = function
| Predicates.Off_fld (fld, typ) ->
Field (fld, typ)
| Predicates.Off_index idx ->
Index idx
let syn_offs = List.map ~f:offset_to_syn_offset offs in
(root, syn_offs)
Optimize normalization, substitution, renaming of array types
Array types where the length is not statically known were represented
using fresh variables. This diff:
- Makes array type length optional, reducing the amount of work needed
for renaming, substitution, and normalization.
- Revises uses of array length so that the length component of a
Tarray type represents only the statically determined constant
length of an array type, and the length component of a Sizeof
expression represents the dynamically determined length of an array
- Restricts the type of static lengths from a general expression
(Sil.exp) to an integer (Sil.Int.t), enforcing that static types are
constant. This in particular ensures that types contain no
variables, and so are invariant under operations such as renaming
and substitution.
- Removes the type substitution and renaming functions typ_sub,
typ_normalize, and typ_captured_ren. Now that array type lengths
are constant integers, all of these functions are the identity.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D3387343
fbshipit-source-id: b5db768
9 years ago
(** path to the root, len, elements and type of a new_array *)
type strexp_data = path * Predicates.strexp * Typ.t
(** Store hpred using physical equality, and offset list for an array *)
type t = sigma * Predicates.hpred * syn_offset list
(** Find an array at the given path. Can raise [Not_found] *)
let find_path sigma (root, syn_offs) : t =
let filter = function Predicates.Hpointsto (e, _, _) -> Exp.equal root e | _ -> false in
let hpred = List.find_exn ~f:filter sigma in
(sigma, hpred, syn_offs)
(** Find a sub strexp with the given property. Can raise [Not_found] *)
let find tenv (sigma : sigma) (pred : strexp_data -> bool) : t list =
let found = ref [] in
let rec find_offset_sexp sigma_other hpred root offs se (typ : Typ.t) =
let offs' = List.rev offs in
let path = (root, offs') in
if pred (path, se, typ) then found := (sigma, hpred, offs') :: !found
match (se, typ.desc) with
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, _), Tstruct name -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv name with
| Some {fields} ->
find_offset_fsel sigma_other hpred root offs fsel fields typ
| None ->
() )
| Predicates.Earray (_, esel, _), Tarray {elt} ->
find_offset_esel sigma_other hpred root offs esel elt
| _ ->
and find_offset_fsel sigma_other hpred root offs fsel ftal typ =
match fsel with
| [] ->
| (f, se) :: fsel' ->
( match List.find ~f:(fun (f', _, _) -> Typ.Fieldname.equal f' f) ftal with
| Some (_, t, _) ->
find_offset_sexp sigma_other hpred root (Field (f, typ) :: offs) se t
| None ->
L.d_printfln "Can't find field %a in StrexpMatch.find" Typ.Fieldname.pp f ) ;
find_offset_fsel sigma_other hpred root offs fsel' ftal typ
and find_offset_esel sigma_other hpred root offs esel t =
match esel with
| [] ->
| (ind, se) :: esel' ->
find_offset_sexp sigma_other hpred root (Index ind :: offs) se t ;
find_offset_esel sigma_other hpred root offs esel' t
let rec iterate sigma_seen = function
| [] ->
| hpred :: sigma_rest ->
( match hpred with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (root, se, te) ->
let sigma_other = sigma_seen @ sigma_rest in
find_offset_sexp sigma_other hpred root [] se (Exp.texp_to_typ None te)
| _ ->
() ) ;
iterate (hpred :: sigma_seen) sigma_rest
iterate [] sigma ; !found
(** Get the matched strexp *)
let get_data tenv ((_, hpred, syn_offs) : t) =
match hpred with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (root, se, te) ->
let t = Exp.texp_to_typ None te in
let se', t' = get_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se t syn_offs in
let path' = (root, syn_offs) in
(path', se', t')
| _ ->
assert false
(** Replace the current hpred *)
let replace_hpred ((sigma, hpred, _) : t) hpred' =
List.map ~f:(fun hpred'' -> if phys_equal hpred'' hpred then hpred' else hpred'') sigma
(** Replace the strexp at the given offset in the given hpred *)
let hpred_replace_strexp tenv footprint_part hpred syn_offs update =
let update se' =
let se_in = update se' in
match (se', se_in) with
| Predicates.Earray (len, esel, _), Predicates.Earray (_, esel_in, inst2) ->
let orig_indices = List.map ~f:fst esel in
let index_is_not_new idx = List.exists ~f:(Exp.equal idx) orig_indices in
let process_index idx =
if index_is_not_new idx then idx else array_clean_new_index footprint_part idx
let esel_in' = List.map ~f:(fun (idx, se) -> (process_index idx, se)) esel_in in
Predicates.Earray (len, esel_in', inst2)
| _, _ ->
match hpred with
| Predicates.Hpointsto (root, se, te) ->
let t = Exp.texp_to_typ None te in
let se' = replace_strexp_at_syn_offsets tenv se t syn_offs update in
Predicates.Hpointsto (root, se', te)
| _ ->
assert false
(** Replace the strexp at a given position by a new strexp *)
let replace_strexp tenv footprint_part ((sigma, hpred, syn_offs) : t) se_in =
let update _ = se_in in
let hpred' = hpred_replace_strexp tenv footprint_part hpred syn_offs update in
replace_hpred (sigma, hpred, syn_offs) hpred'
(** Replace the index in the array at a given position with the new index *)
let replace_index tenv footprint_part ((sigma, hpred, syn_offs) : t) (index : Exp.t)
(index' : Exp.t) =
let update se' =
match se' with
| Predicates.Earray (len, esel, inst) ->
let esel' =
~f:(fun (e', se') -> if Exp.equal e' index then (index', se') else (e', se'))
Predicates.Earray (len, esel', inst)
| _ ->
assert false
let hpred' = hpred_replace_strexp tenv footprint_part hpred syn_offs update in
replace_hpred (sigma, hpred, syn_offs) hpred'
(** This function renames expressions in [p]. The renaming is, roughly speaking, to replace [path.i]
by [path.i'] for all (i, i') in [map]. *)
let prop_replace_path_index tenv (p : Prop.exposed Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path)
(map : (Exp.t * Exp.t) list) : Prop.exposed Prop.t =
let elist_path = StrexpMatch.path_to_exps path in
let expmap_list =
~f:(fun acc_outer e_path ->
~f:(fun acc_inner (old_index, new_index) ->
let old_e_path_index =
Prop.exp_normalize_prop tenv p (Exp.Lindex (e_path, old_index))
let new_e_path_index =
Prop.exp_normalize_prop tenv p (Exp.Lindex (e_path, new_index))
(old_e_path_index, new_e_path_index) :: acc_inner )
~init:acc_outer map )
~init:[] elist_path
let expmap_fun e' =
Option.value_map ~f:snd (List.find ~f:(fun (e, _) -> Exp.equal e e') expmap_list) ~default:e'
Prop.prop_expmap expmap_fun p
(** This function uses [update] and transforms the two sigma parts of [p], the sigma of the current
SH of [p] and that of the footprint of [p]. *)
let prop_update_sigma_and_fp_sigma tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t)
(update : bool -> sigma -> sigma * bool) : Prop.normal Prop.t * bool =
let sigma', changed = update false p.Prop.sigma in
let ep1 = Prop.set p ~sigma:sigma' in
let ep2, changed2 =
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then
let sigma_fp', changed' = update true ep1.Prop.sigma_fp in
(Prop.set ep1 ~sigma_fp:sigma_fp', changed')
else (ep1, false)
(Prop.normalize tenv ep2, changed || changed2)
(** Remember whether array abstraction was performed (to be reset before calling Abs.abstract) *)
let array_abstraction_performed = ref false
(** This function abstracts strexps. The parameter [can_abstract] spots strexps where the
abstraction might be applicable, and the parameter [do_abstract] does the abstraction to those
spotted strexps. *)
let generic_strexp_abstract tenv (abstraction_name : string) (p_in : Prop.normal Prop.t)
(can_abstract_ : StrexpMatch.strexp_data -> bool)
(do_abstract :
bool -> Prop.normal Prop.t -> StrexpMatch.strexp_data -> Prop.normal Prop.t * bool) :
Prop.normal Prop.t =
let can_abstract data =
let r = can_abstract_ data in
if r then array_abstraction_performed := true ;
let find_strexp_to_abstract p0 =
let find sigma = StrexpMatch.find tenv sigma can_abstract in
let matchings_cur = find p0.Prop.sigma in
let matchings_fp = find p0.Prop.sigma_fp in
(matchings_cur, matchings_fp)
let match_select_next (matchings_cur, matchings_fp) =
match (matchings_cur, matchings_fp) with
| [], [] ->
raise Caml.Not_found
| matched :: cur', fp' ->
(matched, false, (cur', fp'))
| [], matched :: fp' ->
(matched, true, ([], fp'))
let rec match_abstract p0 matchings_cur_fp =
let matched, footprint_part, matchings_cur_fp' = match_select_next matchings_cur_fp in
let n = List.length (snd matchings_cur_fp') + 1 in
if Config.trace_absarray then L.d_printfln "Num of fp candidates %d" n ;
let strexp_data = StrexpMatch.get_data tenv matched in
let p1, changed = do_abstract footprint_part p0 strexp_data in
if changed then (p1, true) else match_abstract p0 matchings_cur_fp'
with Caml.Not_found -> (p0, false)
let rec find_then_abstract bound p0 =
if Int.equal bound 0 then p0
else (
if Config.trace_absarray then (
L.d_printfln "Applying %s to" abstraction_name ;
Prop.d_prop p0 ;
L.d_ln () ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
let matchings_cur_fp = find_strexp_to_abstract p0 in
let p1, changed = match_abstract p0 matchings_cur_fp in
if changed then find_then_abstract (bound - 1) p1 else p0 )
let matchings_cur, matchings_fp = find_strexp_to_abstract p_in in
let num_matches = List.length matchings_cur + List.length matchings_fp in
find_then_abstract num_matches p_in
(** Return [true] if there's a pointer to the index *)
let index_is_pointed_to tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path) (index : Exp.t) :
bool =
let indices =
let index_plus_one = Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, index, Exp.one) in
[index; index_plus_one]
let add_index_to_paths =
let elist_path = StrexpMatch.path_to_exps path in
let add_index i e = Prop.exp_normalize_prop tenv p (Exp.Lindex (e, i)) in
fun i -> List.map ~f:(add_index i) elist_path
let pointers = List.concat_map ~f:add_index_to_paths indices in
let filter = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (_, Predicates.Eexp (e, _), _) ->
List.exists ~f:(Exp.equal e) pointers
| _ ->
List.exists ~f:filter p.Prop.sigma
(** Given [p] containing an array at [path], blur [index] in it *)
let blur_array_index tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path) (index : Exp.t) :
Prop.normal Prop.t =
let fresh_index =
(if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then Ident.kfootprint else Ident.kprimed))
let p2 =
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then
let sigma_fp = p.Prop.sigma_fp in
let matched_fp = StrexpMatch.find_path sigma_fp path in
let sigma_fp' = StrexpMatch.replace_index tenv true matched_fp index fresh_index in
Prop.set p ~sigma_fp:sigma_fp'
else Prop.expose p
with Caml.Not_found -> Prop.expose p
let p3 =
let matched = StrexpMatch.find_path p.Prop.sigma path in
let sigma' = StrexpMatch.replace_index tenv false matched index fresh_index in
Prop.set p2 ~sigma:sigma'
let p4 =
let index_next = Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, index, Exp.one) in
let fresh_index_next = Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA None, fresh_index, Exp.one) in
let map = [(index, fresh_index); (index_next, fresh_index_next)] in
prop_replace_path_index tenv p3 path map
Prop.normalize tenv p4
with Caml.Not_found -> p
(** Given [p] containing an array at [root], blur [indices] in it *)
let blur_array_indices tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (root : StrexpMatch.path)
(indices : Exp.t list) : Prop.normal Prop.t * bool =
let f prop index = blur_array_index tenv prop root index in
(List.fold ~f ~init:p indices, List.length indices > 0)
(** Given [p] containing an array at [root], only keep [indices] in it *)
let keep_only_indices tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) (path : StrexpMatch.path) (indices : Exp.t list)
: Prop.normal Prop.t * bool =
let prune_sigma footprint_part sigma =
let matched = StrexpMatch.find_path sigma path in
let _, se, _ = StrexpMatch.get_data tenv matched in
match se with
| Predicates.Earray (len, esel, inst) ->
let esel', esel_leftover' =
List.partition_tf ~f:(fun (e, _) -> List.exists ~f:(Exp.equal e) indices) esel
if List.is_empty esel_leftover' then (sigma, false)
let se' = Predicates.Earray (len, esel', inst) in
let sigma' = StrexpMatch.replace_strexp tenv footprint_part matched se' in
(sigma', true)
| _ ->
(sigma, false)
with Caml.Not_found -> (sigma, false)
prop_update_sigma_and_fp_sigma tenv p prune_sigma
(** If the type is array, check whether we should do abstraction *)
let array_typ_can_abstract {Typ.desc} =
match desc with
| Tarray {elt= {desc= Tptr ({desc= Tfun}, _)}} ->
false (* don't abstract arrays of pointers *)
| _ ->
(** This function checks whether we can apply an abstraction to a strexp *)
let strexp_can_abstract ((_, se, typ) : StrexpMatch.strexp_data) : bool =
let can_abstract_se =
match se with
| Predicates.Earray (_, esel, _) ->
let len = List.length esel in
len > 1
| _ ->
can_abstract_se && array_typ_can_abstract typ
(** This function abstracts a strexp *)
let strexp_do_abstract tenv footprint_part p ((path, se_in, _) : StrexpMatch.strexp_data) :
Prop.normal Prop.t * bool =
if Config.trace_absarray && footprint_part then L.d_strln "strexp_do_abstract (footprint)" ;
if Config.trace_absarray && not footprint_part then L.d_strln "strexp_do_abstract (nonfootprint)" ;
let prune_and_blur d_keys keep blur path keep_keys blur_keys =
let p2, changed2 =
if Config.trace_absarray then (L.d_str "keep " ; d_keys keep_keys ; L.d_ln ()) ;
keep p path keep_keys
let p3, changed3 =
if List.is_empty blur_keys then (p2, false)
else (
if Config.trace_absarray then (L.d_str "blur " ; d_keys blur_keys ; L.d_ln ()) ;
blur p2 path blur_keys )
if Config.trace_absarray then (L.d_strln "Returns" ; Prop.d_prop p3 ; L.d_ln () ; L.d_ln ()) ;
(p3, changed2 || changed3)
let prune_and_blur_indices =
prune_and_blur Exp.d_list (keep_only_indices tenv) (blur_array_indices tenv)
let partition_abstract should_keep abstract ksel default_keys =
let keep_ksel, remove_ksel = List.partition_tf ~f:should_keep ksel in
let keep_keys, _, _ =
(List.map ~f:fst keep_ksel, List.map ~f:fst remove_ksel, List.map ~f:fst ksel)
let keep_keys' = if List.is_empty keep_keys then default_keys else keep_keys in
abstract keep_keys' keep_keys'
let do_array_footprint esel =
(* array case footprint: keep only the last index, and blur it *)
let should_keep (i0, _) = index_is_pointed_to tenv p path i0 in
let abstract = prune_and_blur_indices path in
let default_indices =
match List.map ~f:fst esel with [] -> [] | indices -> [List.last_exn indices]
(* keep last key at least *)
partition_abstract should_keep abstract esel default_indices
let do_footprint () =
match se_in with Predicates.Earray (_, esel, _) -> do_array_footprint esel | _ -> assert false
let filter_abstract d_keys should_keep abstract ksel default_keys =
let keep_ksel = List.filter ~f:should_keep ksel in
let keep_keys = List.map ~f:fst keep_ksel in
let keep_keys' = if List.is_empty keep_keys then default_keys else keep_keys in
if Config.trace_absarray then (L.d_str "keep " ; d_keys keep_keys' ; L.d_ln ()) ;
abstract keep_keys' []
let do_array_reexecution esel =
(* array case re-execution: remove and blur constant and primed indices *)
let is_pointed index = index_is_pointed_to tenv p path index in
let should_keep (index, _) =
match index with
| Exp.Const _ ->
is_pointed index
| Exp.Var id ->
Ident.is_normal id || is_pointed index
| _ ->
let abstract = prune_and_blur_indices path in
filter_abstract Exp.d_list should_keep abstract esel []
let do_reexecution () =
match se_in with
| Predicates.Earray (_, esel, _) ->
do_array_reexecution esel
| _ ->
assert false
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then do_footprint () else do_reexecution ()
let strexp_abstract tenv (p : Prop.normal Prop.t) : Prop.normal Prop.t =
generic_strexp_abstract tenv "strexp_abstract" p strexp_can_abstract (strexp_do_abstract tenv)
let report_error prop =
L.d_strln "Check after array abstraction: FAIL" ;
Prop.d_prop prop ;
L.d_ln () ;
assert false
(** Check performed after the array abstraction to see whether it was successful. Raise assert false
in case of failure *)
let check_after_array_abstraction tenv prop =
let lookup = Tenv.lookup tenv in
let check_index root offs (ind, _) =
if !BiabductionConfig.footprint then
let path = StrexpMatch.path_from_exp_offsets root offs in
index_is_pointed_to tenv prop path ind
else not (Exp.free_vars ind |> Sequence.exists ~f:Ident.is_primed)
let rec check_se root offs typ = function
| Predicates.Eexp _ ->
| Predicates.Earray (_, esel, _) ->
(* check that no more than 2 elements are in the array *)
let typ_elem = Typ.array_elem (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) typ in
if List.length esel > 2 && array_typ_can_abstract typ then
if List.for_all ~f:(check_index root offs) esel then () else report_error prop
~f:(fun (ind, se) -> check_se root (offs @ [Predicates.Off_index ind]) typ_elem se)
| Predicates.Estruct (fsel, _) ->
~f:(fun (f, se) ->
let typ_f = Typ.Struct.fld_typ ~lookup ~default:(Typ.mk Tvoid) f typ in
check_se root (offs @ [Predicates.Off_fld (f, typ)]) typ_f se )
let check_hpred = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (root, se, texp) ->
let typ = Exp.texp_to_typ (Some (Typ.mk Tvoid)) texp in
check_se root [] typ se
| Predicates.Hlseg _ | Predicates.Hdllseg _ ->
let check_sigma sigma = List.iter ~f:check_hpred sigma in
(* check_footprint_pure prop; *)
check_sigma prop.Prop.sigma ; check_sigma prop.Prop.sigma_fp
(** Apply array abstraction and check the result *)
let abstract_array_check tenv p =
let p_res = strexp_abstract tenv p in
check_after_array_abstraction tenv p_res ;
(** remove redundant elements in an array *)
let remove_redundant_elements tenv prop =
Prop.d_prop prop ;
L.d_ln () ;
let occurs_at_most_once : Ident.t -> bool =
let fav_curr =
let ( @@@ ) = Sequence.append in
Predicates.subst_free_vars prop.Prop.sub
@@@ Prop.pi_free_vars prop.Prop.pi
@@@ Prop.sigma_free_vars prop.Prop.sigma
let fav_foot =
Sequence.append (Prop.pi_free_vars prop.Prop.pi_fp) (Prop.sigma_free_vars prop.Prop.sigma_fp)
let at_most_once seq id =
Sequence.filter seq ~f:(Ident.equal id) |> Sequence.length_is_bounded_by ~max:1
let at_most_once_in_curr_or_foot v = at_most_once fav_curr v && at_most_once fav_foot v in
let modified = ref false in
let filter_redundant_e_se fp_part (e, se) =
let remove () =
L.d_strln "kill_redundant: removing " ;
Exp.d_exp e ;
L.d_str " " ;
Predicates.d_sexp se ;
L.d_ln () ;
array_abstraction_performed := true ;
modified := true ;
match (e, se) with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), Predicates.Eexp (Exp.Var id, _)
when ((not fp_part) || IntLit.iszero i)
&& (not (Ident.is_normal id))
&& occurs_at_most_once id ->
remove () (* unknown value can be removed in re-execution mode or if the index is zero *)
| Exp.Var id, Predicates.Eexp _ when (not (Ident.is_normal id)) && occurs_at_most_once id ->
remove () (* index unknown can be removed *)
| _ ->
let remove_redundant_se fp_part = function
| Predicates.Earray (len, esel, inst) ->
let esel' = List.filter ~f:(filter_redundant_e_se fp_part) esel in
Predicates.Earray (len, esel', inst)
| se ->
let remove_redundant_hpred fp_part = function
| Predicates.Hpointsto (e, se, te) ->
let se' = remove_redundant_se fp_part se in
Predicates.Hpointsto (e, se', te)
| hpred ->
let remove_redundant_sigma fp_part sigma = List.map ~f:(remove_redundant_hpred fp_part) sigma in
let sigma' = remove_redundant_sigma false prop.Prop.sigma in
let sigma_fp' = remove_redundant_sigma true prop.Prop.sigma_fp in
if !modified then
let prop' = Prop.set prop ~sigma:sigma' ~sigma_fp:sigma_fp' in
Prop.normalize tenv prop'
else prop